OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

Three days for what variant? Where is the citation that the effeminates of the CDC have kept up with viability studies for variants like Delta? As far as is known, The Covidian Effeminates have not made a peep about Omicron on surfaces.

No, not this new one, but the first covid and Delta they stated three days and it's very unlikely anybody would get it off of surfaces. Early on if somebody had covid in the workplace, they'd spray down the entire company. In our grocery store they had strips of plastic in front of the open refrigerator compartments. They got rid of all that. Now if somebody has covid at work, they just stay home and everybody else just continues working.
Except the Japanese did a great job of controlling the virus. They've only had 19K deaths compared to our 800K The Germans did a pretty good job, too. But that was having leaders who take it seriously.

Trump Lied... People died.

Wow, I didn't realize how much Biden sucks compared to those countries.

Again, Trump is never responsible for any of his own incompetence...but he gets credit for the good economy Obama gave him.

Like trying to have a discussion with an 8 year old. As I posted, it was Congress who was at fault, and as we both know, their focus was trying to get rid of Trump so they didn't do their jobs.

It seems like you have some time this week. So if you want to learn something new, Google the term Separation of Powers. You'll not only learn a little more of how this country works, but it will stop you from posting shit like everything is the Presidents fault. You won't look as stupid either.
The CDC isn't laying all of its cards on the table when the the Gates-owned WHO tells it to change mutations that are already published in cyberspace. We saw it happen. It's not wise to trust the CDC for anything, though three days is plenty of time for the commie virus, that got here for free, to travel for free on the breaths of the vaxxed and unvaxxed American prisoners.

Do you understand that there is no such thing as being fully vaxxed? Does the Supreme Court understand that fact?

This really isn't a vaccine in the sense that we define one. It only helps the individual when they do catch covid. Dementia keeps lying about it saying if you get the shot, you won't get covid. Even left wing fact check sites said he's full of shit. A true vaccine actually prevents you from getting things like the measles or polio. A real vaccine would have ended this some time ago.

The CDC is somewhat political these days, but if people could get covid from touching something, every American would have had it by now. There would simply be no way of avoiding it with this many people already infected. The only people that can't catch it are people that already had it, but it's difficult to say how long that immunity actually lasts.
I do not agree, I think most do.

You can believe that if you want, but Americans are not the loyalist people in the world. Look at what China did to us. How many Americans do you think quit buying Chinese products? Not many. The deaths, the lives changed forever, what they did to our great economy, the way people have to live, nobody cares. As long as people get the products they want for the price they want, that's where they're going to shop.
You can believe that if you want, but Americans are not the loyalist people in the world. Look at what China did to us. How many Americans do you think quit buying Chinese products? Not many. The deaths, the lives changed forever, what they did to our great economy, the way people have to live, nobody cares. As long as people get the products they want for the price they want, that's where they're going to shop.

Most people are not CT nuts that think COVID was a ploy by the Chinese to do us damage.
No it doesn't come from you.

You do not pay SUTA and FUTA taxes. Your employer and only your employer does.

It's the employers' cost of doing business not the employees'

No, we employees pay for everything indirectly. Just because you don't see it deducted out of your check or sent a bill for it doesn't mean we don't.
Most people are not CT nuts that think COVID was a ploy by the Chinese to do us damage.

It's not known if it was intentional or not, but the Chinese stopped all domestic flights from and to Wuhan. They allowed international flights to go on, and yes some of those flights to the US. Whether intentional or not, they are still responsible for everything we've gone through and still are.
Wow, I didn't realize how much Biden sucks compared to those countries.
Again, Biden isn't the guy who let this get out of control, fumbled the vaccine response and keeps encouraging the anti-vax nutters. That's all on Trump.

As I posted, it was Congress who was at fault, and as we both know, their focus was trying to get rid of Trump so they didn't do their jobs.
If they got rid of Trump, we probably wouldn't have lost as many lives... Pence would have actually listened to the doctors and scientists.

It seems like you have some time this week. So if you want to learn something new, Google the term Separation of Powers. You'll not only learn a little more of how this country works, but it will stop you from posting shit like everything is the Presidents fault. You won't look as stupid either.

Naw, I have no more or less time than I normally have.... I'm just wasting more time here than I normally do.

Some of us have to work for a living.

Trump was the president.. in his own words, it's the presidents fault when people die of diseases.

President Trump tore into his presumptive Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden on Friday, saying the “incompetence” of former President Barack Obama and his then-vice president caused 17,000 people to die from swine flu.

“Biden/Obama were a disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu. Polling at the time showed disastrous approval numbers,” Trump tweeted.

Trump added: “17,000 people died unnecessarily and through incompetence! "

So by Trump's own standard, he owns all the deaths of Covid.
You can believe that if you want, but Americans are not the loyalist people in the world. Look at what China did to us. How many Americans do you think quit buying Chinese products? Not many. The deaths, the lives changed forever, what they did to our great economy, the way people have to live, nobody cares. As long as people get the products they want for the price they want, that's where they're going to shop.

