Other than piss off unions, what did Scott Walker do to deserve a recall?

did walker end unions? No. So either stick with the topic, or fuck off.

Walker is pushing the Koch brothers agenda. Groups like ALEC write the legislation and guys like Walker just submit it for passage. So corporations and lobbyists and billionaires write the legislation and guys like Snyder, Walker, the Ohio governor, Christy, the Florida Governor. Notice all the tax breaks for the rich? The rich, through the GOP, have taken over our government. And Citizens United only made it worse.

Walker tried to take their right to collective bargaining away. So did the Ohio Governor. Snyder didn't have the balls because of the Big 3. But all over the country the GOP governors are pushing the billionaire corporations agenda. Part of that is breaking the unions.

Take away their right to collective bargaining would have made them powerless. You already took away their right to strike.

Republicans don't realize an attack on unions is an attack on all the middle class. And you are going to lose Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey & Minnesota because of this agenda. The GOP wanted the US Auto industry to fail. Why? That would broken the unions.

Kill the unions, kill the democratic party. Kill the middle class. That's the GOP agenda, don't pretend its not. You think you'll benefit from this? Wrong! Everything good in your life came from a union.

I cannot even begin to explain the number of FAILS in that post :rofl:
Republicans don't realize an attack on unions is an attack on all the middle class.

That is Bull Shit.

Unions only represent 7% at best of the middle class.

So piss off.
The money was raised for HIM; no charges against him yet. But he was surrounded by those now charged with felonies that be benefited from.

Four of Walker’s aides when he was the Milwaukee County executive have been criminally charged. They’re accused of crimes that range from campaigning for Walker’s gubernatorial race on county time, to embezzling $63,000 from a county event for veterans. Walker has said he was not aware of his aides’ alleged criminal activity at the time it purportedly occurred – but Democrats say the Republican Walker has direct ties to the allegations, and the party says it will use charts and visual aids to make their points.

January 26, 2012- An email from Scott Walker, sent from his campaign email account in May 2010, directs an aide now facing felony charges to avoid embarrassing news stories.

"We cannot afford another story like this one," reads the email, documented in a criminal complaint made public Thursday. "No one can give them any reason to do another story. That means no laptops, no websites, no time away during the workday, etc."

The criminal complaint that documents the email is against Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker's deputy chief of staff while he was Milwaukee County executive. It demonstrates that the story clearly concerned Walker about the activities of his employees.

"This email ... with its reference to no more laptops during the workday, provides an apparent explanation for the drop in Rindfleisch's daytime fundraising activity in the few weeks following Darlene Wink's resignation," the criminal complaint against Rindfleisch states.
CONs claim there was no reason for the recall but Walker's work against unions; proof his shown his top aides are charged with felonies. Now, the CON asks if HE is facing prosecution. Perhaps some voters do not want a Governor that gives advice to those facing felony charges on TAXPAYER time?

If he is guilty fry him.

But given the absolute need for democrats to lie, I need something more then a democrat said so.

Im in my 50s and I have yet to hear any democrat tell the truth.
I have no idea if the Wisconsin newspapers are run by Democrats. Your paranoia about democrats might be abated by mental health assistance. Those without special needs can fight the recall, donate the defendants' legal costs and give Walker more money. Despite the alleged "war chest", he is begging for money online. Don't count on it going to his campaign however, funds seem to be misplaced when they get close to Scott "I know NOOOTHING!" Walker ; )
Republicans don't realize an attack on unions is an attack on all the middle class.

That is Bull Shit.

Unions only represent 7% at best of the middle class.

So piss off.
The money was raised for HIM; no charges against him yet. But he was surrounded by those now charged with felonies that be benefited from.

Four of Walker’s aides when he was the Milwaukee County executive have been criminally charged. They’re accused of crimes that range from campaigning for Walker’s gubernatorial race on county time, to embezzling $63,000 from a county event for veterans. Walker has said he was not aware of his aides’ alleged criminal activity at the time it purportedly occurred – but Democrats say the Republican Walker has direct ties to the allegations, and the party says it will use charts and visual aids to make their points.

