Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

I’m against Title IX, but that doesn’t mean that I believe it is fair for my daughter to have to compete against a boy/man. I was an athlete in high school and was recruited for college as well those chose not to participate. I know from experience the HUGE gap between males and females. It simply isn’t a fair competition. I don’t understand why people like you are ok with destroying the hopes and dreams of a female to pacify your idiotic political agenda. If the trans people want to compete they can compete against each other.

If your biggest dream in life is winning a plastic trophy, it's like the guy who is still wearing his letterman jacket in his 20's.

I'm not even sure why Athletics are a part of the whole college thing, or why we are advancing dumb jocks to college over smart kids who are going to be a major part of the economy.

I remember having to deal with Title IX recipients when I was in College at UIC. Now, I have no idea why UIC even had an athletics program. No one cared about it. They didn't have a football team and they couldn't give away tickets to the basketball team, which was beyond mediocre. Also, calling your team "The Flames" is probably not a great idea when you are that close to Boy's Town (Chicago's notorious gay neighborhood.)

UIC paid for their athletics program and tuition through fees collected from the rest of us. I remember one woman on the swim team, dumber than a box of rocks, but she was getting a full ride because she could swim slightly faster than other girls, but nowhere near as fast as a man.

So, no, I can't get worked up because maybe a scammer got beaten in a scam.
If your biggest dream in life is winning a plastic trophy, it's like the guy who is still wearing his letterman jacket in his 20's.

I'm not even sure why Athletics are a part of the whole college thing, or why we are advancing dumb jocks to college over smart kids who are going to be a major part of the economy.

I remember having to deal with Title IX recipients when I was in College at UIC. Now, I have no idea why UIC even had an athletics program. No one cared about it. They didn't have a football team and they couldn't give away tickets to the basketball team, which was beyond mediocre. Also, calling your team "The Flames" is probably not a great idea when you are that close to Boy's Town (Chicago's notorious gay neighborhood.)

UIC paid for their athletics program and tuition through fees collected from the rest of us. I remember one woman on the swim team, dumber than a box of rocks, but she was getting a full ride because she could swim slightly faster than other girls, but nowhere near as fast as a man.

So, no, I can't get worked up because maybe a scammer got beaten in a scam.

Yeah, not ever an athlete. I get it now.

Look, forget scholarships at big colleges for a minute. If my daughter is playing high school soccer, why should she have to compete against biological males? One of the better examples is sports like swimming and track, where the definitive proof is on the stopwatch. Biological males destroy women in track and swimming. Again, I don’t see why you think it is ok to push this sort of thing just to satisfy your political agenda. Trans-women are NOT biological women. Just because you don’t care about sports competition, doesn’t mean you should be able to ruin it for everybody else.
Yeah, not ever an athlete. I get it now.
Naw, I was as soldier... I had more serious work to do. Barely passed the APFT most of the time I was in, but I was good at my job.

Look, forget scholarships at big colleges for a minute. If my daughter is playing high school soccer, why should she have to compete against biological males? One of the better examples is sports like swimming and track, where the definitive proof is on the stopwatch. Biological males destroy women in track and swimming.

No one would care about athletics or winning if there weren't scholarships involved, so we can't forget them. If it was "just for fun" playing against the very rare transgender athlete just wouldn't be an issue.

Again, I don’t see why you think it is ok to push this sort of thing just to satisfy your political agenda. Trans-women are NOT biological women. Just because you don’t care about sports competition, doesn’t mean you should be able to ruin it for everybody else.

Equality and human dignity are not a "political agenda". Transgender people deserve to be treated with the dignity and respect the rest of us take for granted.

The very fact that you guys on the wing nutty right were trying to falsely tar this woman as a "transgender" shows why we need to work for greater acceptance.
Let's summarize so it's easier for "the media" to report on a very obvious trend.
Just kidding - they know this and are intentionally ignoring it.
Colorado Springs shooter: nonbinary
Nashville school shooter: trans
Aberdeen shooter: trans
Denver school shooter: trans
Iowa school shooter: trans/genderfluid
Lakewood Church shooter: trans
Um, frankly, the only reason ANY cares about "female athletics" is because the government has mandated a bunch of set-asides for admissions and scholarships under Title IX.

It's the kind of government mandate your side is steadfastly against under normal circumstances.

