O'Reilly spoils The View

Hey stupid, it's Bill's AN offensive..... not "Bill's AND offensive...."

My six year old grandkid is smarter than you.

Thank goodness for adoption!

My condolences to those that adopted you.

Topspun couldn't pass a GED test if the answers were given to him. For someone that claims to be so well educated he sure doesn't show it, as a matter of fact I have grandchildren that exhibit more intelligence than Topspun does. But go ahead and defend the clown, if you must.

Yep. You are too slow to comprehend. Let me help you understand I was pointing out if you have a smart grandkid adoption is the only explanation.
Thank goodness for adoption!

My condolences to those that adopted you.

Topspun couldn't pass a GED test if the answers were given to him. For someone that claims to be so well educated he sure doesn't show it, as a matter of fact I have grandchildren that exhibit more intelligence than Topspun does. But go ahead and defend the clown, if you must.

Yep. You are too slow to comprehend. Let me help you understand I was pointing out if you have a smart grandkid adoption is the only explanation.

No, I understood your lame attempt at insulting me perfectly and it failed miserably.

But I reckon failure is something you're quite used to.
Lonestarged I bet you married your cousin

Learn to spell you stupid fuck!

People who complain about typos on a message board are seriously in trouble.
( It's really cool I didn't have to type any of this out)

I'm not complaining, I'm demanding. The stupid fuck wants everyone to believe he's so fucking smart yet he consistently butchers the english language. If you fail to see the hypocrisy then you are as stupid as he is. Wise up!
Learn to spell you stupid fuck!

People who complain about typos on a message board are seriously in trouble.
( It's really cool I didn't have to type any of this out)

I'm not complaining, I'm demanding. The stupid fuck wants everyone to believe he's so fucking smart yet he consistently butchers the english language. If you fail to see the hypocrisy then you are as stupid as he is. Wise up!

"Learn how to spell" is complaining about typos you fucking backwater toad scraper.
The View = 4 washed up TV actors who have no idea what's going on in the world around them, yet try to debate current events. Does anyone even watch that show, personally I grouped it with the same sort of genre as Maury and Jerry Springer. :eusa_wall:

Despite that fact O'Reilly rocked that show. Those old broads had no idea what hit them. Pretty funny shit :clap2:

Are you trying to be topical?


Sorry, but this thread was declared a Curvelight Toxic Retard Site more than several pages ago.:(
The View = 4 washed up TV actors who have no idea what's going on in the world around them, yet try to debate current events. Does anyone even watch that show, personally I grouped it with the same sort of genre as Maury and Jerry Springer. :eusa_wall:

Despite that fact O'Reilly rocked that show. Those old broads had no idea what hit them. Pretty funny shit :clap2:

Are you trying to be topical?


Sorry, but this thread was declared a Curvelight Toxic Retard Site more than several pages ago.:(

that was so dishonest you punk:eusa_angel: [just kidding...i'm just repeating curves' entire vocabulary]
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This was so stupid. I'm glad O'Reilly made those two yentas walk their expanding asses off the stage.
I can't believe how inappropriate Bill was behaving. These women wanted to have an intelligible discourse on a national program designed for female viewers, and this jerk-off storms on their with the testosterone level of a raging bull. Not exactly a tactful nor effective displacement of hormones. You don't walk onto a show and start screaming at everyone who invited you there. That is slightly disrespectful. When he has people on his show, they start to get upset, and he is able to yell right back, and effectively silence the guest usually, because he is man with an extremely powerful and voluminous tone who is able simply to instill fear in people and intimidate. Does that make any of what he ever says or his talking points correct? I would venture on no. You think that makes Bill right because he was able to talk over a few woman? Give me a break. What's worse, is that Bill was actually yelling at them. It was very disrespectful, and in poor taste, and it just shows that Bill cares more about shouting out his views and stepping on anyone who disagrees than having a sensible dialogue on an adult level. He has to yell and scream, because he can't handle dissent. He's like a little kid. If I was Whoopie and I had this asshole on my show who was screaming at me and all of my co-workers and wouldn't let anyone else get a word in edgewise, I would have stormed off, or hit him in the fucking face. More important is the fact that his talking point about moving the mosque because of 911 families is fucking stupid. You don't change the constitution to accommodate the sorrows of a few families. My heart goes out to them, but we are not going to change that which made our country what it is.
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The View = 4 washed up TV actors who have no idea what's going on in the world around them, yet try to debate current events. Does anyone even watch that show, personally I grouped it with the same sort of genre as Maury and Jerry Springer. :eusa_wall:

Despite that fact O'Reilly rocked that show. Those old broads had no idea what hit them. Pretty funny shit :clap2:

Are you trying to be topical?


