OSO Mudeslide Disaster Response..Less Is More.. ????


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Seattle at large...Ballard lately
Honestly I had a hard time settling on a thread title.

The Importance Of Importance In Distater Response, Volunteers Threatened With Arrest, Three Days Nearly 200 Volunteers Turned Away By Authorities.. ETC... Some of my choices..

The fact remains that in the early hours and days following the disaster mud slide in Oso Washington nearly 70 volunteers...mostly local residents that survived the mudslide were turned away Sunday, Monday and yesterday from participating in the search for survivors.

That's 200 people in those three critical days. Multiplied by 12 hours of daylight ...TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED hours of searching capacity when it was needed most.


These volunteers are people that know the terraine. They hunt and fish and work these woods and waters. They KNOW the lay of the land and what they were getting themselves into and decided to help when it was needed most.

The head guy, The police chief of Darrington, a Mr. Hots got on the TV and told the viewers not to come and help because in his words..."It is dangerous..there are nails sticking up".. Yup !!! "nails sticking up in the debris" That was his reasoning for willfully turning away THOUSANDS of hours in manpower in an effort to save lives. Somebody might get an owwy and sue the City of Darrington?


I wonder how many of the good folks of Oso lay dying in the mud in some air pocket thinking that help would come any minute because that's the kind of neighbors they had that would move heaven and earth to come to the rescue only to have some cheezy self important burocrats turn back the help because some nails might be sticking up.

Memo to America. Do not trust your elected officials to come to your rescue in a disaster. They are the LAST people you want in charge.
It is not difficult to imagine a small army of untrained volunteers wandering around and making things worse - getting injured themselves or exacerbating an already-bad situation. If they are paramedics or have some relevant training and want to volunteer, maybe, but as for the general public, better if they are kept out.

I'm with Mr. Hots.
It is not difficult to imagine a small army of untrained volunteers wandering around and making things worse - getting injured themselves or exacerbating an already-bad situation. If they are paramedics or have some relevant training and want to volunteer, maybe, but as for the general public, better if they are kept out.

I'm with Mr. Hots.

Nonsense. NOBODY is trained in mud slide searching. All it would have taken is SOMEONE with a head on his shoulders and a gridmap to organize the volunteers to go to a designated area and try to locate survivors.

You talk like these people are just looky lou's with no comon sense. Sorry ... you underestimate who you are refering to. The people in "that neck of the woods" are not fools just bored and with nothing better to do. I am cut from that cloth having grown up on a farm having climbed the mountains in that area and kayaked down that river in my youth. I can fell a tree within a few inches of my intention as can most of the guys in Darrington. Most of the volunteers came with teir own chain saws ..some with heavy equipment,...back hoe's ...excavators etc..

The local government was overwhelmed. The volunteers ARE capable people. The victims WERE dying. Rejecting any competant help IS criminal !!

I don't want to call you an idiot but ...Hell...You are an idiot.

Ya... OK a couple of guys step on a nail or sprain an ankle... Big whoop !!! PEOPLE WERE DYING you putz !!!!

You are obviously NOT the guy who will ever come across an accident on the freeway and a car is burning with occupants inside and SOMEBODY has to grab his nutsack and break a window or pry open a car door RISKING GETTING HIS HANDS BURNED and pull out the victims.

People like you disgust me frankly.
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While I understand the concerns about another slide, these people were locals. People who knew those that were hit by the slide. They should have been allowed to take the risk to search for their freinds, neighbors, and even relatives. Mr. Hots overstepped his authourity and the bounds of common sense.
While I understand the concerns about another slide, these people were locals. People who knew those that were hit by the slide. They should have been allowed to take the risk to search for their freinds, neighbors, and even relatives. Mr. Hots overstepped his authourity and the bounds of common sense.

No sh*t !! So what if somebody steps on a nail or twists an ankle. You can see from the camera shots that the footing is dangerous. Hell I've RUN down worse decending from rock climbing scaling down thousands of yards of rock slides with a full pack at a full run.

The POINT is that if even only ONE life is found and pulled from the debris it is worth it.

Hots had no way of knowing that all the lives were lost when he was sending volunteers away Sunday, Monday and yesterday. The slide happened at around 10:30 AM on Saturday. They STILL haven't surveyed the whole site.

