O'Reilly spoils The View

<snip> Post the proof they were all muslims<snip>

EDIT TO ADD: I am not altering your post. It's just that I can't quote it with the urls in it.

Post the proof that the hijackers were all muslims?

This is a joke correct?

If it's not a joke, can you please tell me the last time you heard a Southern Baptist or Methodist screaming "allahu akbar" during a terrorist attack?

How about a batch of terrorist Mormons with names like Mohammed and Abdulaziz? Can you find me any?


Come on. You can't possibly be serious.

Who do you think makes up Al Qaeda? Freaking Presbyterians?

It's funny to see you idiots squirm. If it was so easily proven they were all muslims at least one of you cowards would have posted the facts to back up your claim. Yet. You can't then get indignant for your own lack of evidence.


I'm not squirming and I'll pull an Axelrod/Rather/Mapes on you.

Prove to me they weren't muslims.

Or, don't tell me you are really Rosie in disguise......

"Everybody knows fire can't melt steel" kinda truther?

Now that type of idiocy aside, tell me you do realize that Al Qaeda is thrilled to death with their victory on 9/11.

Many extremists would be so disappointed in thinking that there is some little American kid typing away in his mothers basement who would deny them this monumental achievement in the world of terrorism.

You are making some old terrorist weep at this moment that you do not recognize the greatness of Allah and his disciples who were victorious over American infidels.

Shame on you. Making old muslim terrorists sad. Tchhh tchhhh.
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it's pretty obvious oreilly is a racist, as is anyone who believes that muslims as a whole are to blame for 9/11. they dont understand the dynamics of terrorism. if southern fried chicken baptists were as impoverished and desperate as the young men that did what they did on that day, and it was in saudi arabia that there were skyscrapers and a government that feeds the oppression in their own country, theyd be just as easily duped into doing the same thing.
Those terrorists were not Muslims? Idiot.

Way yo dodge again you dishonest std bag.

Want to talk about morality? What the hell is so moral about indicting these Americans for the actions of the 9/11 terrorists? Ignore how you got slapped down for your dishonesty. Again.

You really are a stupid shit, Bent. I said the decision to build the mosque there is morally wrong. I am not indicting anyone, you fucking idiot. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims, I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with THIS MOSQUE being built IN THAT PLACE. If they were to build it elsewhere, I would be fine with it.

Your problem - like the rest of the borg - is that you are far too desperate to brand people as 'anti-Muslim'. That makes you a moron.

Thank you for proving your own dishonesty. Again
EDIT TO ADD: I am not altering your post. It's just that I can't quote it with the urls in it.

Post the proof that the hijackers were all muslims?

This is a joke correct?

If it's not a joke, can you please tell me the last time you heard a Southern Baptist or Methodist screaming "allahu akbar" during a terrorist attack?

How about a batch of terrorist Mormons with names like Mohammed and Abdulaziz? Can you find me any?


Come on. You can't possibly be serious.

Who do you think makes up Al Qaeda? Freaking Presbyterians?

It's funny to see you idiots squirm. If it was so easily proven they were all muslims at least one of you cowards would have posted the facts to back up your claim. Yet. You can't then get indignant for your own lack of evidence.


I'm not squirming and I'll pull an Axelrod/Rather/Mapes on you.

Prove to me they weren't muslims.

Or, don't tell me you are really Rosie in disguise......

"Everybody knows fire can't melt steel" kinda truther?

Now that type of idiocy aside, tell me you do realize that Al Qaeda is thrilled to death with their victory on 9/11.

Many extremists would be so disappointed in thinking that there is some little American kid typing away in his mothers basement who would deny them this monumental achievement in the world of terrorism.

You are making some old terrorist weep at this moment that you do not recognize the greatness of Allah and his disciples who were victorious over American infidels.

Shame on you. Making old muslim terrorists sad. Tchhh tchhhh.

Keep squirming.
Way yo dodge again you dishonest std bag.

Want to talk about morality? What the hell is so moral about indicting these Americans for the actions of the 9/11 terrorists? Ignore how you got slapped down for your dishonesty. Again.

You really are a stupid shit, Bent. I said the decision to build the mosque there is morally wrong. I am not indicting anyone, you fucking idiot. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims, I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with THIS MOSQUE being built IN THAT PLACE. If they were to build it elsewhere, I would be fine with it.

