O'Reilly spoils The View

The Koran condones Terrorism, there lies the problem. The same can be found in the History of the Bible, Old Testament and New. Thus, the need for reform.

Your assessment of reasoning against the Ground Zero Mosque is incomplete and flawed, therefore disingenuous.

It's hilarious you claim to be civil while being such a self righteous dishonest punk.

Punk....dishonest. Everyone talks to you in a rational tone and all they get from you is a bunch of meaningless tough language with nothing to back it up. Guess the best way to take care of a troll like you is everyone put your behind on ignore. Then you'll just end up ranting to yourself. As it is your BS is just like a mouse-fart in a gale-force winds.:eusa_angel:

Rational tone????? ROTFL/!/! You're the dumbass that called me a terrorist facilitator for the horrible crime of me saying it is stoopid to blame islam for 9e. Keep being a dishonest punk cuz it is all you know how to be.
4. Bill was right. Muslims did attack us on 9/11. That's a factually accurate statement. He did not say 'Islam' (ie the entire faith), he said 'Muslims'.... and unless anyone has evidence that any of the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims, then it remains a factually accurate statement.

He was wrong in context, because he was citing the 'factually accurate statement' you are calling it as justification for opposing the building of the mosque.

He was correct. No 'ifs, ands, or buts'. Fact: those who perpetrated 9/11 were Muslims.

He was not, and I am not, using that as 'justification' for opposing the building of the mosque. (As an aside, it is nice to see that some are honest enough to call it a mosque and not a 'community center').... The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them. Muslims are legally entitled to build it, they are morally wrong to build it. I happen to value morals. You don't, that's fine.

Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.
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It's hilarious you claim to be civil while being such a self righteous dishonest punk.

Punk....dishonest. Everyone talks to you in a rational tone and all they get from you is a bunch of meaningless tough language with nothing to back it up. Guess the best way to take care of a troll like you is everyone put your behind on ignore. Then you'll just end up ranting to yourself. As it is your BS is just like a mouse-fart in a gale-force winds.:eusa_angel:

Rational tone????? ROTFL/!/! You're the dumbass that called me a terrorist facilitator for the horrible crime of me saying it is stoopid to blame islam for 9e. Keep being a dishonest punk cuz it is all you know how to be.

There's those words again. Dishonest and punk. You are both and you accuse everyone else of being both. You can't prove ether. I guess you don't have that much of a vocab because you keep name calling and not talking about the issues. You're lack of facts causes you to resort to just saying LIAR loudly and anyone who says they aren't is a punk.

Being a terrorist facilitator is accurate. You support terrorism when you support their goals. And you drift from being merely a facilitator into being an advocate when you wish for my death in the next attack. Wishing harm on anyone changes you from being someone who makes excuses to someone who not only supports murder but dreams of more murder in the future.....over fucken politics no less. I don't want anyone here to die....but you do. It's pretty hilarious when you think about it..unless you're serious.
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He was wrong in context, because he was citing the 'factually accurate statement' you are calling it as justification for opposing the building of the mosque.

He was correct. No 'ifs, ands, or buts'. Fact: those who perpetrated 9/11 were Muslims.

He was not, and I am not, using that as 'justification' for opposing the building of the mosque. (As an aside, it is nice to see that some are honest enough to call it a mosque and not a 'community center').... The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them. Muslims are legally entitled to build it, they are morally wrong to build it. I happen to value morals. You don't, that's fine.

Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.

Post a link to all of these families that support the mosque.

The Muslims did 9/11 isn't a lie. What faith did every single 9/11 attacker practice?

She's not hiding...she just feels it's a touchy subject and being made worse by the insensitive terrorist advocates that are behind the mosque. She knows legally they can build it there in this country but she also is honest enough to know they shouldn't.
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He was wrong in context, because he was citing the 'factually accurate statement' you are calling it as justification for opposing the building of the mosque.

He was correct. No 'ifs, ands, or buts'. Fact: those who perpetrated 9/11 were Muslims.

He was not, and I am not, using that as 'justification' for opposing the building of the mosque. (As an aside, it is nice to see that some are honest enough to call it a mosque and not a 'community center').... The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them. Muslims are legally entitled to build it, they are morally wrong to build it. I happen to value morals. You don't, that's fine.

Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.

I am aware that there are a MINORITY of victims who support it. I am also aware that the MAJORITY of victims - and the MAJORITY of New Yorkers do NOT support it.

Oh, and Muslims DID perpetrate 9/11 - unless you can prove to me that the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims.

