O'Reilly spoils The View

Terrorism? You mean child molestation. I love the way terrorist facilitators try to justify their defense of murderers.

You need to look the meaning of terrorism up in your dictionary.

I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya
Bu-bye...go troll somewhere else.

If you care to hang around and maybe learn something then feel free.

Not sure what you're talking about in your post.

Do you mean accusing you of terrorism or suicide-bombers? I'm not sure what you mean.

I've been there and I've had personal experiences I doubt you'll ever have. I've trained Muslims. I've knelt down and broke bread with them. I've talked to them. I've spent time learning their language. I can discuss this issue from a balanced perspective because I'm able to see both sides of it. I'm not some angry little shit that hates anyone who thinks differently.

I understand, from my own personal experience, that the greatest flaw in Islam is it's intolerance. It gives them an excuse to feel superior if they are so inclined. However many of them can be the most wonderful hosts you could imagine. They know how to treat guests in their home. They don't believe in giving you a beer and asking if you'd like to try their worn out Manchair. Their belief in symbolism can take your breath away but sometimes is way too much. Everything is God's will. If you knew about the 5 pillars of Islam you'd understand this, one of them is to immerse Islam completely into your life. No exceptions. Also to believe anything that a respected Muslim cleric tells them without question. This is where they get into trouble.

You don't know what im referring to? It is when you said:


Fucking dumbass.
I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya
Bu-bye...go troll somewhere else.

If you care to hang around and maybe learn something then feel free.

Not sure what you're talking about in your post.

Do you mean accusing you of terrorism or suicide-bombers? I'm not sure what you mean.

I've been there and I've had personal experiences I doubt you'll ever have. I've trained Muslims. I've knelt down and broke bread with them. I've talked to them. I've spent time learning their language. I can discuss this issue from a balanced perspective because I'm able to see both sides of it. I'm not some angry little shit that hates anyone who thinks differently.

I understand, from my own personal experience, that the greatest flaw in Islam is it's intolerance. It gives them an excuse to feel superior if they are so inclined. However many of them can be the most wonderful hosts you could imagine. They know how to treat guests in their home. They don't believe in giving you a beer and asking if you'd like to try their worn out Manchair. Their belief in symbolism can take your breath away but sometimes is way too much. Everything is God's will. If you knew about the 5 pillars of Islam you'd understand this, one of them is to immerse Islam completely into your life. No exceptions. Also to believe anything that a respected Muslim cleric tells them without question. This is where they get into trouble.

You don't know what im referring to? It is when you said:


Fucking dumbass.


No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

So how long have you had these prejudices and resentments against the Catholic Church Curve Ball????? Pedophiles are being punished, the Church is reporting them to the Authorities, we call it due process. Do you understand the difference Curve Light????? Do you understand the concepts of Repentance, Contrition, Reconciliation???

Your path lies more in Reform Curve Light, not trashing other Religions, though it may make you feel better it does your cause harm. You are at
tacking the largest following in the Country, now does that make you friends or enemies. The Catholic Church is a force that would protect your right to be Curve Light, it is a voice against intolerance and violence. So I ask you, what is with you????? How about you work on insuring that your Church is in compliance with Human Rights, Unalienable Rights of All, both Male and Female, Believer and Unbeliever, and I'll do that with my Church.

We are All Human Beings First, accountable to God and justified in Being by Him in spite of our preconceived notions. Best not to forget Who the Ultimate Authority is, not by my interpretation or Yours, but Unlimited. The Catholic Church would not even consider building such a site without approval Curve Light, It would have abandoned the project long ago. You are attempting to build a Capital Site disguised as a Community Center. That is not forthright.

What a fucking joke. I point out indisputable facts about the CC ordering churches to not report sex crimes and all you can do is accuse me of having prejudices against the CC? Pure punk.

