Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

I still swear there are PAID obot goons on this board. their job: to dismiss, distract and try to take away anything "bad" that is being said about Obama especially and his nasty party he belongs in.

I mean some of these people defending his ass just can't be for REAL are they?

if so it's sick and it's sick to watch.

I think it just proves that idiots really do exist and most become democrats. They may not possess the intelligence to fully understand what the hell it is they are agreeing with. They are typical sheep just going along with the herd.

I know that. I was on here during Bush and the people never acted this way in trying to cover his ass all the time and making him out to be some hero when he wasn't. and act as if we need to all worship him. In fact you should have seen how they talked about him and the names they called him. this switch to see them become full blown sheep with Obama, is almost scary. and it scares me to know they will vote for our lives.
It's just too much sometime.

Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?
I think it just proves that idiots really do exist and most become democrats. They may not possess the intelligence to fully understand what the hell it is they are agreeing with. They are typical sheep just going along with the herd.

I know that. I was on here during Bush and the people never acted this way in trying to cover his ass all the time and making him out to be some hero when he wasn't. and act as if we need to all worship him. In fact you should have seen how they talked about him and the names they called him. this switch to see them become full blown sheep with Obama, is almost scary. and it scares me to know they will vote for our lives.
It's just too much sometime.

Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?

Cite the specific "loopholes".
Because tea baggers are ignorant doesn't mean the entire state is a bunch of slugs.
And what does this asshole have in the situation. Nothing but his stupid opinion.

David Jaques, the publisher of the conservative newspaper the Roseburg Beacon, says he believes that President Obama would not be welcome to the town after making remarks politicizing the shooting that left nine dead and nine injured at Umpqua Community College on October 1. Jaques told Breitbart News that he believes officials of Douglas County would also not welcome the President using the tragedy to score political points for a gun control agenda.

So a Conservative says the President is not welcome to a site of a tragedy...

So this just proves there is a conservative in the world who is an asshole.
He's not the only one, trust me.

They don't want the stupid pig there.
Oh, so it's *ignorant* to not bow to Obama.

All hail Obama.
Because tea baggers are ignorant doesn't mean the entire state is a bunch of slugs.
And what does this asshole have in the situation. Nothing but his stupid opinion.

David Jaques, the publisher of the conservative newspaper the Roseburg Beacon, says he believes that President Obama would not be welcome to the town after making remarks politicizing the shooting that left nine dead and nine injured at Umpqua Community College on October 1. Jaques told Breitbart News that he believes officials of Douglas County would also not welcome the President using the tragedy to score political points for a gun control agenda.

So a Conservative says the President is not welcome to a site of a tragedy...

So this just proves there is a conservative in the world who is an asshole.
He's not the only one, trust me.

They don't want the stupid pig there.

Defend Roseburg - Deny barack 0bama | Facebook
Just read it

Looks like conservatives are politicizing the situation

So it's okay for Obama to politicize a situation but not Republicans?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.

It wasn't only the newspaper that doesn't want him there.

David Jacques and community leaders,

The Community Leaders don't even want the Community Leader. How funny is that???? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

When they get to be the President, they too can decide.

They don't get to dictate, period.

No, but they can ignore his visit. The result would be the same.

There is no obligation. They neither work for him, nor are they active members of the Armed Forces.

he works for us. for those families supposedly. so if they ask he not DISRUPT their children's funeral by coming there, he needs to honor their request. Bush would have NEVER inserted himself into something he knew for one, it wasn't his place and for two: he had something called, class and caring
I'm sure he'd be welcome in Eugina or Portfagland.

Roseburg is where decent men and women live, though. They aren't interested in being used by the asshole who's responsible for ten ppl getting shot in their school.

Roseburg Residents Speak-Out: CONCEALED CARRY Saves Lives, Not More Gun Control
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.
I'm sure that's how you see it.
Even here in Alabama, where we have fairly relaxed gun laws, a business or institution has the right to deny access to someone carrying a firearm. Violating their wishes can and usually WILL result in trespassing charges.
The school's student conduct rules clearly state a prohibition on carrying a weapon on campus. It's settled now, isn't it?
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.
I'm sure that's how you see it.
Even here in Alabama, where we have fairly relaxed gun laws, a business or institution has the right to deny access to someone carrying a firearm. Violating their wishes can and usually WILL result in trespassing charges.
The school's student conduct rules clearly state a prohibition on carrying a weapon on campus. It's settled now, isn't it?

And they will expel those who are caught packing. Which is why the kids don't pack.

Plus I think you have to be 21 for cc.
I think it just proves that idiots really do exist and most become democrats. They may not possess the intelligence to fully understand what the hell it is they are agreeing with. They are typical sheep just going along with the herd.

I know that. I was on here during Bush and the people never acted this way in trying to cover his ass all the time and making him out to be some hero when he wasn't. and act as if we need to all worship him. In fact you should have seen how they talked about him and the names they called him. this switch to see them become full blown sheep with Obama, is almost scary. and it scares me to know they will vote for our lives.
It's just too much sometime.

Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?
There are no loopholes. It is illegal to sell or transfer a weapon to a felon or an insane person.

Do you need to do a background check when you sell a car?
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.
I'm sure that's how you see it.
Even here in Alabama, where we have fairly relaxed gun laws, a business or institution has the right to deny access to someone carrying a firearm. Violating their wishes can and usually WILL result in trespassing charges.
The school's student conduct rules clearly state a prohibition on carrying a weapon on campus. It's settled now, isn't it?

And they will expel those who are caught packing. Which is why the kids don't pack.

Plus I think you have to be 21 for cc.
18 here.
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.
I'm sure that's how you see it.
Even here in Alabama, where we have fairly relaxed gun laws, a business or institution has the right to deny access to someone carrying a firearm. Violating their wishes can and usually WILL result in trespassing charges.
The school's student conduct rules clearly state a prohibition on carrying a weapon on campus. It's settled now, isn't it?