Your problem - like the rest of the borg - is that you are far too desperate to brand people as 'anti-Muslim'. That makes you a moron.

Thank you for proving your own dishonesty. Again

Bent, honey, your tourettic behavior is very, very, dull. On your way, little man.
It's funny to see you idiots squirm. If it was so easily proven they were all muslims at least one of you cowards would have posted the facts to back up your claim. Yet. You can't then get indignant for your own lack of evidence.


I'm not squirming and I'll pull an Axelrod/Rather/Mapes on you.

Prove to me they weren't muslims.

Or, don't tell me you are really Rosie in disguise......

"Everybody knows fire can't melt steel" kinda truther?

Now that type of idiocy aside, tell me you do realize that Al Qaeda is thrilled to death with their victory on 9/11.

Many extremists would be so disappointed in thinking that there is some little American kid typing away in his mothers basement who would deny them this monumental achievement in the world of terrorism.

You are making some old terrorist weep at this moment that you do not recognize the greatness of Allah and his disciples who were victorious over American infidels.

Shame on you. Making old muslim terrorists sad. Tchhh tchhhh.

Keep squirming.

Why would I squirm when I am pro moderate Muslim, have Muslim friends and have worked tirelessly for a decade and a half on behest of Muslim women specifically but not limited to Afghanistan?

I spend many hours working for human rights for Muslim women so why would I squirm?

Recently I've been deeply involved in attempting to prevent the stoning or hanging death of an Iranian mother called Sakineh Ashtiani so I ask again, why would I squirm?

It's smarmy fools like yourself who cannot have a rational conversation on Islam without pulling an olympic size knee jerk defense who truly hurt moderate muslims and stifle their voices.

The whole "look at me I'm defending all of Islam against the rest of the world I am great bullshit is pathetic.

You are no hero and you look like an ignorant fool.
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Dude...you are one sick MF.

See a doctor.

Btw...you link is shit. There's no article there other then a single paragraph. Try this one instead: 9/11 Families, Others Rally In Support Of Park51 Islamic Center

Also...these people have partnered with the ACLU and the Arab Muslim American Federation. Like they don't have an agenda. Then there's the Dialog Project, The New York City Chapter of the Humanist Party of which Glenn Beck said this:

“Then, of course, the Humanist Party is involved. They want to give you the right to vote. No, well, not you, but you if you’re a non-citizen i.e., illegal in New York.”

I see a plethora of anti-American interests here.

Lol! Who's dumb enough to cite huffpo?

I correctly predicted you would ignore that link. Here's two more for you to ignore:



Will you ever post those facts showing the terrorists were all muslims? Or is an ad him parade all you can provide you crybaby?

I didn't ignore it. I read it and then used it to find another that was better. Plus it helped me find some interesting facts to show your family members aren't mainstream.

And why should I post the facts on their religion. What are you? Some kind of drooling fucken idiot?

So you ignored 3 links I gave and you looked so hard to ignore the fact there are 9/11 families in support of the mosque you cited huffpo and beck.....lol. that is why you are a punk. You pretend to be honest when you're nothing but a spoiled agenda driven brat.

Do any of you dumbasses have proof all the terrorists were muslims? It's only been almost a full fucking decade and you still don't know basic facts. (Who's going to be the gold standard reetawrd and accuse me of not knowing facts simply because im asking for evidence?)
You really are a stupid shit, Bent. I said the decision to build the mosque there is morally wrong. I am not indicting anyone, you fucking idiot. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims, I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with THIS MOSQUE being built IN THAT PLACE. If they were to build it elsewhere, I would be fine with it.

Your problem - like the rest of the borg - is that you are far too desperate to brand people as 'anti-Muslim'. That makes you a moron.

Thank you for proving your own dishonesty. Again

Bent, honey, your tourettic behavior is very, very, dull. On your way, little man.

You lied about why you oppose the mosque, got called on it and are now engaging the only thing you know how to: run. Fucking cowards like you are why people have needlessly lost friends in iraq and afghanistan.
Lol! Who's dumb enough to cite huffpo?

I correctly predicted you would ignore that link. Here's two more for you to ignore:



Will you ever post those facts showing the terrorists were all muslims? Or is an ad him parade all you can provide you crybaby?

