O'Reilly spoils The View

O'Reilly not only made two liberal idiots walk off the set by simply speaking the truth, he's also managed to piss off the looney left idiots on this board. Got to love it! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
we didn't attack the christian religion when the OK bombing happened.
By the mosk logic we should have gone against right wing christians like Timmy

Tim McVeigh wasn't a Christian. That's another one of the left wing myths. Dumb fuck.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was my problem with the Bush mentality of just letting them ramble on unchallenged. They start actually believing after hearing it for the millionth time, and that is just plain sad.
Anyways, back to O'Reilly. Did anyone disuss the possibility The View invited him on to boast THEIR ratings? I find it unlikely that only O'Reilly benefited from the invite. Nothing rallies the liberal troops like acting upset about Mr. O'Reilly.

My theory.... O'Reilly knew exactly what he was saying and knew exactly what the reaction would be. He played those drooling females like a fiddle. I've actually ordered 'Pinheads and Patriots' on the back of that interview - just because I thought he was funny. :lol::lol:
we didn't attack the christian religion when the OK bombing happened.
By the mosk logic we should have gone against right wing christians like Timmy

Tim McVeigh wasn't a Christian. That's another one of the left wing myths. Dumb fuck.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was my problem with the Bush mentality of just letting them ramble on unchallenged. They start actually believing after hearing it for the millionth time, and that is just plain sad.

One of those droolers on the View said it too.... Whoopass, I think. She's a fucking idiot. Very funny that they're so desperate to support terrorists that they lie on national tv. :lol: Only the truly dense fall for that crap.
Oriely is a fundementalist christian and is playing to that pagan fear. It's working on the pagan christians here.
Posted by callybitch:
"You're an hysterical ranter, accusing people for things for which you have absolutely no evidence. Moron."

So when you cannot support your claim you drop cry cry tears with the rep button. You must love getting bitch slapped. Here is an example of your dishonesty:

"The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them."

Then we see the real reason you are opposed:

"I said the decision to build the mosque there is morally wrong. I am not indicting anyone, you fucking idiot. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims, I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with THIS MOSQUE being built IN THAT PLACE. If they were to build it elsewhere, I would be fine with it."

So the real reason you are against it has nothing to do with the opinions of 9/11 families. You simply tried to use them to hide behind.

You also tried to say you are not using the "9/11 hijackers were muslims" as justification for opposing the mosque, yet we clearly see that is exactly what you are doing.

Good job on trying to say I have nothing to back up my accusation you are a lying shitbag.

I love that I bug you enough for you to quote me, Bent. TFF.

Muslims attacked us on 9/11. True story. :lol:

I think it's sad you got busted on lying and you are so void of self esteem you aren't even slightly embarrassed. Go suck some more ass you pathetic bitch.

Did you ever find any evidence they were muslims?
HAHAHA! Love him or hate him, this is freaking awesome. Anyone who makes the two dumbest people on the View shut up and walk off stage deserves a medal. If only it had been a permanent retiring from public life. I guess not even Bill O'Reilly has the ability to drive people permanently insane.


They couldn't shout the unflappable O'reilly down so they stormed out.
Oriely is a fundementalist christian and is playing to that pagan fear. It's working on the pagan christians here.

Pagan Christians?


I can attest to hot coffee hurting when it shoots out one's nose. You owe me a new keyboard.
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Typical libturds. I laughed my ass off. :lol:
So did I. Talk about an over reaction by Joy and Whoopie. What did they hope to prove with their storming off? Then they said they only returned because Bill publicly appologized to them. I guess I missed that part of it. :eusa_whistle:
Oriely is a fundementalist christian and is playing to that pagan fear. It's working on the pagan christians here.

Pagan Christians?


I can attest to hot coffee hurting when it shoots out one's nose. You owe me a new keyboard.

How about a free lesson on aoiding exposing your own ignorance?

Christian Pagan by Ogmios

One of the worst periods in Chistian history is when Constantine adopted it as official state religion. That was a fundamental marriage between paganism and christianity.
we didn't attack the christian religion when the OK bombing happened.
By the mosk logic we should have gone against right wing christians like Timmy

Tim McVeigh wasn't a Christian. That's another one of the left wing myths. Dumb fuck.

You're Clueless on every subject. He admitted being a christian in a time magazine interview

In his own words, he was an agnostic.

The Guardian reported that McVeigh wrote a letter to them claiming to be an agnostic and that he did not believe in a hell. McVeigh once said that he believed the universe was guided by natural law, energized by some universal higher power that showed each person right from wrong if they paid attention to what was going on inside them. He had also said, "Science is my religion."

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