The Catholic Church corrected It's position Curve Light. The Catholic Church is in full compliance with both Federal and State Law, Curve Light. Islam still teaches against Human Rights, in regards to Justice under the rule of law, and Unalienable Rights Curve Light. Are you getting the disconnect yet Curve Light. Look to Reform. Seek Harmony and Communion with Our Maker, before expansion. Can you justify the taking of a life because Somebody converts from one Religion to another? Can you justify Mercy Killings? Can you Justify a Muslim having more rights in a court than a Non-Muslim? Reform, beats accusing others of misdeeds from the past. Especially considering that Mohamed laid with children himself. We are all far from perfect Curve Light. The path is not in laying down stumbling blocks for others, but in overcoming the ones in our own path to salvation. ;)

You do have prejudices against the Catholic Church, evident in your line of reasoning. The Catholic Church is not attacking Islam, though that is beside the point.
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I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya
Bu-bye...go troll somewhere else.

If you care to hang around and maybe learn something then feel free.

Not sure what you're talking about in your post.

Do you mean accusing you of terrorism or suicide-bombers? I'm not sure what you mean.

I've been there and I've had personal experiences I doubt you'll ever have. I've trained Muslims. I've knelt down and broke bread with them. I've talked to them. I've spent time learning their language. I can discuss this issue from a balanced perspective because I'm able to see both sides of it. I'm not some angry little shit that hates anyone who thinks differently.

I understand, from my own personal experience, that the greatest flaw in Islam is it's intolerance. It gives them an excuse to feel superior if they are so inclined. However many of them can be the most wonderful hosts you could imagine. They know how to treat guests in their home. They don't believe in giving you a beer and asking if you'd like to try their worn out Manchair. Their belief in symbolism can take your breath away but sometimes is way too much. Everything is God's will. If you knew about the 5 pillars of Islam you'd understand this, one of them is to immerse Islam completely into your life. No exceptions. Also to believe anything that a respected Muslim cleric tells them without question. This is where they get into trouble.

You don't know what im referring to? It is when you said:


Fucking dumbass.

Speaking of fucking dumb-asses. Don't you know the difference between a terrorist and someone who is one of their facilitators?

A terrorist is someone who commits acts of terror.

A terrorist-facilitator is someone who looks the other way ignoring their terrorists acts and sometimes defends said acts with rationalizations.
CurveLight, reading your posts convinces me plainly that you are one hate filled sick puppy. Try to work on that anger and resentment without killing anybody or blowing anything up. When you finally do overcome your hangups teach peace, lose the finger pointing. It's unmanly, Bro. ;)
CurveLight, reading your posts convinces me plainly that you are one hate filled sick puppy. Try to work on that anger and resentment without killing anybody or blowing anything up. When you finally do overcome your hangups teach peace, lose the finger pointing. It's unmanly, Bro. ;)

Did I mention that he's still trying to grasp "the concept of" tieing his shoes?
Bu-bye...go troll somewhere else.

If you care to hang around and maybe learn something then feel free.

Not sure what you're talking about in your post.

Do you mean accusing you of terrorism or suicide-bombers? I'm not sure what you mean.

I've been there and I've had personal experiences I doubt you'll ever have. I've trained Muslims. I've knelt down and broke bread with them. I've talked to them. I've spent time learning their language. I can discuss this issue from a balanced perspective because I'm able to see both sides of it. I'm not some angry little shit that hates anyone who thinks differently.

I understand, from my own personal experience, that the greatest flaw in Islam is it's intolerance. It gives them an excuse to feel superior if they are so inclined. However many of them can be the most wonderful hosts you could imagine. They know how to treat guests in their home. They don't believe in giving you a beer and asking if you'd like to try their worn out Manchair. Their belief in symbolism can take your breath away but sometimes is way too much. Everything is God's will. If you knew about the 5 pillars of Islam you'd understand this, one of them is to immerse Islam completely into your life. No exceptions. Also to believe anything that a respected Muslim cleric tells them without question. This is where they get into trouble.

You don't know what im referring to? It is when you said:


Fucking dumbass.

Speaking of fucking dumb-asses. Don't you know the difference between a terrorist and someone who is one of their facilitators?

A terrorist is someone who commits acts of terror.

