Orthodox Jewish Men Cause Flight Delay By Refusing To Sit Next To Women

Jewish women are more important than the men, because it is through them that the Jewish people continue.:thup:

I think that is what some believe, but it is easy to cross the line into "less than". I think many fundamentalist sects do so - abusing a woman is ok because the man is the final authority. On paper, in selected scripture - each has a role to play that is different. But human nature doesn't necessarily follow that and that very scripture gives license to abuse.

The Jewish woman plays a crucial part in G-d's plan for mankind.

When Torah was first given, G-d instructed Moses to speak to the women first and explain to them its greatness, thereby strengthening the rest of people's acceptance of it as well.

When the Tabernacle was first built, Jewish women and girls were the first to donate; only afterwards, and inspired by their example, did the men contribute further.

A Jewish woman or girl is granted by G-d a distinctive gracefulness in her approach; a pleasant, soft, peaceful manner through which she influences her environment and her family in all matters of goodness. When she utilizes this special pleasantness and peacefulness -- combining it with firm discipline where appropriate -- she increases the success of G-d's plan in ways that no man can, and turns her home and her environment into a "Tabernacle" of which G-d can say: "I shall dwell in their midst.

Ha Ha too funny, all the Jewish women in the OT were deceivers, the only one God spoke to was Hagar.

You know those Jews they're all "Deceivers" ;)

very disturbing claim. truly I am surprised this thread is still going, Jroc. I would have thought it would have ended the 2nd or 3rd day. At the latest! Amazing what some folks find important! Oh my gosh.

The Jew haters have an agenda....That's what they're here for:cuckoo:
Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Amos, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Joel, Ezekiel, Obadiah.....which one of these were women? None? Oh! Who gave the prophecies of the coming of Yeshua? Malachi, Isaiah, King David, Zechariah, .......all men. I am a woman, Delta, and I know what your Torah teaches and your Torah was misinterepreted by the author who wrote that link!
Poor deluded Jeremiah doesn't realize that the people she lists to back up her misinformed nonsense aren't even in the Torah. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

Had to read that twice to get it. True. :)
Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Amos, Zephaniah, Zechariah, Joel, Ezekiel, Obadiah.....which one of these were women? None? Oh! Who gave the prophecies of the coming of Yeshua? Malachi, Isaiah, King David, Zechariah, .......all men. I am a woman, Delta, and I know what your Torah teaches and your Torah was misinterepreted by the author who wrote that link!
Poor deluded Jeremiah doesn't realize that the people she lists to back up her misinformed nonsense aren't even in the Torah. ...... :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

Had to read that twice to get it. True. :)
Torah / Tanach - what would it matter - it is the Old Testament and you've obviously never read it, Sunni Man
I have told Jeremiah several times that I know the Bible better than she does.......and it really chaps her ass.

But once again I have proven it........ :eusa_angel:

You do not know the Bible at all, Sunni Man, which is why I know you could not possibly have taught Bible Study. When I say Torah - I mean Torah / Tanach - do not split it up - as my using Torah - I'm referencing all of the Old Testament - which those who know me can confirm. You don't know the Bible. You don't even know the Koran to be truthful. Not in any great depth that I can see. FYI - while you run around telling people you used to be a teacher of the Bible / studied the Word for 30 years,etc ect ......converted to Islam - is not original nor the first time I've seen a Muslim claim such things. I've seen Muslims do it before but then they do not know the Bible either and their stories become just that............. stories. Good night.
You do not know the Bible at all, Sunni Man, which is why I know you could not possibly have taught Bible Study. When I say Torah - I mean Torah / Tanach - do not split it up - as my using Torah - I'm referencing all of the Old Testament -
Hahahahaha.......what a bunch of nonsense.. .... :cuckoo:

That's like saying, "When I say Yes......I also mean No" ...... :lol: :lol:

Oh great fake Bible scholar Jeremiah, the Torah and the Tanach are 2 different works/compilations.

Hence, two different names.........just thought you needed to know for future reference. ...... :eusa_angel:
I think that is what some believe, but it is easy to cross the line into "less than". I think many fundamentalist sects do so - abusing a woman is ok because the man is the final authority. On paper, in selected scripture - each has a role to play that is different. But human nature doesn't necessarily follow that and that very scripture gives license to abuse.

The Jewish woman plays a crucial part in G-d's plan for mankind.

When Torah was first given, G-d instructed Moses to speak to the women first and explain to them its greatness, thereby strengthening the rest of people's acceptance of it as well.

When the Tabernacle was first built, Jewish women and girls were the first to donate; only afterwards, and inspired by their example, did the men contribute further.

A Jewish woman or girl is granted by G-d a distinctive gracefulness in her approach; a pleasant, soft, peaceful manner through which she influences her environment and her family in all matters of goodness. When she utilizes this special pleasantness and peacefulness -- combining it with firm discipline where appropriate -- she increases the success of G-d's plan in ways that no man can, and turns her home and her environment into a "Tabernacle" of which G-d can say: "I shall dwell in their midst.

