
Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
March 7: Kathleen Sebelius, roundtable - Meet the Press- msnbc.com

MR. GREGORY: Should Michael Steele, should he--should Michael Steele remain as head of the RNC when this kind of thing is going on?

SEN. HATCH: I don't think Michael Steele knew about that. If he did, I would be very concerned. I like Michael Steele. I think...

MR. GREGORY: You have confidence in him?

SEN. HATCH: I do. I think he's a very fine guy. Yeah, there--he's made mistakes like everybody does, but, but he's a good face for our party. I think he's articulate...
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Gee, I dunno......

That depends on whether Michael Steele's "negro dialect" is INARTICULATE enough to say "CORPSE MAN" instead of "CORPSMAN". And, doing that REPEATEDLY on different occasions during his political career ?

Waddaya think ?

And, what about that dummy Sarah Palin ? I wonder how much "dummier" that MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami must be compared to her ?

Seriously, I wonder if mentioning the proximity of Alaska, or not answering Couric's question as to which magazine she prefers to read is as STUPID, IGNORANT....or POLITICALLY DEVASTATING AS......

........Having a pal and fellow employee of the CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE "ACORN" such as the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL MANIACAL COMMIE/TERRORIST Bill Ayers.....yeah....OR....to have a TWENTY YEAR tenure in the CATHEDRAL OF HATE run by the BLACK RACIST Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright .....whom you'd call (using his own words): "Pastor, friend and mentor" ???????
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Now...You just stop it right now! We know it's a horrible, horrible thing if it is done by Democrats (worth many threads over a long time), but not worth mentioning if done by a Republican.

So...stop it!!!
Now...You just stop it right now! We know it's a horrible, horrible thing if it is done by Democrats (worth many threads over a long time), but not worth mentioning if done by a Republican.

So...stop it!!!

B.O. .....DUH....C'ya,

Surely, this ejaculation of yours has to be tongue in cheek......or is it ?????

BTW, I am NOT a Republican or a Conservative.

I am a VEHEMENT anti-Liberal or anti-Obamarrhoid.

I vote Republican because anyone who KNOWS The MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami's Agenda and is STILL a Democrat is a TRAITOR to America.
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Michael Steele seems like a nice guy, but he could hardly be considered articulate.
Michael Steele seems like a nice guy, but he could hardly be considered articulate.


You seem to be a nice guy, but you can hardly be considered a person with any political acumen.

And, if you are an Obamarrhoid.......then you hafta be a demented 1/2-wit.
Michael Steele seems like a nice guy, but he could hardly be considered articulate.


You seem to be a nice guy, but you can hardly be considered a person with any political acumen.

And, if you are an Obamarrhoid.......then you hafta be a demented 1/2-wit.

Have you ever heard of a man named Rinata?? And just because you didn't like my comment does not mean you have to be a rude jerk. I'm so sick of you low class, ignorant bagheads. You have nothing to contribute at all. Say something like you just said to me to somebody in person. I hope they knock you on your ass.
Michael Steele seems like a nice guy, but he could hardly be considered articulate.


You seem to be a nice guy, but you can hardly be considered a person with any political acumen.

And, if you are an Obamarrhoid.......then you hafta be a demented 1/2-wit.

Have you ever heard of a man named Rinata?? And just because you didn't like my comment does not mean you have to be a rude jerk. I'm so sick of you low class, ignorant bagheads. You have nothing to contribute at all. Say something like you just said to me to somebody in person. I hope they knock you on your ass.


I Have never heard of a man named Rinata. I have never heard of a woman named Rinata. However, I am pretty sure I heard a transgendered poodle with a hemorrhoid the size of an Obamarrhoid named Rinata.

Sorry, to disappoint you but thems the facts, honey.

BTW, I thought your comment was biased because I betcha ~94.3628% of the people you know are as articulate and/or inarticulate as Michael Steele.

You just don't fucking know, you horrible twat.

You deliberately offended a nice person (according to your own opinion) as being "hardly an articulate person" JUST BECAUSE THIS "NICE" GUY WAS A PERSON WHO DID NOT HOLD THE SAME PERVERTED POLITICAL OPINION AS YOU DO !!!!

Now, how "RUDE" and "JERKY" was that, you transmorgofied sexually altered fluffied bob-tailed k-nine vaginied POS ? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

D'ya think that your unseemly behaviour wouldn't make a decent person with even just an average set of moral standards ABSOLUTELY ILL and on the verge of kissing off this mortal coil in the presence of such "low class ignorant 'bagheaded'.....YES, BY GOD....'BAGHEADED' " atrocity ?!?!? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

COULD IT......WOULD IT......enter in anyone's UNSUSPECTING CEREBRATION that an abominable creature such as yourself would be able to CONTRIBUTE anything WORTHWHILE to the WORLD FOR GENERATIONS TO COME ?!?!? :eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh::eusa_eh:

"Say something like you just said to Michael Steele to somebody in person. I hope they knock you on your ass".......or at the very least.......pants you.

So there.
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Just what I needed. Another deranged right winger that wants to engage me. You're on ignore as of now.

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