O'Reilly interrupts Obama 22 times in 14 minutes

Obvious you have never ready any books on how men and women communicate. It's a well known fact that men interupt each other all the time.

Been watching the interview. O'Reilly isn't really much of an interviewer..he badgers. Michael Moore does very much the same thing. A good interviewer, in my book, basically is able to get people to open up..and finish a thought. Charlie Rose is masterful at that.

His thoughts never finish , he just goes on and on Until he runs out the clock.
Yesterday the pre-game Super Bowl interview between Bill O'Reilly and President Obama covered many substantive issues, but much of the Twitter world and blogosphere was more concerned with O'Reilly's behavior in the interview. As can be seen in the video to the left, O'Reilly continually cut off the President in order to ask another question, redirect the interview, or simply make a statement. To many, O'Reilly's actions were disrespectful to Obama and, more importantly, the office of President of the United States. Of course, O'Reilly fans and conservatives have a much different point of view.

To a certain degree an improper interruption is all in the eye of the beholder, but numbers are objective. O'Reilly interrupted the President a total 22 times in a 15 minute interview. Many times O'Reilly did not interrupt to ask another question, but instead to insert a statement of his own. For instance, at one point after President Obama was explaining the justification behind the individual mandate in health care reform, O'Reilly stated at the (7:28) mark, "but you understand that a lot of Americans feel that you are a big government liberal who wants to intrude on their personal freedom." When President Obama tried to respond to that statement O'Reilly quickly cut him off again.

On average President Obama was given just 26 seconds to answer every question from O'Reilly. The maximum amount of time the President had to answer any question was 51 seconds. Often the President would be cut off within the first ten seconds of his answer. O'Reilly's questions often covered complicated subject matter, such as the transition to a new government in Egypt. O'Reilly also asked very personal and introspective questions, such as when he asked the President whether he has changed since being elected. After Obama reflected for a second and began to answer O'Reilly interrupted after ten seconds to tell the President how others think he has changed.

O'Reilly takes criticism for interruptions in Obama Super Bowl interview (Video) - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

good for O'Reilly.
Yes, that is likely his motive for going on that show.

Waste of time in my opinion.

Had I been advising him I'd have suggested that going on O'Reilly's show was a political mistake.

Not merely because he wasn't going to win a single convert by appearing, but because by going on that show he gave that show more credibility than it truly deserves.

I think I understand why he did it.

I just think it was an impolitic thing to do.

I agree that these people, O'Reilly's fans and followers, will most likely hate him for trying to reach them. However, I think it's admirable that our President continues to attempt to reach out to those that consider him their enemy time and time again.

You will NEVER have seen that from Bush, nor any of the recent past or current Righties on the scene for that matter.

History is going to be VERY good to Obama.

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If he hadn't interupted Obama, he would have used the full 14 minutes to answer just one question...

You got that right.

If O'Reilly didn't interrupt him it would take him 7 or 8 miutes to answer any question. He goes off into these big long disertations. He then proceeds to say a lot of nothing.

Brett Baere had the same thing happen when he interviewed OL'BO.

When you only have 15 minutes you better interrupt Barry or you will only get one or two questions answered.

Why should he want O'Reilly to interview him?? Bill gets millioin of viewers everynight and you can bet your boots a good majority of them caught the interview. OL'BO needs his word to get out. Its a two way street. O'Reilly got to interview the POTUS and the POTUS got his word out there. Win, Win in my book.
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Yesterday the pre-game Super Bowl interview between Bill O'Reilly and President Obama covered many substantive issues, but much of the Twitter world and blogosphere was more concerned with O'Reilly's behavior in the interview. As can be seen in the video to the left, O'Reilly continually cut off the President in order to ask another question, redirect the interview, or simply make a statement. To many, O'Reilly's actions were disrespectful to Obama and, more importantly, the office of President of the United States. Of course, O'Reilly fans and conservatives have a much different point of view.

To a certain degree an improper interruption is all in the eye of the beholder, but numbers are objective. O'Reilly interrupted the President a total 22 times in a 15 minute interview. Many times O'Reilly did not interrupt to ask another question, but instead to insert a statement of his own. For instance, at one point after President Obama was explaining the justification behind the individual mandate in health care reform, O'Reilly stated at the (7:28) mark, "but you understand that a lot of Americans feel that you are a big government liberal who wants to intrude on their personal freedom." When President Obama tried to respond to that statement O'Reilly quickly cut him off again.

On average President Obama was given just 26 seconds to answer every question from O'Reilly. The maximum amount of time the President had to answer any question was 51 seconds. Often the President would be cut off within the first ten seconds of his answer. O'Reilly's questions often covered complicated subject matter, such as the transition to a new government in Egypt. O'Reilly also asked very personal and introspective questions, such as when he asked the President whether he has changed since being elected. After Obama reflected for a second and began to answer O'Reilly interrupted after ten seconds to tell the President how others think he has changed.

O'Reilly takes criticism for interruptions in Obama Super Bowl interview (Video) - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com

Whats wrong with the interviewer intterupting for clarification or to prevent someone from spinning away from the actual question?
O'Reilly may indeed have interrupted Obama 22 times; that's his annoying style.

But did anyone bother to count how many times The One said "I", "me", "my", or "mine"?

