OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

I agree that it feels like boiling a frog.

Maybe we aren't close. But when big things happen, they happen FAST. Like a couple days, as with the fall of the Soviet Union, or the start of WWI. Or the secession of the South after Lincoln's election. I suppose they have to happen fast if at all, because if they happen slowly, people will stop it.

Exactly this. Slowly, then all at once.
So let's see if the Troglodyte Right is going to kill thousands of Americans because of their slavish devotion to "Liberty" (for white people).

The Federal government has no authority to force people to put chemicals in their body, Walter.

Funny how the Left demands to right to choose (abortion) except when it comes to getting the vaccine.

For a few years before the vaccine their motto was My body-my choice. After the vaccine, my body-governments choice.

The SC should shoot this down. In fact they should shoot down any case that involves a bureaucracy. Our Constitution outlines that all laws, taxes and fines are created by our Congress so we have some redress. What can you do to a bureaucrat when they do things against the will of the public? You won't even find the words bureaucracy or bureaucrats in the US Constitution. It's not what our founders ever wanted.
For a few years before the vaccine their motto was My body-my choice. After the vaccine, my body-governments choice.

The SC should shoot this down. In fact they should shoot down any case that involves a bureaucracy. Our Constitution outlines that all laws, taxes and fines are created by our Congress so we have some redress. What can you do to a bureaucrat when they do things against the will of the public? You won't even find the words bureaucracy or bureaucrats in the US Constitution. It's not what our founders ever wanted.

I figure this: we will see if the Supreme Court is owned or not. I think Roberts has been owned for years.
A dishonest way of saying that you support the “right” to savagely kill an innocent child in cold blood.

yer chosen one thought women should be punished & it depends on how the court is stacked. of course he backed off when it looked like that was a very unpopular opinion ... of course that was 5 years ago & the SC didn't have his 3 picks seated ... especially the last one - the hand maiden.

you claiming it's a 'child' is the real dishonesty here.
so we know you get HIV via unprotected sex…HIV kills…so should we start locking everyone up who has unprotected sex? it impacts everyone around them

HIV only affects the person whom you banged. & with HIV , you know you are infected.

that doesn't happen with covid. for every covid case, there are 3-5 people it spread to ... & then they spread it to 3-5 people. i believe it's upwards of 10 people with the variant delta. it's probably more with omicron, since that one is even more infectious than delta.

& with a drunk on the road - EVERYBODY in that vicinity is a potential victim.

but thanx for playing!
HIV only affects the person whom you banged. & with HIV , you know you are infected.

that doesn't happen with covid. for every covid case, there are 3-5 people it spread to ... & then they spread it to 3-5 people. i believe it's upwards of 10 people with the variant delta. it's probably more with omicron, since that one is even more infectious than delta.

& with a drunk on the road - EVERYBODY in that vicinity is a potential victim.

but thanx for playing!
you don’t know your infected right away…could be months.

who you have sex with, and then who they gave sex with…and who that person has sex with…it certainly effects more then one person
There's no more reason for the government to have such power over its employees than for a private company to have such power over its employees.

And I think a private company should be allowed to have that power.

Whether I work for a private company, or for the government, my private medical information is non of my employer's business, and my right to determine whether or not I will be used as a test subject in a dangerous medical experiment is mine alone to make, and no business of my employer's, nor any justification for me to be discriminator against on the basis of my choice in the matter.

This is correct, you can tell your employer no and they can stop giving you a pay check. You both have a choice.
And under HIPAA and related laws, an employer also cannot discriminate on the basis of medical information nor dictate to an employee anything about what medical treatments that employee is to receive.

Nothing in HIPAA stops a business from requiring vaccines. Hospitals have been requiring flu shots for more than a decade and it has never once been found to violate any law
you don’t know your infected right away…could be months.

2-4 weeks.

who you have sex with, and then who they gave sex with…and who that person has sex with…it certainly effects more then one person

but not 'society' as a whole. standing next to someone with HIV will not give you HIV.

but engaging in risky behavior can. i'm pretty sure, you're not gonna find many people bent on CONspiracy theories & try eating dirt, or parasitic horse paste to eradicate HIV, if there were a safe vaccine instead.


Should my employer have the right to tell me that I cannot practice my religion, that I must convert to a religion that the company deems acceptable, or else lose my job?

