Orlando and Gun Control: An Inconvenient Truth

One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

This is provably false.

The city with the highest murder rate in the country also has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
Rural states have many, many times the number of firearms as compared to people and yet have the lowest crime rates. dumbass
One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

This is provably false.

The city with the highest murder rate in the country also has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
Rural states have many, many times the number of fire arms as compared to people and yet have the lowest crime rates. dumbass

So places with few people have low crime rates...
One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

This is provably false.

The city with the highest murder rate in the country also has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
Rural states have many, many times the number of fire arms as compared to people and yet have the lowest crime rates. dumbass

So places with few people have low crime rates...
Have you no reading comprehension, I said they have many, many times the number of firearms as compared to people. Want me to spell it out for you. You anti-gun nutters insist on more firearms means more crime. That is not true there's many, many times the firearms as compared to population...
In western South Dakota more people drown than are killed by firearms, and the state is awash in firearms.
Several times more firearms than there are people…
Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

This is provably false.

The city with the highest murder rate in the country also has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
Rural states have many, many times the number of fire arms as compared to people and yet have the lowest crime rates. dumbass

So places with few people have low crime rates...
Have you no reading comprehension, I said they have many, many times the number of firearms as compared to people. Want me to spell it out for you. You anti-gun nutters insist on more firearms means more crime. That is not true there's many, many times the firearms as compared to population...
In western South Dakota more people drown than are killed by firearms, and the state is awash in firearms.
Several times more firearms than there are people…

Those Morons have no idea what per capita means.

If you really believe magazine limits don't slow shooters then you have no reason to oppose them.

You are confused. How come you are always confused about everything?

There are 100s of millions of high capacity magazines in this country and if there was a demand then many more would come over illegally across the Mexican border.

If anybody needed a high capacity magazine to commit a crime then it wouldn't take much to get one.

California has a ban on high capacity magazines and that didn't do anything to stop Obama's Muslim couple from killing Christians, did it?

The only people that wouldn't have them are the law abiding citizen that never would have used them in a crime in the first place.

Gun control laws do nothing to stop gun crimes. All the gun control laws do is restrict Constitutional liberties.

Gun control stopped this guy before people were killed.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

You are obviously very wrong.

I cannot believe how confused you are.

Detective work involving an informant prevented the terrorist attack, not a gun control law. Do you understand the difference or are you simply confused?

It has been illegal to have a machine gun not taxed as a Class III since 1934 but that didn't stop the terrorist from planning to use one, did it?

Another example of how stupid gun control laws don't deter crime.

That is an example of Libtard confusion.

Stoner worked for Armalite. That was a division of Fairchild aviation.

While an employee of Armalite Stoner developed the AR-15 as a military project because that was the big market for semi auto guns in those days.

Stoner may have developed the design but Armalite held the patent. It was not Stoner's rifle to sell.

Due to a successful concept Armalite was able to sell the design to Colt who developed it into the M-16.

Armalite continued to design and sell an AR-15 type rifle (AR-18) to civilians. Stoner was involved in the development of the AR-18 for the civilian market so any claims that he didn't want a semi auto magazine fed rifles to civilians is bogus.

Colt has sold the AR rifles to the civilian market since 1963.

Here is a 1963 ad

One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

This is provably false.

The city with the highest murder rate in the country also has some of the most lax gun laws in the country.
Rural states have many, many times the number of firearms as compared to people and yet have the lowest crime rates. dumbass

Is that so?

What do you mean by a "rural" state?

Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Montana, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Georgia, Mississippi, Indiana, Kentucky, Alaska, and Alabama all have higher murder rates than New York.

Louisiana has the highest murder rate of any state in the country, and some of the most lax gun laws.

These are all facts.
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That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop these atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals think gun control laws will stop these atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws and gun free zone signs are, just words written on a piece of paper.

He easily went to the store and bought mass killing guns. That is the problem. Not even slowed by reloads.

A six shot revolver is a mass killing gun moron.
One of my gay friends asked me: "Take me shooting with you. I want to buy a gun."

Gun Sales Soar as Gay Community Arms Itself in Orlando Aftermath

Right cause the lack of gun control in FL helped. Real official tracking by the way. Gun store owners claim surge in sales.
More guns less crime... Fact

No it is not. FL has tons of guns and are far from the least amount of crime. Above average homicide rate. Stop pushing blatant lies. The US has more guns than anywhere and high crime rates compared to many countries with few guns.

