Our corrupt media

I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Yeah, it's totally unfair Pedophile Don is being vetted with the same viciousness as Hillary has been for the past 25 years, and Obama for the past 9.

Yeah, okay. :lol:


the media coverage of what trump said 11 years ago has gotten much more coverage than Hillary's proven crimes and corruption. THAT is the bias.

I am not trying to excuse Trump, why are you trying to excuse Hillary?
No, the media coverage of what Trump as said during the campaign – the ignorance, the stupidity, the hate, the lies, and the bigotry -–Trump is his own worst enemy, he has only himself to blame, not ‘the media.’

If 90+ % of the media, as well as most of our corporate owned politicians, weren't behind hillary, she would be far behind Trump by now. As it is, it's pretty much neck and neck.
Almost all media in the US is private enterprise. Something you used to pretend you were adamantly in support of.
The media is infested by drones brainwashed in government universities. The idea that these creatures are capable of reporting the news objectively doesn't pass the laugh test.
What "government universities"? Name one.
You accuse public education as being controlled by Democrats - how did this happen? Sre thrre no schools & universities in red states, red communities?
Every state university is a government university. Furthermore, even private universities are sucking on the government tit. All their students receive federal student loans and Pell grants.
Perhaps the most governmental of the schools are the service academies, West Point and so forth, and if those are shut down, no more wars. Good idea.
It would be pointless unless all the government schools are shutdown. Government should be barred from the accreditation business as well.

How ignorant can you be to think that 1. we're ever going to end public education and 2. that ending public education would be a good thing.
Public education needs competition. It is a taxpayer funded left wing "monopoly" that steals, lies, and produces dumbfuck morons who are hence more likely to require "government aide" and end up voting Dem...
The media is infested by drones brainwashed in government universities. The idea that these creatures are capable of reporting the news objectively doesn't pass the laugh test.
What "government universities"? Name one.
You accuse public education as being controlled by Democrats - how did this happen? Sre thrre no schools & universities in red states, red communities?
Every state university is a government university. Furthermore, even private universities are sucking on the government tit. All their students receive federal student loans and Pell grants.
Perhaps the most governmental of the schools are the service academies, West Point and so forth, and if those are shut down, no more wars. Good idea.
It would be pointless unless all the government schools are shutdown. Government should be barred from the accreditation business as well.

How ignorant can you be to think that 1. we're ever going to end public education and 2. that ending public education would be a good thing.

The later is obviously true. I suffer no delusions that public education will be ended in the near future. Neither will lying by politicians.
Public education needs competition. It is a taxpayer funded left wing "monopoly" that steals, lies, and produces dumbfuck morons who are hence more likely to require "government aide" and end up voting Dem...
So has the thought ever occurred to conservatives to open schools that really educate, and then America will vote Republican.
Problem solved.
Public education needs competition. It is a taxpayer funded left wing "monopoly" that steals, lies, and produces dumbfuck morons who are hence more likely to require "government aide" and end up voting Dem...
So has the thought ever occurred to conservatives to open schools that really educate, and then America will vote Republican.
Problem solved.
Sure it has. They're called private schools.
are you trying to claim that she did not violate federal laws on the protection of classified data?
Of COURSE she didn't, dumbass. I guess it was a waste of time for the FBI to take the unusual step of publicly explaining the FBI rationale to the fucktards in his political party. Are you seriously trying to tell me you were unaware of what the FBI found in its investigation?

Only Comey found what you claim. Every other FBI employee wanted to prosecute her.
not one has spoken out...not a single FBI agent.... you have republicans claiming that made up garbage but not a one of the fbi agents working the case has said a single peep.
Public education needs competition. It is a taxpayer funded left wing "monopoly" that steals, lies, and produces dumbfuck morons who are hence more likely to require "government aide" and end up voting Dem...
So has the thought ever occurred to conservatives to open schools that really educate, and then America will vote Republican.
Problem solved.
Sure it has. They're called private schools.
Can private schools teach anything they want?
are you trying to claim that she did not violate federal laws on the protection of classified data?
Of COURSE she didn't, dumbass. I guess it was a waste of time for the FBI to take the unusual step of publicly explaining the FBI rationale to the fucktards in his political party. Are you seriously trying to tell me you were unaware of what the FBI found in its investigation?