The Chinese didn't do anything to us... we did these things to ourselves.
DC says it will impose vaccination proof cards beginning 1/15 to enter indoor spaces
Good luck with that illegal and unenforceable decree.
The Chinese didn't do anything to us... we did these things to ourselves.

Bullshit. They were monkeying around with this thing and created a super virus more contagious and deadly than it's origin. They didn't immediately alert the world when it got out of the lab. They waited several weeks. They refused to share information with our scientists to get a head start on what we were dealing with. We should nuke China and be done with it.
Again, Biden isn't the guy who let this get out of control, fumbled the vaccine response and keeps encouraging the anti-vax nutters. That's all on Trump.

That's all a lie as proven already.

Naw, I have no more or less time than I normally have.... I'm just wasting more time here than I normally do.

Some of us have to work for a living.

Trump was the president.. in his own words, it's the presidents fault when people die of diseases.

Good, then let him start taking responsibility for the out of control virus today and the new record of covid deaths under his watch.
Bullshit. They were monkeying around with this thing and created a super virus more contagious and deadly than it's origin. They didn't immediately alert the world when it got out of the lab. They waited several weeks. They refused to share information with our scientists to get a head start on what we were dealing with. We should nuke China and be done with it.

Except everyone who has studied the virus has found that it originated in animals and spread to the human population.

The Chinese should have alerted the world to the problem earlier, but they still gave Trump plenty of warning to do... nothing.

That's all a lie as proven already.

Not really. Schools of government will be teaching about Trump's inept response to Covid for decades under "Don't DO That!"

Good, then let him start taking responsibility for the out of control virus today and the new record of covid deaths under his watch.

Sure. Give him the power to mandate vaccines, then we can talk about his responsibility. You can't whine about what Biden is doing and then frustrate his efforts.
Except everyone who has studied the virus has found that it originated in animals and spread to the human population.

The Chinese should have alerted the world to the problem earlier, but they still gave Trump plenty of warning to do... nothing.

No, not everybody thinks it came from animals. They tested over 80,000 animals near Wuhan, and not one of them had the first strain of covid that entered the human race. Their original lie was that it came from the wet markets, but those soon opened back up in the heart of the spread because even they knew it never came from there.

And when we takeover Congress in 2022, they will be doing more investigations on our involvement with this engineered super virus. Animals don't make or carry gain of function viruses.

Sure. Give him the power to mandate vaccines, then we can talk about his responsibility. You can't whine about what Biden is doing and then frustrate his efforts.

If you want mandatory vaccines by the government, move to Cuba. Our Constitution doesn't allow that here.
A real vaccine would have ended this some time ago.

Just treating this the same way we have always treated every other routine cold/flu outbreak, letting it run its natural course, and allowing individuals and society as a whole to continue functioning as normal, would have ended it a long time ago. Our panicked and artificially-manipulated and exploited overreaction to this virus has caused it to drag out much farther than it otherwise ever would have, and has in other ways caused far more harm to us, as individuals and as a society than the virus ever had any potential by itself to cause.
Sure. Give him the power to mandate vaccines, then we can talk about his responsibility. You can't whine about what Biden is doing and then frustrate his efforts.

Biden has no more or less power or authority to do anything than Trump did when he was President. By whatever standard you try to blame Trump for what occurred regarding COVID1984 when he was President, to be consistent, you would have to equally blame Biden for what has happened since he took office. Has anything to do with this fake “pandemic” improved since Biden took office? All I see are corrupt Democraps doubling down on their previous efforts to exploit it to empower and enrich themselves unjustly, to the great harm of those of us whose interests it is their duty to serve; up to and including your calls for people to be forcibly injected with dangerous experimental drugs that have already solidly been proven to do nothing whatever to control the spread of this disease. If anything, this has become much worse under Biden than it ever could have been under Trump.

Democraps have no viable policies to stand on,m to sell to The People; all they have is lies and fearmongering, and they have been milking COVID-1984 for all that they can get out of it.
The unvaccianted is not a class of people.

People of all races color creeds and sexual orientations choose to be unvaccinated.

YOU choose to be un vaccinated. If a business owner chooses deny you servitude you should have no problem because you say you don't think anyone should be FORCED to serve you because that would be YOU making them a SLAVE.

You can't have it both ways
aka OBEY ME........or I'll Punish you...........I'll get you FIRED.........I'll not let you shop.......You will not be able to fly..........aka ...........YOU WILL DESTROY ME...........

That is an act of WAR bro..............This isn't Austrailia..........this isn't Europe.........If you want a War....keep it up.
Where does it say in the bible that putting white frosting on a cake is a sin?

I looked I can't find it anywhere in the King James version of the Bible.

Sure the church can say gay marriage is a sin but nowhere in the bible does it say decorating a cake for any reason is a sin.
Yawn. They wanted them to cater to a gay wedding. They refused........They shouldn't have to cater to something they think is Immoral.

Ok Blues man.........You cater parties........and we are gonna have BONDAGE PARTY........Whips chains and all sort of crazy ass shit...............WILL YOU CATER IT? If you don't .........I'LL SUE.

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