Other states copy Arizona SB 1062

Brewer followed the money .. She vetoed it.

No, she didn't follow the money. Her state would've been lacking the church of LGBT's support and their sychophants, but instead would've been FLOODED with middle voters like the chic fil a crowd and free speech supporters everywhere. They literally would not have known what to do with all the business. I was making plans to visit The Grand Canyon and then cancelled my hotel reservations the moment Brewer spoke.

She spoke wisely though. The Bill was too broadly worded and would've sparked up too much blind sentiment for gays and hatred for christians. In fact the other Bills proposed should linger out there awhile and not get passed until after the SCOTUS hearing on Harvey Milk vs Utah.

The followers of the cult of LGBT are great at kabuki theater. Gov. Brewer was just taking that stage away from them....for now.... Don't think for a minute that christianity will be dissolved by being forced by secular law to enable a culture of which their God wiped an entire city off the map for practicing.
Brewer followed the money .. She vetoed it.

No, she didn't follow the money. Her state would've been lacking the church of LGBT's support and their sychophants, but instead would've been FLOODED with middle voters like the chic fil a crowd and free speech supporters everywhere. They literally would not have known what to do with all the business. I was making plans to visit The Grand Canyon and then cancelled my hotel reservations the moment Brewer spoke.

She spoke wisely though. The Bill was too broadly worded and would've sparked up too much blind sentiment for gays and hatred for christians. In fact the other Bills proposed should linger out there awhile and not get passed until after the SCOTUS hearing on Harvey Milk vs Utah.

The followers of the cult of LGBT are great at kabuki theater. Gov. Brewer was just taking that stage away from them....for now.... Don't think for a minute that christianity will be dissolved by being forced by secular law to enable a culture of which their God wiped an entire city off the map for practicing.

I'm sure the Grand Canyon will miss you, they have such a hard time filling up their hotels
No, other states will not follow suit. Political suicide, as well as economic suicide. Sorry, but projecting your personal hates onto others won't achieve your goals. Homosexuality has been part of the human condition for all of recorded history. In fact, some significant societies actually idealized it. Such as some of the Greek city-states.

Most Americans pretty much have the attitude now that what you do in your bedroom between consenting adults is your business, no one elses. That is how it is and will remain.

Sez you, with no evidence or plausible reason to support your speculation, and nothing more than another echo of what other posters (whom I already answered) have said. :lol: Ho hum. Yawn *******
You lost the battle. Get over it.

One battle is not a war, and many more battles have been won by protectionists, lost by the queer lobby (Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah — have laws banning the promotion of homosexuality in schools). And as noted in the OP, in Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma, legislation similar to the Arizona SB 1062 are being considered and introduced. (16 states, and that's just the beginning-:badgrin:)

PS - what sick perversions "you do in your bedroom between consenting adults", isn't really an issue. What is, is what you do in public, in schools, in restaurants, in public parks, in military barracks, in day care centers, on ballfields, etc.
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You lost the battle. Get over it.

One battle is not a war, and many more battles have been won by protectionists, lost by the queer lobby (Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah — have laws banning the promotion of homosexuality in schools). And as noted in the OP, in Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma, legislation similar to the Arizona SB 1062 are being considered and introduced. (16 states, and that's just the beginning-:badgrin:)

PS - what sick perversions "you do in your bedroom between consenting adults", isn't really an issue. What is, is what you do in public, in schools, in restaurants, in public parks, in military barracks, in day care centers, on ballfields, etc.

The Big Battle is going to be what I call the Harvey Milk [or church of LGBT] v Utah case at the US Supreme Court this year. From there, the states will set their own standards for what is legal marriage and what isn't. I can be pretty sure stating that because I read the Windsor Decision from last Summer avering each state's unquestioned authority to decide via broad consensus on gay marriage. I'm pretty sure that the Court will not reverse its own Decision within one year's time.

Sez you, with no evidence or plausible reason to support your speculation, and nothing more than another echo of what other posters (whom I already answered) have said. :lol: Ho hum. Yawn *******
You lost the battle. Get over it.

One battle is not a war, and many more battles have been won by protectionists, lost by the queer lobby (Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah — have laws banning the promotion of homosexuality in schools). And as noted in the OP, in Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma, legislation similar to the Arizona SB 1062 are being considered and introduced. (16 states, and that's just the beginning-:badgrin:)

PS - what sick perversions "you do in your bedroom between consenting adults", isn't really an issue. What is, is what you do in public, in schools, in restaurants, in public parks, in military barracks, in day care centers, on ballfields, etc.