I did not say Muslims are immoral, you fucking moron. I said it the decision is morally wrong. Vastly different thing - pity you're not smart enough to recognize that.
He was correct. No 'ifs, ands, or buts'. Fact: those who perpetrated 9/11 were Muslims.

He was not, and I am not, using that as 'justification' for opposing the building of the mosque. (As an aside, it is nice to see that some are honest enough to call it a mosque and not a 'community center').... The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them. Muslims are legally entitled to build it, they are morally wrong to build it. I happen to value morals. You don't, that's fine.

Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.

I am aware that there are a MINORITY of victims who support it. I am also aware that the MAJORITY of victims - and the MAJORITY of New Yorkers do NOT support it.

Oh, and Muslims DID perpetrate 9/11 - unless you can prove to me that the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims.

I did not say Muslims are immoral, you fucking moron. I said it the decision is morally wrong. Vastly different thing - pity you're not smart enough to recognize that.

Dance bitch dance.

You claimed they were muslims so it is on you to prove your own claim dumbass.

I didn't say that you said muslims are immoral. I pointed out you said they are immoral for building the mosque. So which is it cally bitch? Are you against it because it is morally wrong or because some 9/11 families oppose it?

Terrorists are responsible for 9/11. But you keep being dishonest and kissing ass.

Moral principles aren't based on a majority rules system dumbass.
Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.

I am aware that there are a MINORITY of victims who support it. I am also aware that the MAJORITY of victims - and the MAJORITY of New Yorkers do NOT support it.

Oh, and Muslims DID perpetrate 9/11 - unless you can prove to me that the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims.

I did not say Muslims are immoral, you fucking moron. I said it the decision is morally wrong. Vastly different thing - pity you're not smart enough to recognize that.

Dance bitch dance.

You claimed they were muslims so it is on you to prove your own claim dumbass.

I didn't say that you said muslims are immoral. I pointed out you said they are immoral for building the mosque. So which is it cally bitch? Are you against it because it is morally wrong or because some 9/11 families oppose it?

Terrorists are responsible for 9/11. But you keep being dishonest and kissing ass.

Moral principles aren't based on a majority rules system dumbass.

You are in total denial. You should see a shrink. Of course those men were Muslims. The Fort Hood shooter was a muslim. The would be bomb in da pants boy was a muslim. the New York times square would be terrorist was a muslim. The guy who drove by and shot two recruiters was a muslim. Facts are facts and you cannot change them by trying to shout someone down Which is what whoopie doopie and beharhar were trying to to.
He was correct. No 'ifs, ands, or buts'. Fact: those who perpetrated 9/11 were Muslims.

He was not, and I am not, using that as 'justification' for opposing the building of the mosque. (As an aside, it is nice to see that some are honest enough to call it a mosque and not a 'community center').... The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them. Muslims are legally entitled to build it, they are morally wrong to build it. I happen to value morals. You don't, that's fine.

Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.

Post a link to all of these families that support the mosque.

The Muslims did 9/11 isn't a lie. What faith did every single 9/11 attacker practice?

She's not hiding...she just feels it's a touchy subject and being made worse by the insensitive terrorist advocates that are behind the mosque. She knows legally they can build it there in this country but she also is honest enough to know they shouldn't.

Post the proof they were all muslims.

Here's one link for you to ignore about 9/11 families supporting the islamic center
9/11 Families, Others Rally In Support Of Park51 Islamic Center
I am aware that there are a MINORITY of victims who support it. I am also aware that the MAJORITY of victims - and the MAJORITY of New Yorkers do NOT support it.

Oh, and Muslims DID perpetrate 9/11 - unless you can prove to me that the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims.

I did not say Muslims are immoral, you fucking moron. I said it the decision is morally wrong. Vastly different thing - pity you're not smart enough to recognize that.

Dance bitch dance.

You claimed they were muslims so it is on you to prove your own claim dumbass.

I didn't say that you said muslims are immoral. I pointed out you said they are immoral for building the mosque. So which is it cally bitch? Are you against it because it is morally wrong or because some 9/11 families oppose it?

Terrorists are responsible for 9/11. But you keep being dishonest and kissing ass.

Moral principles aren't based on a majority rules system dumbass.

You are in total denial. You should see a shrink. Of course those men were Muslims. The Fort Hood shooter was a muslim. The would be bomb in da pants boy was a muslim. the New York times square would be terrorist was a muslim. The guy who drove by and shot two recruiters was a muslim. Facts are facts and you cannot change them by trying to shout someone down Which is what whoopie doopie and beharhar were trying to to.

