O’Reilly: ‘The White Republican Power Structure Is Afraid of Black Americans’

MarcATL makes another dishonest, half truth, out of context thread again.
The video is 10 minutes long. There is a WHOLE lot said in it - as well as a ton of things against the Democrat party, basically they abuse and misuse the black support to get votes when in reality - THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE BLACK RACE.

Gee - why didn't Marc highlight this??

The PC Police intimidate people into keeping their mouths shut on race, then they whine when people are afraid to talk about race.


Or an excellent strategy.

Many white people have grown tired of the constant drone over the past 50 years to concede to whatever minorities want/don't want, like/don't like, offends/doesn't offend them.

Many white people are interested in supporting our heritage, culture, traditions and customs without being ridiculed or made fun of.

Many white, working class people resent having to bear most of the burden of funding extravagant social programs that discourage hard work and individual responsibility.
Social programs used to be a temporary safety net, but in the past 50 years or so they have become a way of life with generation after generation of welfare recipients in the same family.

The democratic party policy is basically to take money from people who work and "redistribute" it to people who don't....and/or to fund their pet projects and social "programs"..
Blacks make up 13% of the population and in 2012 cast 17,000,000 out of 132,000,000 votes.

A "successful" black strategy would be to ignore them, and all their apologizers.

I mean seriously. It's like when you're watching a football game and the opposing team runs the ball once every 20 plays. You want your team focused on defending the pass. If you give up a run once every 20 plays, so be it, You win by stopping their passing game.

Those 17M votes mean nothing. Write them off as what they are, people who are NEVER going to vote against the people who give them free shit, so why bother trying. Focus on stopping the other party from getting the white vote. That's how you win.

Sooner or later, guess what would happen. That's right - just like the football team that figures out "hey they're letting us run like crazy, so let's stop passing so often" the blacks will figure out "hey we are being marginalized because the party that keeps winning doesn't give a shit about us if we don't try to fit in with them"

All these loons who say the conservatives don't care about the average black? Why do you guys argue with them? They're right, I don't care about the average black. I care about what's best for my family and my country, in that order. Blacks can get with the program or perish, who cares either way.

That doesn't mean be a racist turd or anything of that nature, it simply means stop pandering to them at ALL, it will never be successful and their votes are not needed if you get your core constituency anyway.
Blacks make up 13% of the population and in 2012 cast 17,000,000 out of 132,000,000 votes.

A "successful" black strategy would be to ignore them, and all their apologizers.

I mean seriously. It's like when you're watching a football game and the opposing team runs the ball once every 20 plays. You want your team focused on defending the pass. If you give up a run once every 20 plays, so be it, You win by stopping their passing game.

Those 17M votes mean nothing. Write them off as what they are, people who are NEVER going to vote against the people who give them free shit, so why bother trying. Focus on stopping the other party from getting the white vote. That's how you win.

Sooner or later, guess what would happen. That's right - just like the football team that figures out "hey they're letting us run like crazy, so let's stop passing so often" the blacks will figure out "hey we are being marginalized because the party that keeps winning doesn't give a shit about us if we don't try to fit in with them"

All these loons who say the conservatives don't care about the average black? Why do you guys argue with them? They're right, I don't care about the average black. I care about what's best for my family and my country, in that order. Blacks can get with the program or perish, who cares either way.

That doesn't mean be a racist turd or anything of that nature, it simply means stop pandering to them at ALL, it will never be successful and their votes are not needed if you get your core constituency anyway.
Yeah the democrats have been successfully convincing blacks to commit genocide... now the democrats are switching to latinos as their golden vote group.

The PC Police intimidate people into keeping their mouths shut on race, then they whine when people are afraid to talk about race.


Or an excellent strategy.

Many white people have grown tired of the constant drone over the past 50 years to concede to whatever minorities want/don't want, like/don't like, offends/doesn't offend them.

Many white people are interested in supporting our heritage, culture, traditions and customs without being ridiculed or made fun of.

Many white, working class people resent having to bear most of the burden of funding extravagant social programs that discourage hard work and individual responsibility.
Social programs used to be a temporary safety net, but in the past 50 years or so they have become a way of life with generation after generation of welfare recipients in the same family.

The democratic party policy is basically to take money from people who work and "redistribute" it to people who don't....and/or to fund their pet projects and social "programs"..

The really nasty thing to me is that surely the PC Police know that their behavior and strategy exacerbate any and all tensions between blacks & whites, they don't improve them.

Yet they continue.

I think some people are beginning to see this now.


The PC Police intimidate people into keeping their mouths shut on race, then they whine when people are afraid to talk about race.


Or an excellent strategy.

Many white people have grown tired of the constant drone over the past 50 years to concede to whatever minorities want/don't want, like/don't like, offends/doesn't offend them.

Many white people are interested in supporting our heritage, culture, traditions and customs without being ridiculed or made fun of.

