OSHA to expand COVID mandate?

It will stand for two reasons.
First, there is plenty of case law supporting vaccine mandates, some of it coming from the high court. Secondly, in a national healthcare emergency, it seems very unlikely the high court would stop a presidential vaccine mandate requiring vaccinations that have been shown effective and safe against a virus that has killed over 750,000 Americans in the worst epidemic in American history.
The court is not going to let the President endanger the economy / nation by mandating the firing of thousands of 1st Responders across the country and other vital workers

This mandate also challenges the liberals own defense of abortions - 'MY body, MY choice'.

If that applies to abortions it must apply to something the govt wants to test inside your body. If it does not apply to your own health care / your own body now it can not be used in defense of abortions.

Thousands more die because women have abortions using that defense than people die using it not to get the vaccine.
The court is not going to let the President endanger the economy / nation by mandating the firing of thousands of 1st Responders across the country and other vital workers

This mandate also challenges the liberals own defense of abortions - 'MY body, MY choice'.

If that applies to abortions it must apply to something the govt wants to test inside your body. If it does not apply to your own health care / your own body now it can not be used in defense of abortions.

Thousands more die because women have abortions using that defense than people die using it not to get the vaccine.
Exactly... No Fucking Way..
No, Congress created OSHA to assure safe and healthful conditions for working men and women in the workplace. Under the OSHA law, the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their workers and OHSA's responsibility is to provide the regulations to see that it happens. The only questions before the courts is whether requiring vaccines or covid tests are an overreach.

It seems almost certain that the high court will allow the mandate to stand. Multiple times the court has made it's opinion known in regard to goverment mandates during epidemics. The first vaccine mandate in the early 19th century was ruled to be legal. In 1905 the high court upheld a smallpox vaccine mandate in Cambridge. And by 1922, in another case, Justice Brandeis, writing for a unanimous court, upheld child school vaccine mandates, calling it settled law. Just this month, the Supreme Court, in fact, declined to take up a case that was challenging a vaccine mandate at Indiana University.

There is an abundance of case supporting vaccine mandates.

No, OSHA is requiring the injection but yet aren't even reporting injuries and deaths. Anyways, the decree has been ruled unconstitutional as it should. W
You do understand that with the help of Chinese communism and the dem-controlled nazi media, there is no verifiable origin of this virus, as this fascist absurdity gets reified and accelerated through sanctions? A violent absurdity that can’t be seen, difficult to prove its existence, and apparently has come from nowhere: it has not been found in bats.

The line should be drawn when the arrogance of authoritarian fascism moves to molest the boundary of mature immune systems in children: five years of age is this boundary. Pfizer: anti-freeze as an ingredient? Why? There are important haemtatological and cardiac signs breaking through the injections, and now the children become the pedophiliac’s target, having to face the spectre of genomic Russian roulette. Arrogant science is pushing the envelope on the familial genome it thinks it has all the answers to. Beware.
No, Congress created OSHA to assure safe and healthful conditions for working men and women in the workplace. Under the OSHA law, the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace for their workers and OHSA's responsibility is to provide the regulations to see that it happens. The only questions before the courts is whether requiring vaccines or covid tests are an overreach.

It seems almost certain that the high court will allow the mandate to stand. Multiple times the court has made it's opinion known in regard to goverment mandates during epidemics. The first vaccine mandate in the early 19th century was ruled to be legal. In 1905 the high court upheld a smallpox vaccine mandate in Cambridge. And by 1922, in another case, Justice Brandeis, writing for a unanimous court, upheld child school vaccine mandates, calling it settled law. Just this month, the Supreme Court, in fact, declined to take up a case that was challenging a vaccine mandate at Indiana University.

There is an abundance of case supporting vaccine mandates.

It will stand for two reasons.
First, there is plenty of case law supporting vaccine mandates, some of it coming from the high court. Secondly, in a national healthcare emergency, it seems very unlikely the high court would stop a presidential vaccine mandate requiring vaccinations that have been shown effective and safe against a virus that has killed over 750,000 Americans in the worst epidemic in American history.

First that's not the intent of the law. You know that, and certainly this Admin knows that.

Secondly there is no case law supporting national vaccine mandates. States yes, but not Federal.
I think that the Biden Adminstration has stretched the existing law that this mandate is based on, far beyond it's intended use.
Secondly there is no case law supporting national vaccine mandates. States yes, but not Federal.

From what I've read, there are no federal laws regarding vaccine mandates, it has been pretty much left to the states to determine. While OSHA has some authority regarding worker health and safety granted by federal law, the court will have to decide how far that authority extends. There is a difference between upholding state laws in this area and allowing a federal mandate with associated penalties. To this point, it has been state and local laws that have been ruled to be constitutional, but I don't think that means the US Gov't can usurp that power without Congressional legislation. It's one thing if the Congress authorizes the Executive to take the appropriate steps, but it's another if it doesn't.
I think that the Biden Adminstration has stretched the existing law that this mandate is based on, far beyond it's intended use.