I didn't ignore it. I read it and then used it to find another that was better. Plus it helped me find some interesting facts to show your family members aren't mainstream.

And why should I post the facts on their religion. What are you? Some kind of drooling fucken idiot?

So you ignored 3 links I gave and you looked so hard to ignore the fact there are 9/11 families in support of the mosque you cited huffpo and beck.....lol. that is why you are a punk. You pretend to be honest when you're nothing but a spoiled agenda driven brat.

Do any of you dumbasses have proof all the terrorists were muslims? It's only been almost a full fucking decade and you still don't know basic facts. (Who's going to be the gold standard reetawrd and accuse me of not knowing facts simply because im asking for evidence?)

Sure there are Victim's of 9/11 Families that both support and are against the Mosque construction. The overwhelming majority are against the construction. You are delusional CurveLight. Osama is on hold, he want's you to stop now. He say's you are giving the Jihad a bad name. The Terrorist's don't want you on their side either. :lol:

I'm not squirming and I'll pull an Axelrod/Rather/Mapes on you.

Prove to me they weren't muslims.

Or, don't tell me you are really Rosie in disguise......

"Everybody knows fire can't melt steel" kinda truther?

Now that type of idiocy aside, tell me you do realize that Al Qaeda is thrilled to death with their victory on 9/11.

Many extremists would be so disappointed in thinking that there is some little American kid typing away in his mothers basement who would deny them this monumental achievement in the world of terrorism.

You are making some old terrorist weep at this moment that you do not recognize the greatness of Allah and his disciples who were victorious over American infidels.

Shame on you. Making old muslim terrorists sad. Tchhh tchhhh.

Keep squirming.

Why would I squirm when I am pro moderate Muslim, have Muslim friends and have worked tirelessly for a decade and a half on behest of Muslim women specifically but not limited to Afghanistan?

I spend many hours working for human rights for Muslim women so why would I squirm?

Recently I've been deeply involved in attempting to prevent the stoning or hanging death of an Iranian mother called Sakineh Ashtiani so I ask again, why would I squirm?

It's smarmy fools like yourself who cannot have a rational conversation on Islam without pulling an olympic size knee jerk defense who truly hurt moderate muslims and stifle their voices.

The whole "look at me I'm defending all of Islam against the rest of the world I am great bullshit is pathetic.

You are no hero and you look like an ignorant fool.

That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.
Thank you for proving your own dishonesty. Again

Bent, honey, your tourettic behavior is very, very, dull. On your way, little man.

You lied about why you oppose the mosque, got called on it and are now engaging the only thing you know how to: run. Fucking cowards like you are why people have needlessly lost friends in iraq and afghanistan.

With friends like them who needs enemies.

I'd settle for Kuwaitis and Jordanians. Oh and Israelis.
Keep squirming.

Why would I squirm when I am pro moderate Muslim, have Muslim friends and have worked tirelessly for a decade and a half on behest of Muslim women specifically but not limited to Afghanistan?

I spend many hours working for human rights for Muslim women so why would I squirm?

Recently I've been deeply involved in attempting to prevent the stoning or hanging death of an Iranian mother called Sakineh Ashtiani so I ask again, why would I squirm?

It's smarmy fools like yourself who cannot have a rational conversation on Islam without pulling an olympic size knee jerk defense who truly hurt moderate muslims and stifle their voices.

The whole "look at me I'm defending all of Islam against the rest of the world I am great bullshit is pathetic.

You are no hero and you look like an ignorant fool.

That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

Yeah...those punks are so dishonest.:gives:
Do any of you dumbasses have proof all the terrorists were muslims? It's only been almost a full fucking decade and you still don't know basic facts. (Who's going to be the gold standard reetawrd and accuse me of not knowing facts simply because im asking for evidence?)

OK I know I'm new and all. And I hate making snap judgements.

But have you ever seriously thought about asking your therapist to up the freaking voltage?

Electro shock really only works at certain levels.

Keep squirming.

Why would I squirm when I am pro moderate Muslim, have Muslim friends and have worked tirelessly for a decade and a half on behest of Muslim women specifically but not limited to Afghanistan?

I spend many hours working for human rights for Muslim women so why would I squirm?

Recently I've been deeply involved in attempting to prevent the stoning or hanging death of an Iranian mother called Sakineh Ashtiani so I ask again, why would I squirm?

