Orwell Explains How Socialists Alter Language to Alter History


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Orwell Explains How Socialists Alter Language to Alter History

Orwell Explains How Socialists Alter Language to Alter History
1 day ago · Orwell Explains How Socialists Alter Language to Alter History... tool used for this in modern socialist academics is “critical theory,” which teaches students to interpret all of history … the alteration of the past, and by portraying the remaining memory of history as evil—or supportive only of the socialist regime—classic texts such as the American Declaration of Independence would be incomprehensible in their original context.… Others today try to discredit the Declaration of Independence altogether by attacking the legitimacy of the Founding Fathers, and the system of government they created for the United States...Orwell explains that altering how the past is perceived is an important part of socialist tyranny. Without proper knowledge of the past, people tolerate their current conditions, “partly because he has no standards of comparison.”.

Not really surprised. This was to be expected during and after the fall of the USSR. Globalists want to gain more power for themselves and ensure that their positions are secure. There’s a reason why these legacy media corporations and social media conglomerates are all working together, rather than competing against one another. Power will always corrupt the overly ambitious and the ones who want to be in control.
Actually, We've been living in 1984 for several years now, it really kicked into high gear on January 20, 2009 with the declaration of the former president proclaiming the "Fundamental Transformation of America". We've all seen this occurring around us in different forms such as with the toppling statues, banning books, speech, and people from the public square. This is America, Not Nazi Germany.
Another good example supporting the author's premise is how Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have now claimed they were and are not responsible for the creation of the KKK, Jim Crow, Segregation, anti-Semitism, and racism. They own it all lock, stock, and barrel.
1984 was written as a warning. Modern bed wetters read it like directions.


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