This sort of hate and ignorance will always lose, it was true during the age of segregation, and it’s true today.
You lost the battle. Get over it.

One battle is not a war, and many more battles have been won by protectionists, lost by the queer lobby (Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah — have laws banning the promotion of homosexuality in schools). And as noted in the OP, in Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma, legislation similar to the Arizona SB 1062 are being considered and introduced. (16 states, and that's just the beginning-:badgrin:)

PS - what sick perversions "you do in your bedroom between consenting adults", isn't really an issue. What is, is what you do in public, in schools, in restaurants, in public parks, in military barracks, in day care centers, on ballfields, etc.

This sort of hate and ignorance will always lose, it was true during the age of segregation, and it’s true today.

The common absurd retort of queer backers is typically using the words "hate" and "ignorance". Their problem is they never seem to state WHAT protectionists are supposed to be "ignorant" of, nor do they explain how "hate" enters into this.

In some cases, the QBs know they're blowing hot air, but do so because that's all they have. In other cases, they are the ignorant ones often oblivious to what the protectionists have to say. In this thread, I've given specific reasons why homosexuals should be discriminated against (in certain circumstances), how the general population is at risk, and how it should be protected. But do we get a discussion of those things ? Nope, just more catchy words thrown around. Ho hum.
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One battle is not a war, and many more battles have been won by protectionists, lost by the queer lobby (Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah — have laws banning the promotion of homosexuality in schools). And as noted in the OP, in Missouri, Georgia, Kansas, Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma, legislation similar to the Arizona SB 1062 are being considered and introduced. (16 states, and that's just the beginning-:badgrin:)

PS - what sick perversions "you do in your bedroom between consenting adults", isn't really an issue. What is, is what you do in public, in schools, in restaurants, in public parks, in military barracks, in day care centers, on ballfields, etc.

This sort of hate and ignorance will always lose, it was true during the age of segregation, and it’s true today.

The common absurd retort of queer backers is typically using the words "hate" and "ignorance". Their problem is they never seem to state WHAT protectionists are supposed to be "ignorant" of, nor do they explain how "hate" enters into this.

In some cases, the QBs know they're blowing hot air, but do so because that's all they have. In other cases, they are the ignorant ones often oblivious to what the protectionists have to say. In this thread, I've given specific reasons why homosexuals should be discriminated against (in certain circumstances), how the general population is at risk, and how it should be protected. But do we get a discussion of those things ? Nope, just more catchy words thrown around. Ho hum.

So you noticed eh?...lol.. Good points. :eusa_clap:
Time will tell. Each state has its own situation. Some care more about REAL conservatism (values, principles, culture), than they do about pseudo-conservatism (supporting big business).

Agreed. Why do you suppose Fox News is so lame on covering the massive movement out there who are against gay marriage but whose voices by liberal news AND Fox are being suppressed actively? I suspect Dick Cheney because he still wields power there and has a lesbian daughter who is with some gal that dresses, looks and acts like a man. So I'm thinking she really still likes men but you know, because of dad just cannot bring herself to be with one.

In any event, do you think Fox won't advocate for the huge mass of hundreds of millions out there still adamantly opposed to gay marriage? Like you say, "true conservatives"? There's only one thing that sets my teeth on edge more than hearing liberal new stations extoll and promote the "virtues of the homosexual cult" taking over our society. It's the conservative outlets doing the same, or mentioning what's happening and acting like it's no big deal.

Fox is either:

1. Pandering to the BigGay money, as you say or

2. Pandering to the Dark Lord because of his daughter or

3. Actually liberal leaning without a true conservative backbone.

4. ????
Why do you suppose Fox News is so lame on covering the massive movement out there who are against gay marriage but whose voices by liberal news AND Fox are being suppressed actively? I suspect Dick Cheney because he still wields power there and has a lesbian daughter who is with some gal that dresses, looks and acts like a man. So I'm thinking she really still likes men but you know, because of dad just cannot bring herself to be with one.

So, have you and novasteve moved in together yet?

Maybe you can go see the same shrink when you're not 'busy' with each other...

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