Our broken country..I am ashamed


What you mean they don't use those crushed parts for electricity? Blasphemy!
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
They don't really want to slaughter their own offspring. They're mostly het up about slaughtering the offspring of OTHERS. Well, and the offspring of the women they knock up, whose babies they don't want to support.

Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
I have read it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

The felony isn't that the abortions were being performed.

It's that #1, they're selling parts, and #2, they alter the procedure in order to accommodate those sales, based upon nothing except preservation of the harvested bits.

I'm afraid you're the liar. Stop pretending the issue is something it's not.
Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
I have read it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

The felony isn't that the abortions were being performed.

It's that #1, they're selling parts, and #2, they alter the procedure in order to accommodate those sales, based upon nothing except preservation of the harvested bits.

I'm afraid you're the liar. Stop pretending the issue is something it's not.
Then tell that asshole Irish Lassie to stop lying and claiming the abortions are illegal late term, they are not. And there is absolutely nothing illegal about providing tissue for research. Nothing. Nowhere in the video does the PP person state that they are "selling" tissue. There is no mention of money that is not in the context of the cost of obtaining, storing and transporting the tissue. So, you are the lying fuck here, sweetheart.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
I have read it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

The felony isn't that the abortions were being performed.

It's that #1, they're selling parts, and #2, they alter the procedure in order to accommodate those sales, based upon nothing except preservation of the harvested bits.

I'm afraid you're the liar. Stop pretending the issue is something it's not.
Then tell that asshole Irish Lassie to stop lying and claiming the abortions are illegal late term, they are not. And there is absolutely nothing illegal about providing tissue for research. Nothing. Nowhere in the video does the PP person state that they are "selling" tissue. There is no mention of money that is not in the context of the cost of obtaining, storing and transporting the tissue. So, you are the lying fuck here, sweetheart.

Don't cry. The ones herr doctor is referencing are illegal. And again, this isn't about giving tissue for research. It's about selling for $$, and altering abortion procedures to PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION (which is illegal) in order to accommodate those sales.
Pretty much anyone who would consider or have an abortion is a democrat. I stick with my thesis that evolution is weeding the faulty gene that causes the mental illness of leftism out of the species.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
I have read it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

The felony isn't that the abortions were being performed.

It's that #1, they're selling parts, and #2, they alter the procedure in order to accommodate those sales, based upon nothing except preservation of the harvested bits.

I'm afraid you're the liar. Stop pretending the issue is something it's not.

"So there's basically nothing here. Bioethicists have been debating for years whether it's a good idea to sell fetal tissue, and as you can imagine, they've been disagreeing for years and show no signs of ever coming to a consensus. Some think it's wrong and some think it's OK. That's not surprising since some people think abortion is wrong and some think it's OK. And if you think abortion is wrong, you're certainly not going to be happy about the sale of tissue from aborted fetuses.

Nonetheless, it's a common practice, and one that's critical for a lot of medical research. What's more, it's only done if the mother wants the tissue donated.

So: scandal? Not hardly. Is it wrong? If you think abortion is murder, then of course you think it's wrong. If you think abortion is morally benign, as I do, then you're glad to see donated tissue being used in important medical research. And that's pretty much that. In the end, this is just another sad attempt at a sting video that goes nowhere once you get beyond the deceptive editing. It's time for conservatives to find a different toy to manufacture fundraising opportunities for their base.
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
I have read it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

The felony isn't that the abortions were being performed.

It's that #1, they're selling parts, and #2, they alter the procedure in order to accommodate those sales, based upon nothing except preservation of the harvested bits.

I'm afraid you're the liar. Stop pretending the issue is something it's not.
Then tell that asshole Irish Lassie to stop lying and claiming the abortions are illegal late term, they are not. And there is absolutely nothing illegal about providing tissue for research. Nothing. Nowhere in the video does the PP person state that they are "selling" tissue. There is no mention of money that is not in the context of the cost of obtaining, storing and transporting the tissue. So, you are the lying fuck here, sweetheart.

Don't cry. The ones herr doctor is referencing are illegal. And again, this isn't about giving tissue for research. It's about selling for $$, and altering abortion procedures to PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION (which is illegal) in order to accommodate those sales.
Most of the people getting late term abortions are the victims of Democrats. These are desperate women who have been victimized and abused, and Democrats protects and conspires with their abusers. .
Actually, the tiny number of women who seek late term abortions do so because, otherwise, they will die. Some also do so because the child their carrying has such profound deformities, like not actually having a functioning brain, that the child would die within hours of birth. I suppose, though, that based on the fact that you are posting here, there is a remote possibility that some folks without a functioning brain do survive.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
I have read it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

The felony isn't that the abortions were being performed.

It's that #1, they're selling parts, and #2, they alter the procedure in order to accommodate those sales, based upon nothing except preservation of the harvested bits.

I'm afraid you're the liar. Stop pretending the issue is something it's not.

"So there's basically nothing here. Bioethicists have been debating for years whether it's a good idea to sell fetal tissue, and as you can imagine, they've been disagreeing for years and show no signs of ever coming to a consensus. Some think it's wrong and some think it's OK. That's not surprising since some people think abortion is wrong and some think it's OK. And if you think abortion is wrong, you're certainly not going to be happy about the sale of tissue from aborted fetuses.

Nonetheless, it's a common practice, and one that's critical for a lot of medical research. What's more, it's only done if the mother wants the tissue donated.

