Orrin Hatch Joins The Party Of Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Orrin Hatch may be a 82 and in the Senate way too long, but he has learned a new trick: Forget 'em.

"I don't care what they want at this point," said Orrin Hatch.

"They" = Senate Democrats.

This is a new and refreshing attitude for Republicans, well in keeping with President Trump's demeanor.

But what about comity?

What about the long-term implications?

What about straining relations between the parties?

Don’t care. Democrats have never cared. Why should Republicans?

Democrats tried this crap in Wisconsin in February 2011. Remember the shouting mobs Democrats sent to the Capitol in Madison? Meanwhile, Democrats left the state to try to stop the vote in the legislature.

But Republican Governor Scott Walker did not bend, and he became the first governor in our nation’s history to survive a recall election.

And in November, Wisconsin flipped red in the presidential race for the first time since 1984.

Don Surber: Hatch joins the Party of Trump
Hatch is ruining his legacy.

I never ever thought I'd say this in my lifetime but Orin Hatch KICKED Democrat ass!

Whooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo!!! Who'd of ever dreamed of this moment.
If that is what the alt right says about me, then I am on the right track, because the alt right are opposite the truth.

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