Osama was Captured and Executed by US

  • Thread starter One small Voice
  • Start date
Originally posted by One small Voice

Then you have the invasion of Iraq based on UN violation? Yea that was the real reason, not that Osama spilled his guts about links with Saddam and what he had up his sleeve.

You have to see the big picture.

Wouldnt it have been easier for the Bush Administration to admit to having Osama instead of taking all the slack for the Iraq invasion?
So many whack jobs... so little time to deal with them... :rolleyes:

Should I put my tinfoil hat on now? :p:
Originally posted by One small Voice

Lets assume you are correct. Lets view the issue systematically.

OK here is the skinny, I am asking you to take off the glasses and read into this things that are not being said because they have to remain a secret for national security reasons. Before you go off again here are some facts:

Osama captured has been leaked by some intelegence services, and then there was the Albright comment. Think this stuff comes out of thin air?

You now need proof the statements were leaked.

You need the comment.

You need something else like timing proven.

Then Osama disappears when his side would benefit greatly by showing his mug on film and not just his voice.

Now you need something to back up the proof of "disappearance" like a public statement or word from his crew.

Then you have the invasion of Iraq based on UN violation? Yea that was the real reason, not that Osama spilled his guts about links with Saddam and what he had up his sleeve.

Again, now you need a LOT because there is NOTHING directly pointing to this.

You have to see the big picture.

Up until now, you talk about a big picture of fiction.

Give us a documentary.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
well you are certainly taking the first steps to being banned!

Hey seeing that you are a Pats fan I would assume that you may possibly be in that area of the country, wanna meet and I will show you what kind of balls I have?
about a half hour from Gillette Stadium in fact! And your threats about banning me or showing me your tiny balls aren't too frightening.

One Small Voice brought up a perfect point about you dishing it out but being unable to take it. And I agreed completely. If these are your boards, you can do whatever the hell you want with them. But why are you presenting this as a DISCUSSION board when you're afraid to discuss anything except your own opinions. You wouldn't last 5 seconds on a REAL discussion board with that attitude, I guess that's why you started your own.

It's like a little kid playing baseball with his friends, then when he starts losing, he takes his equipment and runs home crying so nobody else can play either. Pathetic!

Get it over with and ban my screen name so you don't have to face reality
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
I'm half afraid to ask for a link... I dont have time to do any more massive searches.

I've never heard of any of your claims One. Consider me a smartass, consider me a dumbass, I really couldnt care less. I'm asking with an open mind for you to provide me with some information so I can read through it because its all news to me. You cant even provide that. Why start with more information when you cant even provide information about the incidents your pointing out?

I will answer your question if you answer mine. How long have you worked for the government?

Working for the government, you know that stories about Osama being captured were released by Jordanian Intelegence then there was the Albright bomb, surely you remember who Albright was? And now you think all this was made up?
Originally posted by One small Voice
I will answer your question if you answer mine. How long have you worked for the government?

Working for the government, you know that stories about Osama being captured were released by Jordanian Intelegence then there was the Albright bomb, surely you remember who Albright was? And now you think all this was made up?

its easier understanding what my toddler is trying to say than what you are.

Just give me the damn links so I can read up on what the hell you're trying to say.

and how the hell did Albright come into a scenario that was supposed to have happened in 2001.
Originally posted by One small Voice
I will answer your question if you answer mine. How long have you worked for the government?

Working for the government, you know that stories about Osama being captured were released by Jordanian Intelegence then there was the Albright bomb, surely you remember who Albright was? And now you think all this was made up?

:tinfoil: or :alco:
by the way, Miss Evil - I live in Worcester, where are you?(fantasyland doesn't count)
Originally posted by Patriot54
about a half hour from Gillette Stadium in fact! And your threats about banning me or showing me your tiny balls aren't too frightening.

One Small Voice brought up a perfect point about you dishing it out but being unable to take it. And I agreed completely. If these are your boards, you can do whatever the hell you want with them. But why are you presenting this as a DISCUSSION board when you're afraid to discuss anything except your own opinions. You wouldn't last 5 seconds on a REAL discussion board with that attitude, I guess that's why you started your own.

It's like a little kid playing baseball with his friends, then when he starts losing, he takes his equipment and runs home crying so nobody else can play either. Pathetic!

Get it over with and ban my screen name so you don't have to face reality

So the question is: Why the hell are you HERE?
Originally posted by One small Voice
I know I am asking alot.

You have to be able to put it all together and having Osama makes sense to me.

We can never admit it. We must not admit it but that lead directly to the Iraq war and nobody who knows the truth can ever admit it.

Look at the big picture. You are not going to have all the pieces, you will have to see that it all fits.

Here it is again, we captured Osama and he lead us to Sadam being behind the WTC bombing and 9/11.

We kicked his arse in 1991, who would have more reason to attack the US than Sadam?

Now if we tell the world we have Osama the hidden cells will emerge and there will be more 9/11's so we are playing this little game to track down the bad guys and sending them 'messages' from their leader.
Originally posted by Patriot54
by the way, Miss Evil - I live in Worcester, where are you?(fantasyland doesn't count)

Patriot... you have 92 posts here. Please stop trying to instigate shit. Names were tossed back and forth throughout this entire thread. Let it go already. If you dont want to be here and are purposefully trying to get banned, do us a favor and just back out of the forum instead of making a 10 page thread into a 20 page thread with flames.
Originally posted by One small Voice
OK we captured OBL, right? We have a news conference, show him off. Next his followers high jack a plane or a boat or fill a building with TNT or anthrax then the negotiations begin....or

We hold him in secret and try to get as much information from him as we can to find hidden cells then when we are done with him we try him in secret and execute him and destroy the body.

Which option makes more sense to you?

As long as we're in a "what if" situation where we've captured Osama, what makes you think Osama has intelligence on the wherabouts of each cell? What little detail he knows you probably couldn't tortue out of him. And watching the film as he reacted to 9/11 video proved he had little operational details on Al-Qauida.

So in the first place, understand that when Bush promised to capture Bin-Laden, "Dead or Alive" and then did, what's the point in keeping it secret?

You have to ask yourself why Osama's capture would be secret after a public Saddam trial. If the Bush candidacy is helped by keeping Osama a secret then explain why? Either the secret comes out and kills his re-election, or it doesn't and he appears to have failed on following through with the promises he made.

So no, the logic of the situation as a "what if" demands a public display of Osama for the world to see.

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