A terrorist-facilitator is someone who looks the other way ignoring their terrorists acts and sometimes defends said acts with rationalizations.

And Someone who generally benefits from the act in one way or another. Usually Politically or through Real Estate.
You don't know what im referring to? It is when you said:


Fucking dumbass.

Speaking of fucking dumb-asses. Don't you know the difference between a terrorist and someone who is one of their facilitators?

A terrorist is someone who commits acts of terror.

A terrorist-facilitator is someone who looks the other way ignoring their terrorists acts and sometimes defends said acts with rationalizations.

And Someone who generally benefits from the act in one way or another. Usually Politically or through Real Estate.

It's like the mother making excuses for a spoiled child.
Bu-bye...go troll somewhere else.

If you care to hang around and maybe learn something then feel free.

Not sure what you're talking about in your post.

Do you mean accusing you of terrorism or suicide-bombers? I'm not sure what you mean.

I've been there and I've had personal experiences I doubt you'll ever have. I've trained Muslims. I've knelt down and broke bread with them. I've talked to them. I've spent time learning their language. I can discuss this issue from a balanced perspective because I'm able to see both sides of it. I'm not some angry little shit that hates anyone who thinks differently.

I understand, from my own personal experience, that the greatest flaw in Islam is it's intolerance. It gives them an excuse to feel superior if they are so inclined. However many of them can be the most wonderful hosts you could imagine. They know how to treat guests in their home. They don't believe in giving you a beer and asking if you'd like to try their worn out Manchair. Their belief in symbolism can take your breath away but sometimes is way too much. Everything is God's will. If you knew about the 5 pillars of Islam you'd understand this, one of them is to immerse Islam completely into your life. No exceptions. Also to believe anything that a respected Muslim cleric tells them without question. This is where they get into trouble.

You don't know what im referring to? It is when you said:


Fucking dumbass.

Speaking of fucking dumb-asses. Don't you know the difference between a terrorist and someone who is one of their facilitators?

A terrorist is someone who commits acts of terror.

A terrorist-facilitator is someone who looks the other way ignoring their terrorists acts and sometimes defends said acts with rationalizations.

Keep proving you are a dumbass

So how long have you had these prejudices and resentments against the Catholic Church Curve Ball????? Pedophiles are being punished, the Church is reporting them to the Authorities, we call it due process. Do you understand the difference Curve Light????? Do you understand the concepts of Repentance, Contrition, Reconciliation???

Your path lies more in Reform Curve Light, not trashing other Religions, though it may make you feel better it does your cause harm. You are at
tacking the largest following in the Country, now does that make you friends or enemies. The Catholic Church is a force that would protect your right to be Curve Light, it is a voice against intolerance and violence. So I ask you, what is with you????? How about you work on insuring that your Church is in compliance with Human Rights, Unalienable Rights of All, both Male and Female, Believer and Unbeliever, and I'll do that with my Church.

We are All Human Beings First, accountable to God and justified in Being by Him in spite of our preconceived notions. Best not to forget Who the Ultimate Authority is, not by my interpretation or Yours, but Unlimited. The Catholic Church would not even consider building such a site without approval Curve Light, It would have abandoned the project long ago. You are attempting to build a Capital Site disguised as a Community Center. That is not forthright.

What a fucking joke. I point out indisputable facts about the CC ordering churches to not report sex crimes and all you can do is accuse me of having prejudices against the CC? Pure punk.

The Catholic Church corrected It's position Curve Light. The Catholic Church is in full compliance with both Federal and State Law, Curve Light. Islam still teaches against Human Rights, in regards to Justice under the rule of law, and Unalienable Rights Curve Light. Are you getting the disconnect yet Curve Light. Look to Reform. Seek Harmony and Communion with Our Maker, before expansion. Can you justify the taking of a life because Somebody converts from one Religion to another? Can you justify Mercy Killings? Can you Justify a Muslim having more rights in a court than a Non-Muslim? Reform, beats accusing others of misdeeds from the past. Especially considering that Mohamed laid with children himself. We are all far from perfect Curve Light. The path is not in laying down stumbling blocks for others, but in overcoming the ones in our own path to salvation. ;)

You do have prejudices against the Catholic Church, evident in your line of reasoning. The Catholic Church is not attacking Islam, though that is beside the point.

