O'Reilly spoils The View

They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?

You keep saying it is a "fact" they were muslims but you haven't shown a shread of evidence proving it. Since you are finally beginning to realize you can't support your claim you try to deflect by accusing me of defending terrorists.

You're such a lost little bitch you cannot comprehend the principles of honesty.

It is a fact and one that you have already acknowledged. I understand you didn't intend to acknowledge it, but you did. Fact is they were members of Al-Qaeda, that fact has never been disputed. Another fact is that Al-Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist group and likewise this fact has not been disputed.

So your just attributing the display by Whoopi and Joy as an off day? They invited him on knowing what they wanted to do and got owned. If it is a show for women, why did they invite Mr. O'Reilly? 2:1 odds and they lost. Some debate skills there.

It is a show for women, yet they can't invite males on to get a different perspective? Is that what you are suggesting? If anything, I think they are pretty brave for facing Bill O.

It wasn't a debate. It was a yelling match. Big difference. No points were gotten across, no one was listening, it was just a case of who can yell louder, and that will always go to Bill O. Does that make him smarter or correct? No, not at all. If anything, the guy that needs to yell to prove his point is probably wrong if he feels the need to be so abrasive in order to force his point through.

If there was no point made, then why did the audience support Bill? Your a total fail on this one.

Who the hell cares what the audience members thought? I would gag at the thought of turning the channel to the view and you're talking about people who took the time to get tickets to sit in the fucking audience.

However, there is an obvious answer to your question. Dildoreilly blamed 9/11 on muslims and the audience, much like some fools on this thread, applaud any form of xenophobia that affords them the ability to keep living in a fantasy pie.
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You keep saying it is a "fact" they were muslims but you haven't shown a shread of evidence proving it. Since you are finally beginning to realize you can't support your claim you try to deflect by accusing me of defending terrorists.

You're such a lost little bitch you cannot comprehend the principles of honesty.

It is a fact and one that you have already acknowledged. I understand you didn't intend to acknowledge it, but you did. Fact is they were members of Al-Qaeda, that fact has never been disputed. Another fact is that Al-Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist group and likewise this fact has not been disputed.

You're a lying fuck. I never said they were muslims. What I pointed out wa IF they were muslims then they weren't faithful muslims which makes the whole "9/11 hijackers were muslims" a moot point. Keep trying to lie you sick fucking punk.

Say what? That's like saying that the husband that cheats isn't really a Husband, yes he is, he's just an unfaithful husband. I would also argue that what they did is part of Islam
No one said they were "faithful muslims" what was said is that they were in fact muslims. And thanks for finally admitting what I knew all along.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

More liberal puke to step in. There is no morality, because my morality isn't your morality. No one can judge. Everything is subjective. Those are simply the debate points of the losing side without principles or a moral compass.
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It is a fact and one that you have already acknowledged. I understand you didn't intend to acknowledge it, but you did. Fact is they were members of Al-Qaeda, that fact has never been disputed. Another fact is that Al-Qaeda is an Islamic terrorist group and likewise this fact has not been disputed.

You're a lying fuck. I never said they were muslims. What I pointed out wa IF they were muslims then they weren't faithful muslims which makes the whole "9/11 hijackers were muslims" a moot point. Keep trying to lie you sick fucking punk.

Say what? That's like saying that the husband that cheats isn't really a Husband, yes he is, he's just an unfaithful husband. I would also argue that what they did is part of Islam

Being a husband is a legal status easily verified so your attempted analogy is piss poor like every argument you try to make. As for what you would try to argue about islam....I truly don't give a shit.
So basically you cannot explain the contradiction and you have no evidence they were muslims. Then you say I fail? Lol!

They were muslims and you can choose to ignore that fact and you can choose to defend them. It only makes you more of an idiot. Next you'll be saying that they weren't members of Al-Qaeda and if they were, Al-Qaeda has nothing to do to with Islam. Tell me, how does it feel defending muslim terrorist? Does it make you feel proud?