And they will expel those who are caught packing. Which is why the kids don't pack.

Plus I think you have to be 21 for cc.
18 here.
Maybe it's the same here.
So far, the families have said they do not want to meet with him. They aren't being given the option of refusing. obama wants the photo op too much. The bereaved will be taken into custody and transported by force if necessary.

The families should find something to do to make their displeasure known.

I'm good if they don't want to meet with him. I'm not sure I would want to. I would not think of the families no matter their decision.

From Obama's standpoint is is a photo-op, so he will go.

I agree. Why think of the families? It's not like they suffered any great loss or anything.

I feel for those families, the pain has got to be great. They aren't any different than those families that lost family in the crash in Seattle or those that die every week in Chicago violence.

That is why I think it's all politics with him.

Of course it's all political with him. He's already admitted it.

Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
I know that. I was on here during Bush and the people never acted this way in trying to cover his ass all the time and making him out to be some hero when he wasn't. and act as if we need to all worship him. In fact you should have seen how they talked about him and the names they called him. this switch to see them become full blown sheep with Obama, is almost scary. and it scares me to know they will vote for our lives.
It's just too much sometime.

Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?

Cite the specific "loopholes".

The private sales loopholes for starters.
I know that. I was on here during Bush and the people never acted this way in trying to cover his ass all the time and making him out to be some hero when he wasn't. and act as if we need to all worship him. In fact you should have seen how they talked about him and the names they called him. this switch to see them become full blown sheep with Obama, is almost scary. and it scares me to know they will vote for our lives.
It's just too much sometime.

Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?
There are no loopholes. It is illegal to sell or transfer a weapon to a felon or an insane person.

Do you need to do a background check when you sell a car?

You lie.
I know that. I was on here during Bush and the people never acted this way in trying to cover his ass all the time and making him out to be some hero when he wasn't. and act as if we need to all worship him. In fact you should have seen how they talked about him and the names they called him. this switch to see them become full blown sheep with Obama, is almost scary. and it scares me to know they will vote for our lives.
It's just too much sometime.

Post 9-11, Bush had unprecedented support from Democrats. He was given free reign to do whatever he thought necessary

I doubt if Obama would have been given the same support from the right. In fact, I think if 9-11 happened on Obamas watch, he would have been impeached

If 911 happened under DumBama, he probably would have told the world we need to find out why those people are mad at us.
And call for universal background checks for airline passengers.

Why are loopholes in the background check laws so important to preserve?
There are no loopholes. It is illegal to sell or transfer a weapon to a felon or an insane person.

Do you need to do a background check when you sell a car?

Can you sell me a gun without a background check?
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.
I'm sure that's how you see it.
Even here in Alabama, where we have fairly relaxed gun laws, a business or institution has the right to deny access to someone carrying a firearm. Violating their wishes can and usually WILL result in trespassing charges.
The school's student conduct rules clearly state a prohibition on carrying a weapon on campus. It's settled now, isn't it?
"Except as expressly authorised by law..."
This means that anyone with a CCW licence can bring a firearm onto the college.
In fact, there were students with firearms present.

It's settled now, isn't it?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.

It wasn't only the newspaper that doesn't want him there.

David Jacques and community leaders, including Douglas County commissioners, the police chief and local sheriff,do not want Obama to come grandstand in Roseburg for political purposes.

Now, there is a Facebook protest page set up to protest Obama in Roseburg.
They rolled out their “Unwelcome Mat.”

Roseburg, OR Residents Organize Protest Against Obama's Visit: "Defend Roseburg - Deny Barack Obama" - The Gateway Pundit

LOL @ The Gateway Pundit.

Hint: They don't get to dictate what the President of the UNITED STATES does either!

Hint: The are not dictating anything to Obama, merely telling him he is not welcome there.

Well that's just tough shit. For the umpteenth time, if the family members don't want to meet with him, they won't.
Of course it's all political with him. He's already admitted it.

Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
Brainwashed bigot^^ lol. CIA STILL says that video was behind all the attacks across the ME that day. Except in Pub World.

OP- And what some whackjob editor says goes for all Oregon. GD N****R Obamama...

Troll again with your racism. You are disgusting and pathetic.
Pointing out racism is not racism, hater dupe Pubtroll. The only kind.
You're not pointing out racism. You are being racist and pretending you get a pass because you're "mocking" racists. Except the so called *racists* never said anything racist. You did, however. So really, you're just spouting racist commentary for fun. You are the racist.
Ha,ha, you're confusing him with Kevin McCarthy........the one who outed the conservative nitwits in Congress with their fake Benghazi investigation....Obama isn't running for office, in case you didn't know it.
Benghazi is a real place. It's not fake. And yes a REAL ambassador was murdered there.

You are nothing but a stupid brain damaged fag.
Brainwashed bigot^^ lol. CIA STILL says that video was behind all the attacks across the ME that day. Except in Pub World.

OP- And what some whackjob editor says goes for all Oregon. GD N****R Obamama...

Troll again with your racism. You are disgusting and pathetic.
Pointing out racism is not racism, hater dupe Pubtroll. The only kind.
You're not pointing out racism. You're being racist. There's a difference.

the truth and he is being a racist. nothing new for the lefties
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.

It wasn't only the newspaper that doesn't want him there.

David Jacques and community leaders,

The Community Leaders don't even want the Community Leader. How funny is that???? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

When they get to be the President, they too can decide.

They don't get to dictate, period.

No, but they can ignore his visit. The result would be the same.

There is no obligation. They neither work for him, nor are they active members of the Armed Forces.

No shit, Einstein. I said that on page one.

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