OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

I am 100% anti-mandate (unless you are getting a pay check from the Fed Govt), it is just not a power the Fed Govt should have.

There's no more reason for the government to have such power over its employees than for a private company to have such power over its employees.

Whether I work for a private company, or for the government, my private medical information is non of my employer's business, and my right to determine whether or not I will be used as a test subject in a dangerous medical experiment is mine alone to make, and no business of my employer's, nor any justification for me to be discriminator against on the basis of my choice in the matter.

The only business that government has in connection with this is its duty to see to it that my rights to medical privacy and control over my medical treatment are protected.
So let's see if the Troglodyte Right is going to kill thousands of Americans because of their slavish devotion to "Liberty" (for white people).
The regulation in question has nothing to do with anyone's racial identity.

One of Incel Joe's obsessions is with trying to make every issue about race, and to paint those who disagree with him as “racist”, even in matters that have nothing whatsoever to do with race or racism. And ironically, when he does so, he usually cannot help showing himself to be, n fact, a far worse racist than what he tried to falsely accuse his opponents of being.
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

Hysterics aside, Islamophobic Twat, we've been requiring vaccinations of children to go to school for years. The military has required vaccinations as a condition of service for years.

The question is, how many people need to die before you all just admit Trump fucked this up?

Oh, Please....

We spend 24/7 dissecting these guys, every aspect of their lives, ever person who ever knew them,

The thing is, most of us would look awful if we got the same level of scrutiny and bias that presidential candidates are exposed to, to the point where we take some fairly accomplished men and women who have dedicated their lives to public service and we demean them. And a lot of guys who might make good candidates take a pass because they wouldn't want to expose their family to that kind of nonsense.

So when a truly awful one like Trump comes along, he can shake it all off like decent men can't. So of course, the GOP voters reject 10 guys who probably would have made okay Presidents to pick the one guy who is openly awful.

So I put a middle case (not to Islamophobic Twat, she has me on ignore).... If I am an employer, should I be able to demand my employees get vaccinated so they don't endanger me, my family, my customers and my employees.

These dangerous experimental drugs have been rather solidly proven, by now, to do nothing whatsoever as far as preventing anyone from being infected with this disease or spreading it to others.

So any argument that someone, by refusing to take part in this risky experiment, is posing any danger to anyone else, and is therefore a valid target to be discriminated against in any way, is just pure bullshit.
so we know you get HIV via unprotected sex…HIV kills…so should we start locking everyone up who has unprotected sex? it impacts everyone around them
More likely a Xiden mandate that no sex take place without a rubber and that anyone (male, female, undecided) wanting to bear a child be artificially inseminat5ed at a Democrat Party run clinic where political purity of the donors was assured.

Who says you can't intentionally breed stupid?
I bet you are paranoid about fluoridation in the water....

On the other hand, I am nearly 60 and still have all my own teeth.

I would find it very amusing to see you take a firsthand role in trying to force someone to allow you to inject these dangerous experimental drugs into him. How many of your own teeth would you still have after that?

It's a lot easier to advocate the unjustifiable use of force against another, when you know that someone else will be doing it, with you being a safe distance away.
So let's see if the Troglodyte Right is going to kill thousands of Americans because of their slavish devotion to "Liberty" (for white people).
Slugs like you and the drunk playtime need to be educated. OSHA can NOT put any mandate in place for this. OSHA can only rule on things originating IN THE WORKPLACE. The China Virus certainly did NOT originate in any American workplace. Another fail.

If you own a business, you can do whatever you want!!!!

But despite your "Democratic" beliefs, you don't own your employees or customers, and THEY are free to tell you to stick your company up your ass, and leave you hanging.....

There are limits even to that.

For example, a private employer is not allowed to discriminate against employees or prospective employees based on certain criteria, such as race, sex, age, religion, and so on.

And under HIPAA and related laws, an employer also cannot discriminate on the basis of medical information nor dictate to an employee anything about what medical treatments that employee is to receive.

