O'Reilly spoils The View

It is even more funny you can't walk away from it.

The bulk of my comments have been centered around asking for factual evidence proving the terrorists were all muslims and after asking about 7 times none of you have been able to produce that evidence. You're so sad you will respond again without backing up your claim.

Are you really that fucking stupid? The hijackers were members of Al-Qaeda which is a militant Islamist group. Get your head out of your ass and wise up!


You are starting to scare me Lonestar, Of course, Curved Arrow is that Fucking Stupid, and about as useful. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dumbasses like you make claims you can't support.

True story.

You deny the hijackers were muslim?

It's impossible to deny what has not been proven. I've asked several times for evidence they were muslims but nobody has provided the proof. Seems a lot of people accept rumors if it's what they want to hear.

There is a major conflict in selling the story they were muslims on a jihad while many engaged in behavior contradictory to their own faith.

Agents of terror leave their mark on Sin City / Las Vegas workers recall the men they can't forget - SFGate

If they were die hard committed muslims on a jihad why would they flaunt behavior completely contradictory to that claim?

Really that the best you got? Hell man I know devout Christians that have done things that would not be permitted under Christian principles. Fact is these men were anticipating their own death so why wouldn't they have a few more hoorahs? Another fact is these men were members of Al-Qaeda a known islamic terrorist cell.

When you fail, you fail big.
You deny the hijackers were muslim?

It's impossible to deny what has not been proven. I've asked several times for evidence they were muslims but nobody has provided the proof. Seems a lot of people accept rumors if it's what they want to hear.

There is a major conflict in selling the story they were muslims on a jihad while many engaged in behavior contradictory to their own faith.

Agents of terror leave their mark on Sin City / Las Vegas workers recall the men they can't forget - SFGate

If they were die hard committed muslims on a jihad why would they flaunt behavior completely contradictory to that claim?

Really that the best you got? Hell man I know devout Christians that have done things that would not be permitted under Christian principles. Fact is these men were anticipating their own death so why wouldn't they have a few more hoorahs? Another fact is these men were members of Al-Qaeda a known islamic terrorist cell.

When you fail, you fail big.

So basically you cannot explain the contradiction and you have no evidence they were muslims. Then you say I fail? Lol!
Are you really that fucking stupid? The hijackers were members of Al-Qaeda which is a militant Islamist group. Get your head out of your ass and wise up!


Congratulations. You know how to use the link feature. Was that your only purpose in linking the report? Surely you aren't dumb enough to think linking the entire report backs up your claim......then again....you have proven to be a dumbass quite regularly.

As a matter of fact the report backs up my claim quite effectively. And you have presented nothing to support your argument that shows the hijackers were not muslim or they were not members of Al-Qaeda.

I have posted evidence they were not faithful muslims but you go on ignoring what you don't like to see. It's what I expect from the nationalists on this board.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.
The bulk of my comments have been centered around asking for factual evidence proving the terrorists were all muslims and after asking about 7 times none of you have been able to produce that evidence. You're so sad you will respond again without backing up your claim.

Are you really that fucking stupid? The hijackers were members of Al-Qaeda which is a militant Islamist group. Get your head out of your ass and wise up!


You are starting to scare me Lonestar, Of course, Curved Arrow is that Fucking Stupid, and about as useful. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow. I can't wait to read that!
It's impossible to deny what has not been proven. I've asked several times for evidence they were muslims but nobody has provided the proof. Seems a lot of people accept rumors if it's what they want to hear.

There is a major conflict in selling the story they were muslims on a jihad while many engaged in behavior contradictory to their own faith.

Agents of terror leave their mark on Sin City / Las Vegas workers recall the men they can't forget - SFGate

If they were die hard committed muslims on a jihad why would they flaunt behavior completely contradictory to that claim?

Really that the best you got? Hell man I know devout Christians that have done things that would not be permitted under Christian principles. Fact is these men were anticipating their own death so why wouldn't they have a few more hoorahs? Another fact is these men were members of Al-Qaeda a known islamic terrorist cell.

When you fail, you fail big.

So basically you cannot explain the contradiction and you have no evidence they were muslims. Then you say I fail? Lol!

They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?
Congratulations. You know how to use the link feature. Was that your only purpose in linking the report? Surely you aren't dumb enough to think linking the entire report backs up your claim......then again....you have proven to be a dumbass quite regularly.

As a matter of fact the report backs up my claim quite effectively. And you have presented nothing to support your argument that shows the hijackers were not muslim or they were not members of Al-Qaeda.