Wow. I can't wait to read that!

You are not yet worthy. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope im never worthy because the greatest possible insult from you would be an endorsement.

You are endorsed. Try not to swallow your tongue, Bent Light.
Spam on then, you are dismissed. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

More liberal puke to step in. There is no morality, because my morality isn't your morality. No one can judge. Everything is subjective. Those are simply the debate points of the losing side without principles or a moral compass.

You're one of the dumbasses celebrating 9/11 and trying to blame islam for terrorists but you want to preach about a moral compass? Lol.....fucking jackass.
I just learned some more info on the op. Walters criticized her two co-hosts for walking off and Dildoreilly apologized for what he said. Why is it some dumbasses give half a story to try and celebrate their own fantasies?
No one said they were "faithful muslims" what was said is that they were in fact muslims. And thanks for finally admitting what I knew all along.

Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

They were practicing Sharia Law which to many Muslims is the only sect that directly follows the Koran. To them they were Muslim and everyone else is an Apostate.

Unlike Christianity Islam's origins began with war. It's impossible for a religion to be that of peace when it's origins are in war. Christianity is not the Old Testament where all of the wars in the Bible are contained. The New Testament is where Christianity began.
I just learned some more info on the op. Walters criticized her two co-hosts for walking off and Dildoreilly apologized for what he said. Why is it some dumbasses give half a story to try and celebrate their own fantasies?

...All of that was in the video with the OP. How is that new information? Where is the half story? I just commented on the portion I thought was hilarious. Namely, the two children running off stage while the adults clarified the situation.
i just learned some more info on the op. Walters criticized her two co-hosts for walking off and dildoreilly apologized for what he said. Why is it some dumbasses give half a story to try and celebrate their own fantasies?

o’reilly: All right. If anybody felt that i was demeaning all muslims, i apologize.
Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

What evidence do you have the hijackers saw themselves as special muslims on a mission from god?

Well, I can't say for certain, but then, can you be certain of anything in life? It's about as certain as certain gets that these people thought they were Muslim. I can't get inside their brain, but you don't need to. There IS information you can rely on in this world, and you CAN make sound inferences from it. This is a pretty basic inference, and I don't see why I need evidence, even if that were possible.
Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

More liberal puke to step in. There is no morality, because my morality isn't your morality. No one can judge. Everything is subjective. Those are simply the debate points of the losing side without principles or a moral compass.

You believe you can judge? I thought, only God can judge? In the bible it says to not be judgmental, to be humble... I'm confused. Who said there is no morality? There is moral relativism, by the way. That is a fact. It exists. Moral objectivity as the bible-beaters try to institute, is a farce concept that only right wing religious fanatics insist on, and what you wrote implied that you believe in an objective morality, I assume inspired by the bible. What is funny is that even if morality is inspired by the bible, it is still subjective because it depends on how you interpret the bible.

More importantly, even if I am a liberal, which I wouldn't altogether say I am, although I certainly have some liberal views, how did what I wrote represent liberal beliefs? All I did was break down the argument because it was becoming ambiguous.
This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

What evidence do you have the hijackers saw themselves as special muslims on a mission from god?

Well, I can't say for certain, but then, can you be certain of anything in life? It's about as certain as certain gets that these people thought they were Muslim. I can't get inside their brain, but you don't need to. There IS information you can rely on in this world, and you CAN make sound inferences from it. This is a pretty basic inference, and I don't see why I need evidence, even if that were possible.

You don't need evidence to arrive at a conclusion? You have a lot of bosom buddies on this board.
Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

What evidence do you have the hijackers saw themselves as special muslims on a mission from god?

Every one of them made a video or wrote a statement showing they were ready to die and why. This is standard for every suicide bomber or Muslim about to kill themselves or others. I'm sure these topics were discussed.
Quote the specific part of the report that proves they were muslims.