That latter point is one reason why this mandate should be shot down completely in the courts. It blatantly violates existing laws, duly passed by Congress and signed into law by past Presidents; and it blatantly violates rights established under these laws. At the very least, what it should take to legitimate such mandates would be for both houses of Congress to pass and reconcile a new bill, which overturns HIPAA and other related laws, and which explicitly authorizes such mandates; and for the President to sign that bill into law. Even at that, there would still remain some serious Constitutional issues to be raised as well as some basic principles of human rights. Under no circumstances does a President, by way of executive order, nor a bureaucratic organization such as OSHA, have the power to override established law.
Joe turns everything into race. You could be talking about the best time to plant radishes and he'd find a way to make it racial.

Usually, LIbtARdS wait until it is absolutely clear that they are hopelessly losing an argument, before they try to play the Race Card.

Incel Joe very often plays that card right at the very start, and then plays it repeatedly, as if he already knows before he enters an argument that he has no real point, and no reason to expect any other outcome than a humiliating defeat.
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Whenever I hear a right-winger talking about "liberty", it's usually whining about the loss of white privilege...

The fact that you are unwilling to get a shot because you don't want to admit Trump failed to handle Covid well is kind of telling.... just keep drinking the bleach.
More and more lies from little whiner Joe. Spouting bullshit like normal. No wonder he has to pay women to be seen with him. And of course, no Joe whine is complete without the “white privilege” bullshit. And the ignorance of Xiden having more deaths in a shorter time span than Trump, despite having vaccines. Only a true dope like this tries to tie vax hesitancy to Trump. And still spouts the debunked drink bleach crap too. What a maroon...
Liberty is one of a very few principles I'd be willing to die for. If you prefer life as a slave, that's on you.

Incel Joe seems like the type who favors a tyranny, because he is under the delusion that under the tyranny that he desires, he would be one of the masters rather than one of the slaves.

If we were ever to actually fall under the sort of tyranny that Incel Joe desires, at least we would get the satisfaction of seeing the poetic justice when he learns what his real place will be under it.
Yes, making you get a shot is just like Stalinist Russia.

I'm old enough to remember when they used to use these to give us our inoculations.

View attachment 577234

Who knew we were living in Stalinist Russia... as I recall, Richard Nixon was president back then.

Do you understand that what was injected then, using those devices, were scientifically proven vaccines based on solid science, and proven to actually protect against diseases and the spread thereof; while the shit that you want to force people to accept now are dangerous, unproven, experimental drugs, already proven not to have any benefit at all as far as preventing infection or spread, and only dubious short-lived benefits as far as possibly reducing symptoms; and which are also proven to pose a fairly high risk of serious and even fatal side effects?
"But" makes you a lying fucking fascist peckerhead....You're for "choice" as long as everyone make the "choice" that you would make.

Or more accurately, the “choice” that he wants others to make. Very Incel Joe's kind think that other people should be force to make sacrifices that they, themselves would not make.
Correct, if it's a government mandate it would get them off the hook. That's one of the many reasons there should be no mandate. If an employer wants to force you to take an experimental drug, then they should be held liable. And yes, telling people they will be fired unless they take it is forcing them.

Employers are still legally obligated to obey the actual laws, including HIPAA and related laws that protect employees' rights to medical privacy and control over their own medical care. Obeying these illegal mandates will not shield employers from the consequences of violating the actual laws.

See also: Fourth Nuremberg Principle
Usually, LIbtARdS wait until it is absolutely clear that they are hopelessly losing an argument, before they try to play the Race Card.

Incel Joe very often plays that card right at the very start, and then plays it repeatedly, as if he already knows before he enters an argument that he has no real point, and no reason to expect any other outcome than a humiliating defeat.

Joe uses race because he's obsessed with race. Plus the Democrats have taught them whenever in a bind, bring out the race card and you win.
I am pro-vaccine and anti-mandate. People have a right to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.

I believe we've been over this. The vaccines were a good choice for you. For these perfectly healthy 20 yo required to get boosters to go to college--not so very much.

You will see. Once the fog of Moral Panic is over, the chips will fall. But they will be avalanches.

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