Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

I don't know who Dumbama is so I can't discuss anything concerning him.

I don't remember hearing Obama dote on the success of Great Britain or Australia in reference to firearms. Maybe I missed that part. However, neither did I not hear him make any statement that could even be construed to abrogate the 2nd Amendment. BTW, he couldn't do it anyway, he doesn't have the power. He merely suggested that voters use their power to select people/politicians who will reform gun control laws to keep legally obtained guns out of the hands of mentally ill or violent people. Trouble is, it is too late for that; but , that does not equate to taking guns away from anybody. Obama's plan merely seems to hinge on background checks for all future gun purchases; both private AND retail!
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

I guess their not enforcing it or retards like you wouldn't have guns.
I've had 4 background checks in the last year, dolt.

Yeah...by the same dolts in Alabama that vote Republican and frequent your bar? That's the problem....letting idiots like you pass the background checks.
Crazy ppl need to be locked up and stay locked up. That would cut the anti gun chatter here by about 99 percent. The only people who want to deny good people the choice to defend themselves are people who want to do harm.

Bwahahaha....here are the masses from Roseburg that don't want Obama to visit with the victims.

You're just jealous because Doofus George couldn't write himself out of a paper bag......nor talk his way out of one. And it seems like none of the 20 clowns trying to win the Republican candidacy are any better.
It's as sad as it is telling that the defense of Obama is reduced to comparisons to George W. Bush. In contrast, Reagan, who also replaced an unpopular and even more inept president had no need for comparisons.

God we could use another Reagan, but then presidents like that are for the ages and not your dime-a-dozen failures we've had of late.
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

I guess their not enforcing it or retards like you wouldn't have guns.
I've had 4 background checks in the last year, dolt.

Yeah...by the same dolts in Alabama that vote Republican and frequent your bar? That's the problem....letting idiots like you pass the background checks.
No. actually by Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Or did you nor know a fucking thing about background checks?
I find it funny that you see where I live and assume I'm some racist redneck.... Well, we all know what happens when you assume.

Some of the people that frequent my bar are a bit crude on the edges by the standards of thy typical Boston Liberal cross dresser, but I assure you they are, if nothing else, real, moral, honest people with integrity. They would see through you in a few seconds.
The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

I guess their not enforcing it or retards like you wouldn't have guns.
I've had 4 background checks in the last year, dolt.

Yeah...by the same dolts in Alabama that vote Republican and frequent your bar? That's the problem....letting idiots like you pass the background checks.
No. actually by Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Or did you nor know a fucking thing about background checks?
They should keep background checking you until they find out the truth about you, that you are not mentally stable.
I find it funny that you see where I live and assume I'm some racist redneck.... Well, we all know what happens when you assume.
No, I didn't figure you were a racist from where you live....I happen to know people in Alabama that are not racist. I figured it out from the fact that you are die-hard red-neck conservative and most of your posts.

Some of the people that frequent my bar are a bit crude on the edges by the standards of thy typical Boston Liberal cross dresser, but I assure you they are, if nothing else, real, moral, honest people with integrity. They would see through you in a few seconds.
If they are anything like you, they are more than a bit crude on the edges........and about their morals and integrity, conservative red-neck morals don't mean shit nowadays. They would judge me without knowing me, especially if I gave any indication that I was not a red-neck tightly wound conservative.[/QUOTE]
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

I guess their not enforcing it or retards like you wouldn't have guns.
I've had 4 background checks in the last year, dolt.

Yeah...by the same dolts in Alabama that vote Republican and frequent your bar? That's the problem....letting idiots like you pass the background checks.
No. actually by Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Or did you nor know a fucking thing about background checks?
They should keep background checking you until they find out the truth about you, that you are not mentally stable.
I find it funny that you see where I live and assume I'm some racist redneck.... Well, we all know what happens when you assume.
No, I didn't figure you were a racist from where you live....I happen to know people in Alabama that are not racist. I figured it out from the fact that you are die-hard red-neck conservative and most of your posts.