No one watches these events to start with, and no one cares about them, except for you guys freaking out that the womanish men and beating the mannish women.
This title IX was a Prog push at one time. The negative is that males need an outlet for their energy. Females not so much. So, resources are taken from one to give to another. At this point there are females who get scholarships or at least some of it paid or some benefits elsewhere in some way. This what is happening is a perversion of the legislation. So, we have perhaps more violence than we would have as part of all of this.
This title IX was a Prog push at one time. The negative is that males need an outlet for their energy. Females not so much. So, resources are taken from one to give to another. At this point there are females who get scholarships or at least some of it paid or some benefits elsewhere in some way. This what is happening is a perversion of the legislation. So, we have perhaps more violence than we would have as part of all of this.
Oh, I think Title IX is bullshit. The only reason why athletics were a big deal for colleges is they gave money for kids who were good athletes because the primes sports of football and basketball promoted the school. But that favored males, so Title IX insisted EVERYONE should get them, even for sports no one gave a shit about.

That's why you get nonsense like Felicity Huffman's kid getting a scholarship for a non-existent rowing team.

But when it comes to treating transgenders with acceptance, then yeah they should be able to play for the team of their choice.
Let's summarize so it's easier for "the media" to report on a very obvious trend.
Just kidding - they know this and are intentionally ignoring it.
Colorado Springs shooter: nonbinary
Nashville school shooter: trans
Aberdeen shooter: trans
Denver school shooter: trans
Iowa school shooter: trans/genderfluid
Lakewood Church shooter: trans
Except she wasn't trans, she just committed bank fraud using a male name.

We have 600 Mass shooting every year. Statistically, some of them are going to be gender fluid because 1% of the population is.
Except not really.

Lakewood had armed guards. (They probably caused most of the injuries.)
Columbine had armed guards.
Stoneman had a school resource officer
VA Tech had an armed security detail
Fort Hood had two mass shootings despite being a military base.
They needed better trained guards. Your comment on Ft. Hood show you don't know how a Military base operates personal weapons have to be stored in Unit arms rooms. The only armed people are MP's.

Put fully vetted armed combat Veterans in schools and the shootings will stop, but you loons don't want them to stop.
Well, the purpose of the church is to lead sinners to the Christ.
But to affirm their sin as not a sin? Uhhhhh....
Most mainstream Church Denominations don't do that. Just because the Methodists are arguing about it and the Catholics have left the reservation does not mean that mainstream churches and congregations have embraced LGBTQ. So Olsteen's church has been on the outs and Osteen himself has been often used as the poster boy of "what not to do". Sure he has a huge mega-church...but most prefer to please God instead of man.
They needed better trained guards. Your comment on Ft. Hood show you don't know how a Military base operates personal weapons have to be stored in Unit arms rooms. The only armed people are MP's.

Put fully vetted armed combat Veterans in schools and the shootings will stop, but you loons don't want them to stop.
I was an armorer/supply sergeant in the Army.

Point was, Ft. Hood had Armed MPs.

Didn't stop Major Hasan, who was on a mission to kill as many people as he could.

So, um, who is going to pay these veterans to be in schools, exactly?

Because we've already seen what happens when you put cops in schools. they don't stop mass shootings, but they are often involved in incidents of brutalizing students.
But to affirm their sin as not a sin? Uhhhhh....
Most mainstream Church Denominations don't do that. Just because the Methodists are arguing about it and the Catholics have left the reservation does not mean that mainstream churches and congregations have embraced LGBTQ. So Olsteen's church has been on the outs and Osteen himself has been often used as the poster boy of "what not to do". Sure he has a huge mega-church...but most prefer to please God instead of man.

Most complaints about him are abut his 'Word of Faith' beliefs, and he admits he is no theological scholar, and has never claimed to be; people just like his positive thinking emphasis, much like Dale Carnegie's gig, is all. They're jealous they don't have weekly attendances in the tens of thousands. People who keep calling him a crook never seem to point to anything crooked he's ever done, and it is the liberal northeastern book publishers throwing immense amounts of cash at him, not his church. I find the whole Osteen Hate thing hilarious; he really has all the deviants and psychos jacked up, not that different from the effect Trump has on sociopath commies and career criminals and Democrats.

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