Other states copy Arizona SB 1062


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Who cares what Arizona does ? All over the country, states are enacting SB 1062 type bills, and there seems to be a growing movement to protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else.

Among the states getting on board with this are >> Missouri, Georgia, and Kansas. According to the Associated Press, others considering the legislation are also >> Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has said he would veto an SB 1062 type bill, but his popularity is nil, and he is likely to be voted out this year.

Other states copy Arizona SB 1062 - Andrea Drusch and Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com
Who cares what Arizona does ? All over the country, states are enacting SB 1062 type bills, and there seems to be a growing movement to protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else.

Among the states getting on board with this are >> Missouri, Georgia, and Kansas. According to the Associated Press, others considering the legislation are also >> Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has said he would veto an SB 1062 type bill, but his popularity is nil, and he is likely to be voted out this year.

Other states copy Arizona SB 1062 - Andrea Drusch and Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

And those measures will likely be vetoed or invalidated by the Federal courts as well.
Who cares what Arizona does ? All over the country, states are enacting SB 1062 type bills, and there seems to be a growing movement to protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else.

Among the states getting on board with this are >> Missouri, Georgia, and Kansas. According to the Associated Press, others considering the legislation are also >> Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has said he would veto an SB 1062 type bill, but his popularity is nil, and he is likely to be voted out this year.

Other states copy Arizona SB 1062 - Andrea Drusch and Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

And those measures will likely be vetoed or invalidated by the Federal courts as well.

I wish I had a $10 bill for every measure somebody said that about, and they were not vetoed by federal courts. Think and hope as you wish. No law against that.
protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else
Hostile takeover?

From another business??

Is there such a law???
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And those bills will be vetoed or overruled by the courts.

Thanks so much for repeating (almost word for word) what C Clayton Jones said in post # 4 , Mr. Echo. And note my refute of it (and you ) in Post # 5. You need to do a bit better job of keeping up in the thread.
Who cares what Arizona does ? All over the country, states are enacting SB 1062 type bills, and there seems to be a growing movement to protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else.

Among the states getting on board with this are >> Missouri, Georgia, and Kansas. According to the Associated Press, others considering the legislation are also >> Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has said he would veto an SB 1062 type bill, but his popularity is nil, and he is likely to be voted out this year.

Other states copy Arizona SB 1062 - Andrea Drusch and Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

No governor would sign a bill so easily thrown out.

It's embarrassing that these red state Teatard legislators seem to be clueless to think this shit will fly.
No governor would sign a bill so easily thrown out.

It's embarrassing that these red state Teatard legislators seem to be clueless to think this shit will fly.

Time will tell. Each state has its own situation. Some care more about REAL conservatism (values, principles, culture), than they do about pseudo-conservatism (supporting big business).
Who cares what Arizona does ? All over the country, states are enacting SB 1062 type bills, and there seems to be a growing movement to protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else.

Among the states getting on board with this are >> Missouri, Georgia, and Kansas. According to the Associated Press, others considering the legislation are also >> Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has said he would veto an SB 1062 type bill, but his popularity is nil, and he is likely to be voted out this year.

RED States?
Who cares what Arizona does ? All over the country, states are enacting SB 1062 type bills, and there seems to be a growing movement to protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else.

Among the states getting on board with this are >> Missouri, Georgia, and Kansas. According to the Associated Press, others considering the legislation are also >> Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has said he would veto an SB 1062 type bill, but his popularity is nil, and he is likely to be voted out this year.

RED States?

Yes they are. So ??
Who cares what Arizona does ? All over the country, states are enacting SB 1062 type bills, and there seems to be a growing movement to protect businesses from those who might harm them, by imposing the homosexual lifestyle, or whatever else.

Among the states getting on board with this are >> Missouri, Georgia, and Kansas. According to the Associated Press, others considering the legislation are also >> Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma.
In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has said he would veto an SB 1062 type bill, but his popularity is nil, and he is likely to be voted out this year.

RED States?

Yes they are. So ??

Racist Red States
WATCH: Protesters Confront The Woman Behind Arizona's Hate Law -

Cooper says that a number of states across the country are passing laws with the same “legal genetic code” that is traceable to fundamentalist Christian organizations.

Meanwhile, where this was first sent up the flagpole, so much fail the co-conspirators refuse to show their faces:

Why Is Cathi Herrod suddenly media shy?
On Wednesday, protesters attempted to take their objections to the source. They intended to confront CAP president Cathi Herrod at the organization’s headquarters. Herrod was all over the media defending her hate bill when it appeared things were going to go her way. But the odious measure has rapidly lost almost all the support it began with as the state waits for Gov. Brewer to make a decision about whether to veto it.
Herrod’s love affair with the media appears to have come to an end. In spite of the wide advance publicity that Wednesday’s gathering received, and in spite of the presence of reporters from virtually every Arizona news outlet, Herrod didn’t come out and face the crowd. As a matter of fact, security officers closed in to deny access to the building, stopping the protesters at the door.

Anybody seen Sil?

The grassroots organization, Citizens for a Better Arizona, initiated the action. Spokesperson Beto Soto told reporters that the delegation was there to ask for an apology from Herrod for all the damage she has caused Arizona. He said:

If you follow the puppeteer’s strings, they go right to this building, and to one person — Cathi Herrod.

The group also wanted to ask Herrod to stop interfering with the state’s legislative process and stop huddling with lawmakers to formulate laws. CAP’s website proudly notes that 123 of its bills have been passed in the state since 1995. In addition, CAP killed an anti-bullying bill, SB 1462, last year for fear that it would protect gay kids. That measure passed in the Senate but foundered in the House. At the time, Senate Minority Leader David Schapira called Herrod a “legislative terrorist” and said:

Cathi Herrod, an unelected lobbyist, killed a bill that would protect all Arizona kids purely because of her intolerance of gay kids.

First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

This could apply to gays and lesbians as well. And blacks. And mexicans. And anyone else being quietly surrounded with hatred.
A perfect response

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVmp_JlDI2g#t=1]Jon Stewart Trashes Morally Repugnant Arizona Bill, Rips Fox News Apocalyptic Paranoia - YouTube[/ame]

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