You still don't get it. One more time. When has Christianity been blamed for pedophilia? How many times do you need it spelled out? Re-read my posts until you comprehend the analogy or maybe you are purposefully trying to distract. Either way, it's being dishonest just like your pathetic repeated attempts to say im "attacking other religions."
CurveLight, reading your posts convinces me plainly that you are one hate filled sick puppy. Try to work on that anger and resentment without killing anybody or blowing anything up. When you finally do overcome your hangups teach peace, lose the finger pointing. It's unmanly, Bro. ;)

Lol...im hate filled for pointing out the stupidity of blaming islam for 9E?
You don't know what im referring to? It is when you said:


Fucking dumbass.

Speaking of fucking dumb-asses. Don't you know the difference between a terrorist and someone who is one of their facilitators?

A terrorist is someone who commits acts of terror.

A terrorist-facilitator is someone who looks the other way ignoring their terrorists acts and sometimes defends said acts with rationalizations.

Keep proving you are a dumbass


So dumb that I can't even figure out how to use the Insert Link function?
Speaking of fucking dumb-asses. Don't you know the difference between a terrorist and someone who is one of their facilitators?

A terrorist is someone who commits acts of terror.

A terrorist-facilitator is someone who looks the other way ignoring their terrorists acts and sometimes defends said acts with rationalizations.

And Someone who generally benefits from the act in one way or another. Usually Politically or through Real Estate.

It's like the mother making excuses for a spoiled child.

It's amazing how you punks thrive on your own strawmen. Pointing out your blaming islam for 9e isn't making excuses. Damn this board sucks.
Speaking of fucking dumb-asses. Don't you know the difference between a terrorist and someone who is one of their facilitators?

A terrorist is someone who commits acts of terror.

A terrorist-facilitator is someone who looks the other way ignoring their terrorists acts and sometimes defends said acts with rationalizations.

Keep proving you are a dumbass


So dumb that I can't even figure out how to use the Insert Link function?

Anything to distract from the fact you don't know what it means to facilitate something. Lie some more about your "experiences" you pure coward.
What a fucking joke. I point out indisputable facts about the CC ordering churches to not report sex crimes and all you can do is accuse me of having prejudices against the CC? Pure punk.

The Catholic Church corrected It's position Curve Light. The Catholic Church is in full compliance with both Federal and State Law, Curve Light. Islam still teaches against Human Rights, in regards to Justice under the rule of law, and Unalienable Rights Curve Light. Are you getting the disconnect yet Curve Light. Look to Reform. Seek Harmony and Communion with Our Maker, before expansion. Can you justify the taking of a life because Somebody converts from one Religion to another? Can you justify Mercy Killings? Can you Justify a Muslim having more rights in a court than a Non-Muslim? Reform, beats accusing others of misdeeds from the past. Especially considering that Mohamed laid with children himself. We are all far from perfect Curve Light. The path is not in laying down stumbling blocks for others, but in overcoming the ones in our own path to salvation. ;)

You do have prejudices against the Catholic Church, evident in your line of reasoning. The Catholic Church is not attacking Islam, though that is beside the point.

You still don't get it. One more time. When has Christianity been blamed for pedophilia? How many times do you need it spelled out? Re-read my posts until you comprehend the analogy or maybe you are purposefully trying to distract. Either way, it's being dishonest just like your pathetic repeated attempts to say im "attacking other religions."

Christianity does not condone or support Pedophilia Curve Light. We prosecute. The Catholic Church tried to cover it up, and paid the price.

What price are you willing to pay for condoning Terrorism? How about for condoning Jihad, the violent type? Again Curve Light, Reform, Reconciliation, the truth is universal, it applies to all of us, not just you or I. We have a charge to do what is right for it's own sake. We all start from where we find ourselves Curve Light. It's perpetual.
And Someone who generally benefits from the act in one way or another. Usually Politically or through Real Estate.