From what I've read, there are no federal laws regarding vaccine mandates, it has been pretty much left to the states to determine. While OSHA has some authority regarding worker health and safety granted by federal law, the court will have to decide how far that authority extends. There is a difference between upholding state laws in this area and allowing a federal mandate with associated penalties. To this point, it has been state and local laws that have been ruled to be constitutional, but I don't think that means the US Gov't can usurp that power without Congressional legislation. It's one thing if the Congress authorizes the Executive to take the appropriate steps, but it's another if it doesn't.

Yeah, its the states that determine. Many states, Texas included, have already said they won't comply with the federal govt.
Yeah, its the states that determine. Many states, Texas included, have already said they won't comply with the federal govt.

20 states so far, I believe have filed lawsuits against that mandate and I think they have a case for leaving that authority in state hands, particularly since Congress has not yet authorized federal intervention in this regard. If it ain't in the Constitution as a federal function then it is supposed to fall to the states, right?
Old poll. Opinions have changed and are changing.
No, this poll was taken about two weeks after Biden announced the mandate.

A Harris poll taken in October 8-12, about month after Biden announced the mandate showed 47% of all US adults who are participating in the workforce (i.e., those who are employed, unemployed and searching for work, and/or are students) would be more likely to accept a job offer if an employer required all employees (assuming they are medically able) to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Only 29% would be less likely to accept a job offer if an employer instituted a vaccine mandate.

In general, positive attitude toward employer vaccine mandates increases with level of education, mirroring overall trends in vaccine acceptance as reported by the Census Bureau’s Household pulse survey.

The only polls that showed strong disapproval of the mandate were taken in republican areas or among the unvaccinated.

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The court is not going to let the President endanger the economy / nation by mandating the firing of thousands of 1st Responders across the country and other vital workers

This mandate also challenges the liberals own defense of abortions - 'MY body, MY choice'.

If that applies to abortions it must apply to something the govt wants to test inside your body. If it does not apply to your own health care / your own body now it can not be used in defense of abortions.

Thousands more die because women have abortions using that defense than people die using it not to get the vaccine

In making decisions the Supreme considers whether there is a direct violation of the constitution or law, which the vaccine mandate does not. Secondly, whether the federal goverment has the authority based federal legislation to create health regulations in the workplace, which it does. Third, whether there is a previous ruling of the court supporting a vaccine mandate by government, which does exist. The court does not make decisions based on what the effect the decision might or might not be on the economy.

Finally, there is no mandate requiring anyone be fired. The OSHA regulation mandates that employers either require that employees be vaccinated or show evidence of a negative covid test in order to keep the workplace free of the virus. This is part of the mission of OSHA as enshrined in the law just as other OSHA regulations pertaining to the spread of infectious diseases in the workplace.
No, OSHA is requiring the injection but yet aren't even reporting injuries and deaths. Anyways, the decree has been ruled unconstitutional as it should. W
No, a federal district court temporarily halted the implementation of the regulation pending further review. OSHA is not requiring a vaccination. OSHA is requiring that employers see that employees either get vaccinated or get covid tests. Distorting facts does not help your argument.
No, a federal district court temporarily halted the implementation of the regulation pending further review. OSHA is not requiring a vaccination. OSHA is requiring that employers see that employees either get vaccinated or get covid tests. Distorting facts does not help your argument.

Same thing. Also, OSHA is not listing the injuries or deaths that occur from these injections. Word games only shows how desperate your argument really is.
Same thing. Also, OSHA is not listing the injuries or deaths that occur from these injections. Word games only shows how desperate your argument really is.
If the court has any interest in the safety of the vaccines, it will consider the fact that in the US there has only been only 3 deaths linked to the vaccine out of over 430 million doses given and there has been over 757,000 deaths due to covid. Both the FDA and CDC have declared the vaccines safe and effective.

No, the federal court issued a temporary halt of the mandate. The cases from the states will be consolidated and presented to a court of appeals chosen by lottery. Regardless of what the courts decide, many large employers have already started mandating vaccinations and thousands more are considering it. Even if the courts decides against the Biden mandate, most large companies will be requiring vaccinations.

From McDonalds to Goldman Sacks, large companies have already started mandating the vaccine for employees. For example:
CVS Health
General Electric
Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
The New York Times
Southwest Airlines
Tyson Foods
Union Square Hospitality Group
United Airlines
The Walt Disney Company
The Washington Post
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3 deaths? No, that's more propaganda and deception being pushed by moderna, phizer, cdc. No, that number is in the tens of thousands from what's being reported by vaers. Historically, only 1-10 percent is reported so the deaths are very likely to be in the hundreds of thousands. The injuries are in the hundreds of thousands. This injection is very dangerous. Let's not kid ourselves.
Just noting.......you have to prove your kid has been vaccinated before they can get into school.
Hundreds of thousands of illegals must show proof of vaccinations to go to school? I think we’re going to need some proof?

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