Our corrupt media

!. What federal laws did Hillary violate
2. When was the FBI and DOJ bribed?
3. The Clinton foundation is a charity- nothing goes to a Clinton bank account
The answer is NONE. Or she would have a conviction on her record.

I know the morons in Opposite World think it is self-evident that a woman with a clean record is magically a felon. But in the real world, she is not.

Comey established her guilt. Deciding not to prosecute for partisan reasons does not make her innocent.
Sorry, she was neither guilty nor did she lie. Deciding not to prosecute only affirms her innocence. To begin to speak of partisanship is only a feeble excuse of yours, and demonstrates your partisanship.

Even the far left NYtimes said she lied. Huffpuff said she lied. Every human being capable of rational thinking knows she lied. Guess that leaves you out.
Comey established her guilt. Deciding not to prosecute for partisan reasons does not make her innocent.
He was crystal clear for the reason. He said there was NOT enough evidence to argue the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

total bullshit, I held top secret and SAP clearances my entire working life. I know the rules. If I did what she did I would have been prosecuted and would be typing this from a jail cell.

Why do you think the Clintons are above the law?
Comey established her guilt. Deciding not to prosecute for partisan reasons does not make her innocent.
He was crystal clear for the reason. He said there was NOT enough evidence to argue the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

He said he would not indict because she did not intend to violate federal security laws. Sooooooooooooooooo, the next time you get stopped for speeding just tell the officer "but I didn't intend to speed" I'm sure he will let you go with no ticket.
Even the far left NYtimes said she lied. Huffpuff said she lied. Every human being capable of rational thinking knows she lied. Guess that leaves you out.
Please show us where the NYT and the Huffington Post used the “L” word.
He said he would not indict because she did not intend to violate federal security laws. Sooooooooooooooooo, the next time you get stopped for speeding just tell the officer "but I didn't intend to speed" I'm sure he will let you go with no ticket.
False dilemma. And if you think she is a criminal (which you do not), then anyone who sent sensitive official correspondence to her non governmental email address is equally guilty.
He said he would not indict because she did not intend to violate federal security laws. Sooooooooooooooooo, the next time you get stopped for speeding just tell the officer "but I didn't intend to speed" I'm sure he will let you go with no ticket.
False dilemma. And if you think she is a criminal (which you do not), then anyone who sent sensitive official correspondence to her non governmental email address is equally guilty.

yes, she is and yes, they are.
Even the far left NYtimes said she lied. Huffpuff said she lied. Every human being capable of rational thinking knows she lied. Guess that leaves you out.
Please show us where the NYT and the Huffington Post used the “L” word.

"was not truthful" = lied. "was careless" = violated federal security laws.

when you break the law, intent does not matter. My speeding example is on point.
The media has no obligation to be 'fair and balanced,' nor have they ever been. Granted there was a time that editors made some attempt to keep blatant bias out of news stories, but that really was a short lived 'reform' movement in journalism.

Now the public has shown their awareness of the bias by pretty much abandoning newspapers, news magazines, network news-indeed it seems that much of the public really is either remaining ignorant or finding a variety of sources from both ends of bias and trying to draw some conclusions. Trust in media is about where it is for Trump and Clinton.

All the whining on 'media bias' is just that, whining. The same that are so angry right now, had no problem with the pro-Trump crap dished out during the primaries to get him the nomination. That they couldn't see the manipulation to bring him home as the nominee isn't on the media, but the fools that bought it.
The MSM had little to do with Trump winning the primary.....to think so makes you a fool....
To think otherwise makes you the fool. They wanted him nominated. He was the only candidate that can lose against Clinton. The rest would be so far ahead right now this wouldn't even be close to a race.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism.

Roger Ailes and Bannon both work directly for the Trump campaign. If you had any problem with the media being in the tank for someone you would start with an actual case instead of rumor and accusations
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism.

