O'Reilly spoils The View

It should be about the families of the deceased. They are uncomfortable with it.

With doing it in their face, they are making all muslims look bad.
Were we attacked by Christians in Oklahoma City?

Were we attacked by Christians during the Atlanta Olympics?

Were we attacked by Christians at the many Family Planning Center bombings?

no to all 3.....

Why? Cause you say so? Interesting, we can surely say Christians on the last two as no one can deny them, nor the murder of the Doctor in his church. Hm, seems he who lives in glass house should keep quiet.
why because YOU say so?......if you think those attacks by one or more persons who may have been Christians is indeed an attack by Christians.....then why are you not taking Curve light to task for saying the same thing about the 9/11 attacks, that im saying about the attacks you mention?.....maybe you should keep quiet....go back and find a quote to use to sum it up....
When you guys decide who did it and what we can call them, let me know. I'm going with Muslim terrorists for now.

Which is a group distinct from Muslims who aren't terrorists.

Well we certainly want you to sleep well tonight, so if that helps, fine. Note they are ALL Muslims. See your distinction is similiar to Americans killing Iraqis. They are military Americans, but the terrorists make no distinction.
It was a terrorist attack but cowards like you want to keep celebrating that day to try......try.....and justify your bigotry.
I'm a coward and bigot for telling a true story? LMAO!

No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

Terrorism? You mean child molestation. I love the way terrorist facilitators try to justify their defense of murderers.

You need to look the meaning of terrorism up in your dictionary.
I'm a coward and bigot for telling a true story? LMAO!

No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

Terrorism? You mean child molestation. I love the way terrorist facilitators try to justify their defense of murderers.

You need to look the meaning of terrorism up in your dictionary.

I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya
No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

Terrorism? You mean child molestation. I love the way terrorist facilitators try to justify their defense of murderers.

You need to look the meaning of terrorism up in your dictionary.

I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya

I love the way Bent Lite thinks he matters. Too fucking funny. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I'm a coward and bigot for telling a true story? LMAO!

No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

Terrorism? You mean child molestation. I love the way terrorist facilitators try to justify their defense of murderers.

You need to look the meaning of terrorism up in your dictionary.

I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya
Bill get's caught up in Poll's and what seems popular all of the time. The Constitutionality of Building the Mosque or where It's built is not the Issue here. That is not being challenged. The Issues range from the Appropriateness of the location, lack of consideration of the greater community, the ties and affiliations of the group associated with the Mosque construction, and the mission statement of bringing the US into compliance with Sharia Law.

Any other Religious Group would relocated rather than undergone a Construction project against the will of the community.

This crew has verified problems with Radical ties and poor property management skills.

Nobody has the Constitutional Right to Subjugate Unalienable Rights of others. You may choose to become Sharia compliant but you may not force me to. My message to those in Islam that want harmony with God and Man, is to keep pushing for Reform. That is my advice to All People. Do what is right because it is the right thing to do, not because of preconceived notion.

This is all theatrics for islamaphobia. The best comparison is the catholic church putting out a worldwide order to not report sex crimes to local authorities. Where has there been a national reaction to the catholic church? The real kicker is recognizing the catholic church international order was from the
vatican making it official church policy whereas for 9E the best that can be done is intellectual dishonesty to try and blame islam.

Not true. I live in an area with thousands of Muslims. No problemo Paco. No problem what so ever.

The Catholic Church has dealt responsibly with not Pedophiles, if not in the past, it has in the present. It has also paid a price for what it covered up in the past.

I think the Theatrics is coming from you and your fear of what is not Islamic. You are in a country where Islam is a Minority, you should adapt to that and not try to impose such bullshit on me Curve Light. It hurts my eyes to read it. ;) You should hope and pray that your Religion is not held up to the scrutiny that the Catholic Church was and is. You are getting allot of free passes right now from the misinformed. Work on True Reform Curve Light, from within.

Lol......point was completely ignored. One more time.....where has there been a similar reaction? When has
Christianity been blamed for pedophilia like Islam gets blamed for terrorism? Also, the only thing im trying to impose here is a bit of honesty.
No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

Terrorism? You mean child molestation. I love the way terrorist facilitators try to justify their defense of murderers.

You need to look the meaning of terrorism up in your dictionary.

I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya

Has your little brain got a repetitive strain injury? :lol:
Lol......point was completely ignored. One more time.....where has there been a similar reaction? When has
Christianity been blamed for pedophilia like Islam gets blamed for terrorism? Also, the only thing im trying to impose here is a bit of honesty.

i dont know about blaming Christianity.....but im sure if you look at the current meaning of Pedophile in the Dictionary you will see a CATHOLIC Priest's Picture there.....just saying....
I'm a coward and bigot for telling a true story? LMAO!