Some of the people that frequent my bar are a bit crude on the edges by the standards of thy typical Boston Liberal cross dresser, but I assure you they are, if nothing else, real, moral, honest people with integrity. They would see through you in a few seconds.
If they are anything like you, they are more than a bit crude on the edges........and about their morals and integrity, conservative red-neck morals don't mean shit nowadays. They would judge me without knowing me, especially if I gave any indication that I was not a red-neck tightly wound conservative.
Suppose you show me something I've posted that indicates I am more than a bit crude on the edges.
Could this be because of where I was raised? Or is it just my politics that you find crude?
Crazy ppl need to be locked up and stay locked up. That would cut the anti gun chatter here by about 99 percent. The only people who want to deny good people the choice to defend themselves are people who want to do harm.

Bwahahaha....here are the masses from Roseburg that don't want Obama to visit with the victims.


Yes they were like that all over town. Except right at the airport, where there were 300...and at Lucero's funeral.

That victim's family thanked them for their support.
This is interesting:

"The American Halloween tradition of “trick-or-treating” probably dates back to the early All Souls’ Day parades in England. During the festivities, poor citizens would beg for food and families would give them pastries called “soul cakes” in return for their promise to pray for the family’s dead relatives. The distribution of soul cakes was encouraged by the church as a way to replace the ancient practice of leaving food and wine for roaming spirits. The practice, which was referred to as “going a-souling” was eventually taken up by children who would visit the houses in their neighborhood and be given ale, food, and money."

History of Halloween - Halloween - HISTORY.com
It wasn't liberalism that put the skids on Stop and Frisk, it was the US Constitution!

So the US Constitution jumped out and made DeBlaahzio put a stop to it?
If you don't know what I meant you need to look it up... I won't waste my time on you!

Its obvious you didn't know what I meant. That is somebody has to make the charge of unconstitutionality before a law is judged unconstitutional.

Then I take it you haven't heard about the lawsuit and resultant court ruling that the methods used by NYPD in their Stop and Frisk frenzy were unconstitutional. The stops were arbitrary and capricious, being statistically discriminatory towards Blacks and Hispanics.

The ruling came after a decade in which the number of police stops in the city ballooned. In 2011, almost 700,000 New Yorkers were stopped by police, a 600 percent increase from 2002. Almost 90 percent of the people stopped that year were completely innocent of a criminal offense, and 87 percent of those stopped were black or Latino.

NYPD Can't Just Stop And Frisk People For The Hell Of It Anymore, Says Memo

And now gun and violent crime have increased--particularly in the black community.

Please tell me how the NYC Stop and Frisk freeze has caused gun and violent crime to increase in the "black community." The so-called "black community," as white people define it, consists of far more than the NYC metropolitan areas.
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

You don't get to dictate what Obama does, and neither does that Republican rag of a newspaper. If the family members of the victims don't want to meet with him, they won't.

Excuse me? Last time I checked, MR. Obama was our employee. Furthermore, it's THEIR town, so that does convey some right for them to say, "Stay the fuck out."

More to the point - one that liberals never seem to get - it's just incredibly arrogant and crass of him.
But, dahlin' not ALL of the Roseburg citizenry felt that way. Besides Obama came to meet with the relatives of the victims, not the few anti-Obama Putin loving fanatics wearing guns to show how "patriotic" they aren't. Those idiots were an embarrassment. to the country.
You're just jealous because Doofus George couldn't write himself out of a paper bag......nor talk his way out of one. And it seems like none of the 20 clowns trying to win the Republican candidacy are any better.
It's as sad as it is telling that the defense of Obama is reduced to comparisons to George W. Bush. In contrast, Reagan, who also replaced an unpopular and even more inept president had no need for comparisons.

