Our corrupt media

is Bannon on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC? I never heard of the guy.

as to who is stupid. How stupid are Hillary supporters who continue to support a corrupt liar who constantly violated federal laws, who bribed the FBI and DOJ, and whose foundation is a front for laundering foreign money into the Clinton bank account.

Bannon isn't. But......

Corey Lewandowski and Jeffrey Lord are on CNN every day.

The rest of your post is drivel.

are you trying to claim that she did not violate federal laws on the protection of classified data? are you trying to say she is not a habitual liar? are you trying to say that the Clinton foundation is not a money laundering scheme? are you trying to say that she does not have serious mental and physical medical issues?

Yep. You got nuthin. None of that is accurate.

bullshit, its 100% accurate. You just have your head so far up her fat ass that you can't see the truth.

Does your head hurt?

nope, but I'm sure that yours does. The anal sphincter must be tight around your ears.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate

While there may be some media outlets that are "in the tank" of various politicians, there is no credible evidence that major news networks are. The mere fact that any news outlet communicates information that differs with what anyone wants to believe is true does not make the organization "in the tank" of anyone. If there's to be any bias among the major news outlets, it's found in the degree of completeness and comprehensiveness of factual information provided. (FWIW, that's why I tend to prefer PBS Newshour. That network is given to presenting a far more complete news presentation -- as compared with editorial discussion -- of matters.)

It is also essential that one, when consuming content from a news organization, be cognizant of what is news and what is editorial commentary. As goes the news content delivered by major news networks, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and others, very little to none of it is biased one way or the other. As goes the editorial content, there is often bias, but then that's the whole point of delivering commentary on the news.

You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

Why do you oppose the Fairness Doctrine then?
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate

While there may be some media outlets that are "in the tank" of various politicians, there is no credible evidence that major news networks are. The mere fact that any news outlet communicates information that differs with what anyone wants to believe is true does not make the organization "in the tank" of anyone. If there's to be any bias among the major news outlets, it's found in the degree of completeness and comprehensiveness of factual information provided. (FWIW, that's why I tend to prefer PBS Newshour. That network is given to presenting a far more complete news presentation -- as compared with editorial discussion -- of matters.)

It is also essential that one, when consuming content from a news organization, be cognizant of what is news and what is editorial commentary. As goes the news content delivered by major news networks, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and others, very little to none of it is biased one way or the other. As goes the editorial content, there is often bias, but then that's the whole point of delivering commentary on the news.

You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

How many people do you know that have access to MSNBC, but don't have access to Foxnews?
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate

While there may be some media outlets that are "in the tank" of various politicians, there is no credible evidence that major news networks are. The mere fact that any news outlet communicates information that differs with what anyone wants to believe is true does not make the organization "in the tank" of anyone. If there's to be any bias among the major news outlets, it's found in the degree of completeness and comprehensiveness of factual information provided. (FWIW, that's why I tend to prefer PBS Newshour. That network is given to presenting a far more complete news presentation -- as compared with editorial discussion -- of matters.)

It is also essential that one, when consuming content from a news organization, be cognizant of what is news and what is editorial commentary. As goes the news content delivered by major news networks, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and others, very little to none of it is biased one way or the other. As goes the editorial content, there is often bias, but then that's the whole point of delivering commentary on the news.

You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

Why do you oppose the Fairness Doctrine then?

Well I'm sure the legislation is just as beneficial to the American people with what it's name applies as "the right to work" effort. Am I right? I mean let's just be fair and honest.
While there may be some media outlets that are "in the tank" of various politicians, there is no credible evidence that major news networks are. The mere fact that any news outlet communicates information that differs with what anyone wants to believe is true does not make the organization "in the tank" of anyone. If there's to be any bias among the major news outlets, it's found in the degree of completeness and comprehensiveness of factual information provided. (FWIW, that's why I tend to prefer PBS Newshour. That network is given to presenting a far more complete news presentation -- as compared with editorial discussion -- of matters.)

It is also essential that one, when consuming content from a news organization, be cognizant of what is news and what is editorial commentary. As goes the news content delivered by major news networks, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and others, very little to none of it is biased one way or the other. As goes the editorial content, there is often bias, but then that's the whole point of delivering commentary on the news.

You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

Why do you oppose the Fairness Doctrine then?

Well I'm sure the legislation is just as beneficial to the American people with what it's name applies as "the right to work" effort. Am I right? I mean let's just be fair and honest.

Complain to the other poster. He's the one who wants the government to impose fairness in the newsmedia.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.
Simple. The ends justify the means. I actually agree with that thought and would use it if I could as well.....just sayin.
What the media considers their finest hour was the destruction of the Nixon administration by a smarmy young reporter and another Post reporter who was son of card carrying communists and who was brought up to hate Nixon who was at one time a HUAC prosecutor. What administration in their right minds would tolerate an unnamed "informant" giving unverified information and not identified until he died? The Obama administration would laugh if taped conversations inside the White House became an issue. Reagan was a little stronger when democrats and the media tried to overthrow the government with charges about Iran/Contra that didn't even make sense. When the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party any affront to the Constitution and common sense is possible and likely.
You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

Why do you oppose the Fairness Doctrine then?

Well I'm sure the legislation is just as beneficial to the American people with what it's name applies as "the right to work" effort. Am I right? I mean let's just be fair and honest.

Complain to the other poster. He's the one who wants the government to impose fairness in the newsmedia.

I don't believe it's about imposing government control as much as it is stating an obvious fact, that the majority of the media people look to for information DOES lean to the left.