January 26, 2012- An email from Scott Walker, sent from his campaign email account in May 2010, directs an aide now facing felony charges to avoid embarrassing news stories.

"We cannot afford another story like this one," reads the email, documented in a criminal complaint made public Thursday. "No one can give them any reason to do another story. That means no laptops, no websites, no time away during the workday, etc."

The criminal complaint that documents the email is against Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker's deputy chief of staff while he was Milwaukee County executive. It demonstrates that the story clearly concerned Walker about the activities of his employees.

"This email ... with its reference to no more laptops during the workday, provides an apparent explanation for the drop in Rindfleisch's daytime fundraising activity in the few weeks following Darlene Wink's resignation," the criminal complaint against Rindfleisch states.
CONs claim there was no reason for the recall but Walker's work against unions; proof his shown his top aides are charged with felonies. Now, the CON asks if HE is facing prosecution. Perhaps some voters do not want a Governor that gives advice to those facing felony charges on TAXPAYER time?

Point 1 (in red above): Wow... no actual evidence... but charts and visual aids... sweet. :rofl:

Point 2 (in bold above): Sounds like good advice from Walker. Don't do anything stupid that will draw negative attention to me. I guess you'd be all up in arms if a Democrat had said the same thing to his employees???
The money was raised for HIM; no charges against him yet. But he was surrounded by those now charged with felonies that be benefited from.

Four of Walker’s aides when he was the Milwaukee County executive have been criminally charged. They’re accused of crimes that range from campaigning for Walker’s gubernatorial race on county time, to embezzling $63,000 from a county event for veterans. Walker has said he was not aware of his aides’ alleged criminal activity at the time it purportedly occurred – but Democrats say the Republican Walker has direct ties to the allegations, and the party says it will use charts and visual aids to make their points.

January 26, 2012- An email from Scott Walker, sent from his campaign email account in May 2010, directs an aide now facing felony charges to avoid embarrassing news stories.

"We cannot afford another story like this one," reads the email, documented in a criminal complaint made public Thursday. "No one can give them any reason to do another story. That means no laptops, no websites, no time away during the workday, etc."

The criminal complaint that documents the email is against Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker's deputy chief of staff while he was Milwaukee County executive. It demonstrates that the story clearly concerned Walker about the activities of his employees.

"This email ... with its reference to no more laptops during the workday, provides an apparent explanation for the drop in Rindfleisch's daytime fundraising activity in the few weeks following Darlene Wink's resignation," the criminal complaint against Rindfleisch states.
CONs claim there was no reason for the recall but Walker's work against unions; proof his shown his top aides are charged with felonies. Now, the CON asks if HE is facing prosecution. Perhaps some voters do not want a Governor that gives advice to those facing felony charges on TAXPAYER time?

If he is guilty fry him.

But given the absolute need for democrats to lie, I need something more then a democrat said so.

Im in my 50s and I have yet to hear any democrat tell the truth.
I have no idea if the Wisconsin newspapers are run by Democrats. Your paranoia about democrats might be abated by mental health assistance. Those without special needs can fight the recall, donate the defendants' legal costs and give Walker more money. Despite the alleged "war chest", he is begging for money online. Don't count on it going to his campaign however, funds seem to be misplaced when they get close to Scott "I know NOOOTHING!" Walker ; )

Now that was very cute. But as a labeled racist and terrorist I find you full of shit.

But maybe you can do something no democrat has. Like telling the truth about an issue.
He can be as gay as Elton John or Liberache. How does that affect the main point of the thread? How does it affect the price of tea in China? How is it relavant to any discussion on any topic at all?
I agree Baruch; his sexual orientation isn't relevant. His tie to the ALLEGED thieves is however.
So, you admit these 'ties' are to someone who has yet to be proven guilty of a crime, yes?
And of course you admit the reason for the recall isn't his anti Union activities; it is the charges pending against his closest aides, whom he advised after illegal activities were reported. On TAXPAYER time. So much for accountability. So he hires and advises criminal defendants? Still a stand up guy, to CONs.