Lol! You haven't posted any facts proving they were muslims but you accuse me of ignoring facts...........thank you for demonstrating how laughable the regulars of this board keep proving to be.
Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.

Post a link to all of these families that support the mosque.

The Muslims did 9/11 isn't a lie. What faith did every single 9/11 attacker practice?

She's not hiding...she just feels it's a touchy subject and being made worse by the insensitive terrorist advocates that are behind the mosque. She knows legally they can build it there in this country but she also is honest enough to know they shouldn't.

Post the proof they were all muslims.

Here's one link for you to ignore about 9/11 families supporting the islamic center
9/11 Families, Others Rally In Support Of Park51 Islamic Center

Dude...you are one sick MF.

See a doctor.

Btw...you link is shit. There's no article there other then a single paragraph. Try this one instead: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/...-park51-islamic-cultural-center_n_694029.html

Also...these people have partnered with the ACLU and the Arab Muslim American Federation. Like they don't have an agenda. Then there's the Dialog Project, The New York City Chapter of the Humanist Party of which Glenn Beck said this:

“Then, of course, the Humanist Party is involved. They want to give you the right to vote. No, well, not you, but you if you’re a non-citizen i.e., illegal in New York.”

I see a plethora of anti-American interests here.
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Terrorists are responsible for 9e and you don't value morals because you are nothing but a dishonest kiss ass brat. There are 9e families and first responders who fully support the mosque but you keep ignoring facts you don't like.

You don't even see how you are dishonest in your own post. You first claim you aren't using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but only the opinions of 9e families and new yorkers. You then finish by saying the muslims are immoral for building the mosque. So in honesty, you are using the "muslims did 9e" lie to oppose the mosque but you want to hide behind some 9e families. No wonder you kiss so much ass. Without that you have nothing to fall back on.

I am aware that there are a MINORITY of victims who support it. I am also aware that the MAJORITY of victims - and the MAJORITY of New Yorkers do NOT support it.

Oh, and Muslims DID perpetrate 9/11 - unless you can prove to me that the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims.

I did not say Muslims are immoral, you fucking moron. I said it the decision is morally wrong. Vastly different thing - pity you're not smart enough to recognize that.

Dance bitch dance.

You claimed they were muslims so it is on you to prove your own claim dumbass.

I didn't say that you said muslims are immoral. I pointed out you said they are immoral for building the mosque. So which is it cally bitch? Are you against it because it is morally wrong or because some 9/11 families oppose it?

Terrorists are responsible for 9/11. But you keep being dishonest and kissing ass.

Moral principles aren't based on a majority rules system dumbass.

Those terrorists were not Muslims? Idiot.
Post a link to all of these families that support the mosque.

The Muslims did 9/11 isn't a lie. What faith did every single 9/11 attacker practice?

She's not hiding...she just feels it's a touchy subject and being made worse by the insensitive terrorist advocates that are behind the mosque. She knows legally they can build it there in this country but she also is honest enough to know they shouldn't.

Post the proof they were all muslims.

Here's one link for you to ignore about 9/11 families supporting the islamic center
9/11 Families, Others Rally In Support Of Park51 Islamic Center

Dude...you are one sick MF.

See a doctor.

Btw...you link is shit. There's no article there other then a single paragraph. Try this one instead: 9/11 Families, Others Rally In Support Of Park51 Islamic Center

Also...these people have partnered with the ACLU and the Arab Muslim American Federation. Like they don't have an agenda. Then there's the Dialog Project, The New York City Chapter of the Humanist Party of which Glenn Beck said this:

“Then, of course, the Humanist Party is involved. They want to give you the right to vote. No, well, not you, but you if you’re a non-citizen i.e., illegal in New York.”

I see a plethora of anti-American interests here.

Lol! Who's dumb enough to cite huffpo?

I correctly predicted you would ignore that link. Here's two more for you to ignore:



Will you ever post those facts showing the terrorists were all muslims? Or is an ad him parade all you can provide you crybaby?
<snip> Post the proof they were all muslims<snip>

EDIT TO ADD: I am not altering your post. It's just that I can't quote it with the urls in it.

Post the proof that the hijackers were all muslims?

This is a joke correct?

If it's not a joke, can you please tell me the last time you heard a Southern Baptist or Methodist screaming "allahu akbar" during a terrorist attack?

How about a batch of terrorist Mormons with names like Mohammed and Abdulaziz? Can you find me any?


Come on. You can't possibly be serious.