We also both know the fairness doctrine is about major issues like abortion, which allows an equal opportunity to present an opposing argument. What it's NOT is in the vettting of the media's source of information, if that information benefits the media networks ideological views. So let's be truthful about what we are presenting as a solution and cut through the BS.
Almost all media in the world are corrupted.
Every media has its ruler. I don't believe in free press.
Every reporter serves his master! :eusa_think:

you don't believe in free press? move to Russia, China, or North Korea. They don't have a free press.

Its true that much of the media is corrupt, but we do not have to tolerate that. Boycott the partisan liars, hit them in the pocketbook where it hurts most.
To boycott parisan liars you have to boycott all the mainstream media everywhere in the world.
They're 99% partisan liars! ;)
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.

"Sniff sniff sniff" "why is everyone picking on me" "Sniff sniff sniff"
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate

While there may be some media outlets that are "in the tank" of various politicians, there is no credible evidence that major news networks are. The mere fact that any news outlet communicates information that differs with what anyone wants to believe is true does not make the organization "in the tank" of anyone. If there's to be any bias among the major news outlets, it's found in the degree of completeness and comprehensiveness of factual information provided. (FWIW, that's why I tend to prefer PBS Newshour. That network is given to presenting a far more complete news presentation -- as compared with editorial discussion -- of matters.)

It is also essential that one, when consuming content from a news organization, be cognizant of what is news and what is editorial commentary. As goes the news content delivered by major news networks, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and others, very little to none of it is biased one way or the other. As goes the editorial content, there is often bias, but then that's the whole point of delivering commentary on the news.

You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

In the reporting of news, it's not about being given equal time. It's about whatever is news being reported. If one side says nothing that's new or notable, there is no reason to report what that side is saying.
You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

Why do you oppose the Fairness Doctrine then?

Well I'm sure the legislation is just as beneficial to the American people with what it's name applies as "the right to work" effort. Am I right? I mean let's just be fair and honest.

Complain to the other poster. He's the one who wants the government to impose fairness in the newsmedia.

Of course, that other member appears to be a so-called conservative. You know, the kind of conservative who wants the government to stay out of things, yet s/he also wants the government to impose something. Really?
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate and not actually practicing journalism. I would like to understand why you condone a media that is so biased that the truth and facts are what they decide they are.

I do get it that they are helping your candidate right now. But think about it, it might not always be that way. A state controlled media will destroy this country by indoctrination and lies.

Why do you think you are incapable of making your own decisions after hearing both sides equally? Why do you want the media telling you what to believe and what to think?

Please don't respond with partisan bullshit, this is a serious question.

No, it isn't.

There’d be no whining from the right about a ‘corrupt media’ if Trump were ahead in the polls.
The media is on their side. Thinking ahead to possible implications is not something most people do anymore. We are in the ME ME ME generation. Everyone thinks they need to Tweet or Facebook as if anyone really gives a fuck about their mundane daily lives. Instant gratification > all else.



‘The media’ are solely on the side of making a profit, they couldn’t care less who wins.

In fact, ‘the media’ would love nothing more than for Trump to make a comeback, increasing ratings and profits.
I would like to understand why you on the left approve of our media being in the tank for one candidate

While there may be some media outlets that are "in the tank" of various politicians, there is no credible evidence that major news networks are. The mere fact that any news outlet communicates information that differs with what anyone wants to believe is true does not make the organization "in the tank" of anyone. If there's to be any bias among the major news outlets, it's found in the degree of completeness and comprehensiveness of factual information provided. (FWIW, that's why I tend to prefer PBS Newshour. That network is given to presenting a far more complete news presentation -- as compared with editorial discussion -- of matters.)

It is also essential that one, when consuming content from a news organization, be cognizant of what is news and what is editorial commentary. As goes the news content delivered by major news networks, Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and others, very little to none of it is biased one way or the other. As goes the editorial content, there is often bias, but then that's the whole point of delivering commentary on the news.

You obviously never turn on your TV. Journalism in the USA is dead. The media has become the mouth of the dem party, with a few exceptions who are the mouth of the repub party.

Journalists should report the news, not indoctrination.

If Fox'news' only reported the news, their audience could fit in a school bus.

You have real issues with both sides being given equal time, don't you?

I guess that's because even you realize that when both sides are heard equally, yours always loses because its based on a fraud.

Why do you oppose the Fairness Doctrine then?

Because it's just a form of censorship. Only bootlickers support it.
The media is on their side. Thinking ahead to possible implications is not something most people do anymore. We are in the ME ME ME generation. Everyone thinks they need to Tweet or Facebook as if anyone really gives a fuck about their mundane daily lives. Instant gratification > all else.



‘The media’ are solely on the side of making a profit, they couldn’t care less who wins.

In fact, ‘the media’ would love nothing more than for Trump to make a comeback, increasing ratings and profits.

Like everything else post, the above is a lie. The media is populated with partisan hacks. They have been caught numerous times colluding with Democrat candidates. Half the people in the media were once employed in Democrat campaigns.
The media is on their side. Thinking ahead to possible implications is not something most people do anymore. We are in the ME ME ME generation. Everyone thinks they need to Tweet or Facebook as if anyone really gives a fuck about their mundane daily lives. Instant gratification > all else.



‘The media’ are solely on the side of making a profit, they couldn’t care less who wins.

In fact, ‘the media’ would love nothing more than for Trump to make a comeback, increasing ratings and profits.

Just goes to show the old saying, a suckered is born every minute, is alive and well.
Why call our media corrupt when they operate under the same profit motive that Trump, his supporters, and I celebrate?

They claim they are objective. They are not. Media personalities have all spent 16 years getting brainwashed in government institutions by government employees. It's hardly surprising that they support bigger government.

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