Only Comey found what you claim. Every other FBI employee wanted to prosecute her.
not one has spoken out...not a single FBI agent.... you have republicans claiming that made up garbage but not a one of the fbi agents working the case has said a single peep.

FBI Source: Majority Of Staff On Clinton Case Wanted Her Prosecuted

The decision at the FBI to not prosecute Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information was solely from the top down, a source told Fox News.

“No trial level attorney agreed, no agent working the case agreed, with the decision not to prosecute — it was a top-down decision,” said the source who is described as an official close to the Clinton case.

The FBI official said that Director James Comey’s announcement on July 5 angered and disgusted members of the investigative team which included over 100 FBI agents and analysts who worked overtime with six DOJ attorneys from the department’s National Security Division and Counter Espionage Section.

“It is safe to say the vast majority felt she should be prosecuted,” the senior FBI official told Fox News, noting that it was “unanimous” that they all wanted Clinton’s “security clearance yanked.”

According to an e-mail from the John Podesta Wikileaks e-mail dump this weak, Clinton’s team may have had access to Justice Department employees during the investigation that helped her and her staff receive favorable treatment.

House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte along with other House Republican members called for a probe to investigate “the special treatment given to key witnesses during the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized use of a private email server to send and receive classified information.”
Public education needs competition. It is a taxpayer funded left wing "monopoly" that steals, lies, and produces dumbfuck morons who are hence more likely to require "government aide" and end up voting Dem...
So has the thought ever occurred to conservatives to open schools that really educate, and then America will vote Republican.
Problem solved.
Sure it has. They're called private schools.
Can private schools teach anything they want?

Why shouldn't they?
HnL is just trying to change the topic to suggest the right is just as guilty.
Brietbart News is not only far right, it is pure alt right propaganda. And it's CEO is Trumps campaign CEO, Steve Bannon.

So the insanity of saying right wing media is limited to Limbaugh and Hannity is just mind numbingly ignorant.

You can't really deny whether we are talking ABC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, NPR .. compared to FOX, the vast majority of the networks DO swing left. If you really want to throw in programming such as Rush Limbaugh and Hannity then we can talk about the liberal leanings of The Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Bloomberg, in the same pool. If you want to suggest that the media outlets in general are not favoring left you have got yourself a VERY uphill battle to try and prove that.
HnL is just trying to change the topic to suggest the right is just as guilty.
Brietbart News is not only far right, it is pure alt right propaganda. And it's CEO is Trumps campaign CEO, Steve Bannon.

So the insanity of saying right wing media is limited to Limbaugh and Hannity is just mind numbingly ignorant.

You can't really deny whether we are talking ABC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, NPR .. compared to FOX, the vast majority of the networks DO swing left. If you really want to throw in programming such as Rush Limbaugh and Hannity then we can talk about the liberal leanings of The Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Bloomberg, in the same pool. If you want to suggest that the media outlets in general are not favoring left you have got yourself a VERY uphill battle to try and prove that.
If you want to pretend Brietbart, Red State, Drudge, Blaze, World Net Daily, PJ Media, Infowars, Daily Caller, News Max, Hannity, Limbaugh, Colter, and many others aren't pretty much pure right wing propaganda, then you're living in dream land.

Throw in Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and many on the right never, ever consume any other media.

And not having anyone who is objectively trying to report fiction and bogus conspiracies, does not mean a liberal bias. It is a truth and rationality bias.
HnL is just trying to change the topic to suggest the right is just as guilty.
Brietbart News is not only far right, it is pure alt right propaganda. And it's CEO is Trumps campaign CEO, Steve Bannon.

So the insanity of saying right wing media is limited to Limbaugh and Hannity is just mind numbingly ignorant.

