OSU athletic director slams HUGE coach salaries in "AMATEUR" college football

The players who actually do the work and draw the fans are told "sorry kid but since it's an amateur sport we can only give you a $20,000 a year scholarship." Then they pay the coaches 8 million a year!!!

Ohio State AD sounds off on ‘ridiculous’ salaries paid to Nick Saban, Jimbo Fisher

feb 6 2018 Ohio State AD sounds off on ‘ridiculous’ salaries paid to Nick Saban, Jimbo Fisher

Suffice to say, Gene Smith is not a fan of the most recent spiraling upwards of coaching salaries in college football.

In prying Jimbo Fisher away from Florida State, Texas A&M is signed their new head coach to a 10-year, $75 million contract. In 2017, Nick Saban was paid $11.2 million, $2 million of which was deferred compensation, on a contract that will pay the future Hall of Famer an average of just over $8.1 annually.

Even for a man in charge of one of the most profitable athletic departments in the country, those numbers are unsettling. Or “ridiculous,” in the words of Smith

In 2016 the OSU athletic dept made $152 million. Does the AD think that would happen without the best talent coaching?

And part of that was $33 million in donations. Does he think that would happen if the football program was losing?

Ohio State made $57.1 million on Licensing/Rights fees. YOu have to win to get that kind of revenue coming in. If he thinks he can recruit and win with a no name coach, let him try it.
So the university recruits a kid, tells them they will pay for the kids education, teach them how to play a sport, the kid agrees that he will not be paid cash but in the form of an education and this is now not a good deal for a the student who may not have a way to college to begin with?
So the university recruits a kid, tells them they will pay for the kids education, teach them how to play a sport, the kid agrees that he will not be paid cash but in the form of an education and this is now not a good deal for a the student who may not have a way to college to begin with?

So the university recruits a kid, tells them they will pay for the kids education, teach them how to play a sport, the kid agrees that he will not be paid cash but in the form of an education and this is now not a good deal for a the student who may not have a way to college to begin with?

Hey einstein. Everyone agrees the kids are paid SOMETHING. But it's nothing like what the coaches are paid. Is it that way in the NFL?
What is the value of the education they get?

They don't get an education. Playing big time college football is a full time job.

You just keep opening your mouth and I’ll keep stuffing your foot in it. Over 75% of players from big time college football schools graduate.
More and more college football players are graduating, but only at bigger schools
When it comes to big-time college football, more and more of the athletes are completing their degrees and graduating. But that same trend is not seen at lower levels.
The NCAA released federal graduation rate data showing that in 2009, 63% of FBS football players and 62% of FCS football players would go on to graduate. In 2017, those rates were up to 78% and 76% respectively. In FBS, the graduation rate was relatively unchanged in the seven years previous to 2009, ranging from 63% to 67%.
Detention, Not Retention

The way the colleges have degraded everything, a degree is nothing to be proud of. Proof of how unnatural this system is, in my day the rulers had to threaten students with death in Vietnam if they didn't hide away in college, sucking their thumbs and living like slackers who were afraid to grow up.
They don't get an education. Playing big time college football is a full time job.

Really? You could check with Barrett Jones. He started for 4 years at Alabama and graduated Summa Cum Laude (4.0GPA). Oh, and he was part of a team that won 3 National Championships. Barrett started at a different position on the O-Line for each.

HAHAHA. One instance out of millions doesn't prove anything, you fool. And besides teachers at college are told to "help" the star athletes. For all we know, jones can't even read. THINK
The Chinese Bound Girls' Feet, Academics Bind Young Minds

That's the way the narrow-minded products of coolie colleges "think," that the exception disproves the rule. Their mind-atrophying professors know full well that perfectionism leads to paralysis.
So the university recruits a kid, tells them they will pay for the kids education, teach them how to play a sport, the kid agrees that he will not be paid cash but in the form of an education and this is now not a good deal for a the student who may not have a way to college to begin with?

Hey einstein. Everyone agrees the kids are paid SOMETHING. But it's nothing like what the coaches are paid. Is it that way in the NFL?

The NFL is not an amateur sports organization.
What is the value of the education they get?

They don't get an education. Playing big time college football is a full time job.

You just keep opening your mouth and I’ll keep stuffing your foot in it. Over 75% of players from big time college football schools graduate.
More and more college football players are graduating, but only at bigger schools
When it comes to big-time college football, more and more of the athletes are completing their degrees and graduating. But that same trend is not seen at lower levels.
The NCAA released federal graduation rate data showing that in 2009, 63% of FBS football players and 62% of FCS football players would go on to graduate. In 2017, those rates were up to 78% and 76% respectively. In FBS, the graduation rate was relatively unchanged in the seven years previous to 2009, ranging from 63% to 67%.
Detention, Not Retention

The way the colleges have degraded everything, a degree is nothing to be proud of. Proof of how unnatural this system is, in my day the rulers had to threaten students with death in Vietnam if they didn't hide away in college, sucking their thumbs and living like slackers who were afraid to grow up.

It depends on the degree. Major in Liberal Arts or Art History, and it isn't worth much. Major in Accounting or Finance? Much more valuable.
So the university recruits a kid, tells them they will pay for the kids education, teach them how to play a sport, the kid agrees that he will not be paid cash but in the form of an education and this is now not a good deal for a the student who may not have a way to college to begin with?

Hey einstein. Everyone agrees the kids are paid SOMETHING. But it's nothing like what the coaches are paid. Is it that way in the NFL?

