Orthodox Jewish Men Cause Flight Delay By Refusing To Sit Next To Women

Achieve nothing being disrespectful, short, ill-tempered, or unfair. Such interactions instantly put the other person on a defensive stance far less inclined to hear you out. If you ever bothered to engage in courtesy with him you'd know he converted to Islam from Christianity after thinking Messianic Judaism was actual Judaism. ...We missed him by this much (holds up fingers.) :)

So he says...people like yourself are easy....Gullible.. you don't have solid principles, they are continually moving to accommodate :rolleyes:
Jroc, you are so illiterate about life in general and matters specific.

Then we are irritating together.

The issue was not the women, it was the men who had not bloc seat arranged properly. The women were under no obligation to move, the men were.
Then we are irritating together.

The issue was not the women, it was the men who had not bloc seat arranged properly. The women were under no obligation to move, the men were.
The point was made that Orthodox Jewish women were treated no better than the women of radical islam.....Which is ignorant, I just wanted to point that out:thup:
That I will agree with. However, if the Jewish women were willing to abide by their religious positions, there is no reason why anyone else should be so bound as well.
No one in public accommodation has the right to say "that person can't sit next to me" if said person is not drunk or high or otherwise offensive to a reasonable person standard.

Does the one have the right to force someone to act against their religion? by their standarts, it's like try and shove food into their mouth on Yom Kippur.

Try and get that.

Then they should charter their own plane, or buy the entire section of seats. Problem solved.
Problem solved indeed. These people know ahead of time that they won't be able to behave the way their religion instructs them to--and the airline knows this too. Why not think ahead a little bit and make accomodations for this? They can't expect the rest of the world to jump out of their way on public transportation. Can they? :dunno:
The travelers can make reasonable requests, and if possible, the company can decide to accommodate them. However, there is no Constitutional right to insist on religious rights on transportation used by the public.
That I will agree with. However, if the Jewish women were willing to abide by their religious positions, there is no reason why anyone else should be so bound as well.
Who said that? it's an Israeli airliner not U.S....Jews don't force their religion on non-Jews like other religions try to do.
When using American ports and air space, guess what, Jroc?

American exceptionalism, yeah.

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