Roger Ailes and Bannon both work directly for the Trump campaign. If you had any problem with the media being in the tank for someone you would start with an actual case instead of rumor and accusations
That is also why Fox and Breitbart is taking a huge hit in ratings and site visits. What Bannon did to Breitbart would have killed Andrew if he wasn't already dead.
He said he would not indict because she did not intend to violate federal security laws. Sooooooooooooooooo, the next time you get stopped for speeding just tell the officer "but I didn't intend to speed" I'm sure he will let you go with no ticket.
False dilemma. And if you think she is a criminal (which you do not), then anyone who sent sensitive official correspondence to her non governmental email address is equally guilty.

yes, she is and yes, they are.
Good luck with that. Let me know who the prosecutors are who would take that to court, so we can have them disbarred.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.

Do you think the Rightwing media would editorially disarm if the liberal media did?

We aren't talking about disarming moron.....we are talking about being actual journalists...treating both candidates with the conempt politicians deserve to get....they are ignoring the vast levels of crime and corruption that clinton is involved in and targeting only Trump....
Please list Hillary Clintons prosecutions and successful convictions.

Or is it journalistic integrity to pretend she is a criminal, even when she isn't?

She destroyed 33,000 emails that were under subpoena...her entire staff received immunity deals without giving up any information to the FBI and were then allowed to destroy their laptops to prevent future investigations., they destroyed 11 blackberries and all of the illegal, secret, unsecured servers.....

As Secretary of state she awarded 14.3 billion dollars in Earthquake relief funds to donors to the clinton foundation.....

These along with any others would have had scores of journalists descending on Trump if he had done them....they are ignoring them.....moron.
Where are those indictments again?
"was not truthful" = lied.
Except it is not.
"was careless" = violated federal security laws.
Except it isn't even close to a crime.

when you break the law, intent does not matter. My speeding example is on point.
Your speeding example is not even close to the same. People are not felons for failing to see the speed limit sign behind the tree branch.

They pay a fine and lose some points on their license.

And to illustrate how insane this witch hunt is, not one of you trolls have advocated that she takes and passes a course in how to handle classified material before her security clearance is reinstated (an analogous drivers school).
Explain how Webster Hubbell went to prison twice...

the second time for claiming to do the work Hillary billed for....


"Hillary is innocent" is right up there with "The Earth is flat"
Can the Republicans find a way to win? They have tried their usual Hillary is a socialist, communist, fascist, liberal, has twenty or more killing diseases, has rigged the election, FDR caused the Great Depression, Hillary used email, Obama was born in the US and a citizen, as Donald claimed. There are many more charges, but in the meantime, the Democrats just let Trump talk. Thank you Donald.
HnL is just trying to change the topic to suggest the right is just as guilty.
Brietbart News is not only far right, it is pure alt right propaganda. And it's CEO is Trumps campaign CEO, Steve Bannon.

So the insanity of saying right wing media is limited to Limbaugh and Hannity is just mind numbingly ignorant.

You can't really deny whether we are talking ABC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, NPR .. compared to FOX, the vast majority of the networks DO swing left. If you really want to throw in programming such as Rush Limbaugh and Hannity then we can talk about the liberal leanings of The Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Bloomberg, in the same pool. If you want to suggest that the media outlets in general are not favoring left you have got yourself a VERY uphill battle to try and prove that.
If you want to pretend Brietbart, Red State, Drudge, Blaze, World Net Daily, PJ Media, Infowars, Daily Caller, News Max, Hannity, Limbaugh, Colter, and many others aren't pretty much pure right wing propaganda, then you're living in dream land.

Throw in Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and many on the right never, ever consume any other media.

And not having anyone who is objectively trying to report fiction and bogus conspiracies, does not mean a liberal bias. It is a truth and rationality bias.

"Truth and rational" is really laughable when left media outlets feel the need to resort to polls that pool more democrats than republicans in order to a create fictitious Hillary presidential lead in the polls, like CNN has done in this presidential election. That in itself is what MAKES those outlets liberal.

You could simply reply as you did and exhaust your list of conservative sources but in the end the left would still dominate. Just starting with the NETWORK sources that many of these programming even stem from is fact alone. I mean seriously FOX ... vs CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC? You gotta be brain dead to even suggest the media is predominately right.

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