Ha Ha too funny, all the Jewish women in the OT were deceivers, the only one God spoke to was Hagar.

You know those Jews they're all "Deceivers" ;)

very disturbing claim. truly I am surprised this thread is still going, Jroc. I would have thought it would have ended the 2nd or 3rd day. At the latest! Amazing what some folks find important! Oh my gosh.

The Jew haters have an agenda....That's what they're here for:cuckoo:

Well, we need to pray for our enemies, Jroc. Because that is the only thing that will pull them out of hatred is prayer and our show of mercy. It's the Lord's kindness that leads people to repentance. I personally am reminded that envy is more cruel that death. How much more so spiritual envy? I have often wondered about that. I think why do people get into spiritual envy? I utterly despise spiritual envy! It is so unnecessary and so thoroughly wicked.

Do such people not have the same opportunities I have to study the Bible and learn about the great heroes of the Bible? Moses, Daniel, Joseph, Elijah, Elisha, King David? Of course they do! So why do they not know about these men and women of the Bible? Because they are lazy. Their stomachs are their gods. They think on base things and lust after things in this world - their desires are not for the LORD. They do not want to commit their lives to know the LORD and study his word and if that were not enough - they do not want you or I to have any more spirituality then they themselves are willing to seek for in their own walk. It is a despicable way to live life and I am sorry for people who think that way. Write God have mercy over their doors and pray for them. That's all you can do.

Ha Ha too funny, all the Jewish women in the OT were deceivers, the only one God spoke to was Hagar.

You know those Jews they're all "Deceivers" ;)

very disturbing claim. truly I am surprised this thread is still going, Jroc. I would have thought it would have ended the 2nd or 3rd day. At the latest! Amazing what some folks find important! Oh my gosh.

The Jew haters have an agenda....That's what they're here for:cuckoo:

Well, we need to pray for our enemies, Jroc. Because that is the only thing that will pull them out of hatred is prayer and our show of mercy. It's the Lord's kindness that leads people to repentance. I personally am reminded that envy is more cruel that death. How much more so spiritual envy? I have often wondered about that. I think why do people get into spiritual envy? I utterly despise spiritual envy! It is so unnecessary and so thoroughly wicked.

Do such people not have the same opportunities I have to study the Bible and learn about the great heroes of the Bible? Moses, Daniel, Joseph, Elijah, Elisha, King David? Of course they do! So why do they not know about these men and women of the Bible? Because they are lazy. Their stomachs are their gods. They think on base things and lust after things in this world - their desires are not for the LORD. They do not want to commit their lives to know the LORD and study his word and if that were not enough - they do not want you or I to have any more spirituality then they themselves are willing to seek for in their own walk. It is a despicable way to live life and I am sorry for people who think that way. Write God have mercy over their doors and pray for them. That's all you can do.

Jews don't pray for their enemies. That's a Christian thing. We pray for G-d to destroy our enemies.:biggrin:
Can't seem to handle making a mistake and admtting she was wrong either.
Yea, Jeremiah ain't into the "turn the other cheek" Christianity.

Her version is more like attack those who disagree with you.. ..... :cool:

That's not unusual or worrisome. What I find insidious about her is how she loves to say how great the Jews are, up to the point they disagree with her, then suddenly the only valid religion is her's.
That's not unusual or worrisome. What I find insidious about her is how she loves to say how great the Jews are, up to the point they disagree with her, then suddenly the only valid religion is her's.
Jeremiah is one of those evangelicals that has big plans for the Jews in her "End Times" theology.

And she doesn't like Jews who aren't down with her warped fundy agenda. ..... :lol:
Noticed just last year watching one of the Christian channels about raising money to help Jews from abroad emmigrate to Israel what that was all about. :) Ever the suspicious sort I was wondering "Well that's awfully nice of them. ...Wait a minute isn't there something about the Apocalypse can't happen until a certain number of the world's Jewry is in Israel? Is THAT why they're doing it?" :)
Both the zionist Jews and the fundamentalist Christians are using each other to further their agenda.

The zionist Jews suck up to the fundies for their political clout with the U.S. government and financial support from the churches.

And the fundie Christians want all of the Jews to eventually gather in Israel in order to fulfill their End Times theology of Jesus returning and the Jews converting to Christianity.
Noticed just last year watching one of the Christian channels about raising money to help Jews from abroad emmigrate to Israel what that was all about. :) Ever the suspicious sort I was wondering "Well that's awfully nice of them. ...Wait a minute isn't there something about the Apocalypse can't happen until a certain number of the world's Jewry is in Israel? Is THAT why they're doing it?" :)

Thats nice you and sunni boy having a little love fest. You dont have to worry about the Zionist Christians, it's people like your new friend here you should worry about

Sunni Man;3149969 said:
My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

Sunni Man;8568730 said:
American citizens for the last several decades have been ruled by a ZOG (zionist occupied government) cabal in Washington.