I have posted evidence they were not faithful muslims but you go on ignoring what you don't like to see. It's what I expect from the nationalists on this board.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

No one said they were "faithful muslims" what was said is that they were in fact muslims. And thanks for finally admitting what I knew all along.
As a matter of fact the report backs up my claim quite effectively. And you have presented nothing to support your argument that shows the hijackers were not muslim or they were not members of Al-Qaeda.

I have posted evidence they were not faithful muslims but you go on ignoring what you don't like to see. It's what I expect from the nationalists on this board.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

No one said they were "faithful muslims" what was said is that they were in fact muslims. And thanks for finally admitting what I knew all along.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)
I can't believe how inappropriate Bill was behaving. These women wanted to have an intelligible discourse on a national program designed for female viewers, and this jerk-off storms on their with the testosterone level of a raging bull. Not exactly a tactful nor effective displacement of hormones. You don't walk onto a show and start screaming at everyone who invited you there. That is slightly disrespectful. When he has people on his show, they start to get upset, and he is able to yell right back, and effectively silence the guest usually, because he is man with an extremely powerful and voluminous tone who is able simply to instill fear in people and intimidate. Does that make any of what he ever says or his talking points correct? I would venture on no. You think that makes Bill right because he was able to talk over a few woman? Give me a break. What's worse, is that Bill was actually yelling at them. It was very disrespectful, and in poor taste, and it just shows that Bill cares more about shouting out his views and stepping on anyone who disagrees than having a sensible dialogue on an adult level. He has to yell and scream, because he can't handle dissent. He's like a little kid. If I was Whoopie and I had this asshole on my show who was screaming at me and all of my co-workers and wouldn't let anyone else get a word in edgewise, I would have stormed off, or hit him in the fucking face. More important is the fact that his talking point about moving the mosque because of 911 families is fucking stupid. You don't change the constitution to accommodate the sorrows of a few families. My heart goes out to them, but we are not going to change that which made our country what it is.

Whoopie and Joy were the ones that started screaming the moment....THE MOMENT...Bills said the word Muslims....like it's now te "M-Word".

So we can't say Muslims anymore? It took a grand total of 45 seconds for those fair minded women to storm off the stage. They showed their asses and made themselves look foolish because they started screaming rather then talking. They wanted to make a spectacle because they hate anyone like Bill O'Reilly. They are the bigots...not O'Reilly. They are the ones showing a lack of tolerance.

Btw.....Wonder why there are no men on that panel? What happened to diversity? I think it's discriminatory and the DOJ needs to bring a lawsuit against The View.

Haha... that's funny. It's a show for women, hence, it has only women on it. The obvious consequence being that there are no men. Discriminatory? Are you upset about the View? Are you going to file a lawsuit?

They are actually very rational woman when it comes to political debate, ESPECIALLY Whoopie. They are intelligent, either street or book smart, and have the ability to communicate their ideas somewhat effectively. They have to be, dealing with Hasselback, the right wing nut on the show.

They may dislike Bill's political points of view, but what they were probably aware of Bill's predisposition to make wild outbursts, inflammatory rhetoric , and throw temper tantrums. They know they can't compete in volume or projection with the tone of Bill O, so they got defensive. That is pretty natural, don't you think? No, probably not, you just think they are haters because Bill speaks the absolute truth and anything anyone says against his word is a defiant liberal and there is no room for any other opinion.

I hate to say it, but, exemplified by your response, your type of thinking- shortsighted, judgemental- is what is killing this country. Please stop hating. I don't hate Bill. I actually respect him for his strength of opinion and think he can sometimes be on the ball. I only hate those who are intolerant and think they have the answer for everything, and that is a fault of mine to be hating. I shouldn't hate anybody, but it's hard not to because I also have very strong opinions, as do many of us here, which is why we are here.
Really that the best you got? Hell man I know devout Christians that have done things that would not be permitted under Christian principles. Fact is these men were anticipating their own death so why wouldn't they have a few more hoorahs? Another fact is these men were members of Al-Qaeda a known islamic terrorist cell.

When you fail, you fail big.

So basically you cannot explain the contradiction and you have no evidence they were muslims. Then you say I fail? Lol!

They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?

You keep saying it is a "fact" they were muslims but you haven't shown a shread of evidence proving it. Since you are finally beginning to realize you can't support your claim you try to deflect by accusing me of defending terrorists.