It's smarmy fools like yourself who cannot have a rational conversation on Islam without pulling an olympic size knee jerk defense who truly hurt moderate muslims and stifle their voices.

The whole "look at me I'm defending all of Islam against the rest of the world I am great bullshit is pathetic.

You are no hero and you look like an ignorant fool.

That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

I do what I do because I've cared about the plight of muslim women for many years. I'm a staunch by the book old fashioned feminista who believes that Sharia is just a method to suppress the human rights of millions of women in the world.

I don't need or want your approval.
I didn't ignore it. I read it and then used it to find another that was better. Plus it helped me find some interesting facts to show your family members aren't mainstream.

And why should I post the facts on their religion. What are you? Some kind of drooling fucken idiot?

So you ignored 3 links I gave and you looked so hard to ignore the fact there are 9/11 families in support of the mosque you cited huffpo and beck.....lol. that is why you are a punk. You pretend to be honest when you're nothing but a spoiled agenda driven brat.

Do any of you dumbasses have proof all the terrorists were muslims? It's only been almost a full fucking decade and you still don't know basic facts. (Who's going to be the gold standard reetawrd and accuse me of not knowing facts simply because im asking for evidence?)

Sure there are Victim's of 9/11 Families that both support and are against the Mosque construction. The overwhelming majority are against the construction. You are delusional CurveLight. Osama is on hold, he want's you to stop now. He say's you are giving the Jihad a bad name. The Terrorist's don't want you on their side either. :lol:

It doesn't matter what the 9/11 families want you dumbass. Trying to tie these Americans who are building the islamic center to the 9/11 terrorists is utterly fucking ridiculous for two reasons:

1. These Americans have absolutely no responsibility for what happened on 9/11. Trying to assign guilt by association is indicting all muslims you fucking scarcrow dildo. Can you understand the absolute insanity of blaming millions for the actions of a few? Should the whole world blame every single american for the crimes at abu ghraib?

2. You are ensuring victory for the terrorists. What is the goal of terrorism? It is to inculcate fear into people for the explicit purpose of getting them to change and live based on fear instead of principles and values. Everytime you punk cowards celebrate 9/11 to try and justify irrational positions you are sending the message that terrorism is successful. Chew on that you fucking bitch.
Bent, honey, your tourettic behavior is very, very, dull. On your way, little man.

You lied about why you oppose the mosque, got called on it and are now engaging the only thing you know how to: run. Fucking cowards like you are why people have needlessly lost friends in iraq and afghanistan.

With friends like them who needs enemies.

I'd settle for Kuwaitis and Jordanians. Oh and Israelis.

Im talking about US troops you sooper dooper fucking stoopid reetawrd.
Why would I squirm when I am pro moderate Muslim, have Muslim friends and have worked tirelessly for a decade and a half on behest of Muslim women specifically but not limited to Afghanistan?

I spend many hours working for human rights for Muslim women so why would I squirm?

Recently I've been deeply involved in attempting to prevent the stoning or hanging death of an Iranian mother called Sakineh Ashtiani so I ask again, why would I squirm?

It's smarmy fools like yourself who cannot have a rational conversation on Islam without pulling an olympic size knee jerk defense who truly hurt moderate muslims and stifle their voices.

The whole "look at me I'm defending all of Islam against the rest of the world I am great bullshit is pathetic.

You are no hero and you look like an ignorant fool.

That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

I do what I do because I've cared about the plight of muslim women for many years. I'm a staunch by the book old fashioned feminista who believes that Sharia is just a method to suppress the human rights of millions of women in the world.

I don't need or want your approval.

You don't give a fuck about muslim women. You're the kind of hypocrite that would help muslim women get raped then try to justify it on the basis of saying all you did was help show why extremists are bad people.
That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

I do what I do because I've cared about the plight of muslim women for many years. I'm a staunch by the book old fashioned feminista who believes that Sharia is just a method to suppress the human rights of millions of women in the world.

I don't need or want your approval.

You don't give a fuck about muslim women. You're the kind of hypocrite that would help muslim women get raped then try to justify it on the basis of saying all you did was help show why extremists are bad people.

Aha. I see you are unhinged.

You have concluded from my few postings not only that I am anti muslim, but now I really want to help someone rape a muslim woman.


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