Osama was Captured and Executed by US

  • Thread starter One small Voice
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Originally posted by Comrade
Yes but the authenticity of the videos and voice recordings are all based on statements from the CIA. And if the CIA is behind his capture why would you believe them for proving Osama is free in the first place?

See how crazy this gets?

Why should killing him secretly to prevent his martyrdom make any sense when his myth of survival fuels the movement?

If his followers maintain Osama is free and alive, and the US could prove them wrong, it would be a significant moral blow to the Islamists. It would be a victory for Bush policy.

If they keep releasing messages from him that reveals cells? That might prove to be more of a victory than having a boat captured and blown up in a failed ransom attempt. There is no victory in holding him and executing him. He is more powerful as a martyr.
Originally posted by NewGuy
My underwear comment cleared the room.

Damit, it was the underwear, not the comment! Check the Federalist. :p:
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
Okay.. now let me get this straight. Because Hillary is the Senator for New York... she has inside information about Osama Bin Laden (because obviously he fueled our invasion of Iraq with his Intel).. she takes her inside information and tells her good buddy Albright, who accidently lets it slip on Fox News and then backtracks and says it tongue in cheek.... but thats alll a conspiracy to keep things secret. Afterall, Maddie doesnt want anyone to know that she knows. Right?

It was no accident. Now Bush knows that Hillary knows. The Jordanians know too.
Originally posted by One small Voice
It was no accident. Now Bush knows that Hillary knows. The Jordanians know too.

Then who is at the top?
Originally posted by NewGuy
On the flip side, you are being allowed to voice your opinion.

Isn't that fair?

I seem to recall a freedom of speech is one of your rights, and is upheld here, apparently.
All he had to do was be a man and admit he was wrong to use childlike insults against OSV. If he can't discuss something without resorting to that, he's not worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoe
Originally posted by One small Voice: Yea that was a real knee slapper. Again you have to read between the lines and know that Hillary knows things.

Do you hear yourself?
Originally posted by NewGuy
Then who is at the top?

Vince Foster was on top of Hillary but that is not the question here.

You want to know where is Osama, right? Well I know but I am not telling because someone called me a small minded moron.
Originally posted by One small Voice
Vince Foster was on top of Hillary but that is not the question here.

You want to know where is Osama, right? Well I know but I am not telling because someone called me a small minded moron.

Damn, I though Madeline was on top. When did Vince come out?
Originally posted by One small Voice
Vince Foster was on top of Hillary but that is not the question here.

You want to know where is Osama, right? Well I know but I am not telling because someone called me a small minded moron.

You didn't read my question.

Who is at the top of it all?
Originally posted by Patriot54
All he had to do was be a man and admit he was wrong to use childlike insults against OSV. If he can't discuss something without resorting to that, he's not worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoe

OK I admit it, I am a small minded moron, I admit it.
Originally posted by Patriot54
All he had to do was be a man and admit he was wrong to use childlike insults against OSV. If he can't discuss something without resorting to that, he's not worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoe

I believe I was on the receiving end of one of OSV's name tossing events... if we're going to focus on the big picture, lets focus on the entire thing.
Originally posted by lilcountriegal
I believe I was on the receiving end of one of OSV's name tossing either... if we're going to focus on the big picture, lets focus on the entire thing.

OK LCG is not a moron but Vince Foster is Chelsea's father because Bill told Juanita he shoots blanks.

I am sorry about everything. I regret Pearl Harbor and the Challenger Disaster.

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