(Ignoring that again will absolutely prove the report doesn't say what you claimed it does)

This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

They were practicing Sharia Law which to many Muslims is the only sect that directly follows the Koran. To them they were Muslim and everyone else is an Apostate.

Unlike Christianity Islam's origins began with war. It's impossible for a religion to be that of peace when it's origins are in war. Christianity is not the Old Testament where all of the wars in the Bible are contained. The New Testament is where Christianity began.

What evidence do you have they were practicing sharia law? Looks like more bullshit.

Christianity and Islam have a lot more in common than Christianity and Judaism. But keep peddling your ignorance as it is slightly humorous.
This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

They were practicing Sharia Law which to many Muslims is the only sect that directly follows the Koran. To them they were Muslim and everyone else is an Apostate.

Unlike Christianity Islam's origins began with war. It's impossible for a religion to be that of peace when it's origins are in war. Christianity is not the Old Testament where all of the wars in the Bible are contained. The New Testament is where Christianity began.

What evidence do you have they were practicing sharia law? Looks like more bullshit.

Christianity and Islam have a lot more in common than Christianity and Judaism. But keep peddling your ignorance as it is slightly humorous.

You're asking some really silly questions. You shouldn't be calling everyone ignorant when you don't seem to know shit. Go put your head back under that rock.
This seems to be a dead-end argument.

What is true, and not debatable, is that the terrorists themselves believed that they were Muslims. They did not see themselves as radicals, but as those fulfilling the full word of the Koran, more than any other Muslims. they probably saw, and see themselves as 'special' and 'chosen' and therefore justified in being given incredible moral leeway in their actions. It is necessary to believe you are special if you are going to forgo basic moral principles contained in a religious framework.

Whether they are considered Muslim by the outside world is a different story, and is one open to debate. That should end this little tit-for-tat, because it is a subjective debate. You can't PROVE they are Muslim or not, because it is not an objective fact, it is a subjective one. They (the 911 hijackers) believed they were, undoubtedly, yet everyone who witnesses, hears, and reads about them, their beliefs, and especially their actions, may believe otherwise, saying that they are not in fact Muslims by virtue of their gross misconduct in lieu of what their religion actually preaches. They kill when their religion tells them they can't. Are abortion clinic doctor-killers Christians? I would say DEFINITELY NOT. They maintain they are fulfilling the duty of God, AS A CHRISTIAN, to the fullest, yet by any objective standard, they are way out of line within the moral framework of Christianity, outlined most simply in the first ten commandments- thou shalt not kill. End of argument, for me, yet that is just my opinion of those Christians and those Terrorists- they are not Christians, and not Muslims.

Make up your own mind. Not everybody is going to agree, but what is objectively true is that there is no objectivity to this.

What evidence do you have the hijackers saw themselves as special muslims on a mission from god?

Every one of them made a video or wrote a statement showing they were ready to die and why. This is standard for every suicide bomber or Muslim about to kill themselves or others. I'm sure these topics were discussed.

Then post the links proving those videos and statements exist from the terrorists.
They were practicing Sharia Law which to many Muslims is the only sect that directly follows the Koran. To them they were Muslim and everyone else is an Apostate.

Unlike Christianity Islam's origins began with war. It's impossible for a religion to be that of peace when it's origins are in war. Christianity is not the Old Testament where all of the wars in the Bible are contained. The New Testament is where Christianity began.

What evidence do you have they were practicing sharia law? Looks like more bullshit.

Christianity and Islam have a lot more in common than Christianity and Judaism. But keep peddling your ignorance as it is slightly humorous.

You're asking some really silly questions. You shouldn't be calling everyone ignorant when you don't seem to know shit. Go put your head back under that rock.

You consider asking for evidence to support a claim a "silly question?" Hahahaha.....freaking punk. You can't support your claims and you're to much of a callybitch to be honest.

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