O'Reilly spoils The View

That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

I do what I do because I've cared about the plight of muslim women for many years. I'm a staunch by the book old fashioned feminista who believes that Sharia is just a method to suppress the human rights of millions of women in the world.

I don't need or want your approval.

You don't give a fuck about muslim women. You're the kind of hypocrite that would help muslim women get raped then try to justify it on the basis of saying all you did was help show why extremists are bad people.

There is a well know case of an older Iraqi woman who had approximately 80 young women raped so she could turn them into suicide bombers.

Her name is Shamira Jassim.

Would you consider that mainstream or extreme?

I consider that extreme.
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So you ignored 3 links I gave and you looked so hard to ignore the fact there are 9/11 families in support of the mosque you cited huffpo and beck.....lol. that is why you are a punk. You pretend to be honest when you're nothing but a spoiled agenda driven brat.

Do any of you dumbasses have proof all the terrorists were muslims? It's only been almost a full fucking decade and you still don't know basic facts. (Who's going to be the gold standard reetawrd and accuse me of not knowing facts simply because im asking for evidence?)

Sure there are Victim's of 9/11 Families that both support and are against the Mosque construction. The overwhelming majority are against the construction. You are delusional CurveLight. Osama is on hold, he want's you to stop now. He say's you are giving the Jihad a bad name. The Terrorist's don't want you on their side either. :lol:

It doesn't matter what the 9/11 families want you dumbass. Trying to tie these Americans who are building the islamic center to the 9/11 terrorists is utterly fucking ridiculous for two reasons:

1. These Americans have absolutely no responsibility for what happened on 9/11. Trying to assign guilt by association is indicting all muslims you fucking scarcrow dildo. Can you understand the absolute insanity of blaming millions for the actions of a few? Should the whole world blame every single american for the crimes at abu ghraib?

2. You are ensuring victory for the terrorists. What is the goal of terrorism? It is to inculcate fear into people for the explicit purpose of getting them to change and live based on fear instead of principles and values. Everytime you punk cowards celebrate 9/11 to try and justify irrational positions you are sending the message that terrorism is successful. Chew on that you fucking bitch.

I just love it when you talk dirty. It's really butch, bitch. I really hate to remind you that first off you cannot account for where the money is coming from. Second the Term "Victory Mosque did not originate outside of Islam, or independent of it. I guess that you, not being Muslim, and you probably being publicly educated and all, would have no concept of what I'm saying. What I want to know from you is do your veins bulge and pop out of your head when you try to think... or respond to our posts????? Don't swallow your tongue now. ;)
You lied about why you oppose the mosque, got called on it and are now engaging the only thing you know how to: run. Fucking cowards like you are why people have needlessly lost friends in iraq and afghanistan.

With friends like them who needs enemies.

I'd settle for Kuwaitis and Jordanians. Oh and Israelis.

Im talking about US troops you sooper dooper fucking stoopid reetawrd.

What are you....fucken twelve?

What are the odds of a swell guy like you posting a reply that isn't full of insults and isn't patently ridiculous?

Let's see....who's the top 5 trolls on USMB?

5. Dante
4. Huggy
3. Shaman
2. Ravi
1. CurveLight
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With friends like them who needs enemies.

I'd settle for Kuwaitis and Jordanians. Oh and Israelis.

Im talking about US troops you sooper dooper fucking stoopid reetawrd.

What are you....fucken twelve?

What are the odds of a swell guy like you posting a reply that isn't full of insults and isn't patently ridiculous?

Let's see....who's the top 5 trolls on USMB?

5. Dante
4. Huggy
3. Shaman
2. Ravi
1. CurveLight

Of course you consider anyone who reveals your stupidity to be a troll. Afterall, your main reason for being here is to pretend to be what you are not. The only way you can succeed is to ignore all of your fuck ups.
Sure there are Victim's of 9/11 Families that both support and are against the Mosque construction. The overwhelming majority are against the construction. You are delusional CurveLight. Osama is on hold, he want's you to stop now. He say's you are giving the Jihad a bad name. The Terrorist's don't want you on their side either. :lol:

It doesn't matter what the 9/11 families want you dumbass. Trying to tie these Americans who are building the islamic center to the 9/11 terrorists is utterly fucking ridiculous for two reasons:

1. These Americans have absolutely no responsibility for what happened on 9/11. Trying to assign guilt by association is indicting all muslims you fucking scarcrow dildo. Can you understand the absolute insanity of blaming millions for the actions of a few? Should the whole world blame every single american for the crimes at abu ghraib?

