Origin of our species

The 6000 year old earther's will just claim the measuring process is flawed.
A mere 6000 years? That notion is just as stupid as claiming that our ancestors just magically appeared on Earth a mere 400,000 years ago.
Just had my DNA done by 23andme. Turns out I am at least 4% neanderthal. Wife said she thought it would be far higher than that.

Probably not accurate. They like selling the kits and charging for the tests, though, and it seems to make people happy, like their grandma telling them they're handsome and smart.

DNA Ancestry Tests Are 'Meaningless' for Your Historical Genealogy Search

The 6000 year old earther's will just claim the measuring process is flawed.

Well, that's because it is; DNA testing isn't accurate, and gets even less accurate when the DNA is over 5,000 years old. Not that some old fossils of extinct species of apes constitutes proof of human evolution. The entire collection will fit on an average sized dining room table, and there is no chain of evidence whatsoever over those 'millions of years'.

The idea that all humans came from the same place and same ancestors is ludicrous anyway; not enough time for all the different variations to have evolved into such distinct races and sub-races.

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