O'Reilly and FOX refuse to answer to fabrication accusations

Sure, sure..thats the story
O"Reilly has invited his accuser any of them to come on his show and back up their claims all have refused I suspect the far lefties are good with that.

He's the one that needs to back up the claims lol. He wants to invite them on his show...I BET...so he can control the mics and edits
He has backed up his claims he's going to again tonight last I checked the burden of proof was on the accuser. So far they have provided none as far as edits go that's the MO of the gang at MSNBC.

If he was there he can prove it...you cant prove a negative.
He has as I have said before to others continue to deny it if it makes you happy it won't change anything . Oh and what it also won't do is give NBC a justification to bring Brian Williams back from the six month suspension which I suspect is part of the reason behind this given the far left did not start pushing this till after the Williams suspension.
Sure, sure..thats the story
O"Reilly has invited his accuser any of them to come on his show and back up their claims all have refused I suspect the far lefties are good with that.

He's the one that needs to back up the claims lol. He wants to invite them on his show...I BET...so he can control the mics and edits
He has backed up his claims he's going to again tonight last I checked the burden of proof was on the accuser. So far they have provided none as far as edits go that's the MO of the gang at MSNBC.

If he was there he can prove it...you cant prove a negative.

Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser?
fox "news" should be praised for providing a "news" channel for the mentally retarded to watch
Sure, sure..thats the story
O"Reilly has invited his accuser any of them to come on his show and back up their claims all have refused I suspect the far lefties are good with that.

He's the one that needs to back up the claims lol. He wants to invite them on his show...I BET...so he can control the mics and edits
He has backed up his claims he's going to again tonight last I checked the burden of proof was on the accuser. So far they have provided none as far as edits go that's the MO of the gang at MSNBC.

If he was there he can prove it...you cant prove a negative.

Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser?
Not in liberal land.
Sure, sure..thats the story
O"Reilly has invited his accuser any of them to come on his show and back up their claims all have refused I suspect the far lefties are good with that.

He's the one that needs to back up the claims lol. He wants to invite them on his show...I BET...so he can control the mics and edits
He has backed up his claims he's going to again tonight last I checked the burden of proof was on the accuser. So far they have provided none as far as edits go that's the MO of the gang at MSNBC.

If he was there he can prove it...you cant prove a negative.

Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser?

How can someone prove where Bill O was without Bill O telling anyone? Should they hire a detective to dig through records? Ooooorrrr, yanno, ask the person themselves?
Sure, sure..thats the story
O"Reilly has invited his accuser any of them to come on his show and back up their claims all have refused I suspect the far lefties are good with that.

He's the one that needs to back up the claims lol. He wants to invite them on his show...I BET...so he can control the mics and edits
He has backed up his claims he's going to again tonight last I checked the burden of proof was on the accuser. So far they have provided none as far as edits go that's the MO of the gang at MSNBC.

If he was there he can prove it...you cant prove a negative.

Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser?
Not in liberal land.

Liberal Land as in police? Because they usually ask for an Alibi. And that information is then checked.

Your bad
Sure, sure..thats the story
O"Reilly has invited his accuser any of them to come on his show and back up their claims all have refused I suspect the far lefties are good with that.

He's the one that needs to back up the claims lol. He wants to invite them on his show...I BET...so he can control the mics and edits
He has backed up his claims he's going to again tonight last I checked the burden of proof was on the accuser. So far they have provided none as far as edits go that's the MO of the gang at MSNBC.

If he was there he can prove it...you cant prove a negative.

Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser?

How can someone prove where Bill O was without Bill O telling anyone? Should they hire a detective to dig through records? Ooooorrrr, yanno, ask the person themselves?

They can ask him, if they can't prove it, they got nothing.
Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

Rather than answer directly to the accuser, O'Reilly takes his defense to the air on his FOX. Conveniently, no one could ask him additional questions. Conveniently, no one could cross examine his portrayal of his "war zone" statements.

O'Reilly knows where he is safe. And FOX is craning their necks looking the other way. AMAZING! The other journalist who covered the riots in Argentina are angry that O'Reilly portrayed them as cowering in their room. But he will get away with his lies and fabrications, because FOX...with the blessings of the Australian, will swear he has been soiled by a politically motivated hack job.


he's earned that right. He's a brilliant man that can't be debated, and has an honorable history and should be commended for his hard work and bravery. Everybody else needs to burn in hell.

He had to settle a sexual harassment case for millions of dollars. Now FOX is backing his lies. I SEE A RAISE COMING FOR THE PERVERT!
Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

Rather than answer directly to the accuser, O'Reilly takes his defense to the air on his FOX. Conveniently, no one could ask him additional questions. Conveniently, no one could cross examine his portrayal of his "war zone" statements.