2. You are ensuring victory for the terrorists. What is the goal of terrorism? It is to inculcate fear into people for the explicit purpose of getting them to change and live based on fear instead of principles and values. Everytime you punk cowards celebrate 9/11 to try and justify irrational positions you are sending the message that terrorism is successful. Chew on that you fucking bitch.

I just love it when you talk dirty. It's really butch, bitch. I really hate to remind you that first off you cannot account for where the money is coming from. Second the Term "Victory Mosque did not originate outside of Islam, or independent of it. I guess that you, not being Muslim, and you probably being publicly educated and all, would have no concept of what I'm saying. What I want to know from you is do your veins bulge and pop out of your head when you try to think... or respond to our posts????? Don't swallow your tongue now. ;)

If you are going to continue to keep ignoring the posts you quote could you at least try to be entertaining so it isn't an absolute waste of time?

I see none of you have been able to provide evidence all the hijackers were muslim and you collectively keep ignoring that fact.
Keep squirming.

Why would I squirm when I am pro moderate Muslim, have Muslim friends and have worked tirelessly for a decade and a half on behest of Muslim women specifically but not limited to Afghanistan?

I spend many hours working for human rights for Muslim women so why would I squirm?

Recently I've been deeply involved in attempting to prevent the stoning or hanging death of an Iranian mother called Sakineh Ashtiani so I ask again, why would I squirm?

It's smarmy fools like yourself who cannot have a rational conversation on Islam without pulling an olympic size knee jerk defense who truly hurt moderate muslims and stifle their voices.

The whole "look at me I'm defending all of Islam against the rest of the world I am great bullshit is pathetic.

You are no hero and you look like an ignorant fool.

That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

You make the claim that they were not Muslims. It is for you to prove that they weren't. We're all waiting for the evidence to back that shit up. :lol::lol:
I do what I do because I've cared about the plight of muslim women for many years. I'm a staunch by the book old fashioned feminista who believes that Sharia is just a method to suppress the human rights of millions of women in the world.

I don't need or want your approval.

You don't give a fuck about muslim women. You're the kind of hypocrite that would help muslim women get raped then try to justify it on the basis of saying all you did was help show why extremists are bad people.

There is a well know case of an older Iraqi woman who had approximately 80 young women raped so she could turn them into suicide bombers.

Her name is Shamira Jassim.

Would you consider that mainstream or extreme?

I consider that extreme.

You shouldn't post your real name on an open forum.
Why would I squirm when I am pro moderate Muslim, have Muslim friends and have worked tirelessly for a decade and a half on behest of Muslim women specifically but not limited to Afghanistan?
I spend many hours working for human rights for Muslim women so why would I squirm?

Recently I've been deeply involved in attempting to prevent the stoning or hanging death of an Iranian mother called Sakineh Ashtiani so I ask again, why would I squirm?

It's smarmy fools like yourself who cannot have a rational conversation on Islam without pulling an olympic size knee jerk defense who truly hurt moderate muslims and stifle their voices.

The whole "look at me I'm defending all of Islam against the rest of the world I am great bullshit is pathetic.

You are no hero and you look like an ignorant fool.

That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

You make the claim that they were not Muslims. It is for you to prove that they weren't. We're all waiting for the evidence to back that shit up. :lol::lol:

You claimed they were all muslims so the burden of proof is on you dumbass. Of course, you lied about why you were against the mosque so I doubt you have any ability to back up your own claims.

