OSHA Mandate Headed for Supreme Court

Biden has no more or less power or authority to do anything than Trump did when he was President. By whatever standard you try to blame Trump for what occurred regarding COVID1984 when he was President, to be consistent, you would have to equally blame Biden for what has happened since he took office.

JoeB obeys all Communist party rules. The first one of course being it's never a Democrats fault.

All the covid deaths under Dementia are Trump's fault.
The increase in fuel costs that took place after Dementia entered office, Trump's fault.
The shortage of labor when the Communists passed a bill to pay people more to stay home than work, Trump's fault.
The Afghanistan mess leaving 83 billion dollars of US military for the Taliban and killing 13 US military personnel, Trump's fault.
The inflation that took place because businesses were competing with government for workers, Trump's fault.
The once under control border that's the worst it's been (according to the border partrol) in over 20 years, Trump's fault.

If you go back to pre-election threads about who was going to win the presidential election, you'll see posts of mine predicting this is exactly what would happen if Dementia won. It's not that I'm some sort of future reader, but they did the same thing with DumBama where they blamed all his F-ups on Bush.

"Folks, I know liberals like I know every square inch of my glorious naked body."
Rush Limbaugh
SC will not imprison Americans over an injection of something with such a short study period. In fact the research is ongoing…..on us.
No, not everybody thinks it came from animals. They tested over 80,000 animals near Wuhan, and not one of them had the first strain of covid that entered the human race. Their original lie was that it came from the wet markets, but those soon opened back up in the heart of the spread because even they knew it never came from there.

And when we takeover Congress in 2022, they will be doing more investigations on our involvement with this engineered super virus. Animals don't make or carry gain of function viruses.

Yeah, this is what you guys always do when you take over Congress... You go off on these crazy tangents instead of doing the work of the people... Then you wonder why the Democrat gets re-elected. It's what happened with Clinton in 96 and Obama in 12.

So when Congress calls virologists to the stand, and these guys who all believe in talking snakes try to talk Science with actual scientists, it is going to be very amusing.

If you want mandatory vaccines by the government, move to Cuba. Our Constitution doesn't allow that here.

Again, ask all the kids who are required to get mandatory vaccines before they can go to school.
Biden has no more or less power or authority to do anything than Trump did when he was President. By whatever standard you try to blame Trump for what occurred regarding COVID1984 when he was President, to be consistent, you would have to equally blame Biden for what has happened since he took office. Has anything to do with this fake “pandemic” improved since Biden took office? All I see are corrupt Democraps doubling down on their previous efforts to exploit it to empower and enrich themselves unjustly, to the great harm of those of us whose interests it is their duty to serve; up to and including your calls for people to be forcibly injected with dangerous experimental drugs that have already solidly been proven to do nothing whatever to control the spread of this disease. If anything, this has become much worse under Biden than it ever could have been under Trump.

Democraps have no viable policies to stand on,m to sell to The People; all they have is lies and fearmongering, and they have been milking COVID-1984 for all that they can get out of it.

Trump could have controlled this thing before it got into the general population... he didn't. He did the exact opposite of that.

The real problem is that once the vaccines came out, all you nitwits refused to get your shot, but tried to go back to what life was like before we had Covid. That's why we have a huge infection rate.

Areas with high vaccination rates have low infection rates. 98% of new Covid Deaths are in fact unvaccinated. But you listen to people like Trump and Faux News who all get their shots, but tell you not to get yours...
All the covid deaths under Dementia are Trump's fault.
You mean the guy who let this thing spread, called it a hoax, hawked fake cures, held super-spreader events and even walked around infecting people for a week before he went to the hospital. Yes, Trump's inept leadership is something we are still paying for.

The increase in fuel costs that took place after Dementia entered office, Trump's fault.
You mean other than fuel consumption went down and then went back up?

The shortage of labor when the Communists passed a bill to pay people more to stay home than work, Trump's fault.

The shortage of labor is because we have more people retiring than we have entering the workforce. It probably also didn't help that Trump made it so much harder to hire immigrant labor. But here's the reality... people learned what assholes their bosses really are, especially at the lower end of the scale.

So big surprise, people realized that a minimum wage job with no health benefits wasn't worth risking their lives.

The Afghanistan mess leaving 83 billion dollars of US military for the Taliban and killing 13 US military personnel, Trump's fault.
The mess was still being in Afghanistan after 20 years, and being no closer to winning than when we started. Trump selling the Afghan Government out to the Taliban at Doha didn't help. We probably owe Neville Chamberlain an apology.