You cannot spell conservative without CON inside.
I agree Baruch; his sexual orientation isn't relevant. His tie to the ALLEGED thieves is however.
So, you admit these 'ties' are to someone who has yet to be proven guilty of a crime, yes?
And of course you admit the reason for the recall isn't his anti Union activities; it is the charges pending against his closest aides, whom he advised after illegal activities were reported. On TAXPAYER time. So much for accountability. So he hires and advises criminal defendants? Still a stand up guy, to CONs.

You cannot spell conservative without CON inside.

What planet are you visiting from?
I agree Baruch; his sexual orientation isn't relevant. His tie to the ALLEGED thieves is however.
So, you admit these 'ties' are to someone who has yet to be proven guilty of a crime, yes?
And of course you admit the reason for the recall isn't his anti Union activities; it is the charges pending against his closest aides, whom he advised after illegal activities were reported. On TAXPAYER time. So much for accountability. So he hires and advises criminal defendants? Still a stand up guy, to CONs.

You cannot spell conservative without CON inside.

That, is complete and utter bullshit. I challenge you to prove that the recall was initiated for that reason. If you can provide proof, I'll wear the sig and avatar of your choice (as long as it meets board rules) for a week. If you cannot prove it, you wear the avatar and sig of MY choice for a week.

Oooh! Look! The nutters have come across someone who has made a statement that they are sure is wrong. They pounce like famished tigers on their unexpected prey! Complete with bets and challenges!
Oooh! Look! The nutters have come across someone who has made a statement that they are sure is wrong. They pounce like famished tigers on their unexpected prey! Complete with bets and challenges!
Hey, if you agree with Peach that the recall was not started because of the union issues, but because of the staffer issues, then the offer is open to you as well. The first one of you to accept is in.
Oooh! Look! The nutters have come across someone who has made a statement that they are sure is wrong. They pounce like famished tigers on their unexpected prey! Complete with bets and challenges!
Hey, if you agree with Peach that the recall was not started because of the union issues, but because of the staffer issues, then the offer is open to you as well. The first one of you to accept is in.
On Thursday, prosecutors brought more charges against top Scott Walker aides as part of an ongoing criminal corruption probe into his administration that has now led to several arrests and fifteen felony charges.

The new criminal complaints reveal a "secret email network" set up just twenty-five feet from Scott Walker's office to systematically avoid open records requests and illegally campaign and raise cash on taxpayer time.

Prosecutors have brought charges totaling fifteen felonies and three misdemeanors against six of Scott Walker's closest aides and associates:

* Kelly Rindfleisch, Scott Walker's personal fundraiser for his campaign, and his former Deputy Chief of Staff, has been charged with four felonies for sending more than 1,000 campaign emails while supposedly working on the clock for taxpayers.

* Darlene Wink, Scott Walker's former Director of Constituent Services, is entering a plea and has been charged with two misdemeanors. She allegedly was planning Walker fundraisers, including one with Sarah Palin, on the taxpayers' dime.

* William Gardner, Scott Walker's close friend and campaign donor, was convicted of the largest campaign finance violation in Wisconsin history for illegally funneling more than $43,000 to the Friends of Scott Walker.

* Tim Russell, Scott Walker's former Deputy Chief of Staff and close political ally, has been arrested and charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor for stealing thousands of dollars intended for wounded veterans and families of military servicemembers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

* Kevin Kavanaugh, Scott Walker's appointee to a Veteran Service Commission, has been arrested and charged with five felonies related to the theft of funds from the Military Order of the Purple Heart and Operation Freedom, an event apparently set up to benefit Walker.