You can't really deny whether we are talking ABC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, NPR .. compared to FOX, the vast majority of the networks DO swing left. If you really want to throw in programming such as Rush Limbaugh and Hannity then we can talk about the liberal leanings of The Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Bloomberg, in the same pool. If you want to suggest that the media outlets in general are not favoring left you have got yourself a VERY uphill battle to try and prove that.
If you want to pretend Brietbart, Red State, Drudge, Blaze, World Net Daily, PJ Media, Infowars, Daily Caller, News Max, Hannity, Limbaugh, Colter, and many others aren't pretty much pure right wing propaganda, then you're living in dream land.

Throw in Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and many on the right never, ever consume any other media.

And not having anyone who is objectively trying to report fiction and bogus conspiracies, does not mean a liberal bias. It is a truth and rationality bias.
If you're trying to pretend that ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, HuffingtonPost, Media Matters, Slate, Politico, Salon, DailyKOS, MoveOn.org and The Daily Beast are pure left wing propaganda, then you're living in a dreamland. ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS are licensed by the FCC. They are supposed to broadcast in the public interest, not the Democrat party interest.
You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

Why do you oppose the Fairness Doctrine then?

Well I'm sure the legislation is just as beneficial to the American people with what it's name applies as "the right to work" effort. Am I right? I mean let's just be fair and honest.

Complain to the other poster. He's the one who wants the government to impose fairness in the newsmedia.

the government is already imposing its definition of fairness--------------THATS THE PROBLEM.
Almost all media in the world are corrupted.
Every media has its ruler. I don't believe in free press.
Every reporter serves his master! :eusa_think:

you don't believe in free press? move to Russia, China, or North Korea. They don't have a free press.

Its true that much of the media is corrupt, but we do not have to tolerate that. Boycott the partisan liars, hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts most.
To boycott parisan liars you have to boycott all the mainstream media everywhere in the world.
They're 99% partisan liars! ;)

more like 80%, but your point is valid
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate

While there may be some media outlets that are "in the tank" of various politicians, there is no credible evidence that major news networks are. The mere fact that any news outlet communicates information that differs with what anyone wants to believe is true does not make the organization "in the tank" of anyone. If there's to be any bias among the major news outlets, it's found in the degree of completeness and comprehensiveness of factual information provided. (FWIW, that's why I tend to prefer PBS Newshour. That network is given to presenting a far more complete news presentation -- as compared with editorial discussion -- of matters.)

It is also essential that one, when consuming content from a news organization, be cognizant of what is news and what is editorial commentary. As goes the news content delivered by major news networks, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and others, very little to none of it is biased one way or the other. As goes the editorial content, there is often bias, but then that's the whole point of delivering commentary on the news.

You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

How many people do you know that have access to MSNBC, but don't have access to Foxnews?

very few, so what? Much of Fox is in the tank for the hildebeast. Do you think Megan Kelley is a trumpster?
right wing media: Limbaugh, Hannity
left wing media: everyone else.
Don't tell Steve Bannon.
How stupid are Trump's supporters if they believe this crap?

is Bannon on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC? I never heard of the guy.

as to who is stupid. How stupid are Hillary supporters who continue to support a corrupt liar who constantly violated federal laws, who bribed the FBI and DOJ, and whose foundation is a front for laundering foreign money into the Clinton bank account.
!. What federal laws did Hillary violate
2. When was the FBI and DOJ bribed?
3. The Clinton foundation is a charity- nothing goes to a Clinton bank account
I didn't reply to your post. So what is your point?
The point is his post which you ignored entirely and made it about him personally rather than opining on the actual topic.

He didn't make any points. Right wing media goes by another name, and that is propaganda. They have zero journalistic standards.
Ground control to major Tom
Exactly. You have heard floridly psychotic statement like the NYT is unreliable because it has a liberal bias. And then you are stupid enough to believe that the NYT is no more reliable than Brietbart.

And that is mind numbingly stupid.

The NY times is going under, no one is buying it any more. why do you think that is happening?
You told us years and years ago that the NYT was going broke. We hear that again every single year? They are still going strong

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