O’Reilly: ‘The White Republican Power Structure Is Afraid of Black Americans’

Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

You do realize 80% of white homicides are by whites? Or does Stormfront not report such stats?
Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

You do 80% of white homicides are by whites? Or does Stormfront not report such stats?

Try that again?..."coherent" this time if you can.
Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

You do realize 80% of white homicides are by whites? Or does Stormfront not report such stats?

Why do Blacks commit murder at 7 times the rate than Whites?
Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

You do realize 80% of white homicides are by whites? Or does Stormfront not report such stats?

Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crimes in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population.
Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

You do realize 80% of white homicides are by whites? Or does Stormfront not report such stats?

Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crimes in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population.

Damn, if they had all the advantages and privileges of whites, their rate might be one-third. Thankfully, their rate of hatred is much less too. Go stroke your hatred with your gunz.
Damn, if they had all the advantages and privileges of whites, their rate might be one-third. Thankfully, their rate of hatred is much less too. Go stroke your hatred with your gunz.

So it's white people's fault that negroes commit crimes....Yeah..that's completely plausible.
There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved....

jesse jackson
Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).

Not if he's an armed, ignorant tbagger.

The main cause of death for black males in america is....

other black males.

You do realize 80% of white homicides are by whites? Or does Stormfront not report such stats?

Negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crimes in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population.

Damn, if they had all the advantages and privileges of whites, their rate might be one-third. Thankfully, their rate of hatred is much less too. Go stroke your hatred with your gunz.

From the movie "Bulworth"..... talk about nailing something that is NOT discussed!

Angry black woman: Are you sayin' the Democratic Party don't care about the African-American community?
Bullworth: Isn't that OBVIOUS? You got half your kids are out of work and the other half are in jail. Do you see ANY Democrat doing anything about it? Certainly not me! So what're you gonna do, vote Republican? Come on! Come on, you're not gonna vote Republican! Let's call a spade a spade!
[Loud, angry booing]
Bullworth: I mean - come on! You can have a Billion Man March! If you don't put down that malt liquor and chicken wings, and get behind someone other than a running back who stabs his wife, you're NEVER gonna get rid of somebody like me!
Going forward, can you indicated whether or not you watched the clip or not?

Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.


you two are such ugly human beings. I don't care what color you are you have such ugly hearts and souls

Of COURSE the GOP is afraid to discuss race. They, like most other Americans, have become paralyzed by PC, knowing that the moment they say anything within a hundred miles of race they'll be labeled "racist" by the PC Police, and their point will be derailed and forgotten (which is the strategy of PC). The natural human instinct is to avoid being attacked.

I've been assuming that the only way this is going to change is if people en masse stand up to the PC Police loudly and clearly, and that very few have shown that kind of courage (particularly politicians).

But now I'm not so sure. There are cracks forming in the wall, courtesy of Black Americans themselves. It's happening very slowly, to be sure, but it's happening more consistently now. Black Americans appear to be waking up to what has been happening to them. That takes even MORE bravery, by far. Good for them.

The conditioning that American Blacks have been getting from birth for generations now may be losing its grip. Nothing could be better for them, and for America.

Black "Americans" has bought into how they are always a poor victim of everyone else and just sat back allowed things to get where they are for themselves. The people in the country has bent over backwards with (affirmative action, their own college funds, Naacp, etc) and yet it is white people who get blamed for their lives

Maybe they shouldn't of swallowed the Democrat party line they would be better off today
Black "Americans" has bought into how they are always a poor victim of everyone else and just sat back allowed things to get where they are for themselves. The people in the country has bent over backwards with (affirmative action, their own college funds, Naacp, etc) and yet it is white people who get blamed for their lives

Maybe they shouldn't of swallowed the Democrat party line they would be better off today

When any human being, ethnicity irrelevant, is told from the day they're born that life is unfair and people of another ethnicity are out to get them, and that their only option is to wait for someone else to help them, they're going to be distrustful of that other ethnicity and they're going to expect someone else to help them. They're also going to allow others to make excuses for them and lower standards for them, because they feel entitled.

And when they become completely isolated from the rest of society as a result, how can that be a surprise?

Human nature.