Many white, working class people resent having to bear most of the burden of funding extravagant social programs that discourage hard work and individual responsibility.
Social programs used to be a temporary safety net, but in the past 50 years or so they have become a way of life with generation after generation of welfare recipients in the same family.

The democratic party policy is basically to take money from people who work and "redistribute" it to people who don't....and/or to fund their pet projects and social "programs"..

The really nasty thing to me is that surely the PC Police know that their behavior and strategy exacerbate any and all tensions between blacks & whites, they don't improve them.

Yet they continue.

I think some people are beginning to see this now.


Who are you talking about?
Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.

Reminds me of a Bill Maher joke.

There are two things conservatives can't stand: 1. Being called a racist;" and ........................... 2. Black people.

And another one: 3. Racist liberals like Bill Maher and you.
Based on your headline I thought "O'Reilly sure is stupid" but then I read your link and I spotted one kernal of non-stupidity which was this comment "they don’t want to be called a racist bigot, so they stay away.”

Here's another part of his comment which is inarticulate but could be interpreted, with some spin, as having some substance: "They don’t know how to treat them, they don’t know how to speak to them,"

What do the terms "treat" and "speak" mean? Taken at face value the sentence makes O'Reilly look like an idiot. Blacks don't need to be spoken to or treated any differently than anyone else. Just talk to them you idiot.

I suspect though that "treat" and "speak" refer to policies which appeal to blacks. If this is what he meant, then he's right. There's nothing that the Republicans can do to appeal to blacks, meaning some form of black-focused policy based on race, which wouldn't blow the gaskets off of the anti-racist whites who constitute the bulk of Republican voters. They're Republicans because they reject the race-based nonsense which is rampant in the Democratic Party.

The Republicans capture some black votes, more Hispanic and Asian votes, but mostly white votes and they capture from all groups based on ONE message. There is no special way of speaking to Asians in order to showcase the appeal of the Republicans, the message that Asians get is the same one that whites and Hispanics and blacks gets. It's apparent that this message doesn't work very well when blacks hear it. Republicans know this. So "speak" and "treat" very likely imply "policy" and on that O'Reilly is correct, Republicans don't know how to craft policy which appeals to blacks while simultaneously not pissing off their anti-racist white, Hispanic, and Asian voters.
Every group except white males voted overwhelming for Obama not once, but TWICE.

Including all the ones you listed, Histpanic, Asian, etc.

Based on the results of the election on November 4th, they all regret their blind stupidity fueled by political correctness and fear of being called racist by true and genuine racists like you.
Yep, I was watching his show, which I watch most every night, and he began with Tavis Smiley in a robust debate.

He ended up saying this crazy, and kooky thing

"The White Republican Power Structure Is Afraid of Black Americans"

Is there any wonder why the GOP has such a bad track record with blacks?


Rauner won 20% of the black vote, so I think it goes going in the right direction. Also the ONLY black American in the Senate is a Republican and a hell of a great man indeed.

We have a nice up in comer in Mia Love and the hits will keep rolling!
don't ever fall for it again when they try and tell black people aren't frikken RACIST

THIS thread is a fine EXAMPLE for you. White power structure

do tell us what about the BLACK power structure, Asian, Japanese, Indian, etc. who are they afraid of you all know all about who whites are

Blacks make up 13% of the population and in 2012 cast 17,000,000 out of 132,000,000 votes.

A "successful" black strategy would be to ignore them, and all their apologizers.

I mean seriously. It's like when you're watching a football game and the opposing team runs the ball once every 20 plays. You want your team focused on defending the pass. If you give up a run once every 20 plays, so be it, You win by stopping their passing game.

Those 17M votes mean nothing. Write them off as what they are, people who are NEVER going to vote against the people who give them free shit, so why bother trying. Focus on stopping the other party from getting the white vote. That's how you win.

Sooner or later, guess what would happen. That's right - just like the football team that figures out "hey they're letting us run like crazy, so let's stop passing so often" the blacks will figure out "hey we are being marginalized because the party that keeps winning doesn't give a shit about us if we don't try to fit in with them"

All these loons who say the conservatives don't care about the average black? Why do you guys argue with them? They're right, I don't care about the average black. I care about what's best for my family and my country, in that order. Blacks can get with the program or perish, who cares either way.

That doesn't mean be a racist turd or anything of that nature, it simply means stop pandering to them at ALL, it will never be successful and their votes are not needed if you get your core constituency anyway.
Sounds like s real winning strategy!

Blacks KILL twice as many whites every year..450 to 190.

Looking at what's going on in furgason. I doubt that will make whites trust you anymore.
Yep, I was watching his show, which I watch most every night, and he began with Tavis Smiley in a robust debate.

He ended up saying this crazy, and kooky thing

"The White Republican Power Structure Is Afraid of Black Americans"

Is there any wonder why the GOP has such a bad track record with blacks?

Back in the 60's democrats feared the blacks
‎”These Negroes, they‘re getting pretty uppity these days and that‘s a problem for us since they‘ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we‘ve got to do something about this, we‘ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

~Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat)

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