So you just want to pay the coaches for an education? Don’t think you will attract talent that way. THINK!
So the university recruits a kid, tells them they will pay for the kids education, teach them how to play a sport, the kid agrees that he will not be paid cash but in the form of an education and this is now not a good deal for a the student who may not have a way to college to begin with?

Hey einstein. Everyone agrees the kids are paid SOMETHING. But it's nothing like what the coaches are paid. Is it that way in the NFL?

So you just want to pay the coaches for an education? Don’t think you will attract talent that way. THINK!

This idiot thinks "amateur sport" means even the coaches and staff are not paid.
So the university recruits a kid, tells them they will pay for the kids education, teach them how to play a sport, the kid agrees that he will not be paid cash but in the form of an education and this is now not a good deal for a the student who may not have a way to college to begin with?

Hey einstein. Everyone agrees the kids are paid SOMETHING. But it's nothing like what the coaches are paid. Is it that way in the NFL?

And all this time I thought you were a capitalist. When did you start to favor socialism?
So the AD at Ohio State doesn't like the high salaries of head coaches? Sounds like jealousy to me.

Here is someone who is in a better position to judge the situation:
Alabama chancellor says Nick Saban is best investment in university history
"One of the most intriguing parts is when Keteyian interviews Alabama chancellor Dr. Robert Witt, who was the president of the university when Saban was hired in 2007. He asks if Saban, who makes over $5.5 million a year, is worth his paycheck.

“Nick Saban’s the best financial investment this university has ever made,” he said. “We have made an investment that’s been returned many fold.”

Alabama’s athletic department’s revenue has increased by 112% since Saban was hired, and last year returned $4 million to the school in the form of academic scholarships, according to 60 Minutes."
They do. Think. They get an education, a place to live...many more perks.

I am okay with it if it was decided to start giving them monetary perks as well. But it is asinine what the AD of OS had to say.
I can't help it if he is scared Urban may want the same.............Oh.......what is HE paid??

Urban Meyer's contract: More years, much more money
They do not get the full cost of schooling which is pretty sad considering what they bring to the University. I have to think about Curtis Enous as he had to sit out his final bowl game because some one bought him a suit to wear at the Heisman ceromoney. I worked with his mother at the state. For all he did for his college a simple cheap suite should not be to much to ask. I do not think they should be given millions but enough to live off of while at school at least!
They do not get the full cost of schooling which is pretty sad considering what they bring to the University. I have to think about Curtis Enous as he had to sit out his final bowl game because some one bought him a suit to wear at the Heisman ceromoney. I worked with his mother at the state. For all he did for his college a simple cheap suite should not be to much to ask. I do not think they should be given millions but enough to live off of while at school at least!

If the coaches get millions, why shouldn't the star players? THINK
They do not get the full cost of schooling which is pretty sad considering what they bring to the University. I have to think about Curtis Enous as he had to sit out his final bowl game because some one bought him a suit to wear at the Heisman ceromoney. I worked with his mother at the state. For all he did for his college a simple cheap suite should not be to much to ask. I do not think they should be given millions but enough to live off of while at school at least!

If the coaches get millions, why shouldn't the star players? THINK

If college players get paid, it won't be like the NFL where the stars make more. It will be more like a stipend. And even across the board.
You ignorant wretch. Amateur sports means the athletes are amateurs. That is all. As I said before, the coaches, trainers and staff at the Olympics are all paid.

Hey einstein. Many of the athletes at the olympics are professionals. It's no longer an amateur sport. How can you be so ignorant as not to know that.?
You ignorant wretch. Amateur sports means the athletes are amateurs. That is all. As I said before, the coaches, trainers and staff at the Olympics are all paid.

Hey einstein. Many of the athletes at the olympics are professionals. It's no longer an amateur sport. How can you be so ignorant as not to know that.?

Yes, they have professionals now. But the coaches and staff have always been paid. You should have known that if you are going to pretend to be versed in the topic.

The reason I brought up the Olympics is because of your incredibly ignorant comment showing you think the coaches of amateur athletes are supposed to be amateurs too. They aren't.

And yes, the coaches do make big money. If you have skills and knowledge, why would you give them away? If you want your school to pay a coach no more than the professors at the school, go right ahead. Your football program can have 3 or 4 wins a year and be a financial drain. If you want a quality program, you hire a quality coach. Ohio State did that and the program became one of the most profitable in the nation. The football program not only pays for itself, it puts millions into the general scholarship fund available to all students.

The University of Alabama hired a quality coach and it has paid huge dividends. As the quote I posted says, a former UA president and current Chancellor says hiring Nick Saban is the best money ever spent at Alabama. I have also shown the facts that show Saban's impact has had a huge effect on many areas of the school. Enrollment is up. Revenues are up. SAT scores for incoming freshmen are up. Donations are up. Graduation rates for the football players are up.

What is the downside? One AD is whining? Let him whine. We'll take the money, the championship trophies, the improved average SAT scores and the higher graduation rates.

The reason I brought up the Olympics is because of your incredibly ignorant comment showing you think the coaches of amateur athletes are supposed to be amateurs too. They aren't.


And i'm right about that. Coaches should NOT be paid in amateur sports anymore than the athletes should be. I realize that is not how it's done and that needs to change.

The real answer is to end sports programs at colleges. College is for learning not entertainment. No sports and no liberal arts nonsense either. College should teach STEM only. THINK

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