Our broken country..I am ashamed

For the last couple of days I have thought of our children's futures and I am very afraid for them
I would be very afraid for my children's future if I had a hateful, bigoted liar like you for a parent. It might rub off on them.

I don't really give a flying fig what a homo thinks.....homo
Never mind. Clearly you are a child and too young to have kids of your own. Do the world a favor, now that you have had the lobotomy, go back in and have your tubes tied.

GFY, the world can only hope and pray you have no children. Oh wait....homos can't :)
I have two brilliant, caring, loving children. Yours might turn out that way if they had a different mother.

I have no doubt our 10 y/o twins could win a debate with you. Now run along you tired old fuck
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
I would be very afraid for my children's future if I had a hateful, bigoted liar like you for a parent. It might rub off on them.

I don't really give a flying fig what a homo thinks.....homo
Never mind. Clearly you are a child and too young to have kids of your own. Do the world a favor, now that you have had the lobotomy, go back in and have your tubes tied.

GFY, the world can only hope and pray you have no children. Oh wait....homos can't :)
I have two brilliant, caring, loving children. Yours might turn out that way if they had a different mother.

I have no doubt our 10 y/o twins could win a debate with you. Now run along you tired old fuck
20 and 21. One will be a doctor the other an attorney. Never too late to give yours up for adoption. You would be amazed at what not having a mother who is a hateful, ignorant, piece of shit will do for a child.
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
That's a lie. Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
I don't really give a flying fig what a homo thinks.....homo
Never mind. Clearly you are a child and too young to have kids of your own. Do the world a favor, now that you have had the lobotomy, go back in and have your tubes tied.

GFY, the world can only hope and pray you have no children. Oh wait....homos can't :)
I have two brilliant, caring, loving children. Yours might turn out that way if they had a different mother.

I have no doubt our 10 y/o twins could win a debate with you. Now run along you tired old fuck
20 and 21. One will be a doctor the other an attorney. Never too late to give yours up for adoption. You would be amazed at what not having a mother who is a hateful, ignorant, piece of shit will do for a child.

Give up for adoption? We adopted two. Your lies don't impress me ya old fart. Now run along, you're past annoying
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
That's a lie. Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
What she describes, where the procedure is altered to accommodate harvest, is an illegal abortion. Nice try, baby killer.
Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
That's a lie. Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
What she describes, where the procedure is altered to accommodate harvest, is an illegal abortion. Nice try, baby killer.

Careful, the old toad gets mad and gets all pissy when you point out facts to him
Monsters crawled out of the woodwork to support Gosnell, too. This is nothing new.
So what? You rabid righties have been ashamed/angry/butthurt since the country elected President Obama. Even more so when the country did it again 4 years later.

Bad month huh?
Guess who's delighted BOBO the fucking Clown was elected by a bunch of simians?
The Mullahs
Every terrorist on the planet.
Anyway. BOBO the Socialist will be the last negro US President for eternity. That's at least one positive.
The joke ended up being on the negroes who voted for him. He hasn't done sweet fuck all for negroes. He never meant to. He went to the 'Special Needs Class' and promised them free shit if they voted for him. What a fucking joke!

And yes- the racists hate Obama.
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .

Nazi's like yourself would have the government control women's bodies.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
That's a lie. Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
What she describes, where the procedure is altered to accommodate harvest, is an illegal abortion. Nice try, baby killer.

Careful, the old toad gets mad and gets all pissy when you point out facts to him
You fucking twits would not know a fact if it smacked you in the head.
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
That's a lie. Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
What she describes, where the procedure is altered to accommodate harvest, is an illegal abortion. Nice try, baby killer.

Careful, the old toad gets mad and gets all pissy when you point out facts to him
You fucking twits would not know a fact if it smacked you in the head.

She describes how they alter the procedure to accommodate harvest at about 4 min. She says specifically that they move the baby to breech position to preserve the calvarium, in the event someone wants a calvarium. Felony. She also explains how she looks down the list to see who might be eligible for a changed procedure, and then directs her staff to accommodate.
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. .

Wow- are you really that stupid? Wait- of course you are.
And yes- the racists hate Obama.

Well there you go, opposing the late term abortion of babies to harvest organs for a profit, is racist...

Just when you think the Communists can't get any dumber....

No- the guy who said this is racist- and who I was replying to:

Anyway. BOBO the Socialist will be the last negro US President for eternity. That's at least one positive.

Can I assume you agree with him- that you are hopeful that Obama will be the 'last negro US President'?
That's a lie. Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
What she describes, where the procedure is altered to accommodate harvest, is an illegal abortion. Nice try, baby killer.

Careful, the old toad gets mad and gets all pissy when you point out facts to him
You fucking twits would not know a fact if it smacked you in the head.

She describes how they alter the procedure to accommodate harvest at about 4 min. She says specifically that they move the baby to breech position to preserve the calvarium, in the event someone wants a calvarium. Felony. She also explains how she looks down the list to see who might be eligible for a changed procedure, and then directs her staff to accommodate.

David Daleidan Is A Former Writer For Discredited Anti-Choice Organization Live Action. David Daleiden, the contact person regarding The Central For Medical Progress' video, is a former writer for discredited anti-choice organization Live Action News. The group has previously come under fire for deceptively editing undercover footage of abortion clinics in order to make false claims about Planned Parenthood. [Live Action News, accessed, 7/14/15; Media Matters for America, 2/4/11; Media Matters for America, 5/31/12]
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
What she describes, where the procedure is altered to accommodate harvest, is an illegal abortion. Nice try, baby killer.

Careful, the old toad gets mad and gets all pissy when you point out facts to him
You fucking twits would not know a fact if it smacked you in the head.

She describes how they alter the procedure to accommodate harvest at about 4 min. She says specifically that they move the baby to breech position to preserve the calvarium, in the event someone wants a calvarium. Felony. She also explains how she looks down the list to see who might be eligible for a changed procedure, and then directs her staff to accommodate.

David Daleidan Is A Former Writer For Discredited Anti-Choice Organization Live Action. David Daleiden, the contact person regarding The Central For Medical Progress' video, is a former writer for discredited anti-choice organization Live Action News. The group has previously come under fire for deceptively editing undercover footage of abortion clinics in order to make false claims about Planned Parenthood. [Live Action News, accessed, 7/14/15; Media Matters for America, 2/4/11; Media Matters for America, 5/31/12]

LOL @ Media Matters. far left loon site
There were no illegal abortions performed that resulted in the tissue samples being secured and used for medical research.
What she describes, where the procedure is altered to accommodate harvest, is an illegal abortion. Nice try, baby killer.

Careful, the old toad gets mad and gets all pissy when you point out facts to him
You fucking twits would not know a fact if it smacked you in the head.

She describes how they alter the procedure to accommodate harvest at about 4 min. She says specifically that they move the baby to breech position to preserve the calvarium, in the event someone wants a calvarium. Felony. She also explains how she looks down the list to see who might be eligible for a changed procedure, and then directs her staff to accommodate.

David Daleidan Is A Former Writer For Discredited Anti-Choice Organization Live Action. David Daleiden, the contact person regarding The Central For Medical Progress' video, is a former writer for discredited anti-choice organization Live Action News. The group has previously come under fire for deceptively editing undercover footage of abortion clinics in order to make false claims about Planned Parenthood. [Live Action News, accessed, 7/14/15; Media Matters for America, 2/4/11; Media Matters for America, 5/31/12]


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