Wrong....moron......4.7 million Americans carried guns in 2007....up from 2 million in the 1990s......13 million now carry guns in 2016...and the crime rate went down, not up...the gun murder rate went down, not up...
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.

wrong.....actual research shows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with the number of dead in a mass shooting......in a club like this packed with people who are drunk or high......you can achieve the same thing with a six shot revovler asshole.....
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.

And had the people in there had guns he never would have attacked them.....and if they had guns in there that night more lives would have been saved...straight from survivor statements asswipe....
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

Boy.....the stupid is strong with you today.......the terrorists in France had to buy their actual, fully automatic weapons illegally....and did so easily and instead of killing 49 people, they killed 140 and wounded hundreds of others....

Gun laws don't stop terrorists.......gun free zones get people murdered asshole.
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.

wrong.....actual research shows that magazine capacity has nothing to do with the number of dead in a mass shooting......in a club like this packed with people who are drunk or high......you can achieve the same thing with a six shot revovler asshole.....

He had 3 hours. I could kill 50 people and injure another 50 with any gun you could mention in three hours.
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.

And had the people in there had guns he never would have attacked them.....and if they had guns in there that night more lives would have been saved...straight from survivor statements asswipe....

Anyone can imagine themselves as an Action Hero. In reality, it rarely works out like that.

Allowing people to carry guns into nightclubs is an asinine idea.
We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

Boy.....the stupid is strong with you today.......the terrorists in France had to buy their actual, fully automatic weapons illegally....and did so easily and instead of killing 49 people, they killed 140 and wounded hundreds of others....

Gun laws don't stop terrorists.......gun free zones get people murdered asshole.

I don't know why you bother. He's an idiot and he never changes his story no matter how many times you debunk his nonsense. Just ignore him.
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center

Hey asshole...background checks didn't stop them, licensing normal gun owners didn't stop them, registering guns didn't stop them..

What stopped them.......a snitch......

Just like I told you ...we have all the gun laws we need and current police techniques catch all the ones who can be caught....
OK, you have a Muslim who goes into a gay night club and for whatever reason kills a bunch of other gays, Muslims, whatever, and you want to blame the firearm?
This is just like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm, it can't possibly work for the good. And our ass hat commander-in-chief is beyond clueless on the matter.
A typical case of political correctness blame everyone but the one but the one that did it.... Lol

You control freaks deserve every bit of bad karma that you get.

We have made grenades, machine guns, and rocket launchers hard to get or completely illegal. High capacity semi autos are obviously capable of killing huge numbers quickly and also should be heavily regulated. If the crazy could only get a derringer the death count would be dramatically less.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.

And had the people in there had guns he never would have attacked them.....and if they had guns in there that night more lives would have been saved...straight from survivor statements asswipe....

Anyone can imagine themselves as an Action Hero. In reality, it rarely works out like that.

Allowing people to carry guns into nightclubs is an asinine idea.

They do it in Virginia.....bar crime went down 5.9% last year.....

No one said to be an action hero......I have posted the statements of actual survivors in the club....from their stories it is obvious, that armed people could have stopped this killer....without being action heroes...

He was on the phone with 911 3 times...witnesses saw him, they could have shot him...

He was on the phone with a journalist....they could have shot him...

He was facebooking during the shooting, they could have shot him...

the guys behind the bar, the guy laying on the ground watching him finish people off, the people in the bathroom, all could have shot him without playing action hero.
More gun laws will not save one single life, that's just a fact dumbass

There you go with lies again. Had he not had such a dangerous weapon many lives would have been saved.
And you think laws stop criminal behavior fuck are you stupid bastard

You seem to be the stupid one preaching the same old lies. Force them to illegally get their dangerous weapons and they can be stopped before killing.

FBI thwarts mass shooting at Milwaukee Masonic center


How would've more laws helped?
This is Obama's legacy, deservedly so.

Bush ended the assault rifle ban and mag limits. Now we see the results.

No moron....there have not been an increase in rifles in these shootings you twit. And all the mass shootings we have had could have been done with revolvers you moron, or a lever action rifle....

Our homicide rate is much higher.

Yes because we have Blacks and Mexicans in Democrat controlled big cites (where crime of all kind is rampant) shooting each other mostly over drugs and no gun control law in the country is going change that.

50 just died in one mass shooting. Gun control can limit the death toll.

No...concealed carry could have limited the death toll...and the murderer doesn't count. it was 49 dead.

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