O'Reilly knows where he is safe. And FOX is craning their necks looking the other way. AMAZING! The other journalist who covered the riots in Argentina are angry that O'Reilly portrayed them as cowering in their room. But he will get away with his lies and fabrications, because FOX...with the blessings of the Australian, will swear he has been soiled by a politically motivated hack job.


plant O'reily is doing what his handlers at the CIA have instructed him to do.evade,lie and insult which is the norm for him.
Are you posting from a mental institute? You believe Bill is taking his orders from the CIA?
Dear GOD!
I'll hang around for some more of your posts so I can forward them to the planet Uranus where YOUR handlers will NOT be happy you have 'outed' Bill. That was a VERY stupid thing for you to do.
Now you will have your secret 'Moonbeam' powder reduced as punishment!
But if you don't smarten up I will instruct the boys on Uranus to 'vanish' you. When you wake up you'll be Al Sharpton's bikini thong!
the fact that pooper troll clicked on alike for this post is proof I am right.hee hee

Hey boy you sure have been brainwashed your whole life,the media like fox is controlled by the CIA I hate to inform you.also hate to inform and break your heart that we are not a free country,are a facist dictaership and there is no difference between the two parties Einstein.:asshole:

you are in denial mother jones Is much more accurate than fox.lol

that land of the free song they sing at sports games is the most sick joke they have ever forced down our throats that you have fallen for hook,line,and sinker just like half the sheople in the country have.lol

oh and also brainwashed sheep,congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and found they had plants in the media such as bill o reily.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rolleyes-41:

danny boy is a perfect user name for you,you sure are as ignorant and brainwashed as a BOY.:biggrin:
Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones

Rather than answer directly to the accuser, O'Reilly takes his defense to the air on his FOX. Conveniently, no one could ask him additional questions. Conveniently, no one could cross examine his portrayal of his "war zone" statements.

O'Reilly knows where he is safe. And FOX is craning their necks looking the other way. AMAZING! The other journalist who covered the riots in Argentina are angry that O'Reilly portrayed them as cowering in their room. But he will get away with his lies and fabrications, because FOX...with the blessings of the Australian, will swear he has been soiled by a politically motivated hack job.


he's earned that right. He's a brilliant man that can't be debated, and has an honorable history and should be commended for his hard work and bravery. Everybody else needs to burn in hell.

if that's not scarcasm and you are actually being serious,you need to start a comedy club.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Yes, but they did not destroy 7 hard drives "accidentally" and did not take the 5th fifty times in front of congressional hearing like Lois Lerner and IRS. I bet that O'Reilly matter has you liberals even more incensed about the gravity of that falklands scandal.
Yes, but they did not destroy 7 hard drives "accidentally" and did not take the 5th fifty times in front of congressional hearing like Lois Lerner and IRS. I bet that O'Reilly matter has you liberals even more incensed about the gravity of that falklands scandal.

Typical repub play....."let's change the subject!"
Sure, sure..thats the story
He's the one that needs to back up the claims lol. He wants to invite them on his show...I BET...so he can control the mics and edits
He has backed up his claims he's going to again tonight last I checked the burden of proof was on the accuser. So far they have provided none as far as edits go that's the MO of the gang at MSNBC.

If he was there he can prove it...you cant prove a negative.

Isn't the burden of proof on the accuser?
Not in liberal land.

Liberal Land as in police? Because they usually ask for an Alibi. And that information is then checked.

Your bad
That is one of the dumber responses of the night only in the liberal mind do you accuse someone of something then demand they prove you wrong.
He's provided documentation. All the left has is David Korn's mouth and imagination.

And eight witnesses that say Bill is lying.

Oh good, what do you want done? Suspended? Banned? Electric Chair? What do you want?

He needs to put on his big boy pants and admit he lied. FOX can do whatever they will with him, which knowing FOX, would be a big promotion.

Here is a novel idea O'Reilly is going to respond to all this on his show tonight how about you watch it and hear what he has to say.Or will you just continue to listen to one side pass judgement?
Yes, but they did not destroy 7 hard drives "accidentally" and did not take the 5th fifty times in front of congressional hearing like Lois Lerner and IRS. I bet that O'Reilly matter has you liberals even more incensed about the gravity of that falklands scandal.

Typical repub play....."let's change the subject!"
Typical liberal play. Find one sin on the right and you think you just won the war.

I don't care about O'Reilly. But I do care about our fake government and our fake president.
He's provided documentation. All the left has is David Korn's mouth and imagination.

And eight witnesses that say Bill is lying.

Oh good, what do you want done? Suspended? Banned? Electric Chair? What do you want?

He needs to put on his big boy pants and admit he lied. FOX can do whatever they will with him, which knowing FOX, would be a big promotion.

Indeed,so much for the credibility of Bill O'Reily.

When it comes to the assassination of President Kennedy, these days Bill O’Reilly embraces the lone nut theory, pinning sole blame on Lee Harvey Oswald. But his case against Oswald is feeble:asshole::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::rock::thup::up:

Killing Kennedy Bill O Reilly wimps out - Salon.com
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