Our Christian Presidents Slaps Every Roman Catholic in the Face.

Every day, the right throws more shit at the wall in hopes that something will stick. Luckily, there are plenty of rw idiots, like the op who never bother to think before reacting.

Keep the lies going but, where are any of you idiots when its time to hold the catholic church responsible for raping children?

This is from an email -

Now for a little reality check.

The new site for the Vatican embassy was purchased and the plans for construction and the move were laid in the administration of Bush 43. It’s a good move. One tenth of a mile closer to the Vatican than the old site and a much finer building than the old drab slab.

I am truely shocked that any of the former ambassadors, some of whom were party to the early planning of this move, are joining the pack or accusers. They are not misinformed. They are hyping political lies to damage American interests in the hope that blame for the damage will land on Obama. The Right’s transformation of this story into lies is the real insult to US Roman Catholics as it assumes they are too stupid to know the truth and too lazy to find out.
U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed

Religion News Service | By Sarah Pulliam Bailey Posted: 11/26/2013 5:10 pm EST | Updated: 11/27/2013 7:40 am EST

(RNS) The United States will move its Vatican embassy into a building on the compound of the larger American Embassy to Italy, a shift that has drawn criticism from former U.S. envoys.

Security and cost savings were behind the move, as the State Department estimates it will save $1.4 million a year by moving from the current building.

It will not downsize any embassy personnel, a State Department official told reporters Monday (Nov. 25). At the time, the official did not have total budget information of both embassies at hand. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See has seven U.S. diplomatic personnel, and the U.S. Embassy to Italy has 63 diplomatic personnel.

Read more @ U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed

So, if an American is being detained by the Vatican, he has to go to Italy to see the Consulate, but he can't go to Italy because he is being detained by the Vatican, a country in its own right.

To Obama:

Smooth move Ex Lax.
U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed

Religion News Service | By Sarah Pulliam Bailey Posted: 11/26/2013 5:10 pm EST | Updated: 11/27/2013 7:40 am EST

(RNS) The United States will move its Vatican embassy into a building on the compound of the larger American Embassy to Italy, a shift that has drawn criticism from former U.S. envoys.

Security and cost savings were behind the move, as the State Department estimates it will save $1.4 million a year by moving from the current building.

It will not downsize any embassy personnel, a State Department official told reporters Monday (Nov. 25). At the time, the official did not have total budget information of both embassies at hand. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See has seven U.S. diplomatic personnel, and the U.S. Embassy to Italy has 63 diplomatic personnel.

Read more @ U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed

You cannot be serious that this is a big issue and an insult to Catholics. Have you ever been to Vatican City? It's a small compound in the center of Rome. And it must be like hell to try to make is secure, especially with thousands of tourists all around it every day. The government is trying to make all the embassies more secure. If they didn't, and something happened, you'd blame him for not making it more secure. Can't win, no way, no how with your reasoning. :cuckoo:

So you expect the pope to blow up the American embassy there? Groovy.

The Vatican is a country in its own right with its own embassy. If we are going to have diplomatic relations with the Vatican, we need an embassy there, not in a different country.
Seriously, the U.S. claims to be a secular country and brags about the separation of church and state.

Yet, our government spends millions of tax payer dollars building and staffing an embassy to the Vatican.

Exactly how does America benefit by pandering to a religious organization? . :doubt:

How do we benefit from giving 7 billion dollars to Iran?
How many prosthetics can our wounded warriors obtain for 7 billion?
Seriously, the U.S. claims to be a secular country and brags about the separation of church and state.

Yet, our government spends millions of tax payer dollars building and staffing an embassy to the Vatican.

Exactly how does America benefit by pandering to a religious organization? . :doubt:

How do we benefit from giving 7 billion dollars to Iran?
How many prosthetics can our wounded warriors obtain for 7 billion?

Actually, most of the money we "give" away benefits us as much as those we "give" to but why hide behind a non-existent comparison?

I haven't paid attention to your posts but if you're defending the catholic church against your own country, OR, defending the catholic church in answer to the op statement of " Our Christian Presidents Slaps Every Roman Catholic in the Face" ...

My answer to that is that the catholic church has slapped the face of every one of its followers. The church takes your money and screws your children and then takes more of your money.

And, what do catholics do?

They take they're children to mass and hope they can be good little alter boys cuz being raped by the good father is the way to "heaven".

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