God we could use another Reagan, but then presidents like that are for the ages and not your dime-a-dozen failures we've had of late.
Spoken like a Greek Greaser whose native land is the MOTHER of failures.
Spoken like a Greek Greaser whose native land is the MOTHER of failures.
Ah, but you forget Africa. If you need an ego boost, ask Asc to tell you his stories about great jungle bunny civilizations, past and present. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Spoken like a Greek Greaser whose native land is the MOTHER of failures.
Ah, but you forget Africa. If you need an ego boost, ask Asc to tell you his stories about great jungle bunny civilizations, past and present. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Africa is a continent you idiot, Greasy Greece is an oil slick in the mediterranean.
Give it up. There is no country in Africa that is better off than Greece even after Greeks adopted socialist politics. Greece admittedly is the basket case of the wealthiest community of the world, but Africa is the basket case of the world itself. When Greece is as bad as Africa, or even black America, get back to me.

In the mean time, ask Asc to tell you stories about the great jungle bunny civilizations and their remarkable achievements and wealth. :)
Last Saturday I attended a wedding of my godson in Jacksonville, Tx. The father (liberal) of the bride is also a gun nut like some of you people here with massive gun collections. It happened that there is gun show nearby. Yesterday we went to a gun show in Palestine, Tx about 25 miles from Jacksonville. It did not took us long to find 2 private dealers.
I asked one private dealer if I buy any gun with cash......Do I need to fill up paper works and background check? He said NO.
Gun supporters can deny whatever or however you want and I proved it to myself that LOOPHOLE SALES AT GUN SHOWS does exist. I am very sure that some of these gun supporters in this board are every aware of this loophole.

Gun Show Oct. 9, 10, 11. Civic Center 1819 West Spring St. Palestine, Tx
I guess their not enforcing it or retards like you wouldn't have guns.
I've had 4 background checks in the last year, dolt.

Yeah...by the same dolts in Alabama that vote Republican and frequent your bar? That's the problem....letting idiots like you pass the background checks.
No. actually by Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Or did you nor know a fucking thing about background checks?
They should keep background checking you until they find out the truth about you, that you are not mentally stable.
I find it funny that you see where I live and assume I'm some racist redneck.... Well, we all know what happens when you assume.
No, I didn't figure you were a racist from where you live....I happen to know people in Alabama that are not racist. I figured it out from the fact that you are die-hard red-neck conservative and most of your posts.

Some of the people that frequent my bar are a bit crude on the edges by the standards of thy typical Boston Liberal cross dresser, but I assure you they are, if nothing else, real, moral, honest people with integrity. They would see through you in a few seconds.
If they are anything like you, they are more than a bit crude on the edges........and about their morals and integrity, conservative red-neck morals don't mean shit nowadays. They would judge me without knowing me, especially if I gave any indication that I was not a red-neck tightly wound conservative.
Suppose you show me something I've posted that indicates I am more than a bit crude on the edges.
Could this be because of where I was raised? Or is it just my politics that you find crude?

I would, but under the new software.......all your crass posts were sent to the history bin and there is no accessing them unless you know the exact wording....:)

And I don't find your politics "crude" - just a bit arhaic and not based on sound and intelligent reasoning.
Last Saturday I attended a wedding of my godson in Jacksonville, Tx. The father (liberal) of the bride is also a gun nut like some of you people here with massive gun collections. It happened that there is gun show nearby. Yesterday we went to a gun show in Palestine, Tx about 25 miles from Jacksonville. It did not took us long to find 2 private dealers.
I asked one private dealer if I buy any gun with cash......Do I need to fill up paper works and background check? He said NO.
Gun supporters can deny whatever or however you want and I proved it to myself that LOOPHOLE SALES AT GUN SHOWS does exist. I am very sure that some of these gun supporters in this board are every aware of this loophole.

