Ouch! Hillary's 'excruciatingly boring' book slammed by Amazon readers


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Ouch! Hillary?s ?Excruciatingly Boring? Hard Choices SLAMMED By Readers With 2.1 Rating | The Gateway Pundit


Readers panned Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices giving the former First Lady’s biography a very low 2.1 rating at Amazon.
Reader Liv wrote in

I’ve been reviewing for Amazon for a decade and I have NEVER seen a mainstream book with this low a star rating. She is getting slaughtered! Sales must be not only thru the floor but clear down to the septic tank.


Ok, not that it would sway libs one way or the other, but can someone list all of the things this woman has accomplished that makes her qualified to be president?

While you are at it, can they name things that made Obama qualified? Other than him being a democrat and black.

I will be waiting for these interesting lists.

Perhaps someone can do better than the state department spokesperson.

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What a waste of trees to publish this shit from Hillary... I'm surprised all the tree-huggers aren't up in arms.
As the book was Ghost Written, Hillary can take comfort in the fact that the reviewers hate other people's writing about her taxpayer bleeding life.
LOL gotta love idiots who don't know how things work. She could give a shit less about the sales. Simon & Schuster are. She is laughing all the way to the bank with her $14 million.
LOL gotta love idiots who don't know how things work. She could give a shit less about the sales. Simon & Schuster are. She is laughing all the way to the bank with her $14 million.

I don't know, Pol...she's revving up the engines for a Presidential run...this book tour thing was supposed to be a way to keep her in the public eye in a positive way, get her narrative out on things like Bengahzi and make her some more cash. Instead she's put her foot in her mouth with the whole "poor little Hilary and Bill!" thing, nobody is reading the book and that extra money just isn't rolling in. I'd be willing to bet things are a bit "testy" around the Clinton household these days! Bill and Hilly are probably taking it out on the servants. :D:lol::D:lol::lol::D
LOL gotta love idiots who don't know how things work. She could give a shit less about the sales. Simon & Schuster are. She is laughing all the way to the bank with her $14 million.

I don't know, Pol...she's revving up the engines for a Presidential run...this book tour thing was supposed to be a way to keep her in the public eye in a positive way, get her narrative out on things like Bengahzi and make her some more cash. Instead she's put her foot in her mouth with the whole "poor little Hilary and Bill!" thing, nobody is reading the book and that extra money just isn't rolling in. I'd be willing to bet things are a bit "testy" around the Clinton household these days! Bill and Hilly are probably taking it out on the servants. :D:lol::D:lol::lol::D

Her tour is not going end. And afterwards she will still be in the public eye. The Rightyloons will ensure that. This thread is proof of that.
LOL gotta love idiots who don't know how things work. She could give a shit less about the sales. Simon & Schuster are. She is laughing all the way to the bank with her $14 million.

Oh sure. She is a liar and her book is a waste of shit.

I am here betting right now that you are so stupid that you probably buy carbon credits from Gore cause you think it helps the planet from man made global warming.
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John McCain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum are almost always and repeatedly referred to as "failed presidential candidate" on all TV networks and newspapers slave to the Democrat agenda.

Is it not time already to refer to Hilary Clinton as a failed presidential candidate?

Or a failed lawyer?

Or a failed promoter of a health care rejected even by her fellow Democrats?

Or a failed senator who was parachuted into a state where she never lived?

Or a failed Secretary of state who has the blood of four innocent Americans on her hands?

Or as the sales of her ghostwritten book shows, a failed "author"?

Or, let's face it, simply and undeniably: A FAILURE?

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Yes, I miss the good old days of W....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uO46ii3W07U]The best of George W Bush - YouTube[/ame]
I was in Walmart the other day and walked by the book section. Hitlery's book was on the bottom shelf and some old guy was standing there for about a minute just kicking the shit out of it. I just thought dude WTF? Show us what you really think.

yeah, no rightwiinguts are reviewing the book. :lol:

she's still kicking your butts. :thup:

you should probably stop whining and start putting forth positions that the majority of people don't think are insane.

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and her name is Hillary. but it's so cute watching the wing nut insanity begin.
I urge every conservative to go on Amazon and slam Hillary's book

It is the patriotic thing to do

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