Frankly, it's tough for me to blame Black Americans when this is what has been drummed into them from Day One, and worse, for generations.

Black "Americans" has bought into how they are always a poor victim of everyone else and just sat back allowed things to get where they are for themselves. The people in the country has bent over backwards with (affirmative action, their own college funds, Naacp, etc) and yet it is white people who get blamed for their lives

Maybe they shouldn't of swallowed the Democrat party line they would be better off today

Racial solidarity is all that matters to them. They are raised in a constant atmosphere of racial resentment and jealousy.
It can't be "fixed". They need an enemy and excuses for their dysfunction and it's easy to blame white people. We've been used as an easy punching bag who won't say or do anything about it.
Except white people are waking up...there will be a backlash eventually.
Frankly, it's tough for me to blame Black Americans when this is what has been drummed into them from Day One, and worse, for generations.

Bad logic there.
They are responsible for their own actions. No more damned excuses.

Of COURSE the GOP is afraid to discuss race. They, like most other Americans, have become paralyzed by PC, knowing that the moment they say anything within a hundred miles of race they'll be labeled "racist" by the PC Police, and their point will be derailed and forgotten (which is the strategy of PC). The natural human instinct is to avoid being attacked.

I've been assuming that the only way this is going to change is if people en masse stand up to the PC Police loudly and clearly, and that very few have shown that kind of courage (particularly politicians).

But now I'm not so sure. There are cracks forming in the wall, courtesy of Black Americans themselves. It's happening very slowly, to be sure, but it's happening more consistently now. Black Americans appear to be waking up to what has been happening to them. That takes even MORE bravery, by far. Good for them.

The conditioning that American Blacks have been getting from birth for generations now may be losing its grip. Nothing could be better for them, and for America.

You can't really be this DENSE.

The point isn't that GOP is afraid to talk about RACE, it's that they are afraid of BLACKS. Period.

Get it!?!?!

Of COURSE the GOP is afraid to discuss race. They, like most other Americans, have become paralyzed by PC, knowing that the moment they say anything within a hundred miles of race they'll be labeled "racist" by the PC Police, and their point will be derailed and forgotten (which is the strategy of PC). The natural human instinct is to avoid being attacked.

I've been assuming that the only way this is going to change is if people en masse stand up to the PC Police loudly and clearly, and that very few have shown that kind of courage (particularly politicians).

But now I'm not so sure. There are cracks forming in the wall, courtesy of Black Americans themselves. It's happening very slowly, to be sure, but it's happening more consistently now. Black Americans appear to be waking up to what has been happening to them. That takes even MORE bravery, by far. Good for them.

The conditioning that American Blacks have been getting from birth for generations now may be losing its grip. Nothing could be better for them, and for America.

You can't really be this DENSE.

The point isn't that GOP is afraid to talk about RACE, it's that they are afraid of BLACKS. Period.

Get it!?!?!

yes..yes...all white people are afraid of the mighty negro :blsmile: and something you saw on some television show proves it..ok..ok..we get it....... :rolleyes:

whatever..get over yourself, boy.

Of COURSE the GOP is afraid to discuss race. They, like most other Americans, have become paralyzed by PC, knowing that the moment they say anything within a hundred miles of race they'll be labeled "racist" by the PC Police, and their point will be derailed and forgotten (which is the strategy of PC). The natural human instinct is to avoid being attacked.

I've been assuming that the only way this is going to change is if people en masse stand up to the PC Police loudly and clearly, and that very few have shown that kind of courage (particularly politicians).

But now I'm not so sure. There are cracks forming in the wall, courtesy of Black Americans themselves. It's happening very slowly, to be sure, but it's happening more consistently now. Black Americans appear to be waking up to what has been happening to them. That takes even MORE bravery, by far. Good for them.

The conditioning that American Blacks have been getting from birth for generations now may be losing its grip. Nothing could be better for them, and for America.

You can't really be this DENSE.

The point isn't that GOP is afraid to talk about RACE, it's that they are afraid of BLACKS. Period.

Get it!?!?!

We disagree.

Of course people are afraid to talk about race.

And there are plenty on the Left who are just fine with that.

I don't know if you're being obtuse or if you really don't know this. Whichever.


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