Germany had the same situation at the start of the last century.

But unfortunately the German citizens efforts to free themselves became entangled in international politics which lead to an unnecessary war.

My sincere hope is that U.S. citizens will wake up and free our country from the ancient money changers who have infected our government. ... :cool:

Sunni Man;6899132 said:
The mythical "6 million" figure of the so called holocaust has become a sacred number in the collective consciousness of the western nations.

But in reality, the number is more like two hundred thousand people at the most......... :cool:

Sunni Man;8610054 said:
Simple answer.

The "Chosen People" either own or control all of the major banks and financial institutions.

Plus they basically own the Federal Reserve.

So no.....we will never get out of debt or balance the budget.

Because the Jews want to keep the U.S. taxpayers money endlessly flowing into their greedy pockets. .. :doubt:
Noticed just last year watching one of the Christian channels about raising money to help Jews from abroad emmigrate to Israel what that was all about. :) Ever the suspicious sort I was wondering "Well that's awfully nice of them. ...Wait a minute isn't there something about the Apocalypse can't happen until a certain number of the world's Jewry is in Israel? Is THAT why they're doing it?" :)

Thats nice you and sunni boy having a little love fest. You dont have to worry about the Zionist Christians, it's people like your new friend here you should worry about

Sunni Man;3149969 said:
My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

Sunni Man;8568730 said:
American citizens for the last several decades have been ruled by a ZOG (zionist occupied government) cabal in Washington.

Germany had the same situation at the start of the last century.

But unfortunately the German citizens efforts to free themselves became entangled in international politics which lead to an unnecessary war.

My sincere hope is that U.S. citizens will wake up and free our country from the ancient money changers who have infected our government. ... :cool:

Sunni Man;6899132 said:
The mythical "6 million" figure of the so called holocaust has become a sacred number in the collective consciousness of the western nations.

But in reality, the number is more like two hundred thousand people at the most......... :cool:

Sunni Man;8610054 said:
Simple answer.

The "Chosen People" either own or control all of the major banks and financial institutions.

Plus they basically own the Federal Reserve.

So no.....we will never get out of debt or balance the budget.

Because the Jews want to keep the U.S. taxpayers money endlessly flowing into their greedy pockets. .. :doubt:

Ya, because ignoring and dissing people instead works so well.
Achieve nothing being disrespectful, short, ill-tempered, or unfair. Such interactions instantly put the other person on a defensive stance far less inclined to hear you out. If you ever bothered to engage in courtesy with him you'd know he converted to Islam from Christianity after thinking Messianic Judaism was actual Judaism. ...We missed him by this much (holds up fingers.) :)
I think you're the one that is full of shit here. I specifically said "fundamentalist" versions of those religions. They most certainly do not believe in "equality" for women.

You built a strawman.

Jewish women are more important than the men, because it is through them that the Jewish people continue.:thup:

I think that is what some believe, but it is easy to cross the line into "less than". I think many fundamentalist sects do so - abusing a woman is ok because the man is the final authority. On paper, in selected scripture - each has a role to play that is different. But human nature doesn't necessarily follow that and that very scripture gives license to abuse.

The Jewish woman plays a crucial part in G-d's plan for mankind.

When Torah was first given, G-d instructed Moses to speak to the women first and explain to them its greatness, thereby strengthening the rest of people's acceptance of it as well.

When the Tabernacle was first built, Jewish women and girls were the first to donate; only afterwards, and inspired by their example, did the men contribute further.

A Jewish woman or girl is granted by G-d a distinctive gracefulness in her approach; a pleasant, soft, peaceful manner through which she influences her environment and her family in all matters of goodness. When she utilizes this special pleasantness and peacefulness -- combining it with firm discipline where appropriate -- she increases the success of G-d's plan in ways that no man can, and turns her home and her environment into a "Tabernacle" of which G-d can say: "I shall dwell in their midst.

Ha Ha too funny, all the Jewish women in the OT were deceivers, the only one God spoke to was Hagar.

Judaism recognizes 7 female prophets, and asserts women are superior to men in terms of prophecy.

Last night on religion tv they have this anti Muslim and Obama show and it's run by Chaldean's or Christian Arabs.

American TV - TV from USA.

They had 4 experts on and the guy who called in asked one question. What came first? The Crusades or Jihad? None of them would answer because they all know the truth.

They are so political it's sickening. But they are basically trying to lobby us Christians to do defend their relatives who want to live as Christians in the Middle east and I say, just like we did back in the day, get the fuck out of the middle east if you don't want to be a Muslim. They'll give you three choices just like we did. Stay and convert, leave or die.

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