Oregon woman ARRESTED for writing racist post-it notes!!!!

More censorship from liberals. Liberals are the racist actually since they say it's ok for blacks to use the word n*****s but whites can't!!
How is this "censorship"?
No one stopped her from being a feral, racist POS (like you).

She was arrested, you fool. The law told her - You can't say those things or we'll lock you up. !!!

So ShootSpeeders

If I trespass on your property, leave notes on your door calling you an ignorant cracker ass honky moron, told you that since you don't believe in the US Constitution, get out of MY country, and then keep doing it over and over, using "abusive, disgusting, foul, inappropriate language" ... If I keep trespassing on your property, over and over, harass you, stalk you, intimidate you ...

All of that is my right and you can sit on it and spin.

That's what you mean?

She's a real weener all right.

On top of trespassing and harassment, she's a drunk driver and doesn't take care of her kids.

So of course, ShootSpeeders likes and defends her.
More censorship from liberals. Liberals are the racist actually since they say it's ok for blacks to use the word n*****s but whites can't!!

Refreshing News Mother arrested for leaving sickening n--word post-it notes on her African-American neighbor s door calling them apes and monkeys during dispute over a parking space

april 29 2015
A mother has been arrested for referring to her African-American neighbors as 'apes' during a dispute over a parking space.
Eva Chapin, 34, from West Linn, Oregon, was booked into jail after she left a string of offensive post-it notes on the door of the family home.
The qualified nurse referred to the residents, who are believed to have roots in Ghana, as 'n*****' but wrote: 'I am not racist'.
One of the notes, seen by KATU, read: 'Apes were never meant to drive so stop.'

Chapin was arrested on Tuesday and charged with two counts of intimidation and harassment. She has since been released from jail as prosecutors review her case. She is due back in court on May 7.

She's very brave and her neighbors are cowards, because I would have knocked her fuckin teeth in and took names later!!
I can't help but agree on some level. I'm a Hawaiian mutt and not remotely sensitive to racist comments, but I can't abide neighbors leaving me snide complaint notes. My family's got a lengthy history of what some might call excessive confrontation with neighbors, and though I like to think of myself as more even-handed than most of my bloodline, if it was me and she was a he, I'd have at least called her out next time I seen her. Fucking passive aggressive neighbors are the god damned worst!
More censorship from liberals. Liberals are the racist actually since they say it's ok for blacks to use the word n*****s but whites can't!!

Refreshing News Mother arrested for leaving sickening n--word post-it notes on her African-American neighbor s door calling them apes and monkeys during dispute over a parking space

april 29 2015
A mother has been arrested for referring to her African-American neighbors as 'apes' during a dispute over a parking space.
Eva Chapin, 34, from West Linn, Oregon, was booked into jail after she left a string of offensive post-it notes on the door of the family home.
The qualified nurse referred to the residents, who are believed to have roots in Ghana, as 'n*****' but wrote: 'I am not racist'.
One of the notes, seen by KATU, read: 'Apes were never meant to drive so stop.'

Chapin was arrested on Tuesday and charged with two counts of intimidation and harassment. She has since been released from jail as prosecutors review her case. She is due back in court on May 7.

She's very brave and her neighbors are cowards, because I would have knocked her fuckin teeth in and took names later!!


The African American woman was right not to escalate the harasser's actions with violence. Chapin broke the law, harasses, trespassed, stalked, threatened and intimidated her neighbor and the law should hold her accountable. No need to "knock Chapin's fucking teeth in" too.

But, yes, it would be tempting.

I live among a lot of African Immigrants, all quiet, unassuming and peaceful....however, putting that aside, she's baiting them with racist comments and these people are taught to fear white people and she knows this. She'd never pull that shttt with home grown blacks and she knows it.
She was charged with harassment, what the story that bozo didn't post tells that she continued to sent harassing texts to the neighbors about the blacks also...a week later.....A bitter old bitch...

Ever hear of free speech? I didn't think so. Liberals hate it
Aren't you the same guy hating on the people of Indiana who used their free speech to tell the governor we will not tolerate anti gay legislation? Just asking!!
Harassment isn't protected speech. Make no mistake if the roles were flipped the OP would screaming bloody murder.
I don't know what country I am in anymore. Becoming like North Korea.

