OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

So I put a middle case (not to Islamophobic Twat, she has me on ignore).... If I am an employer, should I be able to demand my employees get vaccinated so they don't endanger me, my family, my customers and my employees.

Yes, as an employer you should have that right. But the Govt should not force you to do it.
The boiling frog is a myth. A frog will jump out of water as soon as it becomes uncomfortable. ON the other hand, if you actually throw a frog into boiling water, it will probably die of shock before attempting escape.

Here's how we have avoided civil war... most people are sensible enough to realize their lives are pretty good, no matter how much Faux News tries to get them upset about bullshit like Trannies in the Bathroom or you have to take your shot.

Please not, everyone who works for Faux News has gotten their shots... but they are telling you not to, because "Freedom" or some such shit.
Here's how we avoid a civil war: cocksucking fascist Karens like you shut your cocksucking fascist Karen faces, and leave people to their own free will.
Yes, as an employer you should have that right. But the Govt should not force you to do it.

Why not?

We've already established in a national emergency, the government can compel enlistment for you to go fight a war, where you might die..

But they don't have the right to make you do something that will save your life and the lives of others? This really doesn't make a lot of sense.

Now, yes, ALL political/government discussion is at the end of the day a balancing of individual liberty vs. Collective need.

Too far in one direction, you have a lawless society like Somalia... too far in the other, you have North Korea where people have been ordered not to laugh during days of mourning. Ideally, the need should be somewhere in the middle.

This isn't really a big ask, given that Covid has killed 800K Americans.
Why not?

We've already established in a national emergency, the government can compel enlistment for you to go fight a war, where you might die..

But they don't have the right to make you do something that will save your life and the lives of others? This really doesn't make a lot of sense.

Now, yes, ALL political/government discussion is at the end of the day a balancing of individual liberty vs. Collective need.

Too far in one direction, you have a lawless society like Somalia... too far in the other, you have North Korea where people have been ordered not to laugh during days of mourning. Ideally, the need should be somewhere in the middle.

This isn't really a big ask, given that Covid has killed 800K Americans.
You don't want the middle....You want Soviet Russia where you can understand the language.

Eat a bag of dicks, fascist knuckle dragger.

You have no argument, so all you can do is throw the race card and screech ORANGE MAN BAAAAAD!!

Yawn, I always find it amusing the same people who are cool with this...


Think THIS is a huge imposition on their freedom.


As I always say..


Here's how we avoid a civil war: cocksucking fascist Karens like you shut your cocksucking fascist Karen faces, and leave people to their own free will.

I'm all for you having free will... but not when you are potentially spreading infections... I'm a little less sympathetic.
You don't want the middle....You want Soviet Russia where you can understand the language.

Yes, making you get a shot is just like Stalinist Russia.

I'm old enough to remember when they used to use these to give us our inoculations.


Who knew we were living in Stalinist Russia... as I recall, Richard Nixon was president back then.
Yes, making you get a shot is just like Stalinist Russia.

I'm old enough to remember when they used to use these to give us our inoculations.

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Who knew we were living in Stalinist Russia... as I recall, Richard Nixon was president back then.
The FauxiFlu isn't smallpox or polio, lying fascist peckerhead.
Please not, everyone who works for Faux News has gotten their shots... but they are telling you not to, because "Freedom" or some such shit.

Total lie. They got their shot because they wanted and it was their choice. Being anti-mandate is not being anti-vax.
Whenever I hear a right-winger talking about "liberty", it's usually whining about the loss of white privilege...

The fact that you are unwilling to get a shot because you don't want to admit Trump failed to handle Covid well is kind of telling.... just keep drinking the bleach.

There are more deaths under Dementia than Trump. So if Trump failed to handle covid well, Dementia is handling it worse.
I guess you better make sure you get proof you were forced, then.

I'm sure this is exactly why these businesses want a government mandate... because of product liability, even though the makers of the vaccines themselves got a whole bunch of waivers.

No pleasing some people.

Correct, if it's a government mandate it would get them off the hook. That's one of the many reasons there should be no mandate. If an employer wants to force you to take an experimental drug, then they should be held liable. And yes, telling people they will be fired unless they take it is forcing them.
But they don't have the right to make you do something that will save your life and the lives of others? This really doesn't make a lot of sense.

Too bad you don't care about the lives of unborn babies as much as you care about people who refuse to get a vaccine that does not prevent the spread of the virus nor getting it in the 1st place. This isn't about saving lives, it's about politics.
It's never the right starts revolutions; always the left.

I just read an op-ed by three retired generals (WaPo, today, don't have a subscription) saying that another coup after an election will throw the country into civil war. It certainly did last time! With Lincoln and the day-after secessions. But these must have been unusual leftwing generals, because they thought it would be the RIGHT doing the coup and some of the military would follow them, some the left, and KABOOM.

This is silly and bad historical analysis, and certainly did not happen last time!! Yep, it was an election, true enough, and leftwing abolitionist Lincoln won, and as of the following day, the trek out of the U.S. started. THAT, kiddoes, was NOT a revolution. THAT was plain secession, and very orderly, with conferences all around, and northern friends escorting Southern senators to the trains and saying goodbye and the whole Lee thing (he was asked to lead the Northern Army of the Potomac; he demurred) very gentlemanly.

Had the North let the South go, no war. Didn't ----- six months later, Bull Run. Oooops, the South won.

So these silly modern generals never learned history! They are saying that if BIDEN (or whomever rotten socialist they put up) wins, the Right will immediately try for a coup and divide the military. WHAT??? The right never, never, never, never, never starts a civil war. I wish someone would disprove me, because I am right! The left starts every single one, because revolutions are radical and so are leftists! So all that could happen is that if TRUMP wins (or a Trump-like substitute: DeSantis, I'm looking at you) the left would start a civil war. With a coup?? With the MILITARY? Would they be so crazy? Surely they wouldn't secede: we'd love that. I suppose it would be the usual way, riots and more riots, mostly black? They'd have to invade the suburbs: that's real hard to imagine, because we'd shoot them, surely. I just don't believe any of this. I think a split-up is coming, too, but these retired generals are full of it. They need to read more.

Career people in the military are war minded. No, we have it too good to go out into the streets and risk our lives. Once we takeover the entire federal government, they may have their little riots, but that's fine because all they do is end up burning and looting their own shops in their area and think they are getting even with us somehow.

What it would really take is more unity. If a movement started on the right to have two separate countries, then it would get some attention. Right now it's just me and a few other people on a message board. So of course nobody on the left gives it a second thought. But a growing movement? It would be something they'd have to take a little more seriously.
Too bad you don't care about the lives of unborn babies as much as you care about people who refuse to get a vaccine that does not prevent the spread of the virus nor getting it in the 1st place. This isn't about saving lives, it's about politics.

Talking to the left is like trying to talk to a brick wall. I"ve told him repeatedly that you can get covid from a vaxed or unvaxed person. It doesn't matter. You can't beat this thing with vaccines that don't really stop anything. All these vaccines do is make it so you don't get as sick, but you're not protecting anybody but yourself.

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