OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

As an aside, I have run into some people who are avidly pro-vaccine yet anti-mandate.

Fair enough. You do you, let me do me. Completely American.

So I put a middle case (not to Islamophobic Twat, she has me on ignore).... If I am an employer, should I be able to demand my employees get vaccinated so they don't endanger me, my family, my customers and my employees.
On the night of the 2016 election there were TV people crying and spouting this was the end. Domestically and in foreign affairs. They lied. Many were long term media people we believed in. In war...Trump kept the peace.

And between 2016 and 2020.

450,000 deaths from Covid
65 million jobs lost or displaced
165,000 businesses lost
Iran is back to building nukes and running Iraq and Syria
The Taliban was poised to take over Afghanistan because Trump sold out our allies
the Trade deficit with China increased

I can go on and on... Trump was a far bigger disaster than we thought he would be.
So I put a middle case (not to Islamophobic Twat, she has me on ignore).... If I am an employer, should I be able to demand my employees get vaccinated so they don't endanger me, my family, my customers and my employees.

If you own a business, you can do whatever you want!!!!

But despite your "Democratic" beliefs, you don't own your employees or customers, and THEY are free to tell you to stick your company up your ass, and leave you hanging.....
Regardless of whatever ruling it still doesn't affect me.
I will remain in the Control Group.

Release ALL the data regarding the vaccines or simply piss off with your mandates.
Honestly, I don't know where this nation goes if the SC rules that the president can make an executive order through his OSHA minions that workers can be injected with a medication that might stay with them forever as a condition of employment

If that happens, as far as I'm concerned, the USA is done.
Right. I do think, SweetSue92, that we have lost. Mandates and masks and other horrors everywhere and more daily as this Omicron panic builds up. The din of propaganda is incredible. Schools and colleges shutting down all over ---- I think we have lost.

I can only hope there will be a backlash. Otherwise we've really lost all our liberties.
Dont be a dipshit and erroneously bring up the well researched Salk vaccine.
This is a prolific but weaker than weak virus. Being Positive means zip. What means something is what it does to you and those you pass it too which also is so far zip.
So Libs trying to hair on fire sell that “Positives” is all that matters when in fact it’s the outcome that matters. So, not going to ingest anymore experiments over something with no ill effects .
Right. I do think, SweetSue92, that we have lost. Mandates and masks and other horrors everywhere and more daily as this Omicron panic builds up. The din of propaganda is incredible. Schools and colleges shutting down all over ---- I think we have lost.

I can only hope there will be a backlash. Otherwise we've really lost all our liberties.
If the Scotus defiles the Constitution by allowing this overreach by a Federal agency then the Constitution is dead. It has already been dying for a long time by these Fascist Pricks. Now they will continue to use threats and cohersion measures to get their way.

For now we must hope that SANITY will be with SCOTUS.......because continuing down this path.........THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY..........We shall see.
If the Scotus defiles the Constitution by allowing this overreach by a Federal agency then the Constitution is dead. It has already been dying for a long time by these Fascist Pricks. Now they will continue to use threats and cohersion measures to get their way.

For now we must hope that SANITY will be with SCOTUS.......because continuing down this path.........THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY..........We shall see.
I liked the Colorado declaration that health officials have no empowerment about what goes on your face.
Right. I do think, SweetSue92, that we have lost. Mandates and masks and other horrors everywhere and more daily as this Omicron panic builds up. The din of propaganda is incredible. Schools and colleges shutting down all over ---- I think we have lost.

I can only hope there will be a backlash. Otherwise we've really lost all our liberties.

According to polls most Americans have had it with masks, lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Let them keep pushing. They are going to get slaughtered in 2022, it's up to them how bad they wish to get slaughtered.
According to polls most Americans have had it with masks, lockdowns and vaccine mandates. Let them keep pushing. They are going to get slaughtered in 2022, it's up to them how bad they wish to get slaughtered.
If they allow this...........MILLIONS of jobs will be threatened..........MILLIONS.........

MILLIONS WILL GET VERY ANGRY............I'll leave it at that.
So I put a middle case (not to Islamophobic Twat, she has me on ignore).... If I am an employer, should I be able to demand my employees get vaccinated so they don't endanger me, my family, my customers and my employees.

Yes you can, but in doing so, you accept liability for any negative effects of the vaccine. If five years down the road they learn the vaccine was instrumental in causing prostate cancer, every employee of yours or their family that gets prostate cancer is entitled to compensation since you, not a doctor or clinician of any kind, forced your employees to take an experimental drug.
The regulation in question has nothing to do with anyone's racial identity.

Those who don't believe in the vax should starve to death for your satisfaction? Remember, the vax doesn't stop the spread and only theoretically provides protection to the recipient, who is still free to get it if they want.

Joe turns everything into race. You could be talking about the best time to plant radishes and he'd find a way to make it racial.

Over a year since vaccines came out and we have more covid deaths this year than last. Plenty of people with Covid getting it and passing it along, and apparently from what I watched on television, this vaccine doesn't do shit.

So what about the next variant, and the next, and the next. We have people crossing our border by the millions from over 140 different countries and Dementia is welcoming them with open arms. No testing and no vaccine requirements. That's only for Americans.
If the Scotus defiles the Constitution by allowing this overreach by a Federal agency then the Constitution is dead. It has already been dying for a long time by these Fascist Pricks. Now they will continue to use threats and cohersion measures to get their way.

For now we must hope that SANITY will be with SCOTUS.......because continuing down this path.........THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY..........We shall see.
Thanx, eagle, I agree. I think SCOTUS will decide quickly: this is big. This will be cited for decades (if the country lasts so long, which I doubt) because this is big.

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