You're such a lost little bitch you cannot comprehend the principles of honesty.
So your just attributing the display by Whoopi and Joy as an off day? They invited him on knowing what they wanted to do and got owned. If it is a show for women, why did they invite Mr. O'Reilly? 2:1 odds and they lost. Some debate skills there.
So your just attributing the display by Whoopi and Joy as an off day? They invited him on knowing what they wanted to do and got owned. If it is a show for women, why did they invite Mr. O'Reilly? 2:1 odds and they lost. Some debate skills there.

It is a show for women, yet they can't invite males on to get a different perspective? Is that what you are suggesting? If anything, I think they are pretty brave for facing Bill O.

It wasn't a debate. It was a yelling match. Big difference. No points were gotten across, no one was listening, it was just a case of who can yell louder, and that will always go to Bill O. Does that make him smarter or correct? No, not at all. If anything, the guy that needs to yell to prove his point is probably wrong if he feels the need to be so abrasive in order to force his point through.
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Really that the best you got? Hell man I know devout Christians that have done things that would not be permitted under Christian principles. Fact is these men were anticipating their own death so why wouldn't they have a few more hoorahs? Another fact is these men were members of Al-Qaeda a known islamic terrorist cell.

When you fail, you fail big.

So basically you cannot explain the contradiction and you have no evidence they were muslims. Then you say I fail? Lol!

They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?

You are starting to scare me Lonestar, Of course, Curved Arrow is that Fucking Stupid, and about as useful. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow. I can't wait to read that!

You are not yet worthy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope im never worthy because the greatest possible insult from you would be an endorsement.
So your just attributing the display by Whoopi and Joy as an off day? They invited him on knowing what they wanted to do and got owned. If it is a show for women, why did they invite Mr. O'Reilly? 2:1 odds and they lost. Some debate skills there.

It is a show for women, yet they can't invite males on to get a different perspective? Is that what you are suggesting? If anything, I think they are pretty brave for facing Bill O.

It wasn't a debate. It was a yelling match. Big difference. No points were gotten across, no one was listening, it was just a case of who can yell louder, and that will always go to Bill O. Does that make him smarter or correct? No, not at all. If anything, the guy that needs to yell to prove his point is probably wrong if he feels the need to be so abrasive in order to force his point through.

If there was no point made, then why did the audience support Bill? Your a total fail on this one.
I have posted evidence they were not faithful muslims but you go on ignoring what you don't like to see. It's what I expect from the nationalists on this board.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

No one said they were "faithful muslims" what was said is that they were in fact muslims. And thanks for finally admitting what I knew all along.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.
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Really that the best you got? Hell man I know devout Christians that have done things that would not be permitted under Christian principles. Fact is these men were anticipating their own death so why wouldn't they have a few more hoorahs? Another fact is these men were members of Al-Qaeda a known islamic terrorist cell.

When you fail, you fail big.

So basically you cannot explain the contradiction and you have no evidence they were muslims. Then you say I fail? Lol!

They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?

You are starting to scare me Lonestar, Of course, Curved Arrow is that Fucking Stupid, and about as useful. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow. I can't wait to read that!

You are not yet worthy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope im never worthy because the greatest possible insult from you would be an endorsement.
No one said they were "faithful muslims" what was said is that they were in fact muslims. And thanks for finally admitting what I knew all along.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

What evidence do you have the hijackers saw themselves as special muslims on a mission from god?
So basically you cannot explain the contradiction and you have no evidence they were muslims. Then you say I fail? Lol!

They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?

You keep saying it is a "fact" they were muslims but you haven't shown a shread of evidence proving it. Since you are finally beginning to realize you can't support your claim you try to deflect by accusing me of defending terrorists.

You're such a lost little bitch you cannot comprehend the principles of honesty.

It is a fact and one that you have already acknowledged. I understand you didn't intend to acknowledge it, but you did. Fact is they were members of Al-Qaeda, that fact has never been disputed. Another fact is that Al-Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist group and likewise this fact has not been disputed.
They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?

You keep saying it is a "fact" they were muslims but you haven't shown a shread of evidence proving it. Since you are finally beginning to realize you can't support your claim you try to deflect by accusing me of defending terrorists.

You're such a lost little bitch you cannot comprehend the principles of honesty.

It is a fact and one that you have already acknowledged. I understand you didn't intend to acknowledge it, but you did. Fact is they were members of Al-Qaeda, that fact has never been disputed. Another fact is that Al-Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist group and likewise this fact has not been disputed.

You're a lying fuck. I never said they were muslims. What I pointed out wa IF they were muslims then they weren't faithful muslims which makes the whole "9/11 hijackers were muslims" a moot point. Keep trying to lie you sick fucking punk.

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