Our "Constitutional Scholar"

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of course it was wrong.

It's undoing all his 'hard work' making healthcare 'affordable'.
Well there is a certain irony. As originally written, Obamacare required each state to set up an exchange in order to keep the Medicaid money they've been getting all along. That is, no state exchange, the state loses ALL the Medicaid dollars. One can agree with that being good policy or not, but one can't debate that would be the effect of the law as written ... and enacted. No state would conceivably shut down their entire Medicaid system, because hospitals would go bankrupt and children would die.

Along comes Justice John "not Jay" Roberts, and affirms the mandate as a tax, but then rather obscurely re-writes the law to deconnect the new Medicaid money from the old Medicaid money. In short, Roberts' effectively rewriting the law created the problem in the first place.

and btw, I think obamacare is bad policy.
Well there is a certain irony. As originally written, Obamacare required each state to set up an exchange in order to keep the Medicaid money they've been getting all along. That is, no state exchange, the state loses ALL the Medicaid dollars. One can agree with that being good policy or not, but one can't debate that would be the effect of the law as written ... and enacted. No state would conceivably shut down their entire Medicaid system, because hospitals would go bankrupt and children would die.

Along comes Justice John "not Jay" Roberts, and affirms the mandate as a tax, but then rather obscurely re-writes the law to deconnect the new Medicaid money from the old Medicaid money. In short, Roberts' effectively rewriting the law created the problem in the first place.

and btw, I think obamacare is bad policy.
That is of course wrong.
The law did no such thing. And the Supreme Court ruled that forcing states by holding threats over them is unConstitutional. So that provision would have been thrown out to begin with
The whole thing should have been canned at the beginning. I am inclined to believe the rumors that Obama threatened that the NSA would put kiddie porn on Roberts' computer if he voted against them.

Indeed. Obama seems to forget that there are THREE branches of government. (1) The Executive (2) The Legislative and (3) The Judicial. He needs to keep his mouth shut (shit like this makes him look as stupid as we all know he is) and remember that HIS party wrote the damned law. If it is overturned, it's on him and the half-wits that inhabit his party.
It's the GOP's fault. They published an article in the Heritage Foundation magazine 20 years ago an then worked to make it law. At the last minute they duped the Democrats into supporting it and then switched sides and voted against it.
The Republicans. You just cant trust them!
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