Only if you are practicing your religion on their time
Only if you are practicing your religion on their time

That's a basic Constitutional right though, freedom of religion. I see where you're going with some of this but violating people's basic rights for the sake of a job seems to be borderline to say the least.

PS Exceptions if you ARE a religious institution. Muslim mosques should not be made to hire Catholics and vice versa.
That's a basic Constitutional right though, freedom of religion. I see where you're going with some of this but violating people's basic rights for the sake of a job seems to be borderline to say the least.

PS Exceptions if you ARE a religious institution. Muslim mosques should not be made to hire Catholics and vice versa.

The Constitution is supposed to be about what the Govt can and cannot do. They cannot restrict (for the most part) your freedom of religion. The Constitution is not supposed to apply to private companies.

It is my view that even Anti-discrimination laws should only apply to the government, I think it is actually against the Constitution to enforce them on private entities. I also think that "protected classes" violate the equal protection clause.

But I guess all of that is for a different thread
"But" makes you a lying fucking fascist peckerhead....You're for "choice" as long as everyone make the "choice" that you would make.
Um, no, I'm for choice when the choice effects you and only you. When it effects other people, then we need to have a more serious discussion.

The FauxiFlu isn't smallpox or polio, lying fascist peckerhead.

It's a lot deadlier than Polio, actually.

Polio never killed more than 50K a year.


Total lie. They got their shot because they wanted and it was their choice. Being anti-mandate is not being anti-vax.

I'm sure you believe that. So how is it that NOT ONE Faux News employee has refused to get the shot and has proudly said so?

There are more deaths under Dementia than Trump. So if Trump failed to handle covid well, Dementia is handling it worse.

Not at all. Trump killed 450,000 people in nine months... 350,000 people have died since he left because he and his followers refuse to get their shots. When the other side is ACTIVELY FRUSTRATING Biden's efforts to get it under control, you really can't blame him. I mean, if you are intellectually honest.

So how about this. Mandate EVERYONE gets their shots. Anyone who still dies after that is Biden's fault.

Correct, if it's a government mandate it would get them off the hook. That's one of the many reasons there should be no mandate. If an employer wants to force you to take an experimental drug, then they should be held liable. And yes, telling people they will be fired unless they take it is forcing them.

Employers force you do to things all the time under threat of firing you. They can drug test you, make you adhere to a dress code, etc, etc.

And usually, the government backs them up. They should here, too.
Um, no, I'm for choice when the choice effects you and only you. When it effects other people, then we need to have a more serious discussion.

It's a lot deadlier than Polio, actually.

Polio never killed more than 50K a year.

View attachment 577380

I'm sure you believe that. So how is it that NOT ONE Faux News employee has refused to get the shot and has proudly said so?

Not at all. Trump killed 450,000 people in nine months... 350,000 people have died since he left because he and his followers refuse to get their shots. When the other side is ACTIVELY FRUSTRATING Biden's efforts to get it under control, you really can't blame him. I mean, if you are intellectually honest.

So how about this. Mandate EVERYONE gets their shots. Anyone who still dies after that is Biden's fault.

Employers force you do to things all the time under threat of firing you. They can drug test you, make you adhere to a dress code, etc, etc.

And usually, the government backs them up. They should here, too.
I am SO Glad I am Not Employed by our Government..
Too bad you don't care about the lives of unborn babies as much as you care about people who refuse to get a vaccine that does not prevent the spread of the virus nor getting it in the 1st place. This isn't about saving lives, it's about politics.

A fetus the size of a Kidney Bean is not a person. As a practical matter, a ban on abortion is going to do more harm than good. Unless you are going to put a woman under house arrest from the time she gets knocked up until she drops the kid, if she doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

On the other hand, enforcing a vaccine mandate is pretty easy. You can't go to your job or a public venue without a vax card. We've been enforcing vaccine mandates in schools for years. And while you might get the occassional idiot who lets her kid die of measles because she listened to Jenny McCarthy, most people go along with it.
Naw, I call her that because a couple of years ago, she plastered these pages with some of the most racist shit about Muslims I've ever seen.

When I corrected her on her claims that Female Circumcission is an Islamic practice. (It isn't- it's a cultural practice from North Africa only that predates both Islam and Christianity) she went into a total meltdown, which is when I started calling her "Islamophobic Twat"...
I don't give a crap when or why you started that...The mere fact that you would start it in the first place is just one more confirmation of what a low life, scumbag you really are...I have no further interest in interacting with you....Go to hell.

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