The inflation that took place because businesses were competing with government for workers, Trump's fault.
The once under control border that's the worst it's been (according to the border partrol) in over 20 years, Trump's fault.
Again, only crisis you care about. I mean, if you are such a loser that you are competing with an illegal for a job, that's kind of on you.

If you go back to pre-election threads about who was going to win the presidential election, you'll see posts of mine predicting this is exactly what would happen if Dementia won. It's not that I'm some sort of future reader, but they did the same thing with DumBama where they blamed all his F-ups on Bush.

Actually, what we are seeing is the natural cycle.

1) Republicans fuck things up and get voted out of office.
2) Republicans whine that Democrats aren't fixing the shit they fucked up fast enough.
3) When things DO get better, Republicans shift to bullshit social issues and crazy conspiracies, reminding everyone why they are unfit for office.
4) When all else fails, Republicans steal elections.

We are now on Step 2.
Just treating this the same way we have always treated every other routine cold/flu outbreak, letting it run its natural course, and allowing individuals and society as a whole to continue functioning as normal, would have ended it a long time ago. Our panicked and artificially-manipulated and exploited overreaction to this virus has caused it to drag out much farther than it otherwise ever would have, and has in other ways caused far more harm to us, as individuals and as a society than the virus ever had any potential by itself to cause.

If we treated this like a normal flu, we'd have 3 or 4 million dead.

Let's take the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu for a comparison. Over a one year period, there were 60.8 million cases of the flu, of which 12,000 died. A fatality rate of 0.02% This was with treatments, with vaccines that some people didn't take.

Compare that to Covid (TRUMP PLAGUE(TM))- We've had 51 million cases and 812,000 deaths. A fatality rate of 1.5%. spread over two years. If the entire population got it in a short period, you would have had 4.5 million deaths. Perhaps more, the reason why Covid was as deadly as it was in the early stages was because the hospitals weren't prepared for it.

This NEVER should have been a political issue, but Trump made it one.
You might think that, but another person might not. And considering that our 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, there IS an argument to be made about how far that right extends relative to other rights. What if the baker is a Muslim instead of a Christian, does that change your mind any?
Right so if anyone can deny service to anyone else for an arbitrary reason then why do all these antivax people whine so much if they are denied service?
Right so if anyone can deny service to anyone else for an arbitrary reason then why do all these antivax people whine so much if they are denied service?
If you are vaccinated then why do you care. You are PROTECTED RIGHT..........lmao
If you are vaccinated then why do you care. You are PROTECTED RIGHT..........lmao
What does it matter if I am or not?

If you people think anyone can refuse service because of any arbitrary beliefs then you should have no problem if you get refused service for anyone's arbitrary beliefs.
& if one knowingly has covid, but does not mitigate it , then it can be CONsidered an assault.

i'm glad that the unvaxxed will not have any copays waived & their premiums go up. just like someone who got nailed for a DUI, or smokes.
your comparison is still emotional ID based crap.
I know you are a stupid uneducated Moon Bat but CNN and MSNBC have been lying to you and you are too stupid to know it.

The Covid virus was released by the Chinese.

You know who the Chinese are, don't you? They are the ones that made the Joe Biden family filthy rich.

I use to think that you were simply one of the stupid uneducated die hard crazy Libtards that are simply fucked up in the mind. However, nobody can really believe the stupid shit that you post on this forum all the time.

I am more inclined to think that you are nothing more than some troll posting from your mother's basement seeing what kind of reaction you can get of a discussion forum.
If we treated this like a normal flu, we'd have 3 or 4 million dead.

Let's take the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu for a comparison. Over a one year period, there were 60.8 million cases of the flu, of which 12,000 died. A fatality rate of 0.02% This was with treatments, with vaccines that some people didn't take.

Compare that to Covid (TRUMP PLAGUE(TM))- We've had 51 million cases and 812,000 deaths. A fatality rate of 1.5%. spread over two years. If the entire population got it in a short period, you would have had 4.5 million deaths. Perhaps more, the reason why Covid was as deadly as it was in the early stages was because the hospitals weren't prepared for it.

This NEVER should have been a political issue, but Trump made it one.
Absurd. The commie virus was political and nasty right from the source's rump. Effeminates of the Chinese military have SARS-CoV-2 closest relative, which came from Zhoushan, directly east of Wuhan. Deliberately seeding a naturally-evolved virus during Oct 2019 Wuhan World Military Games is highly suspicious, and can in no way be called conspiracy theory when the commies have left all scapegoats with no alternative but speculation due to their anal retention.

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