So: scandal? Not hardly. Is it wrong? If you think abortion is murder, then of course you think it's wrong. If you think abortion is morally benign, as I do, then you're glad to see donated tissue being used in important medical research. And that's pretty much that. In the end, this is just another sad attempt at a sting video that goes nowhere once you get beyond the deceptive editing. It's time for conservatives to find a different toy to manufacture fundraising opportunities for their base.

Try to address the topic. It's illegal to alter procedures to partial birth abortion in order to accommodate harvest. Sowwy. You lose, baby killer.
PP Lie ^ Women who require medically necessary late term abortions have them performed at hospitals by actual surgeons with admitting privileges.

The PP clinics that perform the illegal procedures aren't doing medically necessary abortions.
Read the transcript of the entire video. There are extensive discussions about the maximum number of weeks into the pregnancy an abortion can be performed in each state. The PP person was explaining those limits because all of the abortions performed are legal abortions. There was not discussion, at all, about any abortion being performed beyond the legal limit for an abortion. There was never a point where the PP representative stated that they would be using tissue from any late term (i.e. beyond 20 weeks) abortion. You people are, in addition to be sicking liars, rather lazy.
I have read it. And you don't know what you're talking about.

The felony isn't that the abortions were being performed.

It's that #1, they're selling parts, and #2, they alter the procedure in order to accommodate those sales, based upon nothing except preservation of the harvested bits.

I'm afraid you're the liar. Stop pretending the issue is something it's not.
Then tell that asshole Irish Lassie to stop lying and claiming the abortions are illegal late term, they are not. And there is absolutely nothing illegal about providing tissue for research. Nothing. Nowhere in the video does the PP person state that they are "selling" tissue. There is no mention of money that is not in the context of the cost of obtaining, storing and transporting the tissue. So, you are the lying fuck here, sweetheart.

Don't cry. The ones herr doctor is referencing are illegal. And again, this isn't about giving tissue for research. It's about selling for $$, and altering abortion procedures to PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION (which is illegal) in order to accommodate those sales.

Right at 4 minutes on the video. Enjoy.
We need to stop electing extremist and focus on electing people that want to better America.
Supporters of fetal tissue research and transplant point to the many medical advances that these types of cells have supported.

In the mid-20th century, researchers used fetal tissue to discover multiple vaccines still in use today. The 1954 Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to scientists who developed the polio vaccine using cultures from fetal kidney cells. One version of the rubella vaccine also came from research done on tissue taken from an aborted fetus.


In the 1980s and 1990s, research shifted toward fetal tissue transplant as a possible treatment for diseases ranging from diabetes to Parkinson's. Research using fetal tissue has waned in recent years, New York University's Caplan says, as researchers began to see embryonic stem cells as a more promising way to treat disease.

Still, some scientists have continued to defend Planned Parenthood's practice, citing the possibility of medical advance.

"Obtaining cells from legally obtained abortions for potentially lifesaving purposes is ethically permissible and indeed ethically necessary," Cohen, the microbiologist from Nebraska, argued in his 2009 testimony.

This is the argument Planned Parenthood makes, too.

"At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does," spokesperson Eric Ferrero said in a statement.
I agree. Never thought id feel this way about my homeland. But my oh my...we have some evil and some mental illness running rampant in our society.

I dont see how we reverse it.
Outlaw liberalism.

The ultimate goal of the far right- outlawing the opposition.
Opposition to America should be against the law, it is the left that is wrong with America.
You mean, "opposition to YOUR idea of America should be against the law"....very fascist of you.
For the last couple of days I have thought of our children's futures and I am very afraid for them

You finally figured out that raising them in your compound and isolated from the world, raised only with your hate propaganda is bad for them?
She offers hers up to the Catholic priests....and we all know how trustworthy they are with the children's future. ;)
So what? You rabid righties have been ashamed/angry/butthurt since the country elected President Obama. Even more so when the country did it again 4 years later.

Bad month huh?
Guess who's delighted BOBO the fucking Clown was elected by a bunch of simians?
The Mullahs
Every terrorist on the planet.
Anyway. BOBO the Socialist will be the last negro US President for eternity. That's at least one positive.
The joke ended up being on the negroes who voted for him. He hasn't done sweet fuck all for negroes. He never meant to. He went to the 'Special Needs Class' and promised them free shit if they voted for him. What a fucking joke!
I cannot understand why black Americans don't flock to the RW political side.
So what? You rabid righties have been ashamed/angry/butthurt since the country elected President Obama. Even more so when the country did it again 4 years later.

Bad month huh?
Guess who's delighted BOBO the fucking Clown was elected by a bunch of simians?
The Mullahs
Every terrorist on the planet.
Anyway. BOBO the Socialist will be the last negro US President for eternity. That's at least one positive.
The joke ended up being on the negroes who voted for him. He hasn't done sweet fuck all for negroes. He never meant to. He went to the 'Special Needs Class' and promised them free shit if they voted for him. What a fucking joke!
I cannot understand why black Americans don't flock to the RW political side.

A far left political slaves allowed to deny their rich white far left masters?
I agree. Never thought id feel this way about my homeland. But my oh my...we have some evil and some mental illness running rampant in our society.

I dont see how we reverse it.
You're volunteering for the front lines, right?

You're volunteering to be a human shield, right?
I did my 21 years proudly serving this country....and as just about everyone else who REALLY served, we don't saber rattle....we know the real cost. And we have no respect for chickenhawks.

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