Who do you think makes up Al Qaeda? Freaking Presbyterians?
Now to the OP.

It was something to behold to watch Joy (the worst named woman in the world) and Whoopi just stroke out and march off the set in a temper tantrum.


I loved every minute of it.
I am aware that there are a MINORITY of victims who support it. I am also aware that the MAJORITY of victims - and the MAJORITY of New Yorkers do NOT support it.

Oh, and Muslims DID perpetrate 9/11 - unless you can prove to me that the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims.

I did not say Muslims are immoral, you fucking moron. I said it the decision is morally wrong. Vastly different thing - pity you're not smart enough to recognize that.

Dance bitch dance.

You claimed they were muslims so it is on you to prove your own claim dumbass.

I didn't say that you said muslims are immoral. I pointed out you said they are immoral for building the mosque. So which is it cally bitch? Are you against it because it is morally wrong or because some 9/11 families oppose it?

Terrorists are responsible for 9/11. But you keep being dishonest and kissing ass.

Moral principles aren't based on a majority rules system dumbass.

Those terrorists were not Muslims? Idiot.

Way yo dodge again you dishonest std bag.

Want to talk about morality? What the hell is so moral about indicting these Americans for the actions of the 9/11 terrorists? Ignore how you got slapped down for your dishonesty. Again.
<snip> Post the proof they were all muslims<snip>

EDIT TO ADD: I am not altering your post. It's just that I can't quote it with the urls in it.

Post the proof that the hijackers were all muslims?

This is a joke correct?

If it's not a joke, can you please tell me the last time you heard a Southern Baptist or Methodist screaming "allahu akbar" during a terrorist attack?

How about a batch of terrorist Mormons with names like Mohammed and Abdulaziz? Can you find me any?


Come on. You can't possibly be serious.

Who do you think makes up Al Qaeda? Freaking Presbyterians?

It's funny to see you idiots squirm. If it was so easily proven they were all muslims at least one of you cowards would have posted the facts to back up your claim. Yet. You can't then get indignant for your own lack of evidence.
Post the proof they were all muslims.

Here's one link for you to ignore about 9/11 families supporting the islamic center
9/11 Families, Others Rally In Support Of Park51 Islamic Center

Dude...you are one sick MF.

See a doctor.

Btw...you link is shit. There's no article there other then a single paragraph. Try this one instead: 9/11 Families, Others Rally In Support Of Park51 Islamic Center

Also...these people have partnered with the ACLU and the Arab Muslim American Federation. Like they don't have an agenda. Then there's the Dialog Project, The New York City Chapter of the Humanist Party of which Glenn Beck said this:

“Then, of course, the Humanist Party is involved. They want to give you the right to vote. No, well, not you, but you if you’re a non-citizen i.e., illegal in New York.”

I see a plethora of anti-American interests here.

Lol! Who's dumb enough to cite huffpo?

I correctly predicted you would ignore that link. Here's two more for you to ignore:



Will you ever post those facts showing the terrorists were all muslims? Or is an ad him parade all you can provide you crybaby?

I didn't ignore it. I read it and then used it to find another that was better. Plus it helped me find some interesting facts to show your family members aren't mainstream.

And why should I post the facts on their religion. What are you? Some kind of drooling fucken idiot?
Dance bitch dance.

You claimed they were muslims so it is on you to prove your own claim dumbass.

I didn't say that you said muslims are immoral. I pointed out you said they are immoral for building the mosque. So which is it cally bitch? Are you against it because it is morally wrong or because some 9/11 families oppose it?

Terrorists are responsible for 9/11. But you keep being dishonest and kissing ass.

Moral principles aren't based on a majority rules system dumbass.

Those terrorists were not Muslims? Idiot.

Way yo dodge again you dishonest std bag.

Want to talk about morality? What the hell is so moral about indicting these Americans for the actions of the 9/11 terrorists? Ignore how you got slapped down for your dishonesty. Again.

You really are a stupid shit, Bent. I said the decision to build the mosque there is morally wrong. I am not indicting anyone, you fucking idiot. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims, I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with THIS MOSQUE being built IN THAT PLACE. If they were to build it elsewhere, I would be fine with it.

Your problem - like the rest of the borg - is that you are far too desperate to brand people as 'anti-Muslim'. That makes you a moron.
Now to the OP.

It was something to behold to watch Joy (the worst named woman in the world) and Whoopi just stroke out and march off the set in a temper tantrum.


I loved every minute of it.

Because entertainers would never do something theatrical to try and get attention. Way to brain it up!

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