Sorry, but this thread was declared a Curvelight Toxic Retard Site more than several pages ago.:(

I'm trying to build my rep and post count lol, I'm still watching to see who's who. I'm learning pretty fast who's a pretty rational debater...and who's just a retard. I did want to get an actual opinion in on the topic regardless of the last few pages. 90% of the thread does seem to be FAIL though :(

Please excuse my on-topic-ness :eusa_angel:
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I can't believe how inappropriate Bill was behaving. These women wanted to have an intelligible discourse on a national program designed for female viewers, and this jerk-off storms on their with the testosterone level of a raging bull. Not exactly a tactful nor effective displacement of hormones. You don't walk onto a show and start screaming at everyone who invited you there. That is slightly disrespectful. When he has people on his show, they start to get upset, and he is able to yell right back, and effectively silence the guest usually, because he is man with an extremely powerful and voluminous tone who is able simply to instill fear in people and intimidate. Does that make any of what he ever says or his talking points correct? I would venture on no. You think that makes Bill right because he was able to talk over a few woman? Give me a break. What's worse, is that Bill was actually yelling at them. It was very disrespectful, and in poor taste, and it just shows that Bill cares more about shouting out his views and stepping on anyone who disagrees than having a sensible dialogue on an adult level. He has to yell and scream, because he can't handle dissent. He's like a little kid. If I was Whoopie and I had this asshole on my show who was screaming at me and all of my co-workers and wouldn't let anyone else get a word in edgewise, I would have stormed off, or hit him in the fucking face. More important is the fact that his talking point about moving the mosque because of 911 families is fucking stupid. You don't change the constitution to accommodate the sorrows of a few families. My heart goes out to them, but we are not going to change that which made our country what it is.

Whoopie and Joy were the ones that started screaming the moment....THE MOMENT...Bills said the word Muslims....like it's now the "M-Word".

So we can't say Muslims anymore? It took a grand total of 45 seconds for those fair minded women to storm off the stage. They showed their asses and made themselves look foolish because they started screaming rather then talking. They wanted to make a spectacle because they hate anyone like Bill O'Reilly. They are the bigots...not O'Reilly. They are the ones showing a lack of tolerance.

Btw.....Wonder why there are no men on that panel? What happened to diversity? I think it's discriminatory and the DOJ needs to bring a lawsuit against The View.
These women wanted to have an intelligible discourse on a national program designed for female viewers


These women NEVER have an intelligent discourse on anything. It's just one big cluster fuck. It can't even be called a debate as it more closely resembles a 4 sided argument in which none of the contestants took the time to actually research the topic. It's a pathetic show that fills an unwanted time spot on the air waves.

Bill is right, and they freaked out, that's all that happened. If this is the programming women have to put up with to satisfy an interest in politics than I severely pity them. Someone should make a REAL female oriented political show.

Sorry I'm on topic still :eusa_angel:
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The View = 4 washed up TV actors who have no idea what's going on in the world around them, yet try to debate current events. Does anyone even watch that show, personally I grouped it with the same sort of genre as Maury and Jerry Springer. :eusa_wall:

Despite that fact O'Reilly rocked that show. Those old broads had no idea what hit them. Pretty funny shit :clap2:

Are you trying to be topical?


Sorry, but this thread was declared a Curvelight Toxic Retard Site more than several pages ago.:(

When you get bitch slapped as often as you do the only way to keep posting is to keep being a crybaby. You dumbasses ever find any facts proving the hijackers were all muslims? (Of course not. That is why you have nothing but ad homs)

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