It's like the mother making excuses for a spoiled child.

It's amazing how you punks thrive on your own strawmen. Pointing out your blaming islam for 9e isn't making excuses. Damn this board sucks.

Long before 911, long before Carter, were the years of terrorism in India Curve Light. It is the same thing over and over. Something needs to change.
It's like the mother making excuses for a spoiled child.

It's amazing how you punks thrive on your own strawmen. Pointing out your blaming islam for 9e isn't making excuses. Damn this board sucks.

Long before 911, long before Carter, were the years of terrorism in India Curve Light. It is the same thing over and over. Something needs to change.

Try being honest when discussing the issue. That should be your first change.
What a fucking joke. I point out indisputable facts about the CC ordering churches to not report sex crimes and all you can do is accuse me of having prejudices against the CC? Pure punk.

The Catholic Church corrected It's position Curve Light. The Catholic Church is in full compliance with both Federal and State Law, Curve Light. Islam still teaches against Human Rights, in regards to Justice under the rule of law, and Unalienable Rights Curve Light. Are you getting the disconnect yet Curve Light. Look to Reform. Seek Harmony and Communion with Our Maker, before expansion. Can you justify the taking of a life because Somebody converts from one Religion to another? Can you justify Mercy Killings? Can you Justify a Muslim having more rights in a court than a Non-Muslim? Reform, beats accusing others of misdeeds from the past. Especially considering that Mohamed laid with children himself. We are all far from perfect Curve Light. The path is not in laying down stumbling blocks for others, but in overcoming the ones in our own path to salvation. ;)

You do have prejudices against the Catholic Church, evident in your line of reasoning. The Catholic Church is not attacking Islam, though that is beside the point.

You still don't get it. One more time. When has Christianity been blamed for pedophilia? How many times do you need it spelled out? Re-read my posts until you comprehend the analogy or maybe you are purposefully trying to distract. Either way, it's being dishonest just like your pathetic repeated attempts to say im "attacking other religions."

Being Gay and a priest is more to blame then the religion. Christianity doesn't teach child-molestation. Do you comprehend that?
The Catholic Church corrected It's position Curve Light. The Catholic Church is in full compliance with both Federal and State Law, Curve Light. Islam still teaches against Human Rights, in regards to Justice under the rule of law, and Unalienable Rights Curve Light. Are you getting the disconnect yet Curve Light. Look to Reform. Seek Harmony and Communion with Our Maker, before expansion. Can you justify the taking of a life because Somebody converts from one Religion to another? Can you justify Mercy Killings? Can you Justify a Muslim having more rights in a court than a Non-Muslim? Reform, beats accusing others of misdeeds from the past. Especially considering that Mohamed laid with children himself. We are all far from perfect Curve Light. The path is not in laying down stumbling blocks for others, but in overcoming the ones in our own path to salvation. ;)

You do have prejudices against the Catholic Church, evident in your line of reasoning. The Catholic Church is not attacking Islam, though that is beside the point.

You still don't get it. One more time. When has Christianity been blamed for pedophilia? How many times do you need it spelled out? Re-read my posts until you comprehend the analogy or maybe you are purposefully trying to distract. Either way, it's being dishonest just like your pathetic repeated attempts to say im "attacking other religions."

Christianity does not condone or support Pedophilia Curve Light. We prosecute. The Catholic Church tried to cover it up, and paid the price.

What price are you willing to pay for condoning Terrorism? How about for condoning Jihad, the violent type? Again Curve Light, Reform, Reconciliation, the truth is universal, it applies to all of us, not just you or I. We have a charge to do what is right for it's own sake. We all start from where we find ourselves Curve Light. It's perpetual.

So now I condone terrorism? You're a fucking fatass whiny dishonest punk. You continue to ignore the facts and continue to be outright dishonest. No wonder you love the net. You never have to worry about the consequences of being a lying bitch.

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