OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

What does it matter if I am or not?

If you people think anyone can refuse service because of any arbitrary beliefs then you should have no problem if you get refused service for anyone's arbitrary beliefs.
Since when is going to a movie a fucking Jab. I think it is mandatory for you to eat pork bellies...I'll mandate that or you must lose your job.

Being injected with a drug is NOT THE SAME THING..........It is just the new angle you communist are using to try and twist the narrative to push these BS Vaccines.

The push is not about our safety......or life.......it's about the control and power of it.
Since when is going to a movie a fucking Jab. I think it is mandatory for you to eat pork bellies...I'll mandate that or you must lose your job.

Being injected with a drug is NOT THE SAME THING..........It is just the new angle you communist are using to try and twist the narrative to push these BS Vaccines.

The push is not about our safety......or life.......it's about the control and power of it.
How is a SCOTUS member likely to swallow the news that there is no such thing as "fully vaccinated?" Denial? For a judge? Laughing? For a SCOTUS? Rebuttal? And risk the failure of the rebuttal?
How is a SCOTUS member likely to swallow the news that there is no such thing as "fully vaccinated?" Denial? For a judge? Laughing? For a SCOTUS? Rebuttal? And risk the failure of the rebuttal?
SCOTUS are political too often and often are with the assholes pushing the agenda
I do believe that. Ask any employer. They will tell you how they calculate your base pay. It's after all those deductions he or she has to pay on your behalf.
I've employed people and believe me hte SUTA and FUTA taxes aren't even a concern because they are quite low
I've employed people and believe me hte SUTA and FUTA taxes aren't even a concern because they are quite low

Well then you were doing it all wrong. It's more than taxes. It's vacation time, workman's comp costs which are an arm and a leg, unemployment insurance, matching SS contributions, medical care if your company still has that as a benefit and so on. In fact the trend the last 20 years or so is companies making employees contribute a larger portion towards their healthcare insurance when rates go up. Mind you it's not an arm and a leg, but enough to throw a monkey wrench in the system.
Well then you were doing it all wrong. It's more than taxes. It's vacation time, workman's comp costs which are an arm and a leg, unemployment insurance, matching SS contributions, medical care if your company still has that as a benefit and so on. In fact the trend the last 20 years or so is companies making employees contribute a larger portion towards their healthcare insurance when rates go up. Mind you it's not an arm and a leg, but enough to throw a monkey wrench in the system.
That has nothing to do with unemployment so all the piling on you are doing is irrelevant
So many church services cancelled via virtue signaling fear mongering. “Abundance of caution” is factually consolidated to mean “overreaction”
Americans just sitting by like directionless children waiting to be told what they can do next.
SCOTUS are political too often and often are with the assholes pushing the agenda

The Justices that lean more left are arguing the mandates are a necessity, will improve safety and save lives.
However ... The Supreme Court's job is to determine the Constitutionality of the case at hand.
It wouldn't matter if it saves millions of lives, and everyone in the United States happens to think it is a good idea.

That doesn't necessarily mean that Constitution grants the Federal Government the power to do it.

Well then you were doing it all wrong. It's more than taxes. It's vacation time, workman's comp costs which are an arm and a leg, unemployment insurance, matching SS contributions, medical care if your company still has that as a benefit and so on. In fact the trend the last 20 years or so is companies making employees contribute a larger portion towards their healthcare insurance when rates go up. Mind you it's not an arm and a leg, but enough to throw a monkey wrench in the system.

Anyone who knows anything about running a company knows your number 1 expense is employees.
The Justices that lean more left are arguing the mandates are a necessity, will improve safety and save lives.
However ... The Supreme Court's job is to determine the Constitutionality of the case at hand.
It wouldn't matter if it saves millions of lives, and everyone in the United States happens to think it is a good idea.

That doesn't necessarily mean that Constitution grants the Federal Government the power to do it.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
While a tad more dramatic than I would have put it, I do agree.

Though I am pretty convinced the USA is already done. With each passing month the wife and are taking the idea of retiring outside of the US far more seriously.
Better late than never.
I left a lil after Sir Dubya declared the need for a Patriot ACT2
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The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

No one has ever credibly tried to claim that it is.

It is, however, the highest law in this nation.

The only creatures that ever try to make and argument based on “The Constitution is not a suicide pact” are criminals and tyrants that do not want the law to be obeyed, that do not want the rights to be protected that the Constitution affirms. Enemies of America, and enemies of the American people. Your kind.
The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

I'm afraid it is if that's what people freely choose to do. If you want to go sky diving, drive around on some crotch rocket doing 120 on the highway, mountain climbing, skying like that guy did where they just found his body two days ago, it's your choice and the US Constitution does not permit the federal government to tell us what personal risks we are allowed to take. Given the virus can travel and be passed on to other people vaxed or not, it's not a public safety issue, it's a personal issue if you want to take the risk of catching and dying from this thing.
No one has ever credibly tried to claim that it is.

It is, however, the highest law in this nation.

The only creatures that ever try to make and argument based on “The Constitution is not a suicide pact” are criminals and tyrants that do not want the law to be obeyed, that do not want the rights to be protected that the Constitution affirms. Enemies of America, and enemies of the American people. Your kind.

As far as I'm concerned, if you are running around unvaxxed, potentially infecting others, you've become the enemy you are whining about.

Mormon Bob- Women should be executed for having abortions, criminals should be killed for minor property crimes.
Also Mormon Bob - I should be allowed to run around and potentially infect vulnerable people.

I'm afraid it is if that's what people freely choose to do. If you want to go sky diving, drive around on some crotch rocket doing 120 on the highway, mountain climbing, skying like that guy did where they just found his body two days ago, it's your choice and the US Constitution does not permit the federal government to tell us what personal risks we are allowed to take. Given the virus can travel and be passed on to other people vaxed or not, it's not a public safety issue, it's a personal issue if you want to take the risk of catching and dying from this thing.

It's not just about your personal risk. It's about anyone you might potentially infect. It's not about the guy who risks his life going 120, it's everyone else on the road they are putting at risk.
It's not to be ignored either.
There is a Tenth Amendment that specifically states who reserves the powers not granted to the Federal Government.
And if the states were doing their jobs, we wouldn't have an issue, would we?
This should have already been decided as illegal and unjustified. OSHA cannot mandate that you wear a hard hat in your house, or for the rest of your life.

There are also no allowances for natural immunity for people that recovered from Coronavirus.

The only reason this "review" is still going on is because of a few liberal activist judges who are bought and paid for by Big Pharma.

Otherwise it is a slam dunk and No Brainer to throw this out like the other two courts did.
And if the states were doing their jobs, we wouldn't have an issue, would we?

Which still doesn't mean the Constitution grants the Federal Government the power to do it.

It's not like a fricken question, and it doesn't matter how you respond.
It doesn't require you to agree with it ... :thup:

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