What's even more entertaining is I've seen you tell people they are responsible for supporting their own claims yet here you are refusing to bring evidence for your claim. Skank hypocrite.
we didn't attack the christian religion when the OK bombing happened.
By the mosk logic we should have gone against right wing christians like Timmy
Posted by callybitch:
"You're an hysterical ranter, accusing people for things for which you have absolutely no evidence. Moron."

So when you cannot support your claim you drop cry cry tears with the rep button. You must love getting bitch slapped. Here is an example of your dishonesty:

"The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them."

Then we see the real reason you are opposed:

"I said the decision to build the mosque there is morally wrong. I am not indicting anyone, you fucking idiot. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims, I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with THIS MOSQUE being built IN THAT PLACE. If they were to build it elsewhere, I would be fine with it."

So the real reason you are against it has nothing to do with the opinions of 9/11 families. You simply tried to use them to hide behind.

You also tried to say you are not using the "9/11 hijackers were muslims" as justification for opposing the mosque, yet we clearly see that is exactly what you are doing.

Good job on trying to say I have nothing to back up my accusation you are a lying shitbag.
Here's a nearly airtight analogy. There are us soldiers who have been convicted of war crimes on iraq. Many of these crimes would qualify as terrorism if perped by civilians. So here is the question:

Have any of you fucking anti american crybabies demanded the us not build military bases in the same places those crimes were committed? Have any of you ever polled iraqis to find out how they feel about us bases being constructed in the same places war crimes were committed? Or have you yet to realize iraqis are human too?
Islam does not condone terrorism. In case you haven't noticed, we are ALLIED with MUSLIMS in Iraq and Afghanistan,

against terrorists.

Complete Bullshit alert. Obama's war in Afghanistan is just a drug war now. There are no terrorists left in Iraq.

Why is Obama a liar and still there?
That all sounds eerily like a racist saying "some of my best friends are black." You think your bullshit fantasy resume carries any weight?

It's hilarious you accuse someone of being smarmy for simply asking for evidence the terrorists were muslims.

What other bullshit you trying to sell? Not one of you fucking punks has even attempted to support your claims but you circle the wagons like pure idiots.

You make the claim that they were not Muslims. It is for you to prove that they weren't. We're all waiting for the evidence to back that shit up. :lol::lol:

You claimed they were all muslims so the burden of proof is on you dumbass. Of course, you lied about why you were against the mosque so I doubt you have any ability to back up your own claims.

What's even more entertaining is I've seen you tell people they are responsible for supporting their own claims yet here you are refusing to bring evidence for your claim. Skank hypocrite.

There's already evidence that they were Muslims.... except for the 'truthers'... and, frankly, if you're a 911 truther, I really can't be arsed with you.
Posted by callybitch:
"You're an hysterical ranter, accusing people for things for which you have absolutely no evidence. Moron."

So when you cannot support your claim you drop cry cry tears with the rep button. You must love getting bitch slapped. Here is an example of your dishonesty:

"The reason I am opposed to the mosque is based solely on the overwhelming opinion of New Yorkers and families of the victims of 9/11. They don't want it, they say it is offensive. I support them."

Then we see the real reason you are opposed:

"I said the decision to build the mosque there is morally wrong. I am not indicting anyone, you fucking idiot. I have absolutely no problem with Muslims, I have no problem with Islam. I have a problem with THIS MOSQUE being built IN THAT PLACE. If they were to build it elsewhere, I would be fine with it."

So the real reason you are against it has nothing to do with the opinions of 9/11 families. You simply tried to use them to hide behind.

You also tried to say you are not using the "9/11 hijackers were muslims" as justification for opposing the mosque, yet we clearly see that is exactly what you are doing.

Good job on trying to say I have nothing to back up my accusation you are a lying shitbag.

I love that I bug you enough for you to quote me, Bent. TFF.

Muslims attacked us on 9/11. True story. :lol:
Anyways, back to O'Reilly. Did anyone disuss the possibility The View invited him on to boast THEIR ratings? I find it unlikely that only O'Reilly benefited from the invite. Nothing rallies the liberal troops like acting upset about Mr. O'Reilly.
CurveLights dazzling brilliance just astonishes me. I am beyond words.

Sort of reminds me of the Black Knight. ;)


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