Gun Show Oct. 9, 10, 11. Civic Center 1819 West Spring St. Palestine, Tx

Of course they all know there are loopholes....but they don't care. None of the victims are related to them.....wait until that happens, they'll be singing a different tune.
So the US Constitution jumped out and made DeBlaahzio put a stop to it?
If you don't know what I meant you need to look it up... I won't waste my time on you!

Its obvious you didn't know what I meant. That is somebody has to make the charge of unconstitutionality before a law is judged unconstitutional.

Then I take it you haven't heard about the lawsuit and resultant court ruling that the methods used by NYPD in their Stop and Frisk frenzy were unconstitutional. The stops were arbitrary and capricious, being statistically discriminatory towards Blacks and Hispanics.

The ruling came after a decade in which the number of police stops in the city ballooned. In 2011, almost 700,000 New Yorkers were stopped by police, a 600 percent increase from 2002. Almost 90 percent of the people stopped that year were completely innocent of a criminal offense, and 87 percent of those stopped were black or Latino.

NYPD Can't Just Stop And Frisk People For The Hell Of It Anymore, Says Memo

And now gun and violent crime have increased--particularly in the black community.

Please tell me how the NYC Stop and Frisk freeze has caused gun and violent crime to increase in the "black community." The so-called "black community," as white people define it, consists of far more than the NYC metropolitan areas.

People are more weary of carrying a gun if they know they can be stopped and disarmed for no reason at all. Now that they know it's no longer a possibility, they are carrying their guns once again. More guns in the hands of criminals means more violence and death.
Look dummy! Show me one law; any law, that the mentally ill and violent people will obey. How many damn laws does it take to say "Thou shalt now kill"?

The retarded may not obey laws, but if there is a law not to sell them guns.....they can't buy any legally. They will have to exercise a lot more effort to get them, which at least makes it harder for them to get them and longer. And some may not be able to at all. Allowing them to buy them is downright inhumane, but you don't care do you?
It's already against the law to sell a gun to an insane person, dolt.

How's THAT working out.

I guess their not enforcing it or retards like you wouldn't have guns.
I've had 4 background checks in the last year, dolt.

Yeah...by the same dolts in Alabama that vote Republican and frequent your bar? That's the problem....letting idiots like you pass the background checks.

Your reply here (and another one similar down the page) is the exact reason we object to government getting involved in these background checks. Just because somebody has a different point of view or attitude on a subject--you want to see them disarmed.

Like the IRS, you on the left want to use government agencies to settle your political fights. If it were up to you, you would probably disarm every single righty on this forum. That's where the danger comes in.
You're just jealous because Doofus George couldn't write himself out of a paper bag......nor talk his way out of one. And it seems like none of the 20 clowns trying to win the Republican candidacy are any better.
It's as sad as it is telling that the defense of Obama is reduced to comparisons to George W. Bush. In contrast, Reagan, who also replaced an unpopular and even more inept president had no need for comparisons.
The only reason I compared him to Doofus George is because GWB was the one that attacked the wrong country when we were attacked by Terrorists (9/11)....that his even bigger doofus brother has the audacity to say that he kept us safe. It's like the entire Republican party has been struck with comatose and they don't remember who was President when we got the worst attack ever....and now conservatives are trying to make Benghazi appear more evil and horrible than 9/11. He also tanked the country, and thanks to Obama, whom conservatives don't think is deserving of the Nobel Prize.....we were able to come out of it. And so what do Republicans think of George Bush? The majority of conservatives have a positive attitude toward George W. Bush.:dunno:

God we could use another Reagan, but then presidents like that are for the ages and not your dime-a-dozen failures we've had of late.
Reagan was not your current right-wing nut job type of candidate.....quit ignoring some of his traits. Reagan negotiated with terrorists, he was in favor of gun control and raised taxes several times. Conservatives have selective memories........but I can see why you all cling to Reagan....besides him, we had Nixon.....a liar who got away with not being impeached.....and Doofus George, who tanked the country....so yes, Reagan was not that bad.

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