That total likely outstripped O'Reilly's interruptions.
Because the president will take 8 minutes on average, to answer any question, instead of the 4 minutes generally given to a response, O`Reilly HAD to interrupt to cover as many issues as possible in his allotted time frame. He does this on his show, as guests start spinning his questions. He keeps them to the point, which is the only reason I watch him, anymore.
I sort of think he does it to stay sharp. Even though it was sort of painful to watch, it looks like Obama is enjoying the sparring.:lol:

Perhaps he was enjoying it, but it was not presidential nor a smart political move.
Clowntoon enjoyed a Monica blowjob too, however....

Common sense would suggest that, if he wants to remain President after 2012, he will need to attract the moderates and independents back.... O'Reilly has a massive audience - and - more importantly - he's respected by moderates and independents. Ergo, it is necessary for Obama to give interviews to Bill.

Maybe compared to "Dog Whisperer" or "Housewives of Atlanta". Not even close to "massive".

Lawrence O'Donnell made an excellent point about O'Reilly's ego and stupidity: When you are constantly interrupting, you are guaranteeing that no news will result. Better to let the President finish a thought, and maybe he will say something newsworthy, or make a gaffe, or . . . something.

All it accomplished was confirming that O'Reilly truly is The Worst Person In The World.
Because the president will take 8 minutes on average, to answer any question, instead of the 4 minutes generally given to a response, O`Reilly HAD to interrupt to cover as many issues as possible in his allotted time frame. He does this on his show, as guests start spinning his questions. He keeps them to the point, which is the only reason I watch him, anymore.
If you actually watch it, you see that O'Reilly interrupts within seconds of the President starting to answer.
The whole Interview was Disney. Who doesn't O'Reilly interrupt??? :lol:
Just once I'd like to see a guest give O'lielly a taste of his own medicine and interrupt him every time he tries to ask a question. I'll bet the hypocrite will have a cow on the spot!!!!
Because the president will take 8 minutes on average, to answer any question, instead of the 4 minutes generally given to a response, O`Reilly HAD to interrupt to cover as many issues as possible in his allotted time frame. He does this on his show, as guests start spinning his questions. He keeps them to the point, which is the only reason I watch him, anymore.
If you actually watch it, you see that O'Reilly interrupts within seconds of the President starting to answer.

I'm not a liberal. I do not comment on something I have not experienced. :cuckoo:
Yes, that is likely his motive for going on that show.

Waste of time in my opinion.

Had I been advising him I'd have suggested that going on O'Reilly's show was a political mistake.

Not merely because he wasn't going to win a single convert by appearing, but because by going on that show he gave that show more credibility than it truly deserves.

I think I understand why he did it.

I just think it was an impolitic thing to do.

I agree that these people, O'Reilly's fans and followers, will most likely hate him for trying to reach them. However, I think it's admirable that our President continues to attempt to reach out to those that consider him their enemy time and time again.

You will NEVER have seen that from Bush, nor any of the recent past or current Righties on the scene for that matter.

History is going to be VERY good to Obama.


I agree with the part on the Presidents..I've seldom seen the more conservative Presidents go on the air with people that do not agree with them. President George W. Bush went on with Matt Lauer a couple of times..but they were pretty softball interviews. Those interviews, by the way, were far better. Lauer was able to get stuff out of Bush without badgering him
O'Reilly may indeed have interrupted Obama 22 times; that's his annoying style.

But did anyone bother to count how many times The One said "I", "me", "my", or "mine"?

That total likely outstripped O'Reilly's interruptions.

Feel free.

And while you're at it..you might want to put up who you admire as a public speaker. Just so we have a benchmark.
Because the president will take 8 minutes on average, to answer any question, instead of the 4 minutes generally given to a response, O`Reilly HAD to interrupt to cover as many issues as possible in his allotted time frame. He does this on his show, as guests start spinning his questions. He keeps them to the point, which is the only reason I watch him, anymore.
If you actually watch it, you see that O'Reilly interrupts within seconds of the President starting to answer.

I'm not a liberal. I do not comment on something I have not experienced. :cuckoo:
This makes no sense. But don't worry about it - your avatar is cute.
After reading through this entire thread, there was only one poster that knew why the pres did the interview with Bill O. And even then, there those that "would advise him not to do it." As lumpy 1 stated, the president by tradition, interviews with the network that has the Super Bowl that year.

The interruptions were needed. Otherwise the mumbler in chief would have stuttered all night and we had a game to watch.
Obvious you have never ready any books on how men and women communicate. It's a well known fact that men interupt each other all the time.

Only uncouth right wingers and Chris Mathews.

I was trying to find an interview where Bush was treated like that. Couldn't find one.
Obvious you have never ready any books on how men and women communicate. It's a well known fact that men interupt each other all the time.

Only uncouth right wingers and Chris Mathews.

I was trying to find an interview where Bush was treated like that. Couldn't find one.

It must have been a rather feeble try...:lol:

I feel sorry for Obama.. poor little guy...:eusa_whistle:
Bill O'Reilly's mission statement...

When the facts are on your side, argue the facts.

When the law is on your side argue the law.

When you have neither, bang on the table.
Obvious you have never ready any books on how men and women communicate. It's a well known fact that men interupt each other all the time.

Only uncouth right wingers and Chris Mathews.

I was trying to find an interview where Bush was treated like that. Couldn't find one.

That's because there isn't one.

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