I hope Hots has nightmares for the rest of his life hearing the cries of victims that could have been found and saved.
What I have seen, as opposed to being told by liberals, is that an army of volunteers are being used. What has been turned away are children, young teens, who want to look for their parents, other relatives and friends. Young people and inexperienced people are being turned away because in some cases, bodies were torn apart by the mudslide and they are just finding body parts.

This isn't a movie set where a body is found and the extra is covered with movie mud and comes out neatly. These are bodies that have been ripped apart with their guts hanging out. Only those prepared to be faced with that kind of reality should be allowed to help.
What I have seen, as opposed to being told by liberals, is that an army of volunteers are being used. What has been turned away are children, young teens, who want to look for their parents, other relatives and friends. Young people and inexperienced people are being turned away because in some cases, bodies were torn apart by the mudslide and they are just finding body parts.

This isn't a movie set where a body is found and the extra is covered with movie mud and comes out neatly. These are bodies that have been ripped apart with their guts hanging out. Only those prepared to be faced with that kind of reality should be allowed to help.

"liberals"??? You stinking piece of dog shit.

You are going to try to lable me a "liberal" ??

Go fuck yourself you stupid troll.

Certainly the relatives are trying to help but I am not talking about children being turned away asshole.

Yes the authorities have added SOME volunteers to the search team but they have turned away many able bodied MEN and some useful equipment that could have aided the search.

You don't know what you are talking about you fucking jerk. I know the area having actually BEEN THERE. They are turning away folks just like myself that don't have OFFICIAL training but have woodsman skills just as good as anyone else on the scene.

You are just showing up on this thread to spread your venom and call someone a "liberal". Piss on you ...you piece of shit.

How DARE you comment politically on the tragedy MY personal friends are going through.. HOW DARE YOU !!!
Ha...Ha Hots blew himself out. He couldn't show up today for the press event held every day since the slide.

All the "leaders" of the various response teams were making excuses for him saying he had given it his all and everything.

Police Chief Hots couldn't even control his own life in this tragic emergency. He burnt himself out. What a putz! He didn't have enough sense to get SOME sleep and keep himself alert and as able as possible to handle the job at hand.

Hots is a joke. The one big time in his life that he needed to get it right he falls on his dick.

Memo to you people in small towns: Be careful who you put in charge. Take a lesson from the town of Darrington Washington. The slick looking guy that looks good on TV may not be the guy you want between you and safety if the shit hits the fan.
Honestly I had a hard time settling on a thread title.

The Importance Of Importance In Distater Response, Volunteers Threatened With Arrest, Three Days Nearly 200 Volunteers Turned Away By Authorities.. ETC... Some of my choices..

The fact remains that in the early hours and days following the disaster mud slide in Oso Washington nearly 70 volunteers...mostly local residents that survived the mudslide were turned away Sunday, Monday and yesterday from participating in the search for survivors.

That's 200 people in those three critical days. Multiplied by 12 hours of daylight ...TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED hours of searching capacity when it was needed most.


These volunteers are people that know the terraine. They hunt and fish and work these woods and waters. They KNOW the lay of the land and what they were getting themselves into and decided to help when it was needed most.

The head guy, The police chief of Darrington, a Mr. Hots got on the TV and told the viewers not to come and help because in his words..."It is dangerous..there are nails sticking up".. Yup !!! "nails sticking up in the debris" That was his reasoning for willfully turning away THOUSANDS of hours in manpower in an effort to save lives. Somebody might get an owwy and sue the City of Darrington?


I wonder how many of the good folks of Oso lay dying in the mud in some air pocket thinking that help would come any minute because that's the kind of neighbors they had that would move heaven and earth to come to the rescue only to have some cheezy self important burocrats turn back the help because some nails might be sticking up.

Memo to America. Do not trust your elected officials to come to your rescue in a disaster. They are the LAST people you want in charge.

This is like the insane situation where Health and Safety officials won't allow a rescue of a person drowning in more than a few feet of water.

If one ever wants to witness in real time the demise of civilization due to rules and regulations just check out Britain. Sad to see it's happening on our side of the pond as well. The law was originally for really fast flowing rivers and then got bent out of shape.