In another thread, you're afraid we're going to become Haiti and now you say N Korea.

You're really not paying much attention to reality.

But what do either of those countries have to do with this woman harassing and trespassing and stalking and intimidating her neighbor? Why are you excusing that behavior?

Yeah, you hate Blacks. I get that. But your racism or idiot ShootSpeeders does not change the fact that the woman committed crimes against her neighbor.

I wish you morons would get that through your heads - that your own mental illness does not negate the rights of others.
As long as it does not infringe on the rights of another it's okay, but this bitter bitch couldn't let it go and continued to harass....petty

How did she infringe on anyone's rights? And since when is it a crime to be bitter.? And lots of free speech could be called harrassment. Please THINK
Harassment isn't protected speech. Make no mistake if the roles were flipped the OP would screaming bloody murder.

All speech is protected speech and harassment is another excuse for censorship.. The liberal mantra is always - I'm opposed to censorship unless there's a good reason for it.

Yes - people should be allowed to scream fire in a crowded theater. THINK
But what do either of those countries have to do with this woman harassing and trespassing and stalking and intimidating her neighbor? Why are you excusing that behavior?

Harassing, stalking, and intimidating are vague terms used by fascist liberals to justify all sorts of censorship. Calling a black person a n*****r should not be a crime. Would you like to be arrested if you called a white person a cracker.? THINK
But what do either of those countries have to do with this woman harassing and trespassing and stalking and intimidating her neighbor? Why are you excusing that behavior?

Harassing, stalking, and intimidating are vague terms used by fascist liberals to justify all sorts of censorship. Calling a black person a n*****r should not be a crime. Would you like to be arrested if you called a white person a cracker.? THINK


Calling a Black person a nasty name is not against the law and she wasn't arrested for calling her neighbor names.

You ignored my question. Would it be okay if I were to trespass on your property repeatedly? Harass and intimidate you repeatedly by leaving notes on your door calling you the ignorant, anti-America, cracker ass that you are?

"fascist"? Stop using words you don't understand.
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Harassment isn't protected speech. Make no mistake if the roles were flipped the OP would screaming bloody murder.

All speech is protected speech and harassment is another excuse for censorship.. The liberal mantra is always - I'm opposed to censorship unless there's a good reason for it.

Yes - people should be allowed to scream fire in a crowded theater. THINK

No, all speech isn't protected and you can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest of us are under no obligation to indulge your fantasy.
All speech is protected speech and harassment is another excuse for censorship.. The liberal mantra is always - I'm opposed to censorship unless there's a good reason for it.

Yes - people should be allowed to scream fire in a crowded theater. THINK

No, all speech isn't protected and you can pretend otherwise all you wish but the rest of us are under no obligation to indulge your fantasy.

Then you oppose free speech. You're another moron liberal who says - I oppose censorship unless there's a good reason for it.
arrest Dave Chapelle
Chris Rock
Did they harass someone?

We all know this isn't about harassment, even those like you who are lying about it.

Do we know that? Excessive hostile or threatening telephone/text messages are legal harassment. Personally going onto someone's property to achieve the same affect adds a level of intimacy to the act that makes it -more- threatening in its implications. It doesn't matter what you think of the shit this woman said or what you think the prosecutors' opinions on the content of her notes were, this, in comparison with other prosecutable harassment offenses, is par for the course. In fact, her physical presence on their property for each note makes it better than par. This case is a birdy.

And allow me to say again, I don't give two shits why the prosecutors want to go after this case. Their assertion that what she did falls under the legal definition of harassment is correct, and this woman should be prosecuted to deter other potential offenders. I simply wish the same thing would happen to, for instance, the people that blew up the phone lines at that Indiana pizzeria because they didn't like what the co-owner said about catering a gay wedding.

And am I trying to lie about it? Personally, I find people that feel the need to punish others for having racist views to be self-righteous pricks. I also have the same pent up frustration that I'm guessing you do regarding the race hustlers in our society and the fact that they get away with promoting obvious racial divisiveness as an attempt to "bring us together".

You and I both agree that free speech should be championed above the need to root out racist thinking. The fact that this woman said negative racist things to the people she harassed, however, doesn't make her worthy of exemption from the law. That's not the same thing.

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