Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

What is the excuse of "mental health" vis-a-vis pro-Palestine-crime?
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I was an armorer/supply sergeant in the Army.

Point was, Ft. Hood had Armed MPs.

Didn't stop Major Hasan, who was on a mission to kill as many people as he could.

So, um, who is going to pay these veterans to be in schools, exactly?

Because we've already seen what happens when you put cops in schools. they don't stop mass shootings, but they are often involved in incidents of brutalizing students.
MP's on base are like a cities police force except the general population on a base can not get to a firearm easily.

You loons are all happy about the US sending billions to the Ukraine to arm themselves so I'm going to call bullshit every fucking time one of you pull the money excuse out of your ass as a shitty reason for not protecting schools.

I did not say anything about police protecting schools I said fully vetted combat veterans the guys that ran towards gun fire. Most of those guys would volunteer to do it. So every excuse you people constantly use can easily be fixed without shitting on the law abiding citizens rights, but that's not what the people who control your opinion wants.
You loons are all happy about the US sending billions to the Ukraine to arm themselves so I'm going to call bullshit every fucking time one of you pull the money excuse out of your ass as a shitty reason for not protecting schools.
Ukraine is an active war zone.

Our schools shouldn't be. They wouldn't be if we didn't have crazy gun laws in this country where Mrs. Moreno can easily get a gun despite criminal convictions and a history of mental illness.
Most complaints about him are abut his 'Word of Faith' beliefs, and he admits he is no theological scholar, and has never claimed to be; people just like his positive thinking emphasis, much like Dale Carnegie's gig, is all. They're jealous they don't have weekly attendances in the tens of thousands. People who keep calling him a crook never seem to point to anything crooked he's ever done, and it is the liberal northeastern book publishers throwing immense amounts of cash at him, not his church. I find the whole Osteen Hate thing hilarious; he really has all the deviants and psychos jacked up, not that different from the effect Trump has on sociopath commies and career criminals and Democrats.

I wouldn't classify his style the same way you are.
Most of Christiandom kinda got "lost" in the 70's and especially 80's. Because their message really became confusing from a rapidly changing culture and with the addition of politics into the mix. Televangelist, who never were a thing before, became the face instead of the niche. And people got really strange ideas as to what Christianity was all about. (Especially when the TV Preachers all succumbed to their vices) Billy Graham (never fell) was a huge boon to membership...but the churches were radically unprepared in actually knowing what they believed and why they believed it. Many became disillusioned with church attendance.

Fast track to 2000's and Saddleback model became the thing....but the accepting of LGBTQ caught most churches flat footed. It's like they were not prepared at all about obvious, blatant, sinful lifestyles and having an answer to explain why they are wrong...especially when some churches began to not include it in the list of sinful lifestyles and made headlines doing so.

So many churches were focused on gaining people instead of actually explaining the faith they held that that it's been somewhat of a disaster for them.

Now come pandemic and quarantines....sure some people are demand resistant to anything the government says. (And they are a bit nutty) And churches today haven't quite recovered yet. (If they will at all) Most congregations are missing from 5%to as much as 60% of the regular numbers they once had.

The big fuss about Osteen is his real lack of Bible teaching....sure you feel like a million bucks after a service but that's not what a "Church" is about. It is about studying the scriptures and understanding how they apply to your life today. The "Good Feelings" that church provides is in the relationships with others....making friends and doing normal things friends do together. Altruistic endeavors and simple stuff like picnics and potlucks....you know...the normal things adults can do together but still focusing on your religion.
Ukraine is an active war zone.

Our schools shouldn't be. They wouldn't be if we didn't have crazy gun laws in this country where Mrs. Moreno can easily get a gun despite criminal convictions and a history of mental illness.
They wouldn't be if you loons wanted a solutions that didn't violate the 2nd, but like I said the only thing the people who give you your opinions want is fully disarming all law abiding citizens.
They wouldn't be if you loons wanted a solutions that didn't violate the 2nd, but like I said the only thing the people who give you your opinions want is fully disarming all law abiding citizens.
Notice how the Church's own security surveillance tapes aren't available for media yet? (Law enforcement, lawyers, and insurance company has them)

Probably because they want to see if they can charge someone defending the defenseless with any sort of crime or lawsuit possible.
They wouldn't be if you loons wanted a solutions that didn't violate the 2nd, but like I said the only thing the people who give you your opinions want is fully disarming all law abiding citizens.
Second Amendment is about Militias.

There is absolutely no reason why this woman, with an extensive criminal and mental illness record should have been allowed to buy a gun. Period. Full fucking stop.

Frankly, I would be just as happy if all privately owned guns were banned and confiscated. But I am for a reasonable middle position, where you have tougher screening to buy a gun and it is easier to take guns from people who shouldn't have them.
Another tranny shooter....
and he drug a five year old kid in with him that got shot and is not expected to live. They don't know if the child was shot by the security or this guy did it but the main thing is that this nutball brought the child into that situation in the first place. There are photos of the child at the shooter's home it appears, i wonder if he has sexually abused the child.
None of the articles I read identify the shooter as transgender.
Another dangerous mental defective.
As we can see currently in the Middle East, H. sapiens is incapable of weaning from the violent mental illness of religion. This above case incorrectly reifies the culprit, because all theologians know that their religion (the science of non-existent entities) is designed for pre-emptive antagonism due to its contradictions and texts about violence.

Subsequently allowed to go unchecked in the low-IQ media, you get opportunist religious psychopaths that poetize themselves as clairvoyants:

13 Feb 2024 Tried to Warn
and he drug a five year old kid in with him that got shot and is not expected to live. They don't know if the child was shot by the security or this guy did it but the main thing is that this nutball brought the child into that situation in the first place. There are photos of the child at the shooter's home it appears, i wonder if he has sexually abused the child.
Well, since she was a she and won a bitter custody case with her ex-husband, probably not.
and he drug a five year old kid in with him that got shot and is not expected to live. They don't know if the child was shot by the security or this guy did it but the main thing is that this nutball brought the child into that situation in the first place. There are photos of the child at the shooter's home it appears, i wonder if he has sexually abused the child.
Higher IQs should not buy your Freudian nursery pap. Child molestation begins with religion and its fairy tales.

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