Orlando and Gun Control: An Inconvenient Truth

Think about this. People who don't drink don't normally go to bars. People with CC license are not allowed to carry where alcohol is dispensed in most states. North Carolina just recently changed the law and you can carry in a bar, however you aren't allowed to drink. In either case you can lose your CC license if you break the rule.

Yes, that's what we're discussing. Do you agree or disagree with those laws?
I agree with those laws. A bar that size should have armed bouncers. I was in the Atlanta Hard Rock Cafe recently and I noticed a couple bouncers with hand cuffs and concealed weapons.

Obviously not concealed enough. :D
Being a carrier I can generally spot someone who is carrying.

lol another good one.
No kidding. Most people don't buy the right holster for the place they use it. My police chief CC instructor showed us the mistakes people make and what indicators the wrong holster causes.
Plus, I have X-ray vision.
That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals think gun control laws will stop atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws and gun free zone signs are, just words written on a piece of paper, just like a gun-free zone sign.
How would more people shooting in a crowded club help matters?

I'm not saying all three-hundred of them be armed. Hell, it could just be two or ten. I'm not asking that you turn the place into a gun show.

I'm not saying all three-hundred of them be armed. Hell, it could just be two or ten. I'm not asking that you turn the place into a gun show.

It was a dark night club. How do you know what your shooting at? You can aim at a muzzle flash, but how do you know what side of the flash the bad guy is on? Also, and most importantly, it's a night club, how much have you had to drink?
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

Yes. Do you think that in a crowd of 300+ people, there will be 300+ guns?

This post is a good example of the fantasy land that the true gun nuts live in.

I own guns - many of them. I like guns, I think they're a lot of fun. But I'm not completely deluded into think that guns are some magical solution to everything.

What if the owners of the club didn't want people to bring guns in? Should they have been forced to allow it?

People drink and take drugs at night clubs. Every night while working, I had to physically bounce many angry, violent, drunken clowns. Many of them threatened my life - and had some of them had a gun on them, I have no doubt that I would have been killed. I was stabbed twice.
That's why I don't go to night clubs

That's why I don't go to night clubs

I thought it was because you're old and in bed by 9:30.
Yet, it is words that get 'terrorists' to commit acts of 'terror'.

Yet, it is words that get 'terrorists' to commit acts of 'terror'.

It's mostly religious based belief which spurs hate.

Hate-based belief systems, surely. Belief is not synonymous with religion. The Nazi belief in race was not scientific, but did have a lot of hate. Left and right extremes are fueled by hate over simple ideological details. Certainly, many religious differences as well are woven into the fabric of hate. Hate and objectification of 'others' into 'targets' to be eliminated make future catastrophes virtually inevitable.

Only words can counter this. There will never be enough bullets for the job.
That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop these atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals think gun control laws will stop these atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws and gun free zone signs are, just words written on a piece of paper.

Typically, bars are a no no when it comes to guns. I think most states (mine does) have laws banning guns from any place alcohol is served and I think that's a good thing. What would have prevented this Haji from shooting the place up would have been the FBI doing its job and getting this dude off the streets. Basically, had the administration been doing its job and not been worried about looking PC this shooting would never have happened.

Typically, bars are a no no when it comes to guns. I think most states (mine does) have laws banning guns from any place alcohol is served and I think that's a good thing.

And as I've pointed out before, some dumb ass screwed it up for the rest of us.
That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop these atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals think gun control laws will stop these atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws and gun free zone signs are, just words written on a piece of paper.

Typically, bars are a no no when it comes to guns. I think most states (mine does) have laws banning guns from any place alcohol is served and I think that's a good thing. What would have prevented this Haji from shooting the place up would have been the FBI doing its job and getting this dude off the streets. Basically, had the administration been doing its job and not been worried about looking PC this shooting would never have happened.

That makes the bar a prime target. My alcohol intake has never caused my gun to come out of its holster, let alone kill someone.

That makes the bar a prime target. My alcohol intake has never caused my gun to come out of its holster, let alone kill someone.

You drink when your armed? That's scary.
Florida has a law that says no firearms in bars.

The Pluse was a "gun free zone", by law

Who would have thunk it? A bad guy ignored a gun control law and took advantage of law abiding unarmed citizens. The citizens had no means to fight back. They became victims.

Great example of how gun control laws never do anything to stop gun crimes.

