O'Reilly spoils The View

Then they shouldn't have had him on the show.

agreed, racist morons Jesus freaks belong on fox:clap2:
A news channel with the highest ratings.

Highest rating means what? All it means is a majority watches FN and that is a sad commentary on the American public. There was a time when m jackson ands b spears had he highest music ratngs. Does that mean it was a great itdea to leave them alone with kids?

Fox has the highest rating based on factors that have nothing to do with quality of journalism.
agreed, racist morons Jesus freaks belong on fox:clap2:
A news channel with the highest ratings.

Highest rating means what? All it means is a majority watches FN and that is a sad commentary on the American public. There was a time when m jackson ands b spears had he highest music ratngs. Does that mean it was a great itdea to leave them alone with kids?

Fox has the highest rating based on factors that have nothing to do with quality of journalism.

We'll see how their voters respond at the polls this fall. Remember, they will also have a hand in reshaping America. Obama was given a chance by voters, including me, and he blew it.
I'll laugh at the hard on conservatards will get from the midterm win. Parties in power almost always lose in mid terms.
Identify your next fat old widestance white dude to Run in 12, then the only real race will be on.
I'll laugh at the hard on conservatards will get from the midterm win. Parties in power almost always lose in mid terms.
Identify your next fat old widestance white dude to Run in 12, then the only real race will be on.

It took Bush 6 years to lose his majority. Obama will lose his super majority in 2.
I'm hoping for Palin in 12. I don't see the fat old white establishment allowing it. Republicans would rather a Craig widestance clone.
I'm hoping for Palin in 12. I don't see the fat old white establishment allowing it. Republicans would rather a Craig widestance clone.

Healthcare costs will begin to kick in. The economy will still be down. The wars will still be raging. Unemployment will still be up. It really won't matter who runs against Obama.
agreed, racist morons Jesus freaks belong on fox:clap2:
A news channel with the highest ratings.

we are a very racist country, and we have a lot of white trash GED's:clap2:

You have the white trash part down pretty good. When's the GED test? In today's society, racist is either being extremely prejudice against a group or not allowing them to stand on their own two feet. You fall into category number two.
agreed, racist morons Jesus freaks belong on fox:clap2:
A news channel with the highest ratings.

we are a very racist country, and we have a lot of white trash GED's:clap2:

Too bad you're not smart enough to aquire a GED or you would be the white trash you're speaking of. Not using capital letters and placing commas where they don't belong and you have the audacity to put down those with GED's that are without question, a hell of a lot smarter than you. That's stupidity in a nutshell.
Tim McVeigh wasn't a Christian. That's another one of the left wing myths. Dumb fuck.

You're Clueless on every subject. He admitted being a christian in a time magazine interview

In his own words, he was an agnostic.

The Guardian reported that McVeigh wrote a letter to them claiming to be an agnostic and that he did not believe in a hell. McVeigh once said that he believed the universe was guided by natural law, energized by some universal higher p.jower that showed each person right from wrong if they paid attention to what was going on inside them. He had also said, "Science is my religion."

So your evidence boils down to somebody said mcveigh said he was agnostic. Yep. You sure are a fox fan. Fyi, the "science is my religion" quote did not come from mcveigh. It came from a book about mcveigh.

Time as a recorded interview from mcveigh where he admits to being a christian. Hell, even dumbass bush publicly stated mcveigh was a professed christian.
Timmy boy was hard core conservative christian like most of you GED cousin marriers are.
A news channel with the highest ratings.

Highest rating means what? All it means is a majority watches FN and that is a sad commentary on the American public. There was a time when m jackson ands b spears had he highest music ratngs. Does that mean it was a great itdea to leave them alone with kids?

Fox has the highest rating based on factors that have nothing to do with quality of journalism.

We'll see how their voters respond at the polls this fall. Remember, they will also have a hand in reshaping America. Obama was given a chance by voters, including me, and he blew it.

You're a fox fan and you voted for obushama? Lol! You're a walking buffet of @merican idiocy.
The View = 4 washed up TV actors who have no idea what's going on in the world around them, yet try to debate current events. Does anyone even watch that show, personally I grouped it with the same sort of genre as Maury and Jerry Springer. :eusa_wall:

Despite that fact O'Reilly rocked that show. Those old broads had no idea what hit them. Pretty funny shit :clap2:
some malitia wannbee's will be upset with that, as we see

Complete sentences with some attempt at capitalization and proper punctuation. I think you were going for wanna be. Possibly militia? Just what are we going to see? The GED must be two years out minimum.
Bill's and offensive PIG, lot's of woman would have walked.

Hey stupid, it's Bill's AN offensive..... not "Bill's AND offensive...."

My six year old grandkid is smarter than you.

Thank goodness for adoption!

My condolences to those that adopted you.

Topspun couldn't pass a GED test if the answers were given to him. For someone that claims to be so well educated he sure doesn't show it, as a matter of fact I have grandchildren that exhibit more intelligence than Topspun does. But go ahead and defend the clown, if you must.

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