* Brian Pierick, Scott Walker's campaign aide and former operator of ScottWalker.org, has been arrested and charged with felony enticement of a child
DEFINING CORRUPTION in office, of course, Walker ONLY ADVISED the Defendants. Remember STONEWALL IT?
Oooh! Look! The nutters have come across someone who has made a statement that they are sure is wrong. They pounce like famished tigers on their unexpected prey! Complete with bets and challenges!
Hey, if you agree with Peach that the recall was not started because of the union issues, but because of the staffer issues, then the offer is open to you as well. The first one of you to accept is in.
On Thursday, prosecutors brought more charges against top Scott Walker aides as part of an ongoing criminal corruption probe into his administration that has now led to several arrests and fifteen felony charges.

The new criminal complaints reveal a "secret email network" set up just twenty-five feet from Scott Walker's office to systematically avoid open records requests and illegally campaign and raise cash on taxpayer time.

Prosecutors have brought charges totaling fifteen felonies and three misdemeanors against six of Scott Walker's closest aides and associates:

* Kelly Rindfleisch, Scott Walker's personal fundraiser for his campaign, and his former Deputy Chief of Staff, has been charged with four felonies for sending more than 1,000 campaign emails while supposedly working on the clock for taxpayers.

* Darlene Wink, Scott Walker's former Director of Constituent Services, is entering a plea and has been charged with two misdemeanors. She allegedly was planning Walker fundraisers, including one with Sarah Palin, on the taxpayers' dime.

* William Gardner, Scott Walker's close friend and campaign donor, was convicted of the largest campaign finance violation in Wisconsin history for illegally funneling more than $43,000 to the Friends of Scott Walker.

* Tim Russell, Scott Walker's former Deputy Chief of Staff and close political ally, has been arrested and charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor for stealing thousands of dollars intended for wounded veterans and families of military servicemembers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

* Kevin Kavanaugh, Scott Walker's appointee to a Veteran Service Commission, has been arrested and charged with five felonies related to the theft of funds from the Military Order of the Purple Heart and Operation Freedom, an event apparently set up to benefit Walker.

* Brian Pierick, Scott Walker's campaign aide and former operator of ScottWalker.org, has been arrested and charged with felony enticement of a child
DEFINING CORRUPTION in office, of course, Walker ONLY ADVISED the Defendants. Remember STONEWALL IT?

A... no link. Standard procedure is to link to your source.

B... doesn't address your initial claim regarding the origin of the Scott Walker recall effort.

Can you, or can you not, prove that the recall of Scott Walker was initiated because of staff issues, and NOT because of union issues?
Oooh! Look! The nutters have come across someone who has made a statement that they are sure is wrong. They pounce like famished tigers on their unexpected prey! Complete with bets and challenges!
Hey, if you agree with Peach that the recall was not started because of the union issues, but because of the staffer issues, then the offer is open to you as well. The first one of you to accept is in.

Um..........is that what you think I think?

Any comment on job losses in WI?
Oooh! Look! The nutters have come across someone who has made a statement that they are sure is wrong. They pounce like famished tigers on their unexpected prey! Complete with bets and challenges!
Hey, if you agree with Peach that the recall was not started because of the union issues, but because of the staffer issues, then the offer is open to you as well. The first one of you to accept is in.

Um..........is that what you think I think?

Any comment on job losses in WI?

Based on your asinine comment regarding my challenge, your agreement was implied. If you do not agree with Peach, then your post was meaningless.

As for job losses, I posted a link to my information in the OP. If that information is in error, or old, please feel free to post a link to a source correcting it. I'd be happy to reword my comments on jobs, should you provide proof my source was in error. Fair is fair.
Hey, if you agree with Peach that the recall was not started because of the union issues, but because of the staffer issues, then the offer is open to you as well. The first one of you to accept is in.

Um..........is that what you think I think?

Any comment on job losses in WI?

Based on your asinine comment regarding my challenge, your agreement was implied. If you do not agree with Peach, then your post was meaningless.

As for job losses, I posted a link to my information in the OP. If that information is in error, or old, please feel free to post a link to a source correcting it. I'd be happy to reword my comments on jobs, should you provide proof my source was in error. Fair is fair.

My agreement was implied? Sorry...but that is just stupid. Re-read.

Wisconsin has lost jobs for 6 months running, genius. They are not middle of the pack when it comes to job creation at this point in time.

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