Florida has a law that says no firearms in bars.

The Pluse was a "gun free zone", by law

Who would have thunk it? A bad guy ignored a gun control law and took advantage of law abiding unarmed citizens. The citizens had no means to fight back. They became victims.

Great example of how gun control laws never do anything to stop gun crimes.

Maybe the bars need armed security? A couple of guys at the door, and others milling around all armed with high power automatic weapons. Hey, it's Brazil!
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

Yes......Virginia passed concealed carry in bars last year...their violent crime rate in bars went down 5.9%.

People have designated drivers at bars so anyone carrying a gun in a bar just won't drink.....you morons don't seem to get that concept.

Yes......Virginia passed concealed carry in bars last year...their violent crime rate in bars went down 5.9%.

Or was it their over-serving fines doubled.

Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

From statement of survivors of the shooting is is obvious, obvious, that if those survivors had had concealed guns they could have stopped the slaughter.......numerous times......and yet you guys want that slaughter to continue........gun free zones are getting people murdered.......and you guys keep pushing it...of course, you need these shootings to push gun control...more bodies, the more power you have over dimwitted Americans who let you take their Rights....

From statement of survivors of the shooting is is obvious, obvious, that if those survivors had had concealed guns they could have stopped the slaughter.......numerous times......and yet you guys want that slaughter to continue........gun free zones are getting people murdered.......and you guys keep pushing it...of course, you need these shootings to push gun control...more bodies, the more power you have over dimwitted Americans who let you take their Rights....

Drunk people firing guns? That would have worked out well.
That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals think gun control laws will stop atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws and gun free zone signs are, just words written on a piece of paper, just like a gun-free zone sign.
How would more people shooting in a crowded club help matters?

I'm not saying all three-hundred of them be armed. Hell, it could just be two or ten. I'm not asking that you turn the place into a gun show.

I'm not saying all three-hundred of them be armed. Hell, it could just be two or ten. I'm not asking that you turn the place into a gun show.

It was a dark night club. How do you know what your shooting at? You can aim at a muzzle flash, but how do you know what side of the flash the bad guy is on? Also, and most importantly, it's a night club, how much have you had to drink?

You don't....you move toward the exit...and if you run into a killer you use your gun....

if you are hiding behind the bar, as survivors did and as you peek over and see him on the phone with 911 3 times and posting on facebook and calling the local news station...you shoot him...

if you are shot 3 times and lying in your own blood and you see him walking around finishing people off...as he is doing that you draw your own gun and kill him....

if you are in the bathroom, texting your mother and telling her you are going to be murdered....instead of your texts suddenly ending...you stop texting, draw your gun and wait for the killer to try to enter the bathroom...

That is how you do it twit.....
Florida has a law that says no firearms in bars.

The Pluse was a "gun free zone", by law

Who would have thunk it? A bad guy ignored a gun control law and took advantage of law abiding unarmed citizens. The citizens had no means to fight back. They became victims.

Great example of how gun control laws never do anything to stop gun crimes.

Florida has a law that says no firearms in bars.

The Pluse was a "gun free zone", by law

Who would have thunk it? A bad guy ignored a gun control law and took advantage of law abiding unarmed citizens. The citizens had no means to fight back. They became victims.

Great example of how gun control laws never do anything to stop gun crimes.

Maybe the bars need armed security? A couple of guys at the door, and others milling around all armed with high power automatic weapons. Hey, it's Brazil!

Or you let normal, law abiding people carry their legal firearms with them....much cheaper, much easier, and each individual can make the choice.....and if you carry, you don't drink...just like the fucking designated driver doesn't drink.....
Wasn't there an armed cop working detail at the club?

Apparently, the shooter shot at him and he retreated, he may have fired some shots back......but the armed cop left and lived....the unarmed people inside were killed.....
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

From statement of survivors of the shooting is is obvious, obvious, that if those survivors had had concealed guns they could have stopped the slaughter.......numerous times......and yet you guys want that slaughter to continue........gun free zones are getting people murdered.......and you guys keep pushing it...of course, you need these shootings to push gun control...more bodies, the more power you have over dimwitted Americans who let you take their Rights....