The picture that shames Britain: As a man's body floats in three feet of water, 25 emergency workers stand and watch because they aren't 'trained' to go in water
MoS investigation into park pond tragedy and emergency services’ response reveals:

Rules that stopped firemen entering water were meant for fast-flowing rivers

Coalition ‘common sense’ report gives green light for heroes – but was ignored

Our reporter, in pair of waders, took two minutes to reach spot where body floated

AND here's the reporter in a pair of waders showing the depth of where the man drowned.

Aye carumba!


Simon Burgess' body floats in Walpole Park pond as emergency workers stand and watch | Mail Online
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It's been a little more than fifty years. I was on the Orcas Island basketball team as a freshman. We didn't play Arlington..that school was too big..but we did play Darrington. I remember the bus ride across the ferry and up the dark mountain road to the night game. Roads in that part of Washington State were not lighted then. We got to the Darrington Gym and man O man it looked overwhelming. Our team had never beat Darrington...Christ! Their High School had almost a thousand kids. The huge Gym was packed to the rafters and it seemed too hot and sweaty for the Pacific NW in November.. Anyway we got our asss handed to us.. Orcas Nellie S Milton school only had 67 kids K-12. I played but badly and got schooled by the Darrington team.

I wonder how many of those guys on that Darrington team we lost on Saturday...

Just wondering..
Anyone who relies upon government is bound to be disappointed. This is disgusting. Bureaucrats are scum.................
Anyone who relies upon government is bound to be disappointed. This is disgusting. Bureaucrats are scum.................

When I was a kid up on the farm on Orcas Island hell we didn't even have a single cop on the Island. One would have to take the ferry over fron San Juan Island to deal with any cop shit.

If a tree got blown over a road first person there was expected to go home..grab a chain saw a maul a wedge and a pee vee and clear the tree himself. Hells bells they were OUR roads.

These days you would get a ticket and have to go to court on suspicion of stealing firewood.
What I have seen, as opposed to being told by liberals, is that an army of volunteers are being used. What has been turned away are children, young teens, who want to look for their parents, other relatives and friends. Young people and inexperienced people are being turned away because in some cases, bodies were torn apart by the mudslide and they are just finding body parts.

This isn't a movie set where a body is found and the extra is covered with movie mud and comes out neatly. These are bodies that have been ripped apart with their guts hanging out. Only those prepared to be faced with that kind of reality should be allowed to help.

I'll be goddamned. I actually agree with Katz on something.

I'll add to it that knowing the terrain means nothing. Knowing how to navigate through 20 feet of mud requires some mad skills. I understand how hard it is to stand by and do nothing. It's incredibly frustrating.

The best way the volunteers can help is by bringing sandwiches and coffee to the searchers and to the anxious friends and families gathered somewhere awaiting word on their loved ones.
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What I have seen, as opposed to being told by liberals, is that an army of volunteers are being used. What has been turned away are children, young teens, who want to look for their parents, other relatives and friends. Young people and inexperienced people are being turned away because in some cases, bodies were torn apart by the mudslide and they are just finding body parts.

This isn't a movie set where a body is found and the extra is covered with movie mud and comes out neatly. These are bodies that have been ripped apart with their guts hanging out. Only those prepared to be faced with that kind of reality should be allowed to help.

I'll be goddamned. I actually agree with Katz on something.

I'll add to it that knowing the terrain means nothing. Knowing how to navigate through 20 feet of mud requires some mad skills. I understand how hard it is to stand by and do nothing. It's incredibly frustrating.

The best way the volunteers can help is by bringing sandwiches and coffee to the searchers and to the anxious friends and families gathered somewhere awaiting word on their loved ones.

Knowing how to navigate through 20 feet of mud requires some mad skills

Oh really? Just where is the 20-40 foot deep mud slide training school? It doesn't exist. There is no "training" for what happened in Oso. If sucking up to authority figures is your bag then go ahead on and make em a sandwich.

Turning able bodied men away in those first critical hours was stupid and almost certainly cost lives. Many of the volunteers are and were loggers. They work in similar conditions every day. Have you ever seen a logging operation? Trees fallen all over the place..sometimes deep mud... Logging is a comon profession in Oso. You and whut's his dick don't know what you are talking about.

The stupid fucks in charge didn't even figure out that they needed to divide the area into a grid and assign searchers to their own areas until today. THAT should have been the very first thing they did.

Ya ... REAL experts !! My ass. I don't care where they got their "training".. Ya can't train stupid.

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