No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

So how long have you had these prejudices and resentments against the Catholic Church Curve Ball????? Pedophiles are being punished, the Church is reporting them to the Authorities, we call it due process. Do you understand the difference Curve Light????? Do you understand the concepts of Repentance, Contrition, Reconciliation???

Your path lies more in Reform Curve Light, not trashing other Religions, though it may make you feel better it does your cause harm. You are at
tacking the largest following in the Country, now does that make you friends or enemies. The Catholic Church is a force that would protect your right to be Curve Light, it is a voice against intolerance and violence. So I ask you, what is with you????? How about you work on insuring that your Church is in compliance with Human Rights, Unalienable Rights of All, both Male and Female, Believer and Unbeliever, and I'll do that with my Church.

We are All Human Beings First, accountable to God and justified in Being by Him in spite of our preconceived notions. Best not to forget Who the Ultimate Authority is, not by my interpretation or Yours, but Unlimited. The Catholic Church would not even consider building such a site without approval Curve Light, It would have abandoned the project long ago. You are attempting to build a Capital Site disguised as a Community Center. That is not forthright.

What a fucking joke. I point out indisputable facts about the CC ordering churches to not report sex crimes and all you can do is accuse me of having prejudices against the CC? Pure punk.
It should be about the families of the deceased. They are uncomfortable with it.

With doing it in their face, they are making all muslims look bad.

You're a lying fuck. There are families of the deceased who fully support the mosque being built.
Let's try and deal with the strawmen in this thread with some fact.

1. Tim McVeigh described himself as an atheist.

2. Catholics have, and do, report priests to local LEOs. The Church itself carries a huge responsibility regarding sheltering those priests, and has taken huge steps forward.

3. Showing anger regarding those Muslims who attacked us is not Islamophobia. It is anger towards extremists.

4. Bill was right. Muslims did attack us on 9/11. That's a factually accurate statement. He did not say 'Islam' (ie the entire faith), he said 'Muslims'.... and unless anyone has evidence that any of the hijackers were not, in fact, Muslims, then it remains a factually accurate statement.

Posts like this prove you are a professional writer like global warming proves al gore is a brillian scientist. You're such a laughable and whiny bitch. Keep ignoring you don't have any actual proof the terrorists were muslims and keep ignoring the fact we have proof they were not all practicing muslims.

Kind of like how you keep ignoring the fact the Vatican put out an International order to not report sex crimes.
Let's not let it just slide away here that several Islamophobe posters in this thread threw child molesting under the bus here in order to coddle the Catholic Church's legion of pedophile priests.

How about no Catholic churches next to schools? Period.

I think you're having a meltdown.

More proof of why this board is full of idiot whiny Americans. Everytime you have no actual response you resort to nothing but ad homs.
It should be about the families of the deceased. They are uncomfortable with it.

With doing it in their face, they are making all muslims look bad.

You're a lying fuck. There are families of the deceased who fully support the mosque being built.

Everybody supports the mosque being built. Just not on that site. DUmmie.

Holy fuck you are sad. Cmike claimed families of the deceased do not support the mosque being built on that site so I countered by pointing out there are 9E families who support the mosque BEING BUILT ON THAT SITE. You ignorant fuck.
No. You're a coward and a bigot for trying to say your false claim is a true story. Tell us, when and where have you demanded catholic schools should be closed since it has been revealed the vatican ordered no reporting of sex crimes against kids to local authorities?:doubt:

Or do you approve of that form of terrorism?

Terrorism? You mean child molestation. I love the way terrorist facilitators try to justify their defense of murderers.

You need to look the meaning of terrorism up in your dictionary.

I love the way idiots like you think you matter. To the point you accuse others of terrorism simply because you are too dumb to discuss an issue. See ya
Bu-bye...go troll somewhere else.

If you care to hang around and maybe learn something then feel free.

Not sure what you're talking about in your post.

Do you mean accusing you of terrorism or suicide-bombers? I'm not sure what you mean.

I've been there and I've had personal experiences I doubt you'll ever have. I've trained Muslims. I've knelt down and broke bread with them. I've talked to them. I've spent time learning their language. I can discuss this issue from a balanced perspective because I'm able to see both sides of it. I'm not some angry little shit that hates anyone who thinks differently.

I understand, from my own personal experience, that the greatest flaw in Islam is it's intolerance. It gives them an excuse to feel superior if they are so inclined. However many of them can be the most wonderful hosts you could imagine. They know how to treat guests in their home. They don't believe in giving you a beer and asking if you'd like to try their worn out Manchair. Their belief in symbolism can take your breath away but sometimes is way too much. Everything is God's will. If you knew about the 5 pillars of Islam you'd understand this, one of them is to immerse Islam completely into your life. No exceptions. Also to believe anything that a respected Muslim cleric tells them without question. This is where they get into trouble.
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