From statement of survivors of the shooting is is obvious, obvious, that if those survivors had had concealed guns they could have stopped the slaughter.......numerous times......and yet you guys want that slaughter to continue........gun free zones are getting people murdered.......and you guys keep pushing it...of course, you need these shootings to push gun control...more bodies, the more power you have over dimwitted Americans who let you take their Rights....

Drunk people firing guns? That would have worked out well.

Wow...and drunk people driving doesn't work either...but when some people go to bars they are the designated driver....they don't drink because they are driving....

CCW people would carry and not drink.......why is it such a difficult concept...oh, that's right...you are a lefty and you have to pretend you don't know what you are talking about....because you just want guns banned.
That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop these atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals think gun control laws will stop these atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws and gun free zone signs are, just words written on a piece of paper.

Typically, bars are a no no when it comes to guns. I think most states (mine does) have laws banning guns from any place alcohol is served and I think that's a good thing. What would have prevented this Haji from shooting the place up would have been the FBI doing its job and getting this dude off the streets. Basically, had the administration been doing its job and not been worried about looking PC this shooting would never have happened.

That makes the bar a prime target. My alcohol intake has never caused my gun to come out of its holster, let alone kill someone.

That makes the bar a prime target. My alcohol intake has never caused my gun to come out of its holster, let alone kill someone.

You drink when your armed? That's scary.

I'm always armed, sometimes I drink. And I'm sure you spend your whole life scared.
That nightclub, you know the one Mateen attacked? It was packed with 300 healthy men/women. And nobody took him down. Nobody. Fifty people died instead. He was outnumbered three-hundred to one. Please, don't bother preaching to me about how much safer the world would be with gun control. Even though that club was a vaunted gun-free zone, people still died. It didn't stop a crazed Muslim "jihadi" from mowing people down with an "AR-15" or whatever weapon he used. This gun free zone lulled these poor people into a false sense of security. They soon found out how nonexistent that security was. That alone proves just how ineffectual gun free zones really are.

What if in fact they had been armed? What would have been better, a sign which gives the illusion of security, or a firearm at your side which gives certain security?

What do you think gun-free zones have accomplished? This isn't Star Trek, you can't just raise a forcefield and block crazed gunmen/terrorists from bringing their weapons into the building. It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry to say gun control liberals are too thickheaded to see that. All a gun free zone is, is three words on a sign. Words are meaningless. Signs are meaningless. Words were not going to stop that terrorist from killing people.

This is truly heartbreaking. Gun control liberals think gun-free zones will stop atrocities from happening. Gun control liberals thing gun control laws will stop atrocities from happening. Right. This is like trying to stop a bomb blast with a piece of paper. In essence, that's all gun control laws are, just words written on a piece of paper, just like a gun-free zone sign.

Do you feel that a person that is on a no-fly list should be able to purchase a gun?

Yes....this guy was not on a no fly list was he.....

According to you nuts, since he was a citizen there is no need to vet muslims from Syria to make sure radical jihadis are not getting in...

So...since this guy wasn't on the no-fly list then there is no reason the no-fly list should be a no buy list....right?

Yes....this guy was not on a no fly list was he.....

According to you nuts, since he was a citizen there is no need to vet muslims from Syria to make sure radical jihadis are not getting in...

So...since this guy wasn't on the no-fly list then there is no reason the no-fly list should be a no buy list....right?

My question is: Do you feel that a person that is on a no-fly list should be able to purchase a gun?
Do you really think allowing concealed weapons into a nightclub full of drunks is a good idea?

I've worked as a nightclub bouncer, and I'd probably be dead if some of the people I've had to bounce had a gun on them.

From statement of survivors of the shooting is is obvious, obvious, that if those survivors had had concealed guns they could have stopped the slaughter.......numerous times......and yet you guys want that slaughter to continue........gun free zones are getting people murdered.......and you guys keep pushing it...of course, you need these shootings to push gun control...more bodies, the more power you have over dimwitted Americans who let you take their Rights....

From statement of survivors of the shooting is is obvious, obvious, that if those survivors had had concealed guns they could have stopped the slaughter.......numerous times......and yet you guys want that slaughter to continue........gun free zones are getting people murdered.......and you guys keep pushing it...of course, you need these shootings to push gun control...more bodies, the more power you have over dimwitted Americans who let you take their Rights....

Drunk people firing guns? That would have worked out well.

If the shooter knew there were